99-23137 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 99-23137 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BELLSOUTH, DATED JANUARY 29,1997, TO PROVIDE AN EXTENSION OF THE BELLSOUTH SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR NA TIVE MODE LAN INTERCONNECTION (NMLI) SERVICE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: CITY HALL, 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE AND THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, 1100 WASHINGTON AVENUE; IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $36,240.00, FOR A TWO (2) YEAR TERM, COMMENCING ON .JANUARY 29, 1999, AND ENDING ON JANUARY 28, 2001. WHEREAS, the City's Agreement with BellSouth for provision of NMLI Service expired as of January 28, 1999; and WHEREAS, the City, in order to maintain current pricing, has to extend the Agreement for another two (2) year term; and WHEREAS, BellSouth has agreed to extend the Agreement at the sixty (60) month reduced rate, of $1,510.00 per month, at a savings of $70.00 per month; and WHEREAS, the attached Agreement, in an amount not to exceed $36,240.00, for a two (2) year term, commencing on January 29, 1999, and ending on January 28, 2001, was agreed upon by BellSouth and the City; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute the attached Agreement with BellSouth for NMLI Service for City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive and the Police Department, 1100 Washington Avenue, in an amount not to exceed $36,240.00, for a two (2) year term, commencing on January 29, 1999, and ending on January 28, 2001. PASSED and ADOPTED this 28 t h day of April, 1999. fl1 MAYOR ATTEST: f1Lw}' f~ CITY CLERK MKR:AR APPROVED ftS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 1if: iflM- ity Attorney # 3/ f1 Oat. Iii Ili - (1 ~' Q Q (F R 1) 1 4 : I 8 BELLSOUTH MIAMI It.L:JUJ JU' Ivv] @ BELLSOUTH 8oIlSClIIUIIIII"inll,1' Sv~lpm~. Inl>. Suito 600 7850 N.W. 18111 Slre~l Mi~,"i. Florida 3314!5 305 589- 7200 March 4, \999 Ms. Julia. Chcnsee Department of Computer Ii & Communications City of Miam i Beach 1100 Washington Avenue Miami, FL 33139 Dear Julia: As we have previously discussed, 1 need to addTe~s 2 service contract.'1 which expired last 1anuary. The service is the Native Mode Lan Interconnection (NMLl) at both City Hallllnd Police Department. Tbe cont:r3cts were originally signed in January, \995 for a period of2 years. In 1997, the services were extended for an additional 2 yeaTs and we used the "recognition of prior service" clause in the tariff to grant you the 49-60 months rate. which lowered your bill. 1 am attaching a copy of that contract. You must now "recaot" the sCf\lice for an additional minimum of24 months, or a maximum of 60 months.. This wil1 ma.intain your current pricing. lfyou do nol extend again, we will have to revert to mOllth-to-month rates which will incrca...e your bill to $1630.00 per month, as opposed to the $1510 you currently pa.y. Please lot me know which time period you want to opt faT and I will draw up the contract and get it to you. TfT need to meet with the Procur.,m"nt person, T will be happy to. L q Cf 6; a ( (UCp ~ITY OF MIAMI BEACH ITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 tp:\\ci. miami-beach. fl, us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO, ~9 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the . Commission DATE: April 28, 1999 FROM: SUBJECT: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the Agreement, dated January 29, 1997, to provide an extension of the BellSouth Service Agreement for Native Mode LAN Interconnection (NMLI) Service at the following locations: City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive and the Police Department, 1100 Washington Avenue, for an amount not to exceed $1,510.00 per month or $36,240.00 for twenty-four (24) months, commencing on January 29, 1999, and ending on January 28, 2001. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND FUNDING $730.00 per month or $17,520.00 per 24 months $780.00 per month or $18, 720.00 per 24 months City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive Police Department, 1100 Washington Avenue The total for the twenty-four (24) months contract is $36,240.00 Funding is available from the Information Technology Internal Services Fund 550.1750.000316. BACKGROUND The BellSouth Business Systems, Inc., has provided Native Mode LAN Interconnection (NMLI) at both City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Orive, and the Police Department, 1100 Washington Avenue, since January, 1995. In 1997, the services were extended for an additional twenty-four (24) months at the sixty (60) month reduced rate offered by BellSouth. This extension expired on January 28, 1999. In order to maintain the current pricing, an extension of this agreement has to be approved. ".1ff'l' . ,,'; .:),PF:~"':",/':"~...: .. . ~- -~ -~ . -_. ""' _ ~ '- i r ~, I' AGENDA ITEM c.(~ DATE~~ ANALYSIS In recognition of prior service with BellSouth that is based on the Florida GSST Tariff, the City of Miami Beach is being allowed to recast their prior two (2) year contract for another twenty-four (24) months based on the sixty (60) month rate. If the City decides not to renew the contract and revert to a month-to-month rate, the cost will amount to $1,630.00 per month as opposed to the reduced rate of $1,510.00 per month. The savings from the inception of the recast contract for the City will therefore be $70.00 per month. CONCLUSION The Mayor and City Commission should adopt the attached resolution allowing for the provision of NMLI Service by BellSouth for another two (2) years, commencing on January 29, 1999, and ending on January 28, 2001, at the City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive and the Police Department, 11 00 Washington Avenue locations. SR:~K1?7,.t( ,~~ Attachment AGREEMENT The undersigned Subscriber requests BellSouth Telecommunications Inc. to provide Native Mode LAN Interconnection (NMLJ) service at Subscriber's location at: 11 00 Washington Avenue 1700 Convention Center Drive Important tariff provisions relating to NMLI are set forth herein: 1. BBS will furnish, install, maintain and provide maintenance of NMLI service in accordance with the Company's lawfully filed tariffs. The tariffs provide the basis of this Agreement with the Subscriber. The Agreement period shall begin the day NMLI service is installed. 2. The Subscriber agrees to pay BBS for the provision of NMLI service. The service shall be offered for variable rate periods with rates based on contract lengths of 24 months to 42 months and 43 months to 60 months. This monthly rate will continue for the elected service period and will not be subject to Company initiated change during such period. The monthly rates for NMLI service in effect at the time the service is installed and/or as of the service order application date will be in effect until the expiration of the service period chosen by the Subscriber. 3. The service period for this Agreement shall be 24 months. The rates and charges, per month, for items under this Agreement are: Non-recurriml -0- Recurrinll $170.00 Local Channel (s) NMLI Port (s) Extended Channel Port (s) -0- -0- $1,340.00 -0- 4. In the event that any item of the Service is terminated prior to the expiration of the service period, the Subscriber shall pay a termination liability charge as specified in the tariff. Moves of customer premises equipment that meet all criteria as stated in A40.1 0.1 of the General Subscriber Service Tariff shall not be subject to Termination liability charges. (NMLlCON1) 5. At the expiration of the service period, the Subscriber may continue the Service according to renewal options provided under the tariff. If the Subscriber does not elect an additional service period, or does not request discontinuance of service, then the above Service will be continued at the monthly rate currently in effect for month-to-month rates. Service periods may also be renewed prior to expiration in accordance with regulations and rates then in effect. 6. Suspension of service is not permitted for NMLI 7. The Subscriber agrees to pay any added costs incurred by the Company due to a Subscriber initiated change in the location of the NMLI service prior to the time it is placed in service. 