Resolution 120 -- RESOLUTION NO. 120. RF,10LIITI„,, OF TIM. CITY OF MIAMI DEACH,FLDP.IDA SIDE7ALK DI:1TRICT NO. 3 3I DEAL IZIROVEICITT NO 3. Wi ER ',AS, a,,00ntra,ot has be duly and r :Eularly entered itto by tht; eCity of Miami Beach and Oise Z )1,1 e 1 .., fia• the oo s ruction abovc designated, and Jr. 7714R-,A8, the City n6 neer E ,1 of the city of Miami Boaoh " t. a.na Street Cornmittenan of f.).1,1 city have duly reported to the Citounoil that the 40)..k on said contract has been completed in e, _Ace co 'tth the plans and specifioations governing the same ve r .coil,,onded that szt,re be accepted, # °) -'' f . • THEIVTORE• BE IT RESOLTD by the City Council of the . r OftY%f Miami Beadh, Florida: OP 0 1. t: That ztaid report of the laid City Engin lir and the .., Street Committeeman be, and the sbafie is, hereby approved and con- fir4,ed. 2nd: That the City Engineer of said city i›! , a1 he is, he.rc.by directod to pr pare an, file with the City ClIrk of said city a prolircinary an 3eneznent roll in accordance with flection 29 of thi City charter of ;aideity. ADOPTED this /5 day of ,zre_ieLA A.D. ,1920. i 7-7E' i • 6.-.0...- i 13re3i dent I ty Coune 1 I. At toist: ,,-----/—Crt-yz.) —CT—I- 4 C •b:/em-G-Icms.....0,~-- g9,....5- el ca.......x. , --/Z APPROVED thin /.' day of SL -ee A.D. ,1920. 1 • 11 .:!....; AGIRC, .0 AV Tif.MWORettea ATATI1C1I8 .0": TDI.:Tir la Llic,--erie . # - - x.c4.4:41104#4,404,440k.t.Q660.4; ,,,, A ° . slit Nuv .thzeig //skill lo •.,-, ,c14. yd y ban 1betistraigeob ,Irod,e, ttol tr i or) 1 I 'Mu; IT. tun Ai to y:IC en: to 2e ordang y:20 sit: ,BA —1 . Olid*I 0* Ilelt%Oftel y„Es.t4 mull yIlot kJille, to n4metrtztlIAron t-,0-rt . c • al lav,1 .,,,t' ;wad ezil $0..k, Irtoo bLue no lung en1 4-..a .46,-4,44.4 .,. em,L :, , 1 al ilmt zlroz.4 snot My tIlo o bn.ks saiii.Cq eft: if*t 10444-71, t e . h 'thvook, ellr ar...040 *ad/ ben* woo, 2 ev 4,....b , ad* 1;) itonuo0 y:r3 efit yd Crl/LIORaFf T1 ttl 4:451051Vrin 2,4,1.. L. ' ''k • ••.* a , :Ab 12 0 II 4 ib Z.4/11 Not., p, 41• art* ban 20' ninnfl yJrJ btar se: 1 o 1.xonvx iaari itt_ttr -111* to o it -n(D bil,1 .613'1/011W Ittitexce oil ,IL.a..,1 911:t .4f:.4,1 ,cce ruairg .;../.Lamo0 .butrill sal ad bP,A cad ytto bias le twentnna VIV 04* totr :bill biz,' lo it/3 y:r) eft/ rfSkr elt2 ' u.o eLeg •xt- ,)* hoth):24:11= ydz,.xwf * • ea ffolt:' f' iftbr solubtoon,s ill .1.ro•T ti-,': in et'iw Ir.r...,s 1 =/I :")7,:t 41 VI:, tk,' Ii) ext1,1-,:airikr) vt.t0 tort: '.; (.) .. .r)SCI, ..a.A 6-5-7(2sK lo 'walk7:7"Pa • : ,,ies' Z.,'1, Zk.•-. ‘' I. d, .. s , ...' . X.S\,\N- SZ ''''''' - , ‘ (._ 6.-- -\%--.— )‘' d CERTIFICATE OF COI;9PLETION OF WORK Y SIDEWALK IIS RICT NO. 3 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO.3 ii t To the City Council 'of Miami Beach, Florida: ~We beg leave to hereby re ort that the- imp overent above designated under contract c �Z� with heretofore entered into on the /7day of .-4.. - A.D. ,19 /9 , has been T completed in accordance with the plans and +sp�cifications govern- ing the same and we recommend that same be aclepted. 