93-20721 Reso --.. .... " ,: " , ' ~ - , . ..; \ I'.." .,:" I' '" r' _ " , , 1 l-iI ..aOLeIOM' 110. 93-20721 A D80LV'I!IOII OF DE DYOlt AIm CIft COJDaa8:I0II O~ I!B1I CIR O~ JaaJa BBaCK, PLOIl:IDa., JmCDIU)IIIQ A CaTUB GB~BIC UBA 1I%ft%. ftB CIn O. KIDI BBACB, CALLED TJIB C:In cmrrD/B:IBTOaIC COdVIblTION VILUGB JUlD1IVBLOPIIJDrJ.' AJn) R.BV%TALUA'1'IOJt UB, DB8cal.BD GIDIBlIALLY A8 BBIII'G BOUIIDBD OIl 'l'JIB 1IA3'1' BY !'BB ATLAlft'IC OCBUt, 011 '!JIB KORD BY UD 8'1'RBft, 011 DB ".1' BY "ST AVDUII, MD 011 na 801l'1'Jl BY 14ft LAIfB; ACCDTIII'G D.LIVDY OJ' A 1'.01'01BD RIlDBVBLOPII1DI'1' PloD nOlI 'nil! JUU% B.CK IlBDBVBLOPKDT ActBKCY; ADOP'UlI'ct 8AID IlBDBVBLOPIID'! PLU 1 DIRIlC'l'%JIG 8TU1' TO 8BBK APn.Ovu. OJ' A RBDBVBLOPIID'! PLD BY 'l'BE BO:aum 01' COUlft'Y C0JDa88IOlfDa O. DAD. COtJftY; DIaBC'1'IRG 8TAFF TO 8BB A DBLBGATIOII' 01' CBRTAI. POWBR8 nox THB BOARD 01' COUlft'Y COJOlII.Z:OlQlllI or DADB COUJl'!Y WID I'ULL POWD TO BZERCI8E ALL THI I'OWBR8 I'BRkITTID BY CDl'lJ:lBR 163, PUT III, I'LOR%DA STATVTB8, DIOB ARB Dn.ClATID BY THB BOU!) O. COUJl'!Y CODI8SI01lBR8 01' DADB OOU1llTY TO TJUI CI'J:'Y COIIIII8SIOJt 01' TBB CITY OI'IaAIU BDOBI DIRBCTIRG STUI' TO lIBGOTIA'l'B AlID .~V'1'B All' tnDLOCUa AGRIIJDlBII'1' BII'l'WBBlI nB DIft 01' IUAIIJ: BBACK AlID DADa COtJll'l'Y, J'LOIlIDA; DIaBCTIII'6 8TAI'I' TO IBB A TRUST PUI1D OIlDIDllCB I'ROJI nB BaUD or COUltTY COJOlilltO". 01' DADB COOllTY; ALL roa TBB aEDBVBLOPKBRT 01' lAID CITY CIIII'TEa/HISToaIC CORVBII'TIOK VILLAGB RIDBVBLOPKBNT aII'D RBVITALIIATIOR UEL. W'IIJIItD8, the I.eqislature of Florida enacted the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969 durinq the leqislative .ession held during 1969, which enactment is presently codified in the statutes ot Florida as Part III of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, also known as seotions 163.330 through 163.450, Florida statutes; and WHEREaS, all powers arising through the afore.aid enactment are conferred by that enactment upon counties with hOUle rule charters, which counties in turn are author~zed to delegate such . powers to municipalities which wiSh to undertake redevelop.ent projects within their respective municipal boundarie.; and WBBaBAB, by Resolution No. R-14-93 of the Board of county c01l\1llissioners of Dade county adopted on January 26, 1993 (the "county Re.olution"), the County c01Mli8sion declared the Redevelopment Area (defined in the county Resolution) to be a blighted area and determined that it i. necessary to redevelop said Redevelopment Area and establish a community redevelopment aqency .'_"'__.2lI ......., 1 ;;.,. ./ , . ), . , '.. r I ' , ~ . . . , to redevelop such area, all in aocordanoe with Part III of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and the county commis.ion deleqated oertain powers conferred upon the County Commission as the governing body of Dade County by Part III of Chapter 163, Florida statutes, with regard to the Redevelopment Area, so that the City commission, either directly or through its duly designated oommunity redeveloP1\lent agency, may prooeed to exercise such powers; and 1nIBRDII, by the County Resolution, the County Coai8sion deterlflined that the rehabilitation, con.ervation, or redevelopment, or combination thereof, of such Redevelopment Area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety, morals, or welfare of the residents of Dade County within such qecx.rraphio area; and 1DIBIl1lA8, by Resolution No. 93-20709 of the City commies ion adopted on February 3, 1993 (the "City R..olution"), a oopy of which i8 on file with the City Clerk, the city commi8sion declared the Redevelopment Area to be a "bliqhted area"; made a finding of necessity as to the rehabilitation, oonservation or redevelopment, or combination thereof, of such area, aocepted a delegation of certain powers from Dade County to the City of lIiUl1 Beach pursuant to Chapter 163, Part III, Florida statutes; declared the need to establish a community redevelopment agenoy, and declared the members of the c1 ty Commi...ion as the members of the c01lllllUnity redevelopment ac;rency; declarod that the existinq Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency may act as the community redevelopment agency with full power to exe1;'cise all the power8 perm! tted by Part III of Chapter 163, Florida statutes, whioh were 4e1e9ated by Dade County to the City commission; directed the initiation, preparation and adoption of a redevelopment plan and any amencblents thereto by the community redevelopment agency; all for the Redevelopment Area; and WKBRD8, the Mia..! Beach Redevelopment Agency (the II Aqency") on February 3, 1993 by ReSOlution No. 126-93 acoepted tho findings and dele9ationll referenced in the City Re.olution, inCluding, without limitation, the determination that the aforementioned Redevelopment Area known as the city Center/Historic Convention Village Redevelopment and Revitalization Area is a "blighted area", I I ! I ) L .'tC.."OU'I.....