Resolution 132 o L -E- 101-L No . ! 32-
RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Niami
Beach, Florida, authorizing and confirming the issue of
Three Thousand Dollars of revenue bonds or notes.
WHEREAS, on December 3, 1919, this City Council author-
ized the issue of Three Thousand Dollars of Bonds for the
purchase of a City Hall and WHEREAS on January 8, 1920, pur-
suant to said authorization, said city issued three (3) Re-
venue bonds in the sum of One Thousand Dollars each, numbered
from one (1 ) to three(3) both inclusive, bearing interest at
the rate of 6% per annum, payable January 8, 1921, to be paid
out of the revenue for the year 1920, which bonds were sold
and are now in the hands of the SOUTHERN BANK &: . TRUST COiti12ANY
of Miami, Florida.
NOW BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Miami Beach,
Florida, that it does hereby authorize and confirm the issu-
ance of three ( 3) revenue bonds in the sum of One Thousand
Dollars each, numbered from one (1 ) to three ( 3) both inclus-
ive, dated January 8, 1920, and now held and owned by the
Southern Bank & Trust Company of. Miami, Florida, which notes
are authorized and confirmed, to bear interest at t1a rate of
6% per annum, and to mature January 8, 1921, which said bonds
itis hereby recited were issued and are hereby authorized LI
full Jtccordance with the charter of said city, and it is here-
by recited that no limitations upon such issuance have been
exceeded by said City Council,
Adopted this 17th day of November, 1920 .
President •
City Council
City Clerk. ,44; 41
this 17th da7 (1 ,5Novembex,A•D•1920 . /
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