Resolution 286 see sUw RESOLUTION No. 286 RESOLUTION a ThE MIAMI 3UU. FLO.ILIDA, AUTEULI:dliG IUU- aU43I 01? WAID3 1./1 SUM fa OMB 1LW- DOLLARS A1ild04I,WID DI Al KAGI3TIDND AND Frr V011111.3 OP MID (;I',11.1 AT AN TIARcnox 113.41; IN 341: ,*.ITY JULY aith, 1922. wrii3423A3 4?lio Oity Counoil u ne boueb., A.orida• herotofore patsiuld at, ortlinarese eutitoriainti the oi bonds for said City in 114j W at aioveuty lth‘lueiinii. Dollars i4J the pia. pos.eo oonatzuoting 4 builtAlik-, the laTiutf.. of Gnaw= and the puraivise ut I,nd, wasUinery and equipment, all for the opolration al PlaaliA. r neutreli3in6, deotroying tat& dispoolJk or ativ°'0i'41 anti lei fty-lavo Thousand. Dollars ioi the ooustruoti on of sanitary saor3, and in. said ardin:,:_noe called e. opecial electioii to be bold in wild City k ai July =. 4h, l9 , for Vit.) purpo6o of submit ting said question to the qualified. voters of maid City, and ,j5K10..:AS the said. City Connuil on July 2tith, 192, the returns of the aresalti die ti 011 Ani foam, u taliorit:1 of tile votes cast upon each Ui Vito aforesaat itio4retione was fey A ) latioanee of said b.)nda, 1,nd declared the rotiult o a I et 01.0011 on kina canvass, *Pi 1111Utrant Th IT HESOLVEDliY 'AIR CITY COUNCIL Or CITY Or MAUI Irt 11%0I'IDA: VICTIM 1: '-Zhat there be LS ti a COIVOL 1:0 Ilda ot ti 4-iit,T 44. 4i.utiFiu1 riko_ e ,ate Amount of 143-itittroti Dollaxo, iLLt...,;-111 ' unioika. IrtiA(..)vonttirvii Numb; :old. Iteiut of gric: hundred tdonty-fivo bonds of iihi Aa value of one '2.4oxi.aand Dollars each. dated July 1, A. L., 19L4 , ouch of whiaL ois411 Lr in rat t ii) r at 0 of u per cent. per LiLW , Ly3biI tnnually on Ma first days of dlititinre aid. July of each yeer rtzttil Piak---- boflLu Wet) 4.iuh inter 3 tnit -11a3.1 eavicienced by ootrpon //' a attnaboi to f311.1d bond° ,tud both tac prinoikAl tatua intoroot ahall • - bo payable in i3old. 001.31 a tile Unitod tt4t&Y O A/11JY iCni of the present standard of woiat:t au inozawn et the office of the Unitoa 3tato3 ilort3age Trust Co&itpafl li. CIO City of New York and no option of prior rodomrtion of ouch 1)0116 is or aria1 be rooervod. 3TION 2: That said. bonds shal be nuriberet. from to inoltvsivo, andaU ma.ture and be payablo 10 follows: 3even Thouaand Dollara shall become duo and be payable on July 1 of oach of tha yarts A. I)., 1924 to A. D. . 1940, inclu- aive, and Liix Thouuand Dollars Shall boourio aue be 1,24able on July 1, )., 1941. 1111CTIOZ That sad bonds shall be absolute. 1-senoral -and obli(vitions of the City of Viii 13encit, they shall bo sit;riod by tho Mayor and Cler",-.: an4 attostodby tho and sealed with the seal o ;aid City but the intereet coupons attacaed to said bonds offal only 1,41 ei3ttea uiy tie dle 4 of said City whoso sitnaturo Llay bo infaosimile. f1011 4: That tho for rl Of sai6 bonds •tarial .be a ubs two,tally au follows: (t-7? r101.1DA or flICL 4L 111.111V:1711T BONDS No. $1000.00 IC10%4 ALL WM BY TIMM A.T.F.ViVi! ') that the City of Miami 'Beach„ Flotid4 is justly indebtod uric. fox value reeeived 14410.:BY i4i04448*-7,8T . YAY To ,2 I BURVai an July 1, A. D. , 19_, the princtipal JUDi of One Thousand Dollars. together with iniiifest Thorsen at thy rate of o pur eeits• per U1flUL , payble sucli-tn.;.ually on the first days of January and July of eaoh year upon tho .prenontation kii(1 Surren- der of the zumexed interest uouponu. 