~.. -. 2 , j , , , . i' !. , . l I 10.' ..' and the findinq that the rehabilitation, conservation, or redevelopment, or combination thereof, of .uch Redevelopment Area is nece.aary in the interest at the pUblic health, .afety, moral., or weltare of the residents of Dade County within such Redevelopment Area; and ......., on February 3, 1993 the Agency by resolution also accepted the declaration of the Miami Beach city Commission that the Aqency may act as the coaunity redevelopment: agency for the City Commission with respect to the Redevelopment Area, and ......, the Agency has caused there to be prepared a redevelopment plan which was submitted to the Planninc;r Board of the City of Miami Beach as the local planninc;r aqency of the City of Miami Beach for review and recommendations as to conformity with the comprehensive plan; and WJIBRBU, the Plannlnc;r Board of the City of Miami Beach as the local planninq agency of the City of Miami Beach by resolution on Februa~ 5, 1993 reviewed said redevelopment plan (a copy of which is appended to this Resolution as "Exhibit An, and which is hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Redevelopment plan" or "Plan") and held a public hearing with respect thereto, and further said Planning Board of the City of Miami BeaCh as the local planninq agency found, by Resolution No. 93-1, said plan in conforJllity with the comprehensive plan for the city of Miami Beachl and ODDS, the Agency by Resolution No. 128-93 on Pebruary 12, 1993 recommended the Plan for approval by the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, after making certain findings contained in said resolution of the Aqency; and ..laBAS, the City Clerk has pUblished a public notice of a public hearing with respect to the fact that at this meeting the Ci ty Commission would consider: (i) adopting said Plan, (11) directing staff to .eek approval of the Plan by the Board of County Commissioners of Dade coun1;y, (ii1) direc;:1;1ng st.aff to s..k a delegation of certain powers from the Board of county c01ldllissionera ot Dade County, (iv) directing statt to negot.iate and exeoute an .\COlJI\I~\&IIIMMMl.3a ........ 3 . . ,,', ' I' " " , . l i' I- '.' inter local cooperation aqree~ent between the City of Mi.-i Beach and Dade county, Florida, (v) directinq staff to seek a trust fund ordinance from the Board of County commissioners of Dade county, and (vi) providinq for severability and pt"ovidinq an effective date; and 1IJIDD8, the City Commission has at this iaeet1nq conducted a public hearinq with re.pect to the findinqs, conclusions and other matters set forth hereinabove and hereinbelow. ROW. 'l'BBRBI'01lB, BB IT RBSOLVBD BY RB DY01l UD 00lOI1881011 01' TJIII CI:TY 01' lad! _DCH, I'LO.IDA, that: 1. The city commi.sion hereby accepts the delivery of the Plan delivered to it by the Aqency. 2. The City Commission hereby c1eteX'Jllin.s and finds that: (a) The redevelopment of the Redevelop.ent Area is necessary in the intere.t of the pUblic health, safety, morals, ane:! welfare of the resident. of the City of Miami Beach and in the interest. of implementinq Part III of Chapter 163, Florida statutes, by revitalizinq the area economically and sociallY, thereby inhibitinq the spread of disease and crime, and inter A.1i.A improvinq the tax base, promotinq sound growth, and providinq improved housinq conditions. (b) A feasible method exists for the location of families who will be displaced frcntl the Redevelopment Area in decent, safe I and sanitary dwellinq accommodations wi thin their means and without undue hardship to such families. (c) The Plan conforms to the comprehensive plan of the cit.y of Miami Beaoh as a whole. (d) The Plan qives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and ~ec~eatlonal areas and facilities that may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with speoial consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children residinq in the qeneral vicinity of the site covered by the Plan. , (e) The Plan will afford maximQm opportunity, consiatent with the sound needs of Dade County and the City of Mi..i -- -.., 4 '- ! . 