Resolution 167 RESOLUTION #167 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. HIGHWAY DIcTRICT NO 8 HIGHWAY IMPROVrvENT NO 8 WHEREAS, The City Hngineer and Street Committeeman have certified to the completion of the work above designated, and WHEREAS, the said certificate has been accepted, approved, confirmed and ordered spread upon the minutes of the City Council and WHrREAS, The City Council by resolution directing the City Engineer to prepare and file with the City Clerk of said City a preliminary assessment roll in accordance with Section 29 of the City Charter of said City, and WHEREAS, the said City Engineer has filed with the said City Clerk said preliminary assessment roll in accordance with said Section 29 of the said City Charter which said preliminary assessment roll has been ordered spread on the minutes of the City Council, Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the City Clerk be, and the same is, hereby directed to give notice by posting trat a meeting of the City Council will be held on the day of June A. D. 1921, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Council Chambers in said City of Miami Beach for the purpose of receiving written objections from any and all persons whose property is described in said preliminary assessment roll. That said notice shall be posted by the said City Clerk at the door of the City Hall in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and at least twp other public places in said City for at least two weeks prior to said meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of May A.D.1921 Presidentof City Council ATTEST: �-- City clerk APPROVED this 18th day of May A.D.1921 yor 4111 uormoaaK .ACEIHOLIq ,110Aal MAIM '10 YTIO SHT q0 1OITU.103a. 8 OX Tuazdvosaai YAWHOIH 8 011 TOIHTEIG YAWIMIll evad nameettimmo0 toe'lta BAB leeninna ILtiO edT ,EAZHallYi brie ,betan-3taeb evods 11ow edt 10 nottelqmoo 9dt of betlineo tbevolqqa ,betqeoos need sad etsoillneo bias eHt ,CAaJaHW lionmo0 VIO edt to aotmnim edt noqsl bselqa beIebIo bass bemilnoo &Ls edJ baitocaib 1.101tzlas7 N;d 7;t10 edT 7010 bisa to 11010 xttO dtiw slit bus elAgelq 01 leeni3n2 ao es noitoo8 dtiw sonsbl000s ni 1101' tneasassas 141,0111mile/1 s bna ,1010 bias lo lencd0 74t4e1.44 CD 0 CD CD 0 0 bias edt Htiw belil asri Te9Ai&la )0i0 bias 9111 ,E tgaW mc+ c- Htiw eonsbl000s ni 11o1 Inemseeaas vsnizilelq 17910NIP vrsaimile7q bias doidw 7911.s.d0 1010 bias exit lo !!‘: laott09L-,VAIa edt to sod-milli:a ed t no hse'lqa bea967o need sari tii* tsiegraascas r }-14loyoOntit edt to lioasso3 ,LttO edt c1anuoaas Ti Ea ,a5ioaa \5:EHT ;1(01 1,D • wit bns ted 11910 NOLO edt tsdt ,sbtIola ,doseffg4104/Afflo y;#1.e0 s telt &iitaoq iLd oollon 91718 of betoelib ILdea011 al Ogafia H 1 to 14sb edt no bled ed lliw lioasso0 NOtO Oft ±o &Iiteem I1onsro0 N,I10 exit to .M OS:7 fB , 1Q14rtl erne, WIT19091 10 esogIssq edt lol sioseE imatM to -LttO L1 . tiale • al -019qolq essodw anosleg Ils 'Dna Nos ao7I anoiioetdc net lw .1Io/ taemaaosas xlantmilelq btaFT, at bediluiseb 1-1010 xII0 bias grit ILd betaoq ed Maris ootton bias tsHT has Of-10N ,HoseE ±ffssiM vtiO 9Ht ni 11811 ytiO grit 'to 7oob 9K1 Le owt tasel ti 701 iiD Lisa aeosla oLEthiq 19dIo qwt teas' ts .aniteem bias ot rotiq sAeow isei.a.A x.em to xab d"I aidt =mu CUA (ISECAq lioruuro0Vi0 to trio-Use/1 :TSaTTA :11910 010 \ VANi to ab i1t8,j2±dt GavoEcs.A lox