Performance Bond ...'" '''':RFOAMANCE BOND (This bond mc:c:u and otcwk the ~nmems of Florida Sl~CS $.:..'tion 255.05) 5TATEOf'FLOAJDA) M COUNTY Of ) Dade KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE rRESF..N1S IJut we, The Painter, Inc. :IS Princip.1I. b&:m1L1ner coiled Conlr.lClcr, JlIl1 xt. ~ppci al tv Ins. Co. lIS Surety, are fmnly l~ID\C! \InlnlhlCity of Mi.1Jni Bcxh, FIorid.,. as ObIitoe. bcI1:irW\a:s' Clllcd the C"ny, in till: Pen;ll S1.IIII of 1.4 7 , 450 . Dllllars (S 4"7, 4 <; () ). rorlhe payment of which sum well and rruly It> be: =d:, 1M: biOO oonelvcs, Ollt bci~, c"CClllO~. 3drnini!ltr:llOrS. successors and assigns, joinlly and sc-=illy, Iinnly by thcs>.: pn:sulls. WHJo:REAS, COO!r.lClor. 0Il1hc _ day of , 20_. enLCrcd inIo, M13in conlr.1t:r wilh lIle City, hell:lD atrxhod, for BID NO. 40-60/01. t:ntilled, .. PR~:SSURE CLEJ\N, n^S'rnRINC. MI\JOR STUCCO IU:PAJR AND PAINTING OF FLEET MANi\GEMENT DUlI.DINGS J" 2" which Contract is m:Mle a part hereofby reference thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, TJfE CONDITION OF nns OBUGATION 1S SUCH, tll.'lI, iflb.: ConrrJClOr ~IJ well ard truly perrcm1 :md fiillil1 all d).: U11do:rl1l\;-inss. C:OV,:1U1l1S, \elmS, CXlndilions alxf ~l;!eCtllcnU of sailI COOIr".x:t, and 311 duly authorized modilicotie>ns of said COIllr.ld \haI may hcn::Ifter be m:ld.:. nolier: of which modilication., 10 the Surety being hereby w:uved. lhL11lhis obli~lion.lull be void; olh.:twi~ 10 n:mIin ill full (~ II1LI dJi:ct WHE.~ EVER Ihc: \'rincipal shaD ~ ~nd is declared by If).: City 10 be ill default under rho: c...1Ir.lcI, or whtll1.'VCf tho: CClnIl:la ha,. been terminaccd by &:lault oft/x: Conlr.lClar,lhe Ciry h.'~lal~ T'l:rimned rile Cjty'~ ooliSOlliOOl> thcreurda. .he: Surety shall: 1 CompJcIc the COl\IDCl in 3Crord.u1Cc: willi its terms :wi condition~. or ~1111l.: City's sol,: option. 2. Obcain a lJid or tliu.. f<'C' submission In the City for CUnpl'::ling I!-.; Conlr:lCl in :ICC01tw,ee WlI.1 its Io:n~ ~nd c:onditioru, 3Ill1 upoo deL:tUli,~,lion by Ih.: Cily anoJ dlC Surel)' of the !oWCSl ~bl': Bidda, =gc for a COIlUXI tlClwcen such BW&:r 3llll the City, and uw 3VoIilabl.: 11.1 Wode progrcssc$ (even rhough [here should be a MaIh or ;I S1ICCeISion of dd'iIIIIts lDlder the Conuxt or ConlraL1S or C(lmpldion m;lnGLod untJcr this 11Il:ll,'f~ph) ~rJfQ,c finh 10 pay !he al>t (If COtnp/clj"o k,-..s dlC b3bzxe oflhc Coroxt ptic:e: butllOl CXI.'CCdinI!. includinS od-a COSl$ and Wmao:s for whiC'h lhe Suety l\'1.'l)' be rJablc hattnlc:. dlll:arnounl.scl roM in ~ ti~ paral,':r.lph hereor. 1k rcnn "b:IbtlQ: orllle Cconlr.lct price" a.< U';o:u in thi1 parJKl'3Ph, sh.,U man IIIll loul :ullounl p3y.1blc by \he (',i/y to l1x: (~ar llnUl:( rlx: ConIr.Ict and any 3111...ndn-.:nrs Ih..-rcI." 1....< the M"lOlIllI propcs'ly "'lid by lloc Cily \0 \he Conlr:ldor. No riChl (If;tdion shall ;ICl:1'Ue Ol\ \his Bond \I) or forlllC usc of ;IJly po:rsolI ClC OOIpOr;1lian olher dun the Cily n."lnIOd h.