Resolution 156 • • RESOLUTION #156 HIGHWAY IMPRO vEMENT NO . 7 HIGF:: Y DISTRICT NO . 7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, met on the 23rd of February, 1921 at 7 :30 P.M. atthe 'ity Hall in the City of Miami Beach, Florida.lorida. pursuant to the notice of said meeting as per Section 29 of the City Charter to hear all written objections to the confirmation of the preliminary assessment roll of Highway ImprovementDNo. 7, Highway District No . 7 by any person whose property is described in said preliminary roll, and WEFRr AS, the City Council having received and considered all written remonstratces filed Pt the confirmation of said preliminary roll by any person whose property is described in said roll. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida, the prima facia assessment roll Ps indicated on said preliminary assessment roll be, and is , in all things confirmed and sustained against ant and all lots or parcels of ground described therein. BE IT FURTHER RESOVED that the sums and Pmounts against each of the lots or parcels of ground in said preliminary assess- ment roll is less than the amount of which said lots and parcels of ground is benefited by said improvement: that the total cost of said improvement in the sum of Fo.. r Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy-four and 28/100 ( 4374.28 ) Dollars is hereby approved and confirmed. BE IT 2URTHER RESOLVED SOLVED that ten ( 10) days after the date of this confirmation of said assessment roll the same be delivered to the City Clerk of said City and said City Clerk is hereby ordered thirty days (30 ) after the date of this resolution, to make collections of the assessments therein as required by lsw. n PASSED AND ADOPTED this rd day oFebiry, A. D. 1921 President of City council ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED this 23rd day of February. A• J. 1921 %j 2 �y0 / M yo _ _ rn0 o +' to � al 1>a as . rd .CH Cd Sa 'rte +' O O 84 rid al a .H � U ) 06 s,0 O •r# r-1 •r1 +' ri 1-1 m r O - 0 aa.vik NOITII.IO F-4 cd r' )g, � '•+4 ,1* T�)I5TE 1(.1 Y".j'dOTH r . OE TEa.,aaT 'all YYi'•TRH H o •. c3 rd g rd F-i •r-1 0 0 -1-' 0 --, ' > g .R!M o -,1.10 er{t 10 lionu'o0 jytiO arid- ,zA{ 1IW c'3 N •r-1 la o-CH' CO lit t L$ .ri...tdOE: V is r; E I .yrr,�tride`I to brr&S erid no *9m ren p rd *lib p tn.Brris TIEr .shirofh- triossg Instil ±o syti0 erft ni IlsH rx1 . T,0-i0 er'•. - ao e3 noid-oe8 -sex e.s n. eem bise 'to 9oitorr 41 V, pct or�rcolIsrt rt � oo erit of Ert, itoet,do nettl.rw 1Is rberi of cc), o tnemeiroramI IRwr[•a.LH to Ilor tnemaesees Qrsr imilerq E i t rs 7o-r,:a eaorfw nowrecr yne yd C .old toirt sia gswii 1H bns f Slor itrsnirnilera . isa ni bodlIoseb r be 11 si'fo bt^.s _Le_710O07 -til- .A 191I700 "-h P r f7.7-..-t- a .r TrT bi,sE. ±o noitsmri`tcxoo orit tR bel±I eeolit,srtenonier net+1rW IIs • beciiroseb el Qtregorg saorJ w noaieq Qn.B Nyd Ilo•x x7Bzxtmt.erq . rIinb.t.68ni • imsir,I to £ onuoO Y:tiO erit NZd ff1 VIOE I TI HE ,rti.510raaREIT no bet.soibal e,, llor tnemcs92as siosl .;mire silt ,S3b17017i 1rfo eEi 8 Liirft Il.s at ,al has ,ed llos emeas_a.e isilxw!.Ke rcr bi 8 eleorsq ro etol 113 b.ro lins tani"r,g bet 1t^u<, bns bermr±Inoo .ixie•rerit bediroeeb barso-ro 7-o ;i :rine .s etnuornc bns stcurc- eri,t tsrit QLV Td'Z-1- v HT IJ L TT tf -•aesea.e rssnimilercr bi.sa ni bnzrorr 10 aleorsq ro atoI erit to close I leorsa fame ato r Lisa sioirfw ±o trisroma erft nsrfd- Gael Ei 1101 trrern teoo Istot erit d-rsrit :tnemevorgml hiss Qd beJ i :ened a bnrro7 -'-I'VA- berbnuH serr{T bnsauorIT o� cure arid- n.i tnsrnevorcxral his-ts'-:ko' tide seri el ersllo(i (n.,IvE ) OOI\83 bn,s ruo±-v,trievea bn.R .bscnril-noo bas bevorgq.R lo ets$b grit reds Gsz,sb ( n1 ) tret ts�dt CF2.Vs.):. :7 HOHTHITY. TI aa 1 of bEr.covileb ed e11196 orft llor tnemer;esas Elsa ±o naltsnrIl noo , eirit bewiebro x,cierer{ el 11913 V.1' Else bas 10-10 b_i.se to 211910 ittiO erit . elsm of .isoid-ulos9r eirit to stsb erit reds ( OE) eVsb ytririt .w.RI yd beriuper es atererit ednsmeeeees Brit to enoitoelloo .. 41!!!* • Cr' r 11 . i .g ,x �e!r o'V b eirit C2r iT i� CEA Qasez q /1 fionno',) yt.10 lo tneblaer7 i'G ETTL Sys-: _J 1 . 1:s;e'I .'- •A .x-ssurcrefE 10 -ysb brES elr{:i- Cial.r 'nglA • I