Resolution 430 RESOLUTION NO. 430 District SK-9 Sidewalk Improvement SK-9 Whereas, the City Council, by resolution, passed and accopted the 20th day of June, 1923, ordered the Sidewalk Improvement SK-9, District SK-9 , and the City Engineer, under direction of the City Council , has prepared and filed with the City Clerk, plans andspecifications of such improvement and an estimate of the cost thereof, including en estimate of the cost of the incidental expenses of said improvement and whereas due notice by publication as reouired by the City Charter has been made that the City Council would on the 18th day of July, 1923, at the City Hall at 9:00 o' clock A. M. , re- ceive and hear the remonstrance: of all interested aersons to the confirmation of said resolution ordering said improvement , and all re- monstrances received having been heard and co , sid.ered by the City Council Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida: That the said. Resolution of the City Council ordering said aide- walk Imorovement , , 8Z-9, District SK-9, be and the same is hereby confirmed. Be It Further Resolved, That the City Clerk cause to be published at least once in the Miami Yews Metropolis, a newspaper of general cir- culation throughout the State If Florida, a notice calling for sealed bias to be received by the City Council on the 19th day of September, 1923, at 9 :00 o' clock . M. , for the construction of said work. Said notice shall state the improvement is to be constructed and paid for in cash, under Section 29 of the City Charter. Any bid covering work to be one under more than one resolution shall be in such form as to permit a separation to be m :d.e of the cost under each resolution. Each proposal must be eccomoanied ba a certified check upon a bank or trust company of Florida in the amount of 2i ;:ger cent . of the amount of the bid, payable to the City of Miami Beach, to insure the execution of a contract to carry out the work in accordance with the plans and speci- fications. All bids will be opened and award of contract made or all bids rejected. After an award has been made the cheeks of all bidders, other than the one to whom the contract has been awarded, shall be re- turned. In default of the entering into such contract , t he certified check required to accompany such bid shall be forfeited to the City of Miami Be-ch, Florida, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for the delay or additional cost which may be incurred by the City by reason of such defeult . No. bia will be permitted to be- withdrawn for any reason whatever after having been filed with the Clerk. Passed and adopted this 5th day of September, A. D. , 1923. President ity ouncil Pror tem) ATTEST: CitgLI o Clerk �+ co f . Approved. this 5th day of September, A. D. , 1923. .Ppoo A co 1 tR CD �•-'- Iayor tID Al k c c+ D$ o M O M V CD h• C7 pia t F h• 4 js N ai F,• to O pi CO F� H O ► -e(14 f-1.00 • C, F, �•f�'1'1• 1F'ppt• M }0 o CD eotD o b' 1 is tr t4 iXi 4 CD 0 cV O 1 _ 07 % toemevolcirra IlsWebia ..b0k beaasq ,ncitmloae-1 -t;d , i1oomo0 -zt10 edt InomevolqmI Ilswebta edt b57b.lo ,;52er' ,e - lc edi to naltoelib lebon ,leenl—AnE 7010 odt loos aoalq ,k1910 i010 edt dtlw belil bon beTagelc sad taco it lo etataltae LIB boa anemevelopf doVa to aooltaoilloeqa ban asanscpte Istnebioni edt ±o Seco edt ao etsmItse na isIcci ,1oelerft bellrp9I as aoitsolldmq emb ese-sedw boz tnemevo'lqmf bias lo erit no blvow Ifonno0 1010 edt tads 9.5m clesj 1Bri 1:etn7J,0 VID edtcf -8T , .M .A .7;acloso 00:Q tsSII74t10 edt ta d:81- ot anon-137 betseletol lin 7c 7.- sonat.,-4anamel edt Tsed boa evlso IL oollvIcee-s bine Ito noltaArritnoo eASicf b o1jfoa Fyiaed oeed 73:„) Ivf!d bevleoea aeonwItanom sdoneE famia Ito 1loono0 7,t.r erf d bevIcNeY. tI eff ,elole"fedT -ebIL Iloomo'L i;t10. edt Io n()1Imloaea bias efft tadT al emaa edt boa ed ,e—xe tolItex • law ebearrianco bedallded ot eavao )i.):910 7,f10 er fT ,bevloe9E TedtInT tI eE -Ifo Is/eoen to 19q2qaweo z ,alloqw.fteM eweT1 faisiM edt of 9opo teael ts F)elsea lot wIfIlso eoltofi ,43. 1.1.0,V Id etetE edt t000'rdt noltalmo • , -fedmelqs8 to ,Lsb diel edS no Ilonmo0 vtLO edit 'cd bevleoes—ed of abld 1s8 bias Ito aoltomn: erft .tf leole ' e 00: e In , sel 701 5.tri 5nr,!• betomataaoo ed 0t 1 oomevolql ortLata Ilads eolton r3(11.1-evoo Sid 10A .let-rad0 ' ti C 9dt lc ec3 ooltoeL Tebnm ,r{atho of ot en moa demo 11 ed flada ooltmlosel- eno nadt elom -febom eno . ed ot dosa .noltmloae-1 done lebon leo° edt to 9.b2m ed ot aoltslausa atfm792 Sault lo land a oogn Aped° beilltleo a ,Lor befasm000a ed taifin Isaoncaq edt to tanoma edt to staeo 'seq. IS Ito toucan edt al abf-xoIT to vaqmoo a lo ouituoexe eda SIS1831 ot ,dosea knaLti Ito V10 edt of eldsaci ,bid -losqa boa aoalq edt dtlw eoaabl000a of ,l'iow -cdt tmo V17,80 at tosatoco IIs lo 0.6.31;1 toaltno Ito .friswa bus beaeqo ed 111w.abld IIA .aooftsoll obid £I Ito edt ebaw need and baswe aell .ftetoe .97 eld -51 ed 'lade theb...ralva need end tos7tice edt f:Iodw et ono eft aerfto beilitlot) erit , towIt000 dome otai edt . lo Ilvaleb CI .benist lo y,t10 er{ otLetielol ed Ilads bid done fusw000e of beilmc.cy.1 :foedo lot aewtab betstImr11 as 'Thud ,71.11-Ine a as ton ,ablIcIT , de eT iniM JOE13.9"1 7.rd ,t10 edt cf LevIlmool ed T1,sm doilw taoo lancltfbhs Io fcLelt -77,:).2 -101 ow :514.t±- d of bettlivvy Pd iIw jd .t1r-le5 dove lc ec{tf .Lz 9111 need .onlvp-d lets levetadw , .G .1 ,I.edmetge 10 -; 25 ft a sfdt betgobs bna Lesasa L'. L10IJ0 7;t1-,0 toeblselq f.Y7J7P. 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