<:n:in or the succesSOrS ar wigllccs lhel'co[ BIn NO: 4'-lItIQl CITY OFML\Mll\EACII i\llllchmcnt II (^lIIcDded) DAn::"IO"" IS The Surety shall and does hereby agree to indemnify the City and hold it hannJess o~ from and against any and all liability , loss, cost, damage or expense. including reasonable attorneys fees, engineering and architectural fees or other professional services which the City may incur or which may accrue or be imposed upon it by reason of any negligence, default, act and/or omission on the part of the Contractor, any Subcontractor and Contractor's or Subcontractors agents, servants and/or employees, in, about or on accowlt of the Construction of the work and performance of said Contract by the Contractor. This Bond shall remain in full force and effect for such period or periods of time after the date of acceptance of the project by the City as are provided for in the Contract Documents, and the Corn:ractor hereby guarantees to repair or replace for the said periods all work performed and materials and equipment furnished, which were not perfonned or furnished according co the terms of the ConlIact Documents. [f no specific periods of warranty are stated in the Contract Documents for any particular item of worlc. material or equipment, the Contractor hereby guarantees the same for a minimwn period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance by the City of the entire project. Any suit on this bond must be instituted within such period or periods as may be provided by law. ... ... BID NO: 46-00/01 DATE: 08/01/01 CTn' or )IIAMI BEACH 16 ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounded parties have caused this Bond to be executed by th :it appropriate officials of the 10th day of December . 20~. WITNESS: PRINCIPAL: (If sole Proprietor or partnership) , N -;-; PA;r.vJ} f" -(7--1~G , (Firm Name) BY Title: (Sole Proprietor or Partner) PRINClP AL (If Corporation) The Painter,Inc. (Corporate me) 'I ~- (CORPORATE SEAL) COUNTERSIGNED BY RESIDENT FLORIDA AGENT OF SVRErYL SURElY: opy nt's current e as issued by State of Florida Insurance Commissioner Chris Ackerman By: Ackerman ower of Attorney must be attached) -, - --~ BID NO: 4'-00/01 DATE: 08101/01 OTY OF MIAMI BEACH 17 CERTIFICATES AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I, T."'"" 1 "'y 'T'r"lhi n . cenify that 1 am the Secretary of the Corporation named as Principi I in the foregoing bond; that Les ley Tobin who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal, vas then President of said Corporation; that I know his signature, and his signanire heret I is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested tor and in behalf of said COlpOr.ltion byauth, city of its governing body. /1 ~ ~ " < Corporate S re~ Seal Lesley Tobin --- STATE OF FLORIDA) 55 COUNTY OF ) Dade Before me, a Notuy Public. duly commissioned, qualified and acting, personally appeaI:d Chr is Ackerman to me well known, who being bymc first duly sworn upon oath, says that \C is the Anorney-in-Fact, for the XL Specialty Ins. Co . and that he has been authorized )y XL Specialty Ins. Co. to execute the foregoing bond on behalfofth~ Conttactor named then in in favor of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. Subscribed and sworn be m this 1 Oth day of DecF!mhp.r ,20Jl1... A.D. (Attach Power of Attorney) .. My Commission Expw ClAL NOTARY SEAL suzy P. ROBINSON .NOTARY PUBUC, STATE OF FLORIDA . COMM1S819N NO. CC833304 MY COMMISSION EXP. MAY 26 2003 BID NO: 46-00101 DATE: 08101101 CITV OF :\IIAMI BEACH 18 " LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND (SECTION 255.05, FLA. 5T AT.) BY THIS BOND, We The Painter,Inc. . as Principal. ard XL Specialty Ins. Coas corporation. as Surety, are bOWld to the City of Miami Bcach, Flori.. a. as obligee, herein called City, in the sum ofS 47 4 c;n . for the payment of which \ 'e bind o~lves, our heirs. personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. THE CONDITION OF THIS BO:-<D is that if Principal: Promptly makes p3)<1T1enlS to all claimants, as defmed in Section 155.05 (I l, Fla. Statute., supplyiJ:g Principal with labor, materials, or supplies, used directly or indirectly by Principal in the prosecution of IIC work provided for in the contract; and Pays City all10sscs. damages, e:<~nses, costs, and attorney's fees, including ap~lIale proceedings, tl.lt the City sustains in enforcement of this bond. Performs the ~ of all labor and materials furnished under the contract for the time specified in d ,e contract, then this bond is void, otherwise it remains in full force. Any changes in or under the contract documents and compliance or noncompliance with any formalin:s cOMCctcd with the contract or the changes does nOI affect Surety's obligation Wlder this bond. The provisions of Section 255.05, Fla. Statute, are specifically adopted by reference and made a p~ ct hereof for the purposes specified therein. The contract dated reference. between the City and Principal is made a pan of this Bond I,y C1aimanlS are advised that Seclion 255.05, Fla. Statute. conrains notice and time limiwion provisiOI s which must be strictly complied with. HID NO: 46-00101 DAn:: 08/01/01 CITY OF MIAl"lJ BEACH 19 , 1;,</ WITNESS WHEREOF, the above: bounded parties have caused lhis Bond to be executed by tJ1, ir appropriate officials of me 1 Oth day of December . 20~, WITNESS: PRINCIPAL: (If sole Proprietor or partnership) Th-b ~l6"/4 .::Q-JC. (Finn Name) 8Y Title: (Sole Proprietor or Partner) PRL"JClPAL (If Corporation) Thp- Painter.lnc. (Corporate N e) ~ --- (CORPORATE SEAL) sURETY: opy geDt'~ currene L' se as issued by State of Florida Insurance Commissioner Chris Ackerman Ins .:Co. ' .' BID :'/0: 46-00101 DATE: 08101/01 CITY OF ;\1Ik"IJ BEACH 20 APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION Il8ut c~ "uorr-r~ ~ .' CERTlFlCA TES AS TO CORPORATE PRINClP AL I, Les ley Tobin. cenify that I am the Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in Lesley the foregoing bond; that Tobin who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal, was th:n Prpc::in<>nr of said Corpor.1tion; that I !mow his Signal'Ul"e. and his signature hereto is genuine; a~ d that said bond was duly signed. sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of ts governing body. STATE OF FLORIDA) Lesley Tobin 55 COUNTY OF ) Before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned, qualified and acting, personally appear. d Chris Ackerman to me well known, who being by me first duly sworn upon oath. says that t e is the Attorney in Fact, for the XL 5oeci;:J 1 ty Ins. (V~d that he has been authorized I)' XI. ~p<>,..i..1 toy Tn.. ('0 to ex.ecute the foregoing bond on behalfofthe Contractor named there n in favor of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. (Attach.Powerof Attorney) December 20.Q.L A.D. Subscribed and sworn 4, Notary Public 4- State of Florida-at-Large My commission Expires: 0fIIIICIAL NUI~Y BBAL' . I' il.VI~iNSON NO'rARYPUBLR., Sl'ATBOPJILORJDA COMMISSION NO. CC833304 MYCOMMISSIONBXP.MAY26 2003 BID NO: 46-00101 DATE: 08/0 I/O 1 CnY OF MlA.'