2002-3360 ORD ORDINANCE NO. 2002-3360 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "BUILDING REGULATIONS", BY AMENDING CHAPTER 14 TO PROVIDE FOR A PART I WHICH WILL CONTAIN THE CURRENT CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND BY MAKING THE CURRENT CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO PERMITS APPLIED FOR BEFORE MARCH 1, 2002; BY CREATING A PART II TO CHAPTER 14 WHICH WILL ADOPT THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND PROVIDE FOR CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TO BE APPLICABLE TO PERMITS APPLIED FOR ON OR AFTER MARCH 1, 2002; AND BY AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE SET FORTH IN APPENDIX A TO THE CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FEES AND CHARGES FOR PART II TO CHAPTER 14; PROVIDING FORA REPEALER, CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has established a new Florida Building Code which became effective on March 1, 2002; and WHEREAS, the new Florida Building Code must be utilized by the City of Miami Beach and contains new construction standards for all permits applied for on or after March 1, 2002 and therefore, shall be codified as a new Part IT to Chapter 14 of the Miami Beach City Code; and WHEREAS, the fees and charges applicable to the sections in the new Part IT to Chapter 14 are set forth in the attached amended Appendix A to the City Code and are adopted and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, all preexisting construction standards, as currently contained in the City Code, should be codified under a Part I to Chapter 14 of the Miami Beach City Code and should remain in effect and shall be applicable only to those permits applied for before March 1, 2002; and WHEREAS, the City Administration recommends that the City Commission approve the amendments set forth in the Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. Amendment of Chapter 14 of the City Code: That Chapter 14 of the Miami Beach City Code entitled "Building Regulations" shall be amended as follows: Chapter 14 BUILDING REGULATIONS PART I - FOR PERMITS APPLIED FOR BEFORE MARCH 1. 2002 Article I. In General Secs.14-1-14-30. Reserved. Article II. Construction Standards *** Article VI. Harbor Lines *** Sec. 14-338. Establishment between First Street and lot 1, block 1, Friedman and Cope Subdivision. Sec. 14-339 -14-395. Reserved. PART 11- FOR PERMITS APPLIED FOR ON OR AFTER MARCH 1. 2002 Article I. In General Sec. 14-396 -14-400. Reserved. Article II. Construction Standards. Division I. Generally Sec. 14-401. AdoDtion of Florida Buildina Code: sDeclal assessment liens: Denalty for delinauency and Dayment for fees: enforcement Drocedures: Dayment of collection costs and attorneY's fees for Dermits aDDlied for on or after March 1. 2002. Pursuant to Section 553.73 of the Florida Statutes. and the orovisions of the Miami-Dade Countv Municioal Code. chaoter 8. the Florida Buildina Code is the buildina code of the city. The Florida Buildina Code includes the followina four volumes: Buildina. Plumbina. Mechanical. and Fuel Gas. and all aooendices thereto. with the National Electrical Code adooted bv reference. All liens imoosed under authority of the Florida Buildina Code (either existina or imoosed hereafter) shall be imoosed as soecial assessment liens aaainst the subiect real orooertv. and shall remain liens eaual in rank and dianitv with the lien of ad valorem taxes and shall be suoerior in rank and dianitv to all other liens. encumbrances. titles and claims in. to or aaainst the real orooertv involved. Liens imoosed under the Florida Buildina Code shall bear the maximum rate of interest allowable bv law. Florida Buildina Code liens shall be enforced bv any of the methods orovided in F.S. ch. 86: or in the alternative. foreclosure oroceedinas may be instituted and orosecuted under the orovisions aoolicable to oractice. oleadina and orocedure for the foreclosure of mortaaaes on real estate set forth in Florida Statutes. or may be foreclosed oer F.S. ch. 173: or the collection and enforcement of oavmant thereof mav be accomolished bv any other method authorized bv law. 2 Except as provided in paraqraphs (a)-(e). each local qovernment and each leqally constituted enforcement district with statutorv authority shall requlate buildinq construction and. where authorized in the state aqency's enablinq leqislation. each state aqency shall enforce the Florida Buildinq Code required by this part on all public or private buildinqs. structures. and facilities. unless such responsibility has been deleqated to another unit of qovernment pursuant to F.S. 553.79(9). (a) Construction requlations relatinq to correctional facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections and the Department of Juyenile Justice are to be enforced exclusiyely by those departments. (b) Construction requlations relatinq to elevator equipment under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Eleyators of the Department of Business and Professional Requlation shall be enforced exclusiyely by that department. (c) In addition to the requirements of s. 553.79 and this section. facilities subject to the proyisions of chapter 395 and part II of chapter 