Resolution 362 Tr- I $ pb, • tit; M 1 b 9 tr f-0 M ti ooti.cctia O, m boV + M tyJ it, • I.- 0 0 0• tT Co 4Liz Q9b' RESOJUT1ON iu. 362 c+ :4 CO nn ro m District h-32 highway lmproveent'ti-Z2 ?' m p •�Ttii AS0 , the city i;ouncil, by resolut ion, passed and` adopted • 0403 on the 7th day of March, 1923, ordered the Highway Improvement '; A H-32, District H-32, and the City Engineer, under direction of the City Council , has prepared and filed with the City Clerk plans and specifications of such improvement and an estimate of the cost thereof, including an estimate of the cost of the incidental expenses of said improvem3nt , and whereas due notice by publica- tion as required by the City Charter has been made that the City Council would on the 21st day of March, 1923, at the City Hall in said City, at 7:30 o' clock P. M. , receive and hear remonstran- ces of all interested persons to the confirmation of said reso- lution ordering said improvement , and all remonstrances received having been heard and considered by the city Council at the time and place aforesaid. THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Miami beach, .r'lorida, that the said resolution of said City Council ordering said highway Improvement h-32 , District H-32, be aad the same is hereby confirmed. PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of April , A. D. , 1923. President Laity Council ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED this 18th day of April , A. D. , 1923. AIL yor 7 rd 1 1 rDai 1 •r4m H CFi rd C‘2 o•ri o 0 t9 W 0H t �' U Qf m 0 4 -I-2 (p • 'rT1 �' f-1CHi4-, ,' o p 0 0 ri d1 O O rd L'9 is] -P 01 rd `1 0 riG\t m 0 N ani ® � n +3 f-� H �, f • gOrd ' O a rd gra+ I-4 H S O 4-i g ti O O 'l, •ri Gd C� �f-i f-1 �" t,� rd O CQ . ,s k •r1 C& "`:i •lii 1 1s1e(,8e•r i&d ,Iiorruo�! co to is -i-' 40 co v rd r0 +1 Hoi P4, „.mrf iH e t beieb o .set ,dolait,dalto lob der ed/ rro 30..1 .A.C; iioitoe•rib •rebrru ,7eeni n erfJ bus ,a8-H toi7taiQ srsaiq 17e19 + .D erfJ rfLiw befit base be7sge•rq sad ,IloauoO %-t10 edJ 1-0 eI.c.^nitae n$ bas tnemevoxcrmi do is lo ano itaoi'Loega brie Iwtiiebioii.i edt to :sop edz ±o etsciNNae aa ibuloai ,'oe'rerft Jaoa -i:^.ilUirq 14d eo.Jon sub a e erfw 6na , to :c1evo'gm1 bias to aeaixegxe ALti, Id/ tsrft •nsm need ead aelaar{O 7,t/:.) 9d/ 1Ld bel.iupe7 a$ acid' lla:i 'LtIO ed a , s�%1 rfo to -Tysch taIS erft rso blitot IionuoQ -nastanoarei Izeri brie evieoe7 , . : .�ooIo 'e O->: 7 is 0010 bias al -oae7 bias lo aoitaririiltio - eAS r.rrcamaq betaex9Jni Ile to aoo hevieoe'l aeona7teriore•r .II brie , tnemevo'gmi bias T,ni'seb o aoit.ol `3samI edt ua I o rsoC .L car %d bo 6L.iaiioo bzs bawl{ aeed Aalv',cid .biaaalo'±& aoi Iq bns erfJ to lionuoC /iD edt zed .bevloaeE t.L eft ,M C' Y =r :T Vi:; bias to no ituloaea bias ed tiAdt ,do3e . iria ilri 3o tnemevo'grnI bias ?, .r eblo IiortuoO .befit ilnoo iyde'rsd al erase edi br_r od , .0 .A , S. qA '10 Nab rf '8l eidt CI TIOQA bas (mewl ronuoC -�. tier. e f kle3 ltIl V i0 .`,SSI , .C. , dtol aid/ 3+.0 t -.'!_ Lit'..