Resolution 274 • teleelaf ION no. eei Dietriot ea.. 2 er,; Impr overly)at eft.. ,toreae, the ,,ity Council, by recolution, Leoutled unit eeopted tee 7th, day of , leM, ordered the bower Imerovement r eletrict e veld the city uoleor direction of the City UiI, IJ preleAred end filed with the eity Clerk, :Aerie end specificetions 01' such prover', nt end en °utile-to of the cost thereof, incudir n estimete of the ()eat of t he inci- dental reeponsee of said. ieprovereint, end wherene the City teiltor bee reported in writtzr to the City Coulon thnt funde are in the treenere app.lioable to and 1.11:_ffinierit eor the per:exit a_ the City' ()hero of Me poet of seta impravement, ?me whereas duo notice by publioation ea ro- entree be the City Charter has been nettle that the City council would on the 5th dey of July, 1922, at the City Hell at 700 o'clock e. receive ax hear the remonstrancee ef ale intereeted pereoes to tho confirmation of e. id reeolution ordeeine eaid ie‘proVement, and ell re- , netr ooe received hevine boon he/1rd end ooneedered by the eite Coum- ci] . herofere, ie It Reeelved be the Cir Council of Latent Deaoho Florida, that the eeid eeeolutiork of the City Council orderin seid Sewer • Improvement Lee- 2 Distil at 2 be and the same le.4 hereby eonfirned . 130 It fourthee eeselved, Mat the City Clerk melee to be 'published t leant °nee in the Uteri Deily Letropolis, a .1107/131X, c:er of general oirculetion in the City of Liiami Beach , also throughout the state, a notice oelline for neeleei hide to be received by the City Council on the ,26eil dey of duly • lce12, et 70 0'& O04 2. Il•• for the con "traction of cele work. I6 notice ifeell ut to the 1 provement is to be ntructod end paid, for in treat , undo.: section 29 of the city • Chertor . ny bid covering viork to be done under more than. one resolution shel be le ouch form an to yew:nit uoperetion to be madeof the coot under e! oh reeelation. each pr.:yowl must be ecoomnied 4 e certified check un e benk or trust oompene of elorida in the emount of 2. per cent. of the amount of the bid, peeeble to the City of 1.11i iievoh, to insure the ezeoution of ()entreat to carry out the ,7ork in ecoordence with the plane and speolfioations. 1l bide will be opeeed end award et' cent?' et made or ell bide rejected. ftr en eward has been reeCle the chocks of f 11 bidders, other than the one to whom the contract ba o been awarded, shell be returned. In default of the enterine into & u.& even- tract, the certified check re tared to e000lePeetY such bid shell be fore felted to the city of kiwi eenoh, aurid€1, not es a pole.iLei, but eu lig damages far the delay or edditionA coot which erey be in- ourred by the city by reason of each: efault • eo bid will II-0 permittoti to be withdrawn for any renew), whetev r after having been filed with the Clerk. atoued and adoptee this 5th day o. July D. , 1922. - — - erns deet k.:Quileil• ;T 3 -1\ tir Or opera-Joe! this ith dray of . D. , 1922. •••••• • r,. 1.•••••••••••....- a> yV .14 a) CQ c a a` • r m4-1 m P4 O Cl) H 0 E-1 I a H cd 0 cdCn 4-3 CDo W F--4 M •r! •rt rd $-1 $ +s • 0 +' 0 0 0) m a? 'd OD •ri a) •rIai U] -=4 .Q W