400 shall have facility plans reviewed and construction surveyed by the state agency authorized to do so under the requirements of chapter 395 and part II of chapter 400 and the certification requirements of the Federal Government. (d) Buildinq plans approved pursuant to s. 553.77(6) and state-approved manufactured buildinqs. includinq buildinqs manufactured and assembled offsite and not intended for habitation. such as lawn storage buildinqs and storaqe sheds. are exempt from local code enforcing aqency plan reYiews except for provisions of the code relatinq to erection. assembly. or construction at the site. Erection. assembly. and construction at the site are subject to local permittinq and inspections. (e) Construction requlations goyerninq public schools. state universities. and community colleges shall be enforced as provided in subsection (6). The qoverning bodies of local qovernments mav provide a schedule of fees. as authorized by s. 125.56(2) or s. 166.222 and this section. for the enforcement of the provisions of this part. Such fees shall be used solely for carrving out the local qovernment's responsibilities in enforcinq the Florida Building Code. The authority of state enforcinq agencies to set fees for enforcement shall be derived from authority existinq on July 1. 1998. Howeyer. nothinq contained in this subsection shall operate to limit such aqencies from adjustinq their fee schedule in conformance with existinq authority . (2)(a) Any two or more counties or municipalities. or anv combination thereof. mav. in accordance with the provisions of chapter 163. qoverninq interlocal aqreements. form an enforcement district for the purpose of enforcinq and administering the provisions of the Florida Buildinq Code. Each district so formed shall be reqistered with the department on forms to be provided for that purpose. Nothinq in this subsection shall be construed to supersede provisions of county charters which preempt municipal authorities respective to buildinq codes. (b) With respect to evaluation of desiqn professionals' documents. if a local qovernment finds it necessarv. in order to enforce compliance with the Florida Buildinq Code and issue a permit. to reject desiqn documents required by the code three or more times for failure to correct a code violation specifically and continuously noted in each reiection. includinq. but not limited to. eqress. fire protection. structural stability. enerqv. accessibility. lighting. ventilation. electrical. mechanical. plumbinq. and qas systems. or other requirements identified by rule of the Florida Buildinq Commission adopted pursuant to chapter 120. the local qovernment shall impose. each time after the third such review the plans are reiected for that code violation. a fee of four times the amount of the proportion of the permit fee attributed to plans review. ecl With respect to inspections. if a local Qoyernment finds it necessary. in order to enforce compliance with the Florida Buildinq Code. to conduct any inspection after an initial inspection and one subseauent reinspection of any proiect or activity for the same code yiolation specifically and 3 continuouslv noted in each reiection. includinq. but not limited to. eqress. fire protection. structural stabilitv. enemy. accessibilitv. Iiqhtinq. ventilation. electrical. mechanical. plumbinQ. and qas systems. or other requirements identified bv rule of the Florida BuildinQ Commission adopted pursuant to chapter 120. the local Qovernment shall impose a fee of four times the amount of the fee imposed for the initial inspection or first reinspection. whichever is oreater. for each such subsequent reinspection. (3) Each enforcement district shall be Qoverned bv a board. the composition of which shall be determined bv the affected localities. At its own option each enforcement district or local enforcement aqencv may promuloate rules qrantinq to the owner of a sinqle-familv residence one or more exemptions from the Florida Buildinq Code relatino to: (a) Addition. alteration. or repairs performed bv the property owner upon his or her own property. provided any addition or alteration shall not exceed 1.000 square feet or the square footaqe of the primary structure. whichever is less. (b) Addition. alteration. or repairs bva nonowner within a specific cost limitation set bv rule. provided the total cost shall not exceed $5.000 within any 12-month period. (c) BuildinQ and inspection fees. Each code exemption. as defined in paraqraphs (a). (b)' and (c), shall be certified to the local board 10 days prior to implementation and shall on Iv be effective in the territorial iurisdiction of the enforcement district or local enforcement aQencv implementino it. (4) When an enforcement district has been formed as provided herein. upon its reoistration with the department. it shall have the same authority and responsibilitv with respect to buildinQ codes as provided bv this part for local Qoverninq bodies. (5) State and reQional aqencies with special expertise in buildinq code standards and licensino of contractors and des ion professionals shall provide support to local Qovernments upon request. (6) Notwithstandino any other provision of law. state universities. community colleoes. and public school districts shall be subiect to enforcement of the Florida Buildino Code pursuant to this part. (a) State universities. state community colleqes. or public school districts shall conduct plan review and construction inspections to enforce buildinQ code compliance for their buildinQ proiects that are subiect to the Florida BuildinQ Code. Such entities shall use personnel or contract providers appropriatelv certified under part XII of chapter 468 to perform the plan reviews and inspections required bv the code. Under such arranoements. such entities shall not be subiect to local oovernment permittino requirements. plans review. and inspection fees. State universities. state community colleoes. and public school districts shall be liable and responsible for all of their buildinos. structures. and facilities. Nothino in this paraoraph shall be construed to limit the authority of the county. muniCipality. or code enforcement district to ensure that buildinos. structures. and facilities owned bv such entities complv with the Florida BuildinQ Code or to limit the authority and responsibility of the fire official to conduct firesafetv inspections pursuant to chapter 633. (b) If a state university. state community colleQe. or public school district elects to use a local oovernment's code enforcement offices: 1. Fees chamed bv counties and municipalities for enforcement of the Florida Buildino Code on buildinos. structures. and facilities of state universities. state colleoes. and public school districts shall not be more than the actual labor and administrative costs incurred for plans review and inspections to ensure compliance with the code. 4 2. Counties and municipalities shall expedite buildinQ construction permittinQ. buildinQ plans review. and inspections of proiects of state universities. state community colleQes. and public school districts which are subiect to the Florida Buildina Code accordinQ to auidelines established bv the Florida BuildinQ Commission. (c) The Florida BuildinQ Commission and code enforcement iurisdictions shall consider balancinQ code criteria and enforcement to uniaue functions. where they occur. of research institutions bv application of performance criteria in lieu of prescriptive criteria. (d) School boards. community colleQe boards. and state universities may use annual facility maintenance permits to facilitate routine maintenance. emerQencv repairs. buildina refurbishment. and minor renovations of systems or eauipment. The amount expended for maintenance projects may not exceed $200.000 per project. A facilitv maintenance permit is valid for 1 year. A detailed 10Q of alterations and inspections must be maintained and annuallv submitted to the buildinQ official. The buildinQ official retains the riQht to make inspections at the facility site as he or she considers necessary. Code compliance must be provided upon notification bv the buildinQ official. If a pattern of code violations is found. the buildinQ official may withhold the issuance of future annual facility maintenance permits. NothinQ in this part shall be construed to authorize counties. municipalities. or code enforcement districts to conduct any permittinQ. plans review. or inspections not covered bv the Florida Buildina Code. Anv actions bv counties or municipalities not in compliance with this part may be appealed to the Florida Buildina Commission. The commission. upon a determination that actions not in compliance with this part have delaved permittinQ or construction. may suspend the authority of a county. municipalitv. or code enforcement district to enforce the Florida Buildina Code on the buildinQS. structures. or facilities of a state university, state community colleoe. or public school district and provide for code enforcement at the expense of the state university. state community colleae. or public school district. All costs of lien collection. includina reasonable attorney's fees incurred in the collection of unpaid liens and penalties. shall be paid bv the owner or occupant of the premises or bv the person who caused or maintained the subject violation. Sec. 14-402. TemDorarv certificates of OCCUDanCY. No partial or temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued bv the city for any buildinQ under construction unless all parkinQ reauired to serve that portion of the buildina beina occupied on a partial or temporary basis is completed. available and separated bv barricades from other areas still under construction. Sec. 14-403. Penalty for violation of article. (a) Anv person who shall violate or fail to complv with any of the provisions of this article or with any of the reauirements of this article. shall be brouQht.before the special master of the city. The special master may assess a fine and impose a lien to the maximum allowed bv city ordinance and state law: or. in the alternative. the violation may be brouQht to the county court. Each day such .violation shall be permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. The owner of any buildinQ or premises. or part thereof. where anythina in violation of this article shall be placed or shall exist. and any person emploved in