'Iota the p inuikul and in- tercet of t41:*; bond aro pqyablo Lt the United States T.',ortoage 'Zrust Company in tho City or Now Yeric. 2ox th.o pIoLapt i.aymont hi;rco ;"' both yr incipal arid litter , th tsari shall bocome due, the full taith„ oroai'.; :And -iosourcos of ti,.e City of Mitaat TAkPLChe 71 Or 1 41 a, aro hereby 11-revocably plodtod. Thia band i ono o ouriou 14,/ L3U Cal CI* 4:02` the purpokte of tie construction of 0-1, the lt7iti4 of drains mid the purchase of 1n . tx4ohinury ant', 43.1 Oj ertitien of a plant £u iwutra1iZXfl uStroying n.ne, Alsortinr of sewerage and for tao purposo of constructing ounitary sewere, end 13 isaued under the authority 3lve1 in 3ectpions 30 and 56 of the Charter of said City braced in Chapter 7672 of the Laws of Ylorida enaoted in the year 1917 and pursuent to a vote oi: a majority of the duly regietered and qualified voters of said City voting at an election hold in said City on July 26, 1942, and an Ordinaace passed and adopted by the City Council of said. City. IT IS HIREBY CERTIARD AND WICITBD that all acts, conditions and things requireI to be done, exist an6 be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have bean done , exist and have been performed in clue form and time as required by the eonstitution .me AAIUN of tiAm State ol: 'ilorida; that said Cityllouncil re author- izel by Section 58 of said Che.rter , in each year while saidairtes of bonds Shall be outstanding, to levy and collect a general tax Upon all the tLixable property within said City sufficient to pay the current interest thereupon and sufficien to provide for the ment .of the principal thereof at maturitand that the total amount of indebtedness of said City, includi the aforesaid aerie of bonds, ewes not exceed any constitutional or statutory limi- tation thereon. II 11TN1S3 OHEIRB010 the City of Miami 3each, Florida, has caused this bond to be aimed by the Mayor and Clerk, attested by the Auditor of eaid Ci,ty and the seal of said City to be afficed hereto arid trio mitered ooupons to be olgr,oa Wit:1 the t.osi.Ale ate-mature of tho Clark of said. City, all as of tho Pirst day of July, A. D., 1922, )1Y - ' Y1 .:1 ''! :. ;!, AtORIDA, ayor By Glark ..TT.,..,.T.T.TT.T.T....TT--• r••••••.•,•..r,•••.,.,. ..,.,Ipo.•r.• • .-•••.1 ATTRLTJ: TTAudIter ............T.TTY T.T........... TT.TT TT V.......TT TOMPT• S. . COU12UN No. 50 00 e • - -- On , A.D. , 19 , tie City of Miami Beach, picm—ira,, iarr75777 the Bearer at the United States Lortgage & Trust Company in Dew York. City, the sum of Thirty Dollars as semi-annual interest upon its runioipal Improvement Bond dated July 1, A. D. , 1922, and numbered . .....,. ..ava•loas Clerk , .T.T.TOTTT.T.T../... sncTIon 3: That the City Attorney proceed to have said bends valtated as early as pos3sibl© mid that said City Clerk, on behalf of said City, cause said bonds to be advertised for sale in accord with law. PASMID AND ADOXTMD this 20 (lay o 1 ..., , ,. D. , 1922. 1 ' PRESIDANT of City Council ib — 0" „, ut' ....... ‘144 .::,.kk ' III ea an es T4 „.4), 'N'''' ',... '\„), ' -1\ • N I 1114111\1 \51. to, —...,... N \ ..).4...,.. _.. 4 .... , ,.. , 1 .,,,,,, ''..., '.• k%. Ar- , •• _ 4, 'a. , . . . N. \ 'N. IF I it i