Ordinance 87-2559 ORDINANCE NO. 87-2559 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING SECTION 39 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CHARTER ENTITLED, "QUALIFIED CITY ELECTORS; ABSENTEE BALLOTS AND VOTING" , SAID SECTION HAVING BEEN SUPERSEDED BY STATE LAW; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Section 39 of the Miami Beach City Charter , which reads as follows: See.- 39 Qsa}}€}ed a}ty a}eeters; absentee ballets and vet}ng- Any persen whe shall pessess the qua}}€}eat}ens requ:ts}te to an a}eeter at genera} state a}eet}ens and shall have res}ded }n the a}ty s}m menths nemt preeed}ng the e}ty e}eet}en; at wh}eh he etfers to vete and shall have been reg}stered 4n the a}ty reg}strat}en beers that shall be preser}bed by erd}ranee; shall be a qua}}€}ed eleeter e€ the e#ty; and all a}ty a}eet}ens he'd }n the E}ty e€ M}axe} Beaeh shall be eendueted and he}d }n aeeerdanee w}th the prey}s}ens e€ the eleet}en law ef the State ef F}er}da; emeept where 4n een€}}et w}th the prey}s}ens ef th}s Aet; but the e}ty eemm}ss}en shall be subst}tuted ter the eeunty eemm}ss}eners- Any qua}}€}ed a}eeter ef the E}ty e€ M}am} Beaeh; Bade Eeunty; F}er}da; whe empeets to be absent from Bade Seunty en the day ef any mon}e}pa} e}eet}en hereafter held }n the E}ty of M4am} Beaeh; may apply 4n persen to the e}ty elerk ef M}am} Beaeh ter an ett4e}a} ballet to be used at h}s vet}ng pree}net at sueh a}eet}en; and the a}ty eek shall €urn}sh one sueh et€}e}a} ballet to eaeh e}eeter se appy}ng therefor at any tome eemmene4ng we days atter the a}es}ng date ter €}}}ng of eand}dates and up to the day of the e}eet}en; open sat}s€aetery pree€ to the e}ty e}erk that the app}}eant therefor }s qua}}€}ed to vete at sueh eleet}en; and open sueh e}eeter tak}ng and subser}bing to the €e}}ew}ng each er a€€}dav}t wh}eh }s to be pr}nted upon the trent of large enve}apes to be €urn}shed the a}ty a}erk tee that purpese; to w4t-: LSTAPE OF FLOR}BA S-S-y EeuNTY OF BABE }; the unders}fined; de hereby se}exon}y swear that } have res}ded }n the State ef F}er}da ter ene f}} year; and }n the E}ty of M}axe} Beaeh for s}m -(6* menths; that } am a duly qua}}€}ed veter }n Pree}net Me-.-:e€ said -1- mttn}elpallty; that I am a e€tlmen of the United States and a gttall€€eel eleeter tinder the laws of the State of Plerlda; that empeet and .intend to be absent €rem Bade eettnty dttr4ng the entire per€eel the palls are open far vet}ng en the day of the eleetlen to be held In Mlaml Beaeh; Plerlda; an the day of A-B-; 1997777and eannet; wlthettt man+€est lneenven}epee; vete thereat In person; and will net attempt to ole se- eleeter Swern to and sttbser€heel be€ere me en th4s day of A-B-; 1997777 E.ity elerk" Stteh Bath er a€€ldavlt shall be taken and signed before the elty elerk and the elty elerk is hereby antherlmed to admin€sten sueh eaths- Sa4e1 eleeter shall .then and there and at the time ef reeely}ng stteh ballet; mark the same as reqtt}reel by law In sueh eases; and after €eld+ng the same; shall seettrely seal sueh ballet In a pia€n envelope; to be €ttrnlshed him by the elty elerk; whleh said ballet se sealed €n a pia}n envelepe shall then and there In the presenee of the elty elerk be sealed }n the envelepe In whleh €s eentalned the oath er a€€ldavlt se taken and sttbser€bed by him as herein prevlded; and open the baek and aeress the flap e€ whleh shall be written er printed the €ellewing- "The ballet an absent veter of Pree€net Ne of Mlaml Beaeh= Plerlda--' with the blanks properly fie In and s}gned aeress the flap by beth sueh eleeter and the elty elerk In the presenee e€ eaeh ether: Said ballot se marked and sealed shall thereafter be depes€ted w€th and reeelved by the elty elerk who shall a€€le€ally keep and preserve the same In his pessess}en until seep time as the a€€le€a} ballet box €er the veting pree€net of sueh eleeter €s prepared; when the same shall be depos€ted In sueh ballet box for the voting pree€net; tegether with the ether eentents theree€ as reqtt€red by law.