Resolution 247 to2 1/2w ,...-- • 01 H R80 17I 314.1SOLI.11'GB BC. 247 0 ot c+ ,,‘ ta • 03 c4, c4. r4 ,c4 („! District H-16 highway Im ..coveueflt , 0 o Li. ta .--. er eas• on the 7th day o j4tio , 192 2 t-4) Conncil pessed and a dor..ted a resolutif-e order:Int?. the impr&ve46,,,desig- nated as liizhwai Improvement , H-16_, District , directed. the city :41--ineer 'e prepare and file plr)ns and epeciricatione of such improvement =I an estimate of the ow t thereof, includin 7 an esti* te of the incidental experu es, and Ay vid plans and tiers and. estimate of ow t and. e tinn te o incident al e xpens es kxtve been filed, by the city il;ngineer with the City Clerk. Th.ereface• 13e It Resolved by the City Council of 1timi Beach, /lur- id tist the city Clerk shall cause to he postai at t he door oi ie City Hall in the City of Miami .3each, Hardie' s Csino and the U, S. Post Office in the city of Miami Beech, e notice statiw ttt t at a meeting of the city Council of ikitiami Beach, to to held at the city Hal in the City of ,mi Seacr., on the 5th day of july, • at 70 ol clock. -2 the City Council v111 ;),ear the remonstrate es o._ all pp rsons inters „ted to the confir tion of said resolution ordering said im- provernent. kissed nd .dopted this 21st_deJ of Jure E$4, 60 1922 Presider f-C-rt7v-Goiiiialri ty -,nroved this 21st day of , A. D. , 1922. 1.1:4d/ CV (. .0 GO • 48 2ci 4,k2 pi 4-3 •-+ 0 0) to • 4.3 02 0 g 4) 4-D (8 RI M CO 0 CO O4 --714*CI titlev'j 13v,Trf 1;*--o 0 )--1 to 0- q CD 4-3 'CS r44 "co w Q , cf-i (D 1-4 Ca q..44 4 ,te .r9 ,- IS .f5 1.)6.: • wzp 0,1 g- COra_ * . ys w e,ler 7) 0 03 ,R1r, ;11V, Ls leovi n 2'4 hrk Ofriib • Oat 1- ton Af% NOV trd /At -aoitioiqeLit iLqUs, Ci , ample Istrtnitiort.i eitt to,t flT40-4! flor fie " r **bleatro C 'es hos too to stoats° InA 41010 ti falw V-I catiJ gd b tf LM111 AU OCUTOS f±Q ati:k I -,ociffex0„61: .y,,ackb jiwtti0f4 sd os.a.irmo F.Lrf wit tat: 4.6 imot5 to gIt::;# iska elijeff VIC wuo 4 1'4e, •St" e*tr4 4,4 ii0A4UGI 441.14.124 VIU efiAt u± 301110 todt. UZLtM to Ilonuo0 gt1U ail to oOlo c) ,!T 3:0 Not £5 Lt no tilosoki ±M O10.113 snort £L O t) triarslettmol $UJ L 1117 liotwo0 xt±U eidt te. .0a bise Ara-1017.1 ittai•ulas a 01:ma TVA. p wit od. bet z;o1o4 a/ 4,,tnewevcrict • ' ofr, beetsi • SA;- i1 .:Croi6t; •• - IT 4:7;.K.S Rhe b,;)ir,3"s,--: