Resolution 208 • o
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Be it resolved by the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida: 4 '
That construction followingimprovements �A
That the construction of the following described is
hereby ordered to be made; the City Council hereby setting forth its
intention to proceed under Section 29 of the City Charter.
FIFTEENTH STREET: To be paved to a width of forty (40 ) feet with
a penetration macadam pavement and conr, .t c b, cfgytter from the
East property line of Alton Road as' row Fat Book #6, Page #5,
Public Records of Dade County, Floda, to the East property line of
Meridian Avenue. The macadam pavement to be thirty-seven (37) feet wide.
The City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare and to file with
the City Clerk plans and specifications of said improvements and an
estimate of the cost thereof, including an estimate of the cost of the
expenses of preliminary and other surveys , the inspection and superin-
tendence of the work, the preparation of plans and specifications and
estimate, the printing and publication of notices and proceedings, the
preparation of bonds and any other expensss necessary and proper. This
improvement shall be designated in all proceedings, assessments and
bonds as Highway Improvement n-20 , and the property against which assess-
ments may be made for the cost thereof hereunder shall be designated as
District A-20.
Passed and adopted this 21st day of September, A. D. , 1921.
Acting Yresidei'City Council
City Clerk
Approved this 21st day of September, A. D. , 1921.
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