- Upon epeeing the ballet box preparatory to opening the palls at sueh eleetlen; the ±nspeeters and elerks €er sueh eleetlen Ear the several pree€nets shall take from the several ballet bexes all sueh ballets se voted by absent voters and l€; and enly when; It is €ettnd open an examinatlen of the reglstratln beaks and pell lists €ttrn€shed sueh €nspeeters et ether stn€€lelent evldenee that sueh eleeter is quail€led to vete at sueh eleetlen; then the said €nspeeters shall; after the said ballet bex has been elesed and leeked far the purpose of vet}ng; thereupon break the seal of the eater envelope eentalning said vete and depeslt said ballet In the said ballet box; but leaving sueh ballet sealed 4n the blank envelepe to be epened and eeunted by sueh -2- lnspeeters In eanvassing and eeunting all e€ the votes east at sueh eleet}en- The outer envelope eentalning the a€€ldavlt or oath herein prevlded for shall be eaee€ally preserved by sueh lnspeetees and dellvefed by them to the elty eemmisslen aetlmg as the eanvassing beard for said eleetlen along with the returns thereof:- In ease It be found by the lnspeeters that sueh eleetee; se attemptlag to vote; is net quad€}ed or ent}tied to vete at sueh eleetlen then; and 4n sueh event; the said ballet shall net be deposited m said ballet box; but shall be left 4n the outer envelope and by them delivered to the eamvassing beard; along with the returns e€ the eleetlem and also w4th the netatlen en said envelope of the reasons for net depeslting said ballet 4n the ballet box; prealded; that no eleetof shall be allowed to vete under the prat-is-ions hereof later than three days lmmedlately peeeeding the day en wh4eh the eleet}en is held; and pout}ded further; that all ballets se voted shall be seeeet- Any qual}€led eleetee of the Slty of Mlaml Beaeh; Bade Seunty; Fleelda; who is serving In the armed €ecees a€ :the Halted States and who w}ll be absent from Bade eeumty; Floelda en the day of any mun}elpal eleetlen hereafter held 4n the elty of M4am4 Beaeh may make applleatlen elthee In person ec by ma}l to the elty eleek per an applleatlen form to be famished by the elty clerk fee the a€€le}al ballot to be voted at sueh eleetlen- The applleatlen form shall be dellveeed lmmedlately In person et by ma}l to the absent eleetee- The applleatlen form shall be substantially as follows and shall be s}geed and aeknewledged by the applleant as heeeln regu}redr RAPPBIeATION FAR ABSENT BBBesP®RiS BALLOT BY MEMBER OF ARMEE, FORSES I, duly quad€}ed and eeglsteeed as an eleetee of the peeelnet of the e}ty of M}aml Beaeh; Bade eet:nty; Flee}da; de hereby request an absentee ballet to vete In the eleet}on to be held In the elty of Mlam} Beaeh; Florida; en the day of A-B- 19 For 7777 years peeeeding the above eleetlon my home {not mllltaey* eesldenee has been {sheet and number* Mlaml Beaeh; Flee}da: I am serving In the armed feeees of the limited States and will be absent from Bade eounty; Floe}da during the entre peeled the polls are open for Meting en the day of eleetlen and will be unable to vete in peesen- I hereby make applleat}en foe an e€€lelal ballet to be voted by me at the eleetlen to be held In Mlaml Beaeh; Foca en the day of 19 Mall Absent Eleeteels Ballet ,te me at -3- In W}tress Whereo€; have hereunte set my hand th}s the .-- day of }9 *{B}eeter} S}gred In Fresenee a€- fS}gnature of W}tress} Address 4S4gnature ef W}tress} Address Swern to and subser}bed be€ere me en the day of }9 4Eemm4ss4erred et Warrant 8€€4eer; noneemm}ss}erred eff4eer net be}ew the rank = ef Sergeant er Petty 9€€4eer er ether persen duly auther}$ed to adm}n}ster and attest th}s Bath; wr}tes h}s name; rank and title here* Hpen the reee}pt ef sueh eempleted app}}eat}en; the a}ty elerk shall €}}e the same In h}s e€€lee and enter the name and address ef the app}leant to wh}eh the ballet is to be sent; open a list to be kept by the e}tp elerk for that purpese and €er the purpose ef reeord}ng the date of reee}v}ng the app}leaf}on; the date ef mal}ing er del}ver}ng the ballet to the elector and the date of reee4v4ng the ballet €rem the eleeter- Upon reee}pt of sueh eempleted app}}eat}en; open satls€aetery pree€ to the a}ty elerk that the app}4eant is gua}}€led to vete at sueh eleetlen; the a}ty elerk shall de}}ver to eaeh eleeter se applying 4n person er by registered mall the €e}}ew}ng- 41* 8ne a€€4e4a} ba}}et; 42* An eleeterls eert}€}eate }n substantially the €e}lew}ng form- REBBETARAS GERP1F1EAPE 1, de solemnly swear; er a€€}rm; that 1 have res}ded }n the State of Fler}da fat one -f}} year; and }r the E}ty of M}am} Beaeh fat s}x f6* months; that 1 am a duly gua}l€}ed veter }n Freelnet No ef sa}d mon}e}pa}lty, that 1 am a e}t}men of the Hn}ted States and a qua}}€led eleeter under the laws of the State of F}orlda; that 1 am a member ef the armed €erees ef the Bn}ted States; that 1 empeet and }ntend; by reasen of my serelee }n the armed €erees; to be absent €rem Bade Eounty dor}ng the entire per}od the palls are open far vet}ng en the day ef the a}eet}on to be held 4n M}am} Beaeh; F}erlda en the day of A-B: 19 and eannet vete thereat }n perser; and w}ll net attempt to de 50T -4- {BIeete- S€gned €n Presenee a€- iS€gnatttre of W4tness* Address {S€gnature of W4tness} Address Swern to and subser€bed be€efe me en the day of 19 4eemm€ss4ened et Warrant 8€€teer; neneemm4ss€ened e€€€eer net be]ew the rank of Sergeant er Petty A€€}eer er ether : persen duly aether€ted to adm4n€ster and attest th4s Bath; wr€tes h4s name; rank and t€tle here}" 43} A pla4n wh4te enselepe €nte wh€eh stteh absent eleeter shall eneIose and sea' h€s marked ballet: 44} A seeend envelope bear+ng the address of the e4ty e3erk and a eensp4ettettsly printed des4gnat€en as €e3lews- "Absentee Ballet of M414tary er Naval Personnel"; and apen the baek and aeress the flap of wh€eh shall be pr€nted the €ollew€ng- "The Ballet of an absent eIeeter of Pree4net Ne of M4am4 Beaeh; P}er}da; sere€ng 4n the armed €efees of the Bn4ted States- {Srgnature of B}eeter* iS4gnature of eff4eer tak4ng aeknewIedgement of eIeeter to B]eeterls eert4E4eate}" The blanks shall be properly €€Iled €n by sueh eIeeter and stteh a€€€eer- -f9} Separate pr€nted ±nstrdet€ens; eenta€n4ng substant€ally the €eIlow4ng language- 'INSTRHepleNS TA ABSENT EBEePARS Upen reee€pt of the enelesed ballet you w. }} mark the same aeeerd€ng to the 4nstraet€ens thereen- Plaee the marked ballet enly 4n the ene3esed p1a4n white envelope and seeetfe3y sea} the same.- PIaee the sealed pla€n white envelope in the seeend envelope addressed to the e4ty elefk ef Miami Beaeh; Pier€da- P€11 e&e the 1BIeeterls Bert€€±eater enelesed herewith; sign the same and have yeuf -5- signature witnessed by twe attesting witnesses and aeknewledge year signature be€ere any e€ the autherlsed a€€leees designated en said 1Eleeter<rs eettl€leatel and plaee the signed and aeknewledged 1Eleeteels eeetl€leatel In the same envelepe In whleh yeu have plaeed the plain white envelepe eentalning year ballet.- Seal the seeend envelepe and fill In the blanks en the reverse side e€ the seeend envelepe be€ere the of€leer whe teak year aeknewledgement en the 1Eleeteels eeetl€€eater; whe will then also sign en the p}aee designated far his signature- Mail the envelepe to the Elty elerk e€ Miami Beaeh; Elerlda; se that year ballet will r<eaeh him net later than five ereleek In the a€terneen e€ the day preeeding the eleetlen- ei y elerk-' Upon eeeelpt e€ said envelope; the elty elerk shall e€€lelally keep and preserve the same In his pessess}en until sueh time as th a€€lelal ballet hex for the voting peee€net of stteh eleetee is pr=epared; when the same shall be deposited by the elty elerk In sueh ballet box fee the voting peeelnet; tegethee with the ether eentents theeee€ as required by law.- Upen opening the ballet hex peepaeateey to epeeing the polls at sueh eleet€en; the lnspeetees and eleeks fee sueh eleetlen fee the several peee}nets shall take €rem the several ballet boxes all stteh ballets se veted by sueh absent vetees and if, and only when; It }s found open an examinatlen of the eeglstratlen beaks and poll lists furnished stteh lnspeetoes et ether su€€relent evldenee; that sueh eleetee is qualified to vete at sueh eleetlon; then the said lnspeetees shall; after the said ballet box has been elesed and reeked fee the puepese ef veting; theeeupen br=eak the seal of the outer envelope beating the signature of sueh absent vetee and ef the o€€leer taking the aeknewledgement ef said signature as herein peevlded fee and depeslt said ballet In the said ballet box; but leaving sueh ballet sealed In the blank envelope to be epened and eeunted by sueh lnspeetees In eanvassing and eeunting all of the vetes east at sueh eleetlen- The eater envelope beating the signature ef sueh absent vetee and ef the e€€leer taking the aeknewledgement e€ said signature as herein peevlded for shall be eaee€ally preserved by sueh lnspeetees and delivered by them to the e}ty eemmisslen aeting as the eanvassing beard fee said eleetlen aleng with the returns theeee€- In ease it be €eund by the lnspeetees that sueh eleetee; se attempting to vete; is net qualified er entitled to vete at sueh eleet}en then; and in sueh event; the said ballet shall net be deposited In said ballet box; but shall be left In the eater envelope and by them deliver=ed to the eanvassing beard along with thele returns of the eleetlen; and also with the netatlen en said envelope of thele eeasens fee net depeslt}ng said ballet In the ballet box; provided; hewevee; that all absent eleeteeis ballets of military peesennel mast be eeeelved -6- by the elty elerk by €lye eleleek In the a€terneen e€ the day preeeding the eleetlen; and all sueh ballets reeelved thereafter shall be marked with the the and date et reee}pt; and €l}ed }n the et€lee ef the elty elerk- Any a€€}da'lt made by an absent eleeter whe is 411 the armed farces e€ the Hn}ted States may be executed be€ere a eemMlss4ened effleer; warrant effleer; er neneemm}sslened e€€leer net be}ew the rank e€ sergeant er petty offleer; er ether persen etherwlse duly autherined to adxtln}sten and attest oaths:- Ne aths-Ne app}leaf}en far an absent e}eeter--s ba}let shall be aeeepted and ne sueh ballet shall be de}lvered exeept as prevlded In th}s seetlen- is hereby repealed in its entirety having been superseded by State law. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption, On April 25 _ , 1987 . PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of April , 1987 . AOO1 .'YOR Attest: (Z4.,/ CITY CLERK 1st Reading - April 1, 1987 2nd Reading - April 15, 1987 JKO/rg FORM APPROVED GAL DEPT. By L'L -7- xt • \ 1 •H • t 'H o -P o e \ \ > \ / ® / / ) Cs) 0 •w < Q § \ / H . 0 11-1 :\ § \ $ w \ O Z0 •HID 4 •H • » w w \ 0 \ 0 Cr) ) \ \ d CO \ Cd w 2 w o w < u 0 m \ a \ % / i \ \ \ / u m = _