8. In the event the Service requested by the Subscriber is canceled prior to the establishment of Service, but after the date of ordering reflected herein, the Subscriber is required to reimburse the Company for all expenses incurred in handling the request before the notice of cancellation is received. Such charge however, is not to exceed the sum of all charges which would apply if the work involved in complying with the request had been completed. 9. Subject to the current provisions of applicable tariffs, the Subscriber may arrange to have existing Service under this Agreement moved within the same premises. Subscriber agrees to pay a non-recurring charge based upon the estimated cost of such rearrangement without interruption or change in the monthly rates. 10. Equipment may be transferred to another Subscriber at the same location upon prior written concurrence of the Company. The new Subscriber to whom the Service is transferred will be subject to all tariff provisions and equipment configurations currently in effect for the present Subscriber. This Agreement is effective when executed by the Subscriber and accepted by the Company, and is subject to and controlled by the provisions of the Company's lawfully filed tariffs, including any changes therein as may be made from time to time. 1100 Washington Avenue CITY OF MIAW B~C)I SUBSCRIBER: l11~f,dd/~ ATTE:'~: ~ff::I:f.- TITLE j),y>,~ Robert Parcher, City Clerk Neisen ~n, Mayor BellSouth Telecommunications Inc. ~J;L~m'1~~~E ~ & FOR EXECUTION 111 <<1It~ City Attorney ADDRESS: ACCEPTED: --.S::JJ -Fl~7 ,~. (NMLlCONT) '(J3d/fj Dota MAR. -05' 99(FRIl 14:19 BELLSOUTH MIAMI TEL: jU~ ~b'j IJJ'i I. VV," :. AGREEMENT The under,'figned Subscriber requests BellSu14th Telecommunications Inc. TO provide Native Mode LAN Inrerconnection (NMLl) service ut Subscriber 's location at: 1100 Washington Avenue /700 Conl'ention Center Drive Imponan.l rariff proViRion.fO relaring TO NMLI are seT furrh herein: 1. DDS will furnish. install. mainTain and provide mairnenance of NMU service in accordance wirh The Company's lawfully filed tariffs. The tariffs provide The basis of this Agreement with the Subscriber. The Agreement period shall begin the day NMLT .~ervice i.~ inSTalled. 2. The Subscriber agrees to pay BBS for the provision oj NMU service. The service slJall be offered for variable rate periods with rates based on contract lengths uf 24 months TO 42 months and 43 months TO 60 months. This monthly rate will comirlue for the elected service period and will not be subject to Company initiated change during such period. The montllly rates Jnr NMLI service in effect aI The time tlJe service is instaUed and/or as of The service order application date will be in effect until the expiration of the service period chosen by the Subscriber. 3. The service period for this Agreement shall be _24_ months. The rates and charges, per month. for items under this Agreement are: NOTE: SERVICE IS BEING RECAST FOR 24 MONTHS UNDER 43 TO 60 MONI'HS RATE USING TUE RECOGNITION OF PREVIOUS SERVICE CLAUSE ON GSST A40.10.6E Nonrecurring Recurrinll Local Channel -0- SEE ATTACHED NMLl Port ~O- SEE ATTACHED Extended Channel Port (If applicable) 4. In the event that any item of the Serllice is terminated prior to the expiraTion of the service period, rile Subscril)er sllall pay a rermination liability charge as specified in the tariff. Moves of customer premises equipment that meeT all criteria as stated in A40.10.1 of the General Subscriber Service Tariff shall nor be .~ubje(:t to Termination liability charges. (NMUCON7) MAR. -0_5' 99(FRl) 14:19 BELLSOUTH MIAMI l[Ju.vVv \JVJ 'v__ 5. At the expiration of the service period, the Subscriber may continue the Service according to renewal options provided under the tariff. If the Subscriber does not eleCl an additirmal service period, or does not request disconrinuance of service, tllen the above Se11iice will be continued at The momMy rate currently in effect for month-to-month rates. Service periods may also be renewed prior to expiration in a(:(~()rdance wilh regulations and rales lhen in effect. 6. Suspension of sen'ice is not pennitTedfor NMIl, 7. The Subscriber agrees to pay any added costs incurred by tile Company due to Q Subscriber initiated change in the location of the NMLI service prior to The time if is placed in service, 8. In The even! the Service requested flY The Subscriber is canceled prior to the t:~'lablishmen' oj Service. but uJter the date of ordering reflected herein. the Subscriber is required to reimburse the Company for all expenses incurred in handling the request before the notice of canceLlarion is received. Such charge however. is nor TO exceed Ihe .'mm of all charges which would apply if the work involved in comp/yin~ with the request Ilad been compleTed. 