connection therewith and who has assisted in the commission of any such violation may be Quiltv of a separate offense and upon conviction fined as provided in this section. (b) Anv person who shall violate or fail to complv with any of the provisions of this article or with any ofthe reauirements thereof shall be subiect to a delinauencv penaltv as specified in appendix A. 5 (c) A special master. appointed as provided in article II of chapter 30 may either revoke or temporarily suspend the business license of any person in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapters 18 and 102 of this Code when it is determined that the licensee is conductinq business from premises that do not possess a valid and current certificate of occupancy and/or certificate of use as may be required by city or county laws. Sec. 14-404. Grounds for susDension or revocation. The special master shall either revoke or temporarily suspend the certificate of use of any owner/applicant where it is determined by the special master that: (1) The owner/applicant has misrepresented or failed to disclose material information required by this article to be included in the certificate of use application form. (2) The owner/applicant. as part of the owner/applicant's business activity within the city. is enqaoed in conduct that is an actual threat to the public health. welfare or safety. (3) The owner/applicant is conductinQ business from premises that do not possess a valid and current certificate of occupancy as may be required by city or county laws. (4) Habitual conduct has occurred at the owner/applicant's premises that violates city. county or state law. (5) The certificate of use issued by the city depended upon the owner/applicant's compliance with specific provisions of federal. state. city or county law. and the owner/applicant has Yiolated such specific provisions of law. (6) The owner/applicant has violated any provision of this article and has failed or refused to cease or correct the violation after notification thereof. (7) The owner/applicant. as part of the owner/applicant's business activity within the city. knowinoly lets. leases or Qives space for unlawful QamblinQ purposes at the owner/applicant's premises. (8) The owner/applicant. within the precedino five years in this state. any other state. or the United States. has been adiudicated Quilty of or forfeited a bond when charQed with solicitinQ for prostitution. panderinQ. lettinQ prem ises for prostitution. keepinQ a disorderly place. or illeQally dealinQ in narcotics. (9) The premises have been condemned by the local health authority for failure to meet sanitation standards or the premises have been condemned by the local authority because the premises are unsafe or unfit for human habitation. (10) The owner/applicant's premises have been found to constitute a public nuisance by the nuisance abatement board. The suspension or revocation shall be of the certificate of use in effect at the date of such suspension or revocation. even thoUQh it may have been issued to an owner/applicant other than the person who held the certificate of use at the time the cause for such suspension or revocation arose. No certificate of use shall be suspended or revoked under this section for a period of more than 12 months. No new certificate of use shall be issued to the owner/applicant. or to any other firm in which the owner/applicant or any of its oeneral partners. limited partners or shareholders owninQ 20 percent or more of its shares. or its aqents or employees when such persons are actively involved in the business under revocation/suspension and had knowledQe of the violations which caused the suspension/reQulation is interested. for any premises durinQ the term of such suspension or revocation. At the end of such period of suspension or revocation. the owner/applicant may apply for a new certificate of use. 6 Sec. 14-405. Standards: rule-making authority. A suspension not exceed in a six months shall be imposed in cases where the owner/applicant's violation is shown to be inadvertent and can be promptly corrected by the owner/applicant: a revocation of the certificate of use shall be imposed in all other cases. The city manaoer shall have the authority to adopt written administrative rules to enforce the provisions of this article. which rules shall have the force and effect of city law provided the rules are approved by the city attorney and ratified by the city commission. Sec. 14-406. Notice of violation: emergency action. (a) If the city manaoer or his desionee believes that an owner/applicant has enoaQed or is enQaoed in conduct warrantino the suspension or revocation of a certificate of use. he shall serve the owner/applicant by certified mail or hand delivery. at his business address as disclosed in his application for the certificate of use. a written administrative complaint. which affords reasonable notice to the owner/applicant of facts or conduct that warrant the intended action. The complaint shall state what is required to be done to eliminate the violation if any. (b) The owner/applicant shall be oiven adeauate opportunity to request a prior administrative hearina as specified in section 