1 WITNESS our signatures at Miami I3eafh, Florida, this /°S day ofoff' )4A.D. ,1920. _Y122. 0det- City Engineer, Street Coit itteeman, City of Miami Beach, Florida. r 1 \i„ . _ . - - ._ --fr _ ........ ! . art . e0� . s -Ty . . a \...... „,... ft P tu N. .. .... . _. . . % , , Nk 11 G ‘'7:1....4\ •I 1 i ki ta) t_ j t•t .•...., .. , PRELIMINARY AS3ESSMENT ROLL. SIDEWALK DISTRICT NO. 3 . SIDEWALK IVPROVET3NT NO. 3 . To the City Council of Miami Peach, Florida: I, the undersigned City Enf;incer of Miami Beach, Florida, do heri-lq crtIfy that tha folling ia a true and correct statement of thi! total cost of the work of Sikiewlk Diatrict No. 3 ,21dewalIt Lrovoliant No. 3.. and 1:,3 coosod of the contract price on the lork aqil the estimated cost of the incidental expo:Ines therfof with deacription of lots or parcels of land liable to lions therefor; the apeenAed value of eauh lot or parcel; the foot front ;e of each it or parcel; the foot frontage aseessmont; the total asseslment ohargcallle af;ainst each lot or parecl coi.Tuted according to frontage and in proportion to epecial benefit7; received and not in EMM : ; of ouch benefits; the name of the olmor of each lot or parcel where nuch can be wicertminn1 by him aftor diligent inquiry and a staterront of al other thin required by the arscesment roll in accordance with Section 29 of the city charter of said city. City filgincer. Miami Beach, Plorida. „AcA.D. ,1920. . _ T _ T January 1920 Fifth StriSt SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT No. Sk-3 2IFTH STREST. (MIAMI AVENUE TO ATLAi'WIC OCEAN. ) ASSESSMENT:- Per foot of frontage $2.0811 ASSESSED FOOT NAME OF OWNER. DESCRIPTION OF r'ROPERTY. VALUATION. FRONTAGE. ASSESMENT. Friedman D. L. Williams. Lot 7, Bik 3, Cope Subd. $800.00 133.5 $277.83 E. T. Burroughs Lot 6, Blk 3, " 800.00 143.75 299.16 Ocean Josephine E. PrattLot 13, Blk 6, Beach Subd. 800.00 133.5 277.83 Martha L. Prayor. Lot 1, Blk 6, 800.00 133.75 278.35 Friedman Anna A. Howard Lot 7, Bik 2, Cope Subd. 900.000 143.75 299.1.6 E. T. Burroughs. Lot 6, Blk 2, " 900.00 133.5 277.83 Ocean Beach Subdo Val C. Cleary. Lot 17, Blk 5, 840.00 133.75 278.35 John A. Cook. Lot 1, Blk 5, " " 80000 133.5 277.83 Friedman Joseph Fralinger. Lot 6, Bik 1, Cope Subd. 2000.00 133.5 277.88 Ocean John A. Cook. Lot 1, Blk 116 Beach Add.#4 3000L00 133.5 277.83 Totals--- 600.00 1356.00 $2822.00 Total Cost Of Improvement:- ' T. B. McGahey (Bunnell and Caile) $2786.68 Surveys- $29.46 Inspection --88.38 Plans and Specifications----29.46 Printing 14.73 Bonds 29.46 Administration- 14.73 204.21 Total $2992.90 Total Assessment $2822.00 Citys Part 170.90 (Public Alleys ) Total $2992.90 R. M. DAVIDSON City Engineer. _.(7. __ _ . , . . , „ _ ..,..._. .. . ....,..... .. .__ . „...,.......,..... .**41.-""'"-'r,41t-- -41Z--3::;4451, 41,4.,411.--.., ' 0 i aI M • '-p 0 • E-� 0 Fri f. U CO w0 c.1.11 p4 rl FA 1 rr I- h a H I-4 G= CO CO P+