9. Subject to lhe currenl provisions of applicable tariffs. the Subscriber may arrange to have exisTing Sen'ice under this Agreement moved within the same premises. Subscriber agree.s fO pa)' a non-recurring charge based upon the estimated cost of .tUc/l rearrangemenr willwur interruprion or change in the monthly rates. 10. Equipment may be transferred to a/locher Subscriber aT rhe same location upon prior written concurrence of lhe Comparry. The new Subscriber to whom the Service is transferred will be subjec.t to all tariff provisions and equipment configurations curremly in e,tfeclfor the present Subscriber. 17zis Agreement is effective when executed by tile Subscriber and accepred by rhe Company. and is subject TO and controlled by the provisions of the Company's lawfully filed tariffs. including any changes therein as may be made from time to rime. ADDRESS: SUBSCRIBER: 1100 WASHINGTON AVENUE CITY OF M1AMI BEACH BY: >>ur- ACCEPTED: ~J9 ..:1"1 . BY: 11T!,JE: rNMUCON'J) MAR. -05' 99 (FRI) 14: 19 BELLSOUTH MIAMI TEL: jU~ ~b':i IJJ' , ... 't - ~ ~~ -:2 . Uc en 0 -JO 00 0 000 0 q LUte <(:i oq 0 ooq 0 ::c- d 0 .-~ bO '0 0 . '0 'r"" or-.. C"') 00r-.. !Xl It) $:w ....e (Qeo r-.. COI.r.l(O I"- ER-tJ7 tI.t f:Ro{fl-fJ) fA- r OJ: C") r:.q. ~~ .q- -l CI) . ...J:r: :c ~~ ~ lIi 00 000 ~~uj~ 00 000 r :r: 0:: 0 cici cicici l.L.co'Z ::i cor-.. COI.r.lr-.. l.L.('O") L.U UTCO ~~c.o ~-oa.. 1::0 tit (;#} od:~~o Z~ r-CX: ~ :::::I~ t-:'UJ~UJ ~5 (/)J:cr::cQ ~bO::1 LUZu..~ lH8 J:<(UJ r-cx:a::~ ili) u.I a::O~- ~ UJU- U ~< c-UJCI)o 20 Q u.iS2~r- u.~ tt ~~U5rn 0_ ~ ...: ,.-.. u.l .-= .,,-.. 51 E~ ::l EQ)~ ~UJN~ ~~ Z N:=.c UJCI)UJe.) UJ ;::E~ CJ)wU)UJ u ~ .. ...0 .....NO eft cn:::I:UJct ~ I/) ...- 11)_""" E: ::>r-J:u. r- <ot-,............. 0 ...... - . W Q 0..-1-0 ; Q.I Z ~ i= c: E . . 0 c:C E _w!.tz Z t: t: U >~OO ai lU 0 t; C'CQ) 0 Z w .L::5 ~ mCl!.c: ~ 0 UJUu-- 0 > .c :-.... ..J a::UJCf.lb: - z uw Z UC:Ill u a.. a:: r-UJ t- gt 0 s: J9 c: . 0 1i Q.. 0 -l a1t:: -l u.OUe.) U as 0 en m.c 0 ~ - .... .... .s Ol-~Z 0= 0 00.. .g cC QUa.. ~ ZI - U 0 :J:J a3 ~ :::i:J:::i .!9 ~ Ou ~ en .... ~~ 15 0 :E:E:i i=ifioO lJJ .,.. 0 0 zz I- g zzz r- t- I .... zcouft :j rO('"'" ~ oc- ...... ..-- c.!)_...Jcf.l . c( LU o~od:(!) J: (.) U~ZZ g ~ :i L.U;:2t!)- 0 a:::u.a::~ u a.. ~OOCl) b; .,.. N c: c= as 0 ~>< Q ~><>< N (,) ~ :;:3 W ..... na :EO) ni ~~cn or- 0 b 0 u a&: C.) 008: U) 0 0 ::::;) ..J zz ..J zzz Z CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1100 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139 http://ci.miami-beach.f1.us Information Technology Telephone (305) 673-7040 Facsimile (305) 673-7049 Memo To: Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, ACM From: Kay Randall, IT Director rtAf~,fv Date: 03/30/99 Re: Bell South Service Contract Renewals Mayra, the City currently has several leased line service contracts with Bell South. These leased lines are what make up the City's network infrastructure. The service provided by Bell South that enables connectivity between City Hall and Police is called Native Mode Lan Interconnection (NMLI). The City initially entered into contract with Bell South to provide this service back in January, 1995 under the General Subscriber Services Tariff. The contract was renewed in January, 1997 and is up for renewal once again. Another Bell South leased line service that the City subscribes to is called Frame Relay. This service allows the City's police department to access Metro-Dade County's Fingerprint service. This original contract, also under the General Subscriber Services Tariff with Bell South, was established in October, 1996. Bell South is offering a reduced monthly rate in "recognition of prior service" for both contracts. Based on Bell South's excellent service, I recommend that these contracts be renewed for another 2 years. I am attaching copies of past executed contracts as well as the renewal contracts for your review. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you. . ,.... I .J