Resolution 395 • 7 E 1 a • l-iESO-JU`i'ION NO. 795 Hl UhJAY D1 STI.0 u T ri- 12 til txt1VVAY 11.12...w VEiu luT h- 12 VHREAS, the CityJ;ngineer and street Committeeman have certi- fied to the completion of the work above designated, and fLi I.S, the said certificate has been accepted, approved, con- firmed and ordered spread upon the minutes of the city Council , and ` .! \IH„.. AS, the City Council by resolution directing the city en- gineer to prepare and file with the City Clerk of said city a prelimi- nary assessment roll in accordance with section 29 of the uity Charter of said City, and 1 • 1, ''�' 4I}Et EAS , the said City iLaigineer has filed with the said City clerk said Preliminary assessment roll_in accordance with said Section 29 of the sfid uity chaster which said preliminary assessment roll has been / ordered spread upon the minutes of the City council. 4 r I4W, 'nJtt u_ ±:, BE i �t ; OLV.SJ by thy; City counci;l� of the City of lti',i i reach, Florida, tha�.t the City Clerk be , and same is hereby di- c edto give notice by Posting that a meeting ,of the city Council ; wi bt held on the 20th day of June , D. , 1923, at 9:00 A.L.et th& city council Chmbers in said. iiity of Miami Beach for the purpose of ireceiving written objections from any and all persons whose property is described in saidpreliminary assessment roll. _, That said notice shall be posted by the said uity clerk at the door of the City ball in the city of iviiami ,sea"h, :Florida, and at least two other public places i-1 ._;wi ' CitS, for at least two weeks prior to said meeting. PASSED 1 ADOPTED this 6th day of June, A. D. 1923. ak- 1 President aro-tem city Counc 1 ATTEST: __ // (.2 CityClerk A2PRC TED This 6th day of June, A. D. , 1923. . , Al /g..i �c .• �'" Y.ayo . # . 4 • I -th5U tivd LizmeettimioU taell6 ba3 aeeniz3nviU edt ,EAEKEHW bat.;. , betn.Piaeb evods Illow edt lo aoltelqmoo rt ot bEl -loo ,btwo .-1.-qq2 ,1etaeoo2 ..:,.. .- ...d 6J.soititleo b.L3a eilt ,L.: ,_4,.. : - .1 ' MaTiOU ad/ lo aeltunlm edt aoqr hseIqa bf.vreb.lo bn : , -ao 4.31.0 edt naltoolib noltrIc,aea vi. loaroL: -;;J.ft 5At ,t.' LL.1 "1 , \ N - Vilo bi2a "to 7.:Ielu 101u cçfJ• dtIw ell'. 'rffsi elaraelg 0 edt ±o QS noltoeL Jtiw eorfsbco:-,,k El II:WI taemeae, -74- \ l'af2 t.lä, ,11 ,4 brin u,..-. .lee,.117dic : i ., b.i. ..,a 8 ,sir eoz.3.5.-.coou al .lIca triomaaeaa:,-A v-1.-321.1mil :.ed aad llo'. ,,"af3mae,-,ai, ,i';aw,imi.le'la ;;L.; ci..; lo ilonrou -,.,J, „ r{ ,x,u LciAiLL;JL 1. T.I. Ed ,aLLVtLLLsi'.. 0/ -lb ';,L;deled al eil2r.li fliu.: -, 5d ll'Ielti Vlo eAt tont ,sbi'folt. JThroU \,JIU edt to "ildij-55M tsAt nnItaoq xd eolton evin ot )* t.,, l 't 4 30:e t2 ,ESQ1 .(L — , - tr.... lo IL.eb dtos edt no bled r edt lo't. Aosea ImAlL ao 7,-Ts.) ifIla ffi eledm—lo floffnou ';:ti',, xtIocoTol esorfw .44orxxq 113 bit; ViE! moat anoltoeLdc nettlzw Balvlief. . floa tnemaaesas NLIsalmllelq blsa ni becillo'ao4 ,4 t /--. 1510 , I.A.04)12a edt d betaoq ed 11.Ada eolton bliss tIAT 11\ 4.41101,- ow ,.abioi . 0.-i- : ,G imIlLa 13 1L eAt al 11.2d V10 edt lo Ibb .1:,.fq .32.105W OW/ 1,12.e1 tE), ..rol 7,t1'.': " 1fl ! .11 atolq ,oildmvasAto owt tasel ..aalteen blsa ol . . : .., 5.A.,10 L° t \• - '2 J0 tet-o-f`:. 'eclablae'l'i. t.... ,.,\ \ '-- N>,_. r '-"--'L'*'--s--'" :-f---Tb-r-%-- ' .-- -' -)s a , ,,) , .Cr. . • , L,II,SJ t, : 0 ',1-3:/ -''-• 7:. id'._ CILV i ;':a.: ‘;'. --- - (\ era) \ N • •,, ...,elt --Itl.!*1-7**3- -•‘ - V'44-14''\' r' , ‘ • Ailliii.m