Resolution 360 N 1 Qb b M ( b 43 d 1-•• CD if.1 0 4 % • 1-0H xi • ► • +1-1 0 0 0 • tr m CO 443 C7 tr r. AE6OLUION 1V0. 360 y m 0 COv 8 ' i' , o o bed 1".•Ca t•t• 0 0 G° to 0 µR+- ►4 t1 District n-80 Highway improvement t-30 r V whhalAs, the city uouncil, by resolution, passed and adopted on the 7th day of march, 1923, orIered the highway improvement 6 ti A n-30 , District n-30, and the uity Engineer, under direction of the uity council , has prepared and filed with the city ulerk plans and specifications of such improvement and an estimate of the cost thereof, including an estimate of the cost of the incidental expenses of said improvement , and whereas due notice by publica- tion as required by the uity charter has been made that the city council would on the 21st day of march, 1923, at the uity tall in said city, at 7 :30 ubclock r. Ia., receive and hear remonstran- ces of all interested persons to the confirmation of said reso- lution ordering said improvement , and all remonstrances received having been heard and considered by the uity uouncil at the time and place aforesaid. Tit liEVOt{E, be it resolved by the uity council of the amity of Miami beach, r'lorida, that the said resolution of said uity uouncil ordering said Highway improvement t-30 , District n-30 , be aid the same is hereby confirmed. 2A6SED and ADOPTED this lbth day of April, A. .0. , 1923. OF Pres dent city counci (-2 city clerk ArrxuvED this 13th day of April , A. D. , 1923. A71) mayor rd t $4 gI -1' N �• i0O O 0•ra r! 0tO 0 +' O O-r1 CO • 0:10 N4-i + • F3 0 "0 0 0$1 .44 rd t9 W+) r!] O rd o010340 +a 00& .0a VIUITUJOG i 1-E-741 O O r-Ir, t P, d 00 W •.,- 40 r1] 1 F3 U $.4 Pi •ri rd JB-t1al 0 �J i fu tC 0 0 O 0 •ri •r4 Gd o tH k +3 0 Cd d ! 0 ®.2 g ,not3ulo8e1 �d ellonuou Biu ed:I • „ A ) Ord.s1 +3 E«� Pi awdin edf beleblo to dab did` eri: no ei to no iroezib iebnu .zeea.L ri t Viuad: bris OS-n 1'011481U . 0%';- t uim S a tisL' iu e.f ri/iw bel ll bas be7age.7q rrsd , Iionuou .tt iu edt to a iSee as bas t.Vnaevoagmi Hors 3o saolI oi` iosga bas Iat nebioni ad: to aoo e f.: to et stifae nes rsibuloni :foaled: taco -so i�duq 'tid :poi:oa e i;') bus i trreaisvo•Igrai bila to aeaaerpre IuA t ebs::i need asci iu a±, •,;r; be7iupea as Emit Ilan VI;) e d t to r G�a�i Lf:71si to I8IS ed: ao blrco t Iiorurou -n alenotuel 'sed bir.8 sviooez , .ii. • i lloolo U 0 : V to .10t,. Liza ni -0861 bins to notes li`trroo eciJ of ano8•seg be:seas /al Ila to aeo bevieoe7 ae:urirslano..re1 Ila baa . Jn9mevo•sgmi bins :nfreblo rro1Ju1 erg: s liorro< ed ' xd 15A h±sr no b .0 15.1kAed ae9c (-17rqsi .bis861��a oo.slq bass ,010 erft to Iior uou ' iu erft bevloaer. /1 ea fhh0411ittiT Viu blas to noi+ulos)1 bias ed' fad �sb±ioi� .doseit.at to , 0&-A ID±I:a tU , 0�-n Inomev o rgii -,d to bias ; ni7e bz o It onuou .berallInco %dexed 31 alias sits' b ed .sS@S to xsb iiJdi aid: Cu1'<Yz ik baa (12. ic:dt iorwoj `r u tSn9 +4G8i`a „ •'� ' 7� • .:_ t i Liz to vsu