Resolution 705 , WW gems ti RESOLUTION BO. 705 A RESOLUTION Oi TRH; CITY COUNCIL OF Tom; CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGI1EER TO PROCEED WITH TP CONSTRUCTION OF Thi PRESENT DOCK AT TIP. FOOT OF BISCAYNE AVENUE AND THE CONCRETING OF A SECTION AT THE FOOT OF BISCAYN. AVENUE. vvI REAS, plans and specifications having been pre- pared and presented to the City Council fat an extension of the present garbage dock across the foot of .biscayne Avenue for a distance of twenty-five 125 ) feet and for the concret- ing of a strip fifteen ( 15 ) feet wide of the niscayne . ay end of rsiscayne Avenue for its full width, and WHEREAS, the said City Engineer has secured estimates as to the cost of said proposed work. i'OW, THE EFOi , BE IT HESOLVED BY TTE CITY COUNCIL OF TT; CITY 0.? MIAMI BEACH, ELORIDA, that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with said work in accordance with the plans and specifications above mentioned, the total cost of said work not to exceed 01,000.00. rASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of uecember, A. D. , 1924. President of City Council ATTEST: City 'lerk 'L 9 • C f'' ct CD ct O ci- • cF CD F-6 O O C!] 0 K O •" O i- N i H ICS O O N• t-3 0 Gig OH CD ct CD V+ ct p. ct Oti 0'9 p• 0 . c+ C. • cis 0 W ct to Ui N• CD CD tx CD PJ 0arta { 0 0 1-6 N• Pi