Resolution 205 I • • i br'. ca aulmommn coa c0 04 a ,4aD. b4 o ra 442mthttor f w WA iNg RESOLUTION #205 r4 t' 44.• •-1 pwOa g H Cpl DISTRICT H-17 HIGHWAY ate: 11 Whereas, on the 17th day of August, 1921, the City Council passed w and adopted a resolution ordering the improvement designated as Highway improvement R-17, District R-17 , and directed the City Engineer to pre- pare and file plans and specifications of such improvement and an esti410 - mate of the cost thereof, including an estimate of the incidental ex- penses, and the said plans and specifications and estimate of cost and estimate of incidental expenses have been filed by the City Engineer with the City Clerk. Therefore, Be it resolted by the City Council of Miami Beach, Flor- ida, that the City Clerk shall cause to be posted at the doom of the City ball Lathe City of Miami Beach, Hardie' s Casino and the U.S.Post Office in the City of Miami Beach, a notice stating that at a meeting of the City Council of -Miami Beach, to be held at the City hail in the City of Miami Beach, on the 19th day of October, at 7:30 o' clock P. DI. , the City Coun- cil will hear the remonstrances of all- persons interested to the confir- mation of said resolution ordering said improvement. Passed and adopted this 21st day of September, A. D. , 1921. Acting Pres .en, 1 y ounce ATTEST: :2a) . City Clerk. Approved this 21st day of September, A. D. , 1921. {per " j . May r 4 $ 0 CSS • • A AlI o$ o 33 * om W p .0 1:1001® r+ ®XI m 4°1 ri oO HH H .� m + °a m o :Olt YioITu o2S5i H :)12 1 �pyoskg g ® m �s � � bIJ b a m m ® . ,� °� ayN.�IH VI-H TOIAT Ict 01w4 m H amo to mtHm 1 Sri/ r"^ r ,/a xrA '10ab rf/V1 en/ no 5 ja'. ��.$el art4. 44 :1;-14 $ 03 cS.raob tnemevosarn± est/ ,af7ebbr 7o nottxrloae7 a 1;a/gobs a -erg (5/ i rx x/16 err/ betoe-ilb brie , V1-titof7ta1([ ,�'1-a t7orzevo-rcxnci -i/se r a brie tnemevo7(':nf dorsa to anoftaof31oege brei anal(' elft brie a aq Latnebion.f erf/ to et3141tae as rrfbnr.Iorsi ,±oeierit /sop erft to stern bre taoo to etemitce bite anoit.aoflfosaga brie anslq bias art/ brie ,aesfseq d/fw 7ee.ni vtx:) off/ Cyd belfl• reed even aeaaegxo Istnsbfonf to ets^iitae .11810 'y .0 e.dt 101',1 ,noses to l.iorslroU 14/iD orit Qd boittose7 /f epi ,37o e78riT err/ o oob ort /. beteoq 9d of Damao Ileri 1101010 Y/f i 7W orf/ /crit ,abf ri 901110 t or'.'. .11 Brit brie orleena'efb7.a$ ,r10.18,9$ im$f [ 30 Xt19 elf/ r..1. x/.t0 ens./ 'to genes to tan/ 3ai1.at9 eoi/oL1 s ,riosea irtai t 3o Y/10 f f to erit ni Stan i411O off/ to blorf ed o/ ,doaea ±in i to Ifoniroo ..n;rok 14/10 ert , ,,4 O0Io! < ' , iib rifel eft no ,rfoneti -7f1noo erit of .be/seas/al arsos-leg .Ct.e to aeoa.s7tariorai7 err/ nae1 111w hio .tnemevo7('nil b1.3a alreb7o roftxxIoae7 blea o not/am .1SQ1 , .Cr .A , rodaelcre 3o .xeb tats ald/ be/gobs brie be; aai � u s' 7iiiEraill.° .I u o r. T8:ITTA ,7edmetgeu o i eb /BIS ais[t bevalgg1A