Resolution 220 . to flam tD 4 O C": tr O (q h CO M Als W ►t: O co O p 1-3 o pb; -.. to In -4 tV b W h• CL7 6:4CA co + O C RESOLUTION #220 WHEREAS, a re-subdivision of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of 3lock 49, Ocean Beach Addition ; 3, has been made by Mr. M. J. Roughan and Lir. Thomas :eough, and a plat of the same has been presented to the City Coun- cil of the -Aty of Miami Beach, r 1orida, for their approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of a'iami Beach , 'lorida, that the said plat is hereby approved by them. PASSED end ADOPTED this 4th day of January, A. D. , 1922. President City Council. ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED this 4th day of January, A. D. , 1922. f T a Gei Idl yo Ct2 • • CO 0 rQ • p +3 (0 WC 02 0 rd M 02 H H•f(74 g VAI 1�+ � f Fi r0 - 030 tafi aa OSS4 VIOITUSOZ FE a bas S . 1 etoL to nolaivlbdsra-e7 s , 8ASEEHW obsaz need asci ,ai noitlbbA rfoBea nseoO r �� IIoolE 'to s bili. t r[ uoe . asriorh .x. bn.s iYf3ilbsiok .L .M .TM ;cf -nuo0 10'10 erft of betneaexq need asrf ease erft to tsiq • ilerft iO± ,Bbizo14..A ,rfosea ira8I ,T to erft 'o lip .Isvo!gg8 iti'3 erft vd Q4vaoa i TI ,8 :._O'r t7 HT ,WOR erft tsr[t ,.1b11ol (Apse lr7s1 -i to vt±O eJt IlonrroO .trerft 1;d bevoagcra ludearerf a1 t2Iq b1e ,tilauaar,, 3o vlb rftiN amt Q`TiOaA b.rr3 Q38aAc .SSei , .a .Ilonsio0 ILt1O tnebiaeIca. :TCL Pr: . - _.1 , .0 .Itt7.arrns+.; to \3L rlt4 eidt i