Resolution 248 RESOLUTION NO. District "-2C Highway Improvement: H-20 whereas, on the 7th day of June , 1922 , the city Council passed and adopted a resolution ordering the improvement desig- nated as Highway Improvement H-20 , .U1s trict H-20 , and directed the City Engineer to prepare and file plans and specifications of such improvement and an estimate of thecost thereof, including an estimate of the incidental experxes, and the said plans and specifica- tions and estimate of cost and estimate of incidental expenses have been filed by the City Engineer with the city Clerk. Therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of Miami Beach, Flor- ida, that the city Ole rk shall c aas e to be posted at the door of the City Hall in the city of Miami beach, Hardie• s Casino and the U. S. Post Office in the City of Miami Beach, a notice stating that at a meeting of the City council of Miami Beach, to be held at the City Hall in the City of Miami beach, on the 5th day of July,/-7-- , at 7:30 o' clod , the City Council will hear the remonstrances of all persons in terested to the confirmation of said resolution oderin,g said im- provement. Passed and adopted this 21st day of June , A. D. , 19 fi , resi en (ity Counci ATTEST: Ci y Clerk Approved this 21st day of Jute , A. D. , 1922. i/2 =v1 m o .n Ca • C\2 CD tot .Oii '1 I TUS J - - .r cd Ca c0 • 4-1 CO i 1 fH Fi 'rl H +2 H � ' rcrevoxgfI N �"H o e o gab r e fit n o e$e�s 9r[ +3 a +4 ad a _ o evo^ j. eiit ni reb'so no ituIose7 a betgobs bas bee8sq Lionrrou .� H +3 4 on ,_: .a C:... : .r1d- scu .U H J•nemevoxgmI ea betas A o P+4-+ 1:4 :uoitaoilioege has snail e413 brio elageiq of aeeniana i;d-1U erit betoe•rib E143 i5 iIou1 • 081911! d-63 oo€ii ±o 8�£si! bit) LiZ ai1 wvo a1 :1= v -8011109gs Ma a ialq Lisa acid- has taeaaegxe Lgtnebioni erit to etanitas need evsri seenegxe Latriebioni to eIacalt8s bas t80J to et/mites bas enoit 011910 NL-I.1:0 arid- iid-ivr •xeeriizina. Qf1U erId- id befit io. N. trio �e� ±malli to Lio:xuou vtjU eri4 vd bevIoa9 'J art tssote'reri' snit to 100.6 exit is beteoq ed o c ass o LC,srfe 1-_ eU0 itiv grit tsrid- tsbi d-e o'i . ' .0 9ctt bas oni us.' e 'ei.6ysaH t riosec- lms.ikv% to t i UU add- ni ELBE V i _nn_iu e en a is grit xnitat e eol d-ou a ,rioseE imE.iM g o i t IU erit ni eofl O e<id- ns LLsH iu acs is bred ed of ,nosed g o Lioatrou �L.iJ erid- to oo.o 'o t ;4;. Yiurto Qsb r{ art* no triozed to V iU enovreq Ila 'to aeorisit8c1oasez eri:t Ised LLIw Llorccrou asst , -mi bias �ni'rebc rraitrrXora bi a to noitsmlitnoo ertt of bel sexed- nr .t nemevolq • •� • ._� :L., T�? I. :t e = . bot qok 4 tail boess% r.(' p r p :7'ETTA .SS'gi • .c .Ji. �.aJw°- F:oa ai&Lt evo qa,A