Resolution 322 d M tr • • CD ' RESOLUTION NO. 32-: o .r co c. tr t r ri District H-26 Highway Improvement H-26 Whereas, on the 7th day of March , 1923, the City Council passed and adopted a resolution ordering the Improvement designated as Highway Improvement H=26 , District H-26 , and directed the City Engineer to prepare and file plans and specifications @f such improvement and an estimate of the cost thereof, including an estimate of the incidental expenses, and the said plans and specifications and esti- mate of cost and estimate of incidental expenses have been filed by the City Engineer with the City Clerk. Therefore, Be It -Resolved by the City Council of Miami Beach, Flor- ida, that the City Clerk shall cause to T-e posted at the door of the City Hall in the City of Miami Beach, Hardie's Casino and the U. S. Post Office in the City of Miami Beach, a notice stating that at a meeting of the City Council of Miami Beach, to he held at the City Hall in the City of Miami Beach on the 21st day of March , 1923, at 7; 0 o' clock P. Y. the City Council will hear the remonstrances of all per- sons interested to the confirmation of said resolttion ordering said im- provement. Passed and adopted this 7t11 day of u.ch A. B. , 1923. or ( Prerident City Council ATTEST: ity Clerk Approved this 7th day of March A. D. , 1923. 4t-4 , h rayo r - t() I N • o t.1) cc) cc) P4 411 CV 1.1 7-4 ai M 7=1 to o E-1 Cd . E451 Cf) F.11 ,4511 Fror rie,• a.;; taemevo'zqz1I eft -&at'ieb7o Letgabs 'pas Leaa.sq tetee-i±b bas toiltald ("J'Saii taswevaTeilliI 7.Lvid:U11-- — dome 16 eacitsonloeqa /pas ensI7 e1±1 bras essqe7q of TeeafF,aH 7t10 edt et.2!-Itte "TB 7Z15.121.017.2 ,IneTedt teoc E( Oetst!ttae as bas laemevo7q=/ caBfq1)les f-[.dt e7.;enasqxe Istaehloal cdt lo nrd 1±1 reed cv2d aesaegxe fstacal lo et2nLt2c baa tcoo lo et2m 7t±2 cdt dtlr 7eeafnaa ytIO .444 110=0.0 7t10 adt 7d beviose5I tI eE „slolemeni f,rft !o r'dt t betsouot f:3LF30 114::.1f3 .1.7e10 \r ) edt tsrit tab' - .2 .0 oa'La20 atelb7:2H ftq.E3±7'7 to 1,110 edt al ILH yt±0 4'4 4 IM.417. 10 7t10 edt al eo1110 sht ai IJ v.tiu er ot tr.pseE ±ms1k:. lo ytl0-6dt lo 72.6 tnia edt no dos6E ImstM lo -"ferr lin to ssocv7-Ttna,-.) fret 7.2ed Illw 11arron 7t10 ,foololo _ _ , rft ot LEtietal snos . taemevoTcl bctclo.E2 baf.; .Leno..eci • • _ . . . . . . . . _ • • • . . _ . . _ ••