\11 BUCII 11 UI::.i en ~~ r , .. l:5U!> !61....; "g~I;~ .~-jl!s' Z~: !ooe ;: fI!~ l! ~ o ~-J ClfG~ ~ ~=~ ....... -~ -~ 'Z~ ll! . III U _ s:::: .. !!2~ .ri: .. A. .111 Cl .. Cl ~ o .... .... QC = QC = = = ~ ,::':',:',i:':ii .':'''" '.,..,I:,!,: as,m~l~'~ ~U\O~~~~tllS if .... Ii,:,':"...., ""'V"':':":':':':'>...":',:,::.,:---", 1:':'.::i:::i":'\::::'::"':':',:,::,::::::,::.,:,,:,::.':'::"',::':":',,:"'::', ,,:,:'.'.\::.':'" IO.M!lIll~'!'#':'..'. ..........tsi\iil:,~iC .~lli1lri'rir aIi~i$ucll ~:;i ~;;}.,;)Q uv- iIr U'I' I ~~ r".G... i;' !'" 1.C.\,.-.I.Ir_'" . ~, J 9~~;t~';~ Collinswortb, Alter, Nielson, Fowler a Dowling. Inc. Insurance 4 Bandt "" NW 1ft .... 1IIiII1" roO. ".15. 1l&1li...... RIIiIII....__JllM'"_.....(JO!)46) .., fAX",~' 0I5)-J6J-)M.1; ~SSI-QM.""~'I - . -_ FAX COVER SHEET THlINFOAIMTION CONTAINED.. THIS FAX IS INTENDED FOR TtE USE OFlHE NlMDUH.(S) lWEI) BELOW. ... THE REACER OF THl8IESM.GE IS NOT 'nE IMTBIlI!D RI.:.. ....JT(8) OR ElFLO't&IAGENT AESPQNSI8l.e TO DEl.lVER IT TO THE INTENCED RE~N'/'lS). 'IOU ARE HEREBY ADIIlSED ,"",T ANY DlSSI!UNATION. DES1RUCT1ON OR COPYlNO OF 1ltS CQMIUiCATIQN .. PRCttIBITED. F YOu HAVE RECEIVED lHII COIoeIUNICATION ..IAAOR. PI.EASe II! ICIND ENOUGH TO NOTFY us MEDlA1l!I. y BY TELEPHONE AND RI!TURN THE ORIGINAl TO us BY MAIl AT THe A8CM! AIX3AESS. IF YOU DO NOT REC~ ALL PAGES. PlLUE CALL ONE OF THE ABOVE NUMBERS DATE: 12/101'01 FAX: 301-173-7851 TO:IlARTHA FERNANDEZ CllY OF MIAMI BEACH FROM: ISABEl COLLAZO RE: Number of pages including cover sheet: 3 Message: ,.. 1EC-1.:i!lilBl 15= 59 . L.H" DF u-.n ~ P.il3 , . UDAJMT If ,... cer1IfINa tlCIIdIr 111ft ADDITIONAL INSURED. ,... paIicyfIeII must be 1ftdoI..... A ....1_4 on 1IIiI ce.d&.a does not confll' righII to 1he CIftificate hoIdIr in ... of lIUCh ~ftla). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, ..bIect to die termllftCI candllfons of 1he policy, CII'tain poIIcIee may requh 1ft .lCIcNMment. A IUtement on 1IIiI <*1IftcMe does not cont.. rfthta to 1M cenIfIcaN holder In lieu of IUCh encIorMrnIftt(ll. DISCI QIER The C.nIfIate of In.-ence on the reverae side of 1hiI form cIoeIlIOt COl..uue . contrllCt betw.., 1IIe a.uIng lnaurwtsl. 8U1horiIed repMMntative or producer, Iftd .. certifIcete holder. nor. doa it afflfYlII.dvely or negadvely Iftlencl, atend or ~. 1he c~ affcxdecl by the IlOicies IIstM d\ereon. AQR) ... (7/W1 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH m 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DIVISION TO: Robert Parcher City Clerk DATE: 12/19/01 FROM: Gus Lopez, CPPO Procurement Director SUBJECT: CONTRACT FOR BID NO. 46-00/01, PRESSURE CLEAN, PLASTERING, MAJOR STUCCO REPAIR AND PAINTING OF FLEET MANAGEMENT BUILDINGS 1 & 2 Five (5) copies of the above referenced Contract are attached for the Mayor's signature and execution. The insurance certificate has been approved by Risk Management and the City Attorney has approved the form and language for contract execution. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. r;~?-../' /::.- (.,,-' Gus Lopez, CPPO Procurement Director Je ttb\~1 \ \ \ 'V~