Resolution 561 RESOLUTION NO. 561 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, TO AMEND THE TITLE AND TEXT OF RESOLUTION NO. 556, PASSED FEBRUARY 20, 1924, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN BONDS. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 556, passed February 20, 1924, authorizing certain bonds of the City of Miami Beach, contains certain errors which should be corrected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE uITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Title of said resolution No. 556 be changed by substituting 440,000 for 920,000 as the amount of street paving -ponds, so that said title, as amended, shall read as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY cOUNC IL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZIdG TTITT, ISSUANCE OF 4100,000. WATER BONDS, $14,000. BRIDGE BONDS, 950,000. SANITARY SEWER BONDS, 420,000. STORM SEWER BONDS, 440,000. FIRE STIITION riO :dDS, 425,000. PARK BONDS, 418, 000. WATER WAY IMPROVE- MENT BONDS AND 040,000. STREET PAVING BONDS. Section 2. That Section 2 of said resolution No. 556 be and the same is hereby amended by inserting the words "and in- stallation of a fire alarm system" in the clause of said section which describes the fifth improvetent for which bonds are to be issued to that said clause, as so amen,ed, shall read as follows: For th.c erection of a fire station, equipping and furnishing the same with a fire engine and other fire fighting apparatus, and acquiring a site therefore , and installation of a fire alarm system, A 040,000 maturing 91,000 annually 1925 to 1930, inclusive; 02000 annually 1931 to 1935, inclusive , and 44,000 annually 1936 to 1941, inclusive. section 3. That said resolution iso. 556 be and the same is hereby amended ay striking from Section 4 thereof the words "the nine 'ponds maturing in 1925 to bear the numbers 1 to 9 inclusive, and that nine bonds maturing in 1926 to bear the next successive numbers, 10 to 18 inclusive, and so on" and by inserting in lieu thereof the words "the eight bonds maturing in 1925 to bear the numbers 1 to 8 inclusive, and the eight bonds maturing in 1926 to bear the next successive numbers , 9 to 16 inclusive, and so on". Section 4. That this Icesolution shall be in force and effect at and after its passage. ole PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of :rch,/. . 11. , 192' . /► 4 -1-----G'f President U ty council ATTEST: ,...------------- /„ -- wiIwr r+ t City Ulerk • 0 0) H N • g o •rl rd • 0 Q.) t.0 oLCZ H u tf3 H E-i ch • H a O O i x 0 •r o J2 -p v H O O •r1 U +3 m Y I