Resolution 269 • c s c./J H ( e lie. 269 fi3 I c4. 0 Z) • )istri et Ft- 2 Hiftway Improvemint 5. 444 • es-, e le e ce e ,The roes, the City Council, by reeolution, paC3Sea and adopted thee 'a fre#1 21, t, day :f , Fntemppr • 19 ordered the Highwal ht LC MI Improvement District qnd the City '1Wineer, „, t(gcto pl under direotion of the City Council, hao prepared and. filed eilththe City ;elerk, pia rf3 and specifications of such improvement wed 'an eeti-,?, es mate of the coat thereof, incluiline an estimate of tho coot of the incidental exponeee said improvement, and whereat clue Laic° by puli41" c) licetion as required by the City Charter has boon made that the Citj Council would on the 19th day of October 1921 , at the City Hall t 7:,y) ,o' clock p. in. , receive aril hoer the minonstrances of all int ereet ed ye re to the confirmation of call resolution ordering said improvoment, and all remonstrances reoeived having boon heard tad considered by the City Council. Tkrefore, '''so It Resolveii hy the A.ty Counell of Iliarni Beach, 71orida„ That the said -,.eoolution of the City Council ordering said j-jizlevay Improvement, P-22 Distriot H-22 emowlemerse•moim• ricarid tie same in hereby confirmed. ,. .each, also throughout the state , Ile It ','urther -seeolved, That the City °MUM to Lepublinheci at least once in the • D•ail:7 _ a newujilper of --;.enoral circulationin the City of Miami./ a Trti 67 _ailing for coaled bide to he received by the City uounfoil o the 9th day of 1922, at - o 'clock, p. , r o construoti on work. ,4aid notice ehr,,.11 state the iraprovement is to be constructed and paid for in cash, under section 29 of the City Charter. Any bid coverine work to be dors under more than one resolution thall be in such form ac to permit a ee.paration to be made o the coot under each resolution. &Leh proposal must be accompanied by a certified chock aeon a benk or trust company of ilsorida in the amount of 2L per cent. of the amount of the bid, oayable to the City of Miami j3ench, to insure the execution of a contract to carry out the work in accordance with the plane and speeifioetionn. al hide will be opened and award of con- tract made or all bids rejected. After an award has beim made the checks of all bidders, other than the one to whom the contract hen been awerded, shall be returned. In default of the enterine into Ruch contract, the certified cheek recuirod to accompany .each bid shall be forfeited to the City of 'MIMI 3eacho iflorida, not as a pen- alty, but as 110u/4ated daneren for the delay or additional cost which my he incurred by the City by merlon of such d efault. rlo bid will be permitted to be withdrawn for any reason whatever after having been filed with the Clerk. 2aneed and adopted this 21st•• day of July • • ,.•••~.0. Vsj 22 , Crt-y ttoot: i y eer: Approved this 21st dey of Jul:; D. , 1922. -..yo I.* • 0 • C\2 I ,I=1 r-I Ck2 all P •r4 tO OO Cq H CQ 24+ g i CQ .."•••••. • o ro ft-3 c....) 4-1 Z •r4 Cl' g rd 0 r° C20 0 '. 4-3 +3 o -4r4FM CD P4 H 43) 0 (-) t3. 0 El 0 CH 43 0 rg, . rid ., ‘*+44.7 fl rIO ...,_ks,- V 1 . ... ' .i),,......,..t.a.FS.... r.4 r-i el r4 CCI r-I I° •ri ezo g rd . /34 g V) -......t..1: " .! 4' ''.02,,‘, ,,_.,,, .._......s..sa44,".,,,,,, . ,, ...,c (i...ti • trirklov.r.t.gill I. a) A V) .1-4 id 0, tlp Ca .-•s, -,4""r'r'g;f 0 1r n p rf icrt',t2-, •4.1 n r'''-(* ''''o no I.-,o•4.:*ri I) 'zebra/ 0 0 , P-I ...:'•:. 111.,,,ltv7 tr,;(7.::„21 tfosan a o 5iNo 2,loortioocis .1=44 tion,Lq. ,:ktolt) 144113. rid co c.) $-i •r4 CI) ' 10 1:',V,I;?, f-i tit 10 0;t04:12 ft* •ita 7.0.truclot-t1 ilooixarf$ J000 oitt lo otati OH it;ct 0 oi .to. uratl.10 Li* fx•Asi **mrtovoIgol %Loa 1...., oeorwiqx.o ,I.Elttio 1510011 010 sill :sfaxii ok zwoci 1.1.9 41 ':14.1'Y ilf!.), 1;4'zfy;Atti 1 1,1;vi50.10$1,Joax al 'x'ak-fu,:ft,q3 10 Iiith - ritql sit* no &too* 410turoo I LLA to 000llat Ionorirn ell* ox.00rt tun oviooe7 * *ri .c_E loolt o ‘cx,,,q,y 1:1 atiktobto aoltsti000l t•,,Irio '10 rtolIarrrIlotoo ort QS 317t..fri tr,, het-;.:11rot.al Baa butu( non t 7 ICtivite beyvt:oot aoort..!vil Oft 011101 1 Pi Autt34 ,:11faillrYVVICITTI Eq.:1cl . " 0.dosoLl. ImAIM. Ito btu) 7).ati.l.reh^ro lirittur):: --Ilt` off* lo itotIrloso:,: his ST.ft j'i,rill: it, 5.-sts_t.r t,....!,iirt.4 r ...s.,• a s L7:,—1:I , i$1.tr f le 7 as qtri.1 . . ., % -'-'-'' • - .........,.. ,. -:orirz..n,itoo -". •((fr.r.ki,-T 4,1 9-.1.. . - ' ,.;, 4..J -!.., ,,v7..,,:,., -.---. .4,:.,:- , ,..f..,., •,-...--:..„ . I 2.1;:',.:-:, • . . : . . . . '• . 1: . • .