'l I' ." Beach as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area by private enterprise. (f) TO the extent that the Redevelopment Area oonsists of an area ot open land to be acquired by the City of Miami BeaCh or Agenoy so as to be developed for residential uses, such areas may be acquired because it is hereby determined that: (i) a shortaqe of housinq of sound standards and desiqn which is decent, safe, affordable tc residents of low or moderate inoome, includinq the elClerly, and sanitary exists in the City of Miami Beach, (ii) that the need for housing accommodations hac incraaseCl in the Redevelopment Area, (iii) that the conditions of bliqht in the Redevelopment Area or the shortaqe of decent, safe, affordable, anCl sanitary housinq cause or contribute to an increase in and spread of disease and crime and constitute a menace to the public health, safety, morals or welfare, and (1v) that the acquisition of the area for residential uses is an inteqral part of and is essential to the projeot set forth in the Plan. (q) With respect to any areas in the Redevelopment Area which are to be acquired so as to be developeCl tor non- residential uses, such non-residential uses are necessary and appropriate to facilitate the proper qrowth and develop.ent of the community in accordance with sound planning standards and local community objectives, and aoquisition may require the exercise of governmental action as provided in Part III of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, because of: 1. Defective, or unusual oonditions of, title or diversity of ownerShip which prevents the free alienability of such land; 2. Tax delinquency; 3. Outmoded street pattern.; Deterioration of site; 4. 5. Economic disuse; 6. Unsuitable topography or faulty lot layouts, ..-- -- 5 , , ~ 7. Lack of correlation of the Redevelopment Area with other areas of the City of Miallli Beach by streets and modern traffic requirements; or 8. Any combination of such factors or the other conditions set. fort.h in the Plan which retard development of the area. 3. It. is hereby found and determined that. said Plan for redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area conforms wit.h Part III of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, is necessary in the interest of the pUblic health, safety, moral., and welfare of the resident.s of the city of Miami Beach and will eftectuate the purposes of the aforesaid statute, by revitalizing the Red.evelopment Area economically and soc1al1y, thereby increasinq the tax ba.., promoting sound growth, improving hou.ing condition., and eliminating the conditions which the Florida Legislature in .uch statute found constituted a menace which was injurious to the PUblic health, satety, welfare, and morals of the residents. 4. The city commission ha"linq conducted a full public hearing on the matter and having made the findings expre..ed. 1n Paragraphs 2 and 3 above, bereby and herewit.h approves and adopts the Plan. 5. The City Commission hereby directs its staff to ..ek approval ot the Plan by the Board of County commi..ioners of Dade County. 6. The city Commission hereby and herewith directs its staff to seek from the Board of County commissioners of Dade County additional powers not already deleqated to the city, which power. originate in the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969, so as to be able to tully exercise all powers originating in such Act and so to be able to fully implement. the Plan and otherwi.e exerci.. the powers .et forth in Part XXX of Chapter 163, Florida Statute.. 7. The Plan is hereby de.ignat.ad a8 the official redevelopment plan for t.he aforesaid Redevelopment Area and it 1. the purpose and intent of the cit.y Commission that. aaid Redevelopment Plan be implemented in the Redevelopment Area. -,--,- -, 6 \ " I , ' . '1 ' ~ . '. ' ,. 