Resolution 279 ----144. _ . RS3OLUTIO1 ho 279 District ee,..7 ....___e4eeeeee____, Improvement .1-zze ihereae, the City Council, by resolution, pauoed and adopted the 7th day of Juee , 1922, ordered the Sewer Improvement SR-7 , District __ _Lal.2___I , and the City Engineer , under direction of the City Council, has prepared and filed with the City Clerk, plans and specifications of such improvement and an esti- mate of the cost thereof, including an eetteeete o:: the cost of the incidental expenses of said improvement , and whoreac due notice by pub- lication as reeuired by the City Charter bee been m9de that the city Council would on the 5th day of elei e , 1922 at the City Hall at dle-ce _o'clock p. m. , receive f.a7- hearwthe ramonstrancee of all inter sted eereons to the confirmation of said resolution ordering staid ireerovement , and all remonstrances received heving been heard and ooneidered by the City uouncil. Therefore, ee It Resolved by the City Council f Linmi Bech, Tlorida, Thet the said l' esoletion of the City Council ord.e_ ing said Sewer Improvement S2-7 , District 7.7athe snie =e—FiN76y confirmed. . . Beaehelout the - a0 It Further Resolved, Tha , sot the City Clerk cause to b6tatze pueziehed ret lest once in the Miami :T)a-1.1.v Letrep0;4s ..1 a newspaper of eeneral circe.li etior n the City --6f ::eaca , a notloe cafrinc for sealed bide to be received by the Lel.ty eoeeee.i. ee the ' 26tJi cl: y of _____ 1922, at 7lee o'clock e.. n. , for t e construction at said- Jule work. eail notice shall state the improvement is to be constructed. and paid for in caeh, under section 29 of the City Charter. Ane bia covering work to be done under more than one resolution shall be in such form as to permit a separetien to be merle of the coot under eech resolution. leaoh proposal must JO accompanied by a certified chock upon a 'Oink or trust compere 3 elorida in the amount of 21 per cent . of the amount o the bid, payable to the City of Miami Beech, to inure the execution of a contract to carry out the work in accordance _ith the clans and eepcificetions. All bids will be onene and award el' con- tract made or all bids rejected. efter an award hac been made the checks of all bidders, other than the one to whom the contract has been ieearded, shell be returned. In default of the entering into ouch contract, the certifier'? check reeuired to accompany such bid shall be forfeited to the City of Miemi 3e ch, Florida , not ae a pen- alty, but ae lieuidated dies for the delay or additional cost which mar be incurred by the City by reaeon of such default . iTo bid will be permittee to be withdrawn for any reason Weatever after having been filed with the Clerk. Passed and adopted this 5th day of July A . D. , , • 1922. PreSi&-e-ErTIVIRECai. ATTET : ----C7----- C Approved this 5th day of Thily A. D. , 192 . se/ - I / ./ dw. 16411YOr A Cd r4 0 >` to to • a c1-1 r � � m HEl El O 2f PO 0 al U -1 U in b 04