Resolution 122 RESOLUTION NO . /2, 2, 1 HEREAS, Bank of BarYBjaeayne, of Miami Florida, , did on the 20th day of Scptei:iber, A.p. ,1920, submit to the City Council a sealed bid for the purchase of r92,000.00 Se_~ies "C" 6%"a Street Improvement Bonds of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, dated September 1, 1020, which said bid read as follows: PROPOSAL FOR BONDS Miami, Florida. September 20th, 1920. J. F. C?nova, City Clerk, Miami, Beach, Fla. , Sir:- For 02,000.00. Series "0" o Street Improvement Bonds of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, dated September let, 1920, des- cribed in the attached notice of sale, which is hereby made a part of this bid, we will pay Ninety Seven and accrued interest Dollars 489,240.00) For Ninety Two Thousand Dollars ($92,000.00) of said bonds, maturing as per attached advertisement, we will pay Dollars, (* In addition thereto we will pay accrued interest to date of delivery and will accept delivery at the time and place stated in said notice of sale. We enclose herewith certified check for 41840.00, being 2% of the par value of the bonds bid for, payable to the order of the Clerk of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, which check is to be returned to us if this bid is not accepted, otherwise to be deposited by said. Bity Clerk, and when the bonds are delivered and paid for under the terms of this bid, to be considered as an advance part payment therefor, or, to be retained as and for li- quidated damages in case we fail to so take up and pay for the bonds. Bank of Bay Biscayne By Jas. H. Gilman, fres ident. No addition or alteration to be made to the above proposal and the same must not be detached from the annexed advertisement. and said Bank of Bay Biscayne, having complied with the tor, s of the advertisement giving notice of the sale of the City Bonds , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the said bid OF be and the Bailie is hereby declared to be the highest bid received for said bonds ; and be it further resolved that the bonds aforesaid be and the saLe are hereby sold and awarded, to the said Bank of Bay Biscayne at and for the folle7ing price, to-wit : ninety Seven. and accrued interest to date of delivery, and that the United States Mortgage & Trust Company be and it is hereby instructed and uirected to deliver the said bonds to the said Bank of. _Bay Biscayne of Mimi, Florida _._.__ on the 3Othday of September 1. 20 at 10 0 ' clock,A M upon the payment to the said United States Mortgage & Trust Company, of the sums of $89,240.00 and accrued interest to date of delivery. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of Septe Liber, A.D. ,192O. �e_ %_- _r_Cc-----__..._____ president Ci y Council ATTEST: City Clerk 0 _ APPOVED this 20th slay of Sep teiber, A. D. ,1920. 0 0 • . . ,. --...f.,._ _.„000.440w 4.10$0001000/0400_ . 0, ., .. . . . , c-i t-i 1/4_,N r4 1 0 ' • . • rx ;2.4 C4 (• 1 .. ri ..1c. . 6 i-E-1-• MM.., ril e_t . pa 0 4 C.' + t--• 4;• .4, • 'i.•• cf, • cif. ,..1 1'7, ,r4k-I tn 9 ca b. i-i t---4 C ...- - 0 I—I 0 • 't:'" U . <4 ca 0 '&• . } 0 b co JXl •-1 f4 0 Et Pi E--1 ••4-4, t-t • Et co TI .. , . RESOLUTION NO. 122. WHERSAS, Bank of Bay Biscayne, of Miami, Florida, did we the 20th day of September, A.D. ,1920, submit to the City Council a sealed bid for the purebaee of v92,000.00 Series "0" 670 Street Improvement Bonds of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, dated September 1, 1920, which said bid read ae follows: PROPOSAL FOR BONDS Miami, Florida. September 20th, 1920. • J.F.Canova, City Clerk, Miami Beach, na. Sir: - For •:92,000.00. Series "0" 6% Street Improvement Bonds of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, dated. September 1st, 1920, des- cribed in the attached notice of sale, which is hereby made a part of this bid, we will pay Ninety Seven and accrued interest Dollars ( 089,240.00) ?or ninety Two Thousand. Dollars(492,000.00) of said bonds, maturing as ,)er attached advertisement, we will pay Dollars, (4 In addition thereto we will pay accrued interest to date of delivery and will accept delivery at the time and place stated in said notice of sole. We enclose herewith certified check for 41840.00, beine3 WI; of the -0o...2 value of the bonds bid for, payable to the order of the Clark of the (UV of Miami Beach, Florida, which ma oak is to be returned to us if this bid is not accepted, otherwise to be deposited by said. City Clerk, and when the bonds are delivered and paid for under the terms of this bid, to be considered a an advance part payment therefor, or to be retained as and for li- euidated damages in case we fail to so take up and pay for the fionde. Beak of Jay _Ascayne By -17eslident. Jo addition or alteration to be made to the above Droposal and the same mist not be detached f om the annexed advertisement, and said. Bank of Bay Biscayne, having complied with the terms of the advertisement giving notice of the sale of the City Bonds, NIDW, TALReIFORS, BE IT RBSOLVSD by the City Couneil of the City of Liani Beach, Florida, that the said bid q Zr • .1".0 be and the same is hereby declared to be the highest bid uoiNed for said bonds; and be it further resolved that the bonds aforesaid be and the same are hereby sold and awarded to the said. Bank of Bav Biscayne at and for the i'ollowicig pxice, to-wit: iinoeyQ and accrued interest to date of delivery, and that the United States Lortgage & Trust Company be and it is hereby instructed and directed to deliver the said bonds to the said. Bank of B: Biscayne of Miami Florida. on the 30th day of September, 1920, at 10 o' clook, A.M. upon the payment to thf, said. United states ortgage Oc Trust Company, of the srtm of 09, 240.00 and, accrued inteiest to date of delivery. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of September. A.D. , 1920. ( Signei ) ' .Dorton 27iitmarsaTimmul. ATTEST: J.F•..)anov.:L dity Clerk. by C.W.Tomlinson (Signed,) y crrizi;r4. APPROVED this 20th day of 3e-ptember, A.D. , 1J20. (Signou ) hos, J. Pancoast 1.ayor. ()Moe of City Clerk, Miami Beach, Florida. I, J.F.CnnDva, City Clerk of the City of .01.iami Beach, Florida,do hereby aerttfy that the within and, foregoing resolution ;(). 12%1, is a true and correct co-cy of said Resolution as it a-opears of record tr this oft'iae. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto oet my hand and affixed the official se,.l of the City of -iami beach, Plorida, on this, the 22nd thy of . 0.1;tembQr, . .D. , J.2.0anova City Clerk. by Deputy City Clerk. • tH o • C'2 P, Gil P4 ri 0 0 • O Z 0 •ri Z QH 0 k 0 a • 0 0 ,n