8. The City Commieeion further he~eby and herewith direote its staff to take all furthe~ actions neoessary and do all thinqe ~equired to accomplish implementation of the Plan and any amendmente thereto. g. The City Commieeion hereby and herewith directs its staff to negotiate and execute an appropriate inter local cooperation agreement between the city of Miallli Beach and Dade county, Florida in connection with the implementation of the Plan. 10. The City commis.ion hereby and herewith directs its sta'!'! to s.ek an appropriate trust fund ordinance trom the Board of County commissioners of Dad. county eo as to implement the Plan. 11. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of thie r.eolution is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any oourt of cOlllpetent jurisdiction, then said holdlnq ehall in no way affect the validity of the remaininq portione of this resolution. 12. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon i~e adoption. Passed and Adopted this 12th FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. By -::r-c.v Attes~~ C:~ C Y Clerk Date Z.'ID-~3 "_I_m ~'" 7 \ .... '. ,'" " , . LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPOSED CI1Y CENTER/HISTORlC CONVEN'l10N VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AND REVITAUZA'ftON AREA All that land uea within the corporate Umits of the aty of MIami Ree"", Florida, wbicb is bounded by the \inj: proceeding nonherly from ~ POINT OF ~P.GINNING where the eastern extension of the south right-of.way tiDe of 14th Laae meets the BroIion Control LiDe along the western shore of the Atlantic Ocean, said tiDe foJlcJwiq the BroIion Control LiDe to a point where it intersects the eastern ezteDIion of the D011b ript-of-way One of 24th Street; then proceediq in a westerly direction aIoDI thfa -tPon 8Dd the aonh ri&ht-of- way line of 2.4th Street to a point where it intersec:ts the aonh bnl1rh..d wall of the eollfM Canal; then proc:eedJq in a southwesterly dfrecdon aloaI the uorth bl1lM1ud wall of the ColliDs Canal to a point where it intersects the elIIt rf8bt-of-way liDe of Pf:ae Tree Drive; then ~f.,1 due west in a tine tl'aVeISiD& the iDIenec:don of])lde Boule9ud 8Dd PIDe Tree Drive to a point where it intersects the nortb rf8bt-of-way lfDe ofOade Boulevard; then proceeding in a southwesterly direction aIons said right-of-way tine of Dade Boulevard to a point in~"1 the west right-of-way tiDe of Meridian Aveuue; then 91'OO'f.tt"l south from said point along the west right-of-way Une of Meridian Aveuue to a point where it intersects the nonh ri&ht-of-way One of 17th Street; then In<' ceerH"l in a westerly direction along said right-of-way tine of 17th Street to a point wbere it intenects the west right-of-way tiDe of West Avenue; then proc:eediDg in a southerly dfrecdon aloDa said ript-of-way line of West Avenue to a point where it intersects the eutem at~ of the southern property line of lot 8 in Block 44; then proc:eedinJ in an easterly direc:tion acrou West Avenue to the south property line of lot 12, BlOck 45; then In(lceef1l''l easterly alOlll the south property lines of lots 12 and 8, Block 45, thereby traYeniD& Alton Court to a point intersec:tfng the west right-of-way tine of Alton Road; then pioc:eetfl"l southeast across Alton Road to a point where the east ri&ht-of-way tiDe of Alton Road intersects the south ript-of-way line of Uncoln Lane South; then proc:eedinJ in an easterly direc:tion alou& the said right-of-way line of Uncoln Lane South to a point where it intersects the west right-of-way tine of Dreul Avenue; then pracee"""! in a southerly direction along said_right-of-way tiDe of Dreul Avenue to a point where it intenects the south rtpt-of-way liDe of 16th Street; then proceeding in an easterly direction aloDs said rtpt-of-way 1IDe of 16th Street to a point where it intersects the west ript-of-way liDe ofW..ht"I'OD Aveuue; then procee"I"1 in a southerly direction aloa& said rJaht-ol-way Uae of W.,ht"I'''1l Avenue to a point where it intersects the westem extension of the south right-of-way liDe of 14th Lane; then proceeding in an easterly direction along said ript-of-way line of 14th Lane to the POINT OF BEGINNING where the eastern extension of the south ript-of-way line of 14th Lane intersects the Brosion Control Une along the Atlan1ic Ocean. ; , '~'. .' .' ~ , . . \ ," . ~ . : " NEST AVENUE J , , I r "'!,' " J-','. .1 " '" Al TON ATLANTIC OceAN 26 ji 11