Resolution 268 I ..---' 1-, • 0 i.,. Os 0 0 .i..460/1.1TION 110. - tZg OMOS 5.4- H In• 4 )istri ct er_el Hi ebei ay Improvement Ligal,42, C D 1 .•111••••••w. ; P ^ e'• 0 the A f Thereas, the City Council, by reeolution, passed and adopted. e co' h-. ,9 21Qt day f ZA-gteraber • I.C. g1 , ordered the hienvay i c-4 1-n• 174 r Improvement H-21 Dietrict 0, b re S end the City Engineer, ty, ;1 06 g . He21•••••• . under direction of the CitCouncil, hap prepared an. filed with 'the City Clerk, plans and opecifientions o ' ouch improvement and an eeti-1T ()• f4, mete of the cost, thereof, includine an estimate of the cost of the incidental expenses ;f said improvement, and whereas due notice by pub-' ° lication as required by the City Charto,. has boon made that the City Council would on the 19th day of October , 19 21 , at the City Hall et rie_ o ' clock p. m. , receive and hear the mmonstrances of all intereeted re rens to the confirmation of soil resolution ordering 1 °Kid improvement, and all remonutranoes received having been heard and considered by the City Council. TIT- refore, 30 It Resolved by the City Council of Liami. Beach, 1 Florida, That the said Resolution of the City Council orderin - uaid . . . , _ Improverent, Ele23. , District H-21 , --., '0 an, -: - care) s )ereele confirmed. B ach, also throughout the state 130 It -lurther :ienolved, -.1:hat the City Cle... cause to be published at least owe in the TT ie eli Dai 1 y_liAt.upgli , a newspaper of general circulation in - the City pf Miami , - notrae _Baling for sealed bids to be received by the City Council on the 9th day of gust . 1922, at 7 . ,--,, o ' clock, p. m. , for the construction o saidwork. „aid notice shall state the improvement is to A eonstructeci and paid for in oaoh, under section 29 of the Jity Charter. Any bid. covering work to be r:lore under mo e han one resolution Jaen be in such form as to permit a separation to A made of the cost under each resolution. 'Lech proposal must be accompanied by a certified chock upon a bank or trust company of FloridaPin the amount of 2 per cent. of the amount of the bid, payable to the City of Mined j-3each, to insure the execution of a contract to carry out the work in accordance with the plane and epecificqtione. '11 bids will be opened and award of con- tract made or all bids rejected. After an award )e-Le ben made the checks of all bidOers, other then the one to whom the contract has been awarded, shall be returned. In default of the enterine into such contract , the certified check reeuired to accompany such bid shall be forfeited to the City of I.:demi .13each, Florida. not as a pen- alty, but as liquidated damages for the delay or additional cost which may be incurred by the Cite by reason of such d ()fault. No bid will be permitted to be withdrarm for any reason whatever after having been filed with the Clerk, Passed and adopted this 21st dey of ii.ira Y , A. D. , - 1922 . e 01 d en't Crty eourforl. •ttest: c4C.-2 ----,./0-e. City Clerk. eppro ye d this 21st_dew of Jul:: , A. 2. , 1922. ,,i , .. _ / ayor I ,am r1• 4%2 O O CO f4+-) ci cl r I 1 C ra rd C) Ls- O O rQ r�i C�2 z 4 +3 I�1� 0 a) f-+ •ri I1 4 4WI �-I ' •r 4 0 71(1 1-1 g • 4-34-1 rd W � � x Uf) tird • cd rd c; m Q) rd CO U MI P4 to •r-I O rl f-1 • •4