Resolution 309 1 0 CO 113C1.11 c4. 4 CJ O • I;;; 0 0 2: F3 RESOLUTION NO. 309 , ; t- ' pl F-4 SIDEfALK DISTRICT SK-7 SIDEWALK IMPROVER€NT BK-7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, met on the 7thday of March, A. D. , 1023, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pursuant to the notice of said meeting, as per Section 29 of the City Charter, to hear all written objections to the confirmation of the preliminary assessment roll of Sidewalk District SK-7 , Sidewalk Improvement SK-7 , by any person whose property is described in said preliminary roll, and WHEREAS, the City Council having received and considered all written remonstrances filed at the confirmation of the said prelimi- nary roll by any person whose property is descrived in said roll. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida, the prima facie assessment roll as indicated on said prelim- inary assessment roll be, and is, in all things confirmed and sustained against any and all lots or parcels of ground described therein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sums and amounts against each of the lots or Parcels of ground in said preliminary assessment roll is less than the amount that each of said lot or parcels of ground is benefited by said improvement; that the total cost of said improvement in the sum of Seven Thousand One Hundred Thirty Seven and 57/100 47 ,137.57) Dollars is hereby approved and confirmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ten (10) days after the date of this confirmation of said asses, ment roll the same be delivered to the City Clerk of said city and said City Clerk is hereby ordered, thirty ( 30) days after the date of this redolution, to make collections of the assessments therein as required by law. Passed and Adopted this 7th day of March, A. D. , 1923. /t___ 'President City Council ATS"EST: y U e r Approved this 7th day of larch, A. D. , 1923. if Mayor 0I is,- +3 02 ;14 ,s4 c-- 0 `P,1 H 4-3 tq 0 g 0 Lc.) +3 Ei o • o o •ri ;4 00 8 rd e4 r.4 o "r4 0 0 w E-4 et0 H g H H g 0 as Csi •ri C.)0 a) rcs eoe .oz UOITUJOUTH COc. Zr) Zi; 0 0 rd L4 01 CO .r4 C D qj CI) CI) -JiMI XkLailktra V-1a T OIHT8ICE MIAMI?.e fakiloi, ,AoseE imallf to rf 0 Ii5=00 V.L ) edt ,8AEHETL edt la .1A .S OC:Y tis .A ,doteM to yebdIV edt no tem exit V trutr.aelmq isolapla _ rroaaE y119 er1 ru 11.81-1 ed ot ,tatted° yt10 edt 'to es noltooe 'req as taniteem blas tnemsseass yasnimlIelq edt to noltamaltnoo edt of anoltoetdo nettlaw yria yd Inemevolcimi ›Ilawebla ,v-28 tolatsla 'LlaweblE to 1101 bias Jiot ylanlmileag bias ni bedltoaeb el yttecloaq oaodw aoaleq 118 beleblanoo bna beviopea salved Iloilmo0 VIC) edt ,atkamn, -Imlletq bias ed t to noilBMTriff0C, edt la befit seenaltanomet nettilw .11\01 bias 111 beviToaeb si vrae-oaq esodw male( 1Ln3 yd Iloa ytan ,doseE ?c1to lioamo0 ytiC sift yd aavaoaaH TI FE ,HE092EFET bliss no betsolbni as lIoa tnewasesaa °lost amitq out fablaolril b,,nlatems bna bemitaoc ei±rf Ila al isi bas ,ed Ilom tnemaasaas ytanl .nletedt bedlaoseb bnmoa.a to aleola(: to atol 118 bnavia tsnlsaa dose taniaas stnmoma has gimme edt twit eaavaoaaH EFHTaUl TI HE Iloa tnemaaesea ytanlmllesq bias nl bnnols to aleeta( to etol odd- to al J:if_MOT to aleotaq ao to1 blaa to dose MAI Innoms edt nadl see' al *nemsvoapti i)laa to Isoo latot odd tad: ;Ine:fievolgml bias yd betilezed OO1\V bna novae y$11AT belbnmH en0 bnaturoAT neve'6 to Isms ori t ni .bemlitnoo bis bevotqqa ydeaed el ats110(1 (va.m1, 76) F slA3 to eta.) °At le/t8 sysb (31 ) nes tad: aavaaaaH aFilliarti II .4IE yt/0 edt o/ betevlIeb ed emsa edt Ilot taemaseses ,blas to noltamaltnoo (Os ) ytaldt ,betebto ydeled al 1.1010 7010 bias bna ytio bice to 17010 edt 'to anoltoelloo s:) am of ,noltmlokel aid: '10 stab edt aetta frosb .wal yd betimpea as nletedt stnewaseses , .1 .A ,dotsM to yab dtV a±zf betoLobA bus boaesci _Ionmo0 ytisi triebiaetS : le y .esel „cf. .A ,domal to yab dIT si,dt bevotqqA aoyc5 "