Resolution 427 RESOLUTION NO. 427 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MMIAIiL BEACH, FLORIDA, MAKING A TAX LEVY FOR THE TAX YEAR 1923, AND FIX- ING THE MILLAGE ON RFAT, AND PLHSONAL PROP- ERTY IN SAID CITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Flor- ida:' ' • + a • . 4 Section 1: That there be, and the same is hereby levied, a tax for tha tax year, A. D. , 1923, on ail 'real and personal prop- erty located within the corporate limits of the City of Miami Beach, # Florida, on the dollar of the taxable cash value of all of said prop- . erty in said city the sum of thirty-two ( 32) mills for the purposes and amounts as hereinafter fixed, namely: (a) For the purpose of carrying on the Government of said City: that is, for General Fund, Eleven ( ii) Mills. I (b) For the purpose of paying interest on the outstanding bonds and notes of said City, and providing the Sinking Fund for the redemption of said bonds and notes: that is, for the interest and Sinking Fund, Seven (7) Mills. ( c) For the maintena ce of Water Works: that is, for the Water Fund, One (1) Mill. (d) For the purpose of repairs and internal improvements: that is, for the Repair and Internal Improvement Fund, Twelve (12) Mills. ( e) For the purpose of publicity; that is for t':.e Publicity Fund, One (i) Mill. Section 2: That a certified copy of this resolution be de- livered to each of the following officers and agents of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, namely: The City Tax Assessor, the City Clerk, the City Auditor and the City Depositories, and that their receipts respectively be taken therefor. Passed and adopted this 20th day of July, A. D. , 1923. //7/ 4. `r Trc__;- )? en ity Council y ATTEST: y (?Gc�- _ , .0--ut_t_.c.` E_.. in City C1rk ( Seal) Approved this 20th day of July, A. D, , 1923. Z. 0-1-,-41—Y1:444/,,,,, yo r Y r • VS4 .ob HOITuiou; ZHT ao SIor Uoo YTIO LET o ; oITuSo a A A MI . M ,AQI1iO0I i HOA .g ImAim 'E O YTIC -XIS! (i7i1A t eSk.)1 HAZY XAT ?o'a- YV S $,AT '.108.' ;c az" ila r I+io LOASS.I uI SIT vI2I YTIO SIAL EI YTfi J; 1 C xi a C .i.i. Essot ;t .0 e dt ;c Ce.. +u4Tr'r• `• bi va e•sed al er.ipa srdt has ,ed exerit tacfT :1 .aoi toeu . r3nosxoq bns 1sd'e Its no ,ES(1l , .= ' . a�rse��; x.o{ ad: �ro1 xai ♦ , w + +; ;.LM to i ±O ed: to etimil etszo;iioc eiit niri i :r x�otaool i xe k Zo 1143 10 eLlsv riaao sldsxet erit to xsllob ett rEo *abixola w Tot all Lm (SE ) oz -xtxirft -o u:rr, erft xtio bias algt/e o :xlemart ,bexi1 xet' araie'eri az eta:Jams bas F-10"c" ,-r ' o tneiiici vo0 erdt no orx1Yxxso to eaogxsrq erit 10� (a) rn (1) .811.1M (11) rtevelE ,b i.sx: rrs= xo1 .a,i t.ardt r010 ca '-r ci o fatal= edt -fo taexetrii t\aq to seoclxr;q erit •io' (d) 1-4 tto T anl ie, orft 3nibivoxq brie ,y,ti Liss lo Beton .bns abnod 2 4rit Tot ,a1 tsrft :seton bas abnod bias to noitzebex eft cd .e11.t:4-3 gj (V) neve ,banrii bras o` `sri3 :axxo xetaw} to eo anetixiarr_ erdt xo'I (o ) .111 (1) en0 ,bnmT xetsv':' - - 1+$ 'Y4`:i€ii ban to e Drib, etft To! b.) - (w C _�.._ r r tasmevo 7qmI lanae trI bas xkagei edt xot tai twit .811111 tio.tldn41 o t "sot al tarft *itioi%uuq to eaocdxuq edt moT. (e ) .111M (I) 9`10 ,braul -eb ed no.iyiioaex asrit to ;cloo bol1it'xoo a tern? :S noitoe8 Vt10 erit to acnes bus axeoi1t10 3n1wollo1 erdt to rfoas of beiev l x410 exit , To aeaaA xaT i .L? eAT :i.en rt tabiroI1 ,rfoaeE i17is12 to xierdt tacit has ,aeixotiaoneu 7t13 orf has xotL irA xtiv exit •lte1O .xo1exerit neLat eo xlev.ttoegael atr;;isosl .aSe1 t .O .A ,S1rrL 10 \;3b rte, aiiit betgobs has beaas'I 1.i ora y 1 4rseb ezcr :ea TA xisto (1ae3 ) .ESL'1 , . .« ty,10i to iabsfOS aLit .bevox; qA Y076