14-407. unless the city manaQer finds that an emerQency condition exists involvino serious danaer to public health. safety or welfare, in which case advance notice and hearina shall not be required. In the case of an emeraency suspension or revocation. the owner/applicant shall immediatelY be advised of the city manaaer's action and afforded a prompt post-suspension or revocation hearina in accordance with section 14-408. Sec. 14-407. Hearing when owner/applicant or permittee fails to comply with notice or when reauested by aggrieved owner/applicant. If an owner/applicant or permittee fails to comply with any notice issued as provided in section 14-36. the city manaoer or his desianee may issue an order in writina to the owner/applicant by certified mail or hand delivery notifvino him to appear at an administrative hearino before a special master to be held at a time to be fixed in such order. which date shall be not less than five days after service thereof. Except as provided in section 14-408(b). an administrative hearina may also be requested bY an owner/applicant aaorieved by a decision reQardinQ denial of a certificate of use. determination of fees/penalties due. and/or warnina of potential suspension/revocation. The request must be in writinQ and filed in the city manaoer's office within ten days of receipt of the decision complained of. The request must specify the decision and the owner/applicant's orievance and must be accompanied by a fee as specified in appendix A to defray expenses of the hearino. The fee will be refunded if the owner/applicant prevails in the appeal. Sec. 14-408. Hearing procedures: enforcement of orders. (a) Review by special master. (1) Other than as set forth in subsection (b) of this section. the special master shall oive written notice of the time and place of the hearina to the owner/applicant by certified mail or hand delivery and to the city attorney's office. (2) The proceedinas shall be informal but shall afford the owner/applicant the riaht to testify in his own defense. present witnesses. be represented by leaal counsel. submit relevant evidence. cross examine witnesses. and obiect to evidence. The proceedinas shall be recorded and minutes kept by the city. Any owner/applicant reQuirina verbatim minutes for iudicial review may arranae for the services of a court reporter at his own expense. (3) Within ten days of the close of the hearina the special master shall render his decision in writino determinina whether or not the owner/applicant's certificate of use shall be revoked or 7 suspended or denied. or other action taken or continued. as the case may be and statina his reasons and findinos of fact. (4) The special master shall file his findinos with the city clerk and shall send a true and correct COpy of his order bv certified mail. return receiot reauested. or bv hand delivery to the business address listed on the certificate of use or to any such other address as the owner/applicant shall desionate in writino. (b) Board of adiustment review. Denial of a certificate of use for lack of proper zonino shall be appealable to the board of adiustment pursuant to section 118-136(a)(1). All appeals must be submitted to the board within 30 days of the date of the denial. (c) Administrative rulinos as final. The special master or board of adiustment's findinQs shall constitute the final administrative action of the city for purposes of iudicial review under state law. (d) Enforcement. If an owner/applicant fails to seek timelv appellate review of an order of the special master or the board of adiustment. or to complv timelv with such order. the city manaQer's desionee may pursue enforcement procedures as set forth in section 14-403. Business closinQs required bv suspension/revocation orders may be enforced bv the city's police department and the costs for the enforcement action shall be placed as a lien aoainst the owner/applicant's real and personal property. Sec. 14-409 -14-420. Reserved. Division 2. Permit Fees Sec. 14-421. Permit fees. aenerallv. (a) Levied. Permits. inspections and other fees ofthe buildino services department ofthe city are hereby levied and imposed and shall applv to buildino. plumbino. electrical and mechanical permits and other activities undertaken bv that department. (b) Double fees. When work for which a permit is required is commenced prior to the obtainino of a permit. the permit applicant shall be required to pay a fee as specified in appendix A. plus a double permit fee as specified in this article. In no event shall the applicant pay less than a fee as specified in appendix A. plus double the amount of the minimum fee as specified for each type of work. The payment of the required fee shall not relieve any person from fullv complvino with all of the applicable reoulations and codes. nor shall it relieve them from beino subiect to any of the penalties therein. The double fee requirement shall be applicable to all sections of the buildino services department as noted herein. For a second offense of doino work without a permit. the permit applicant shall be required to pay twice the double permit fee plus a fee specified in appendix A. For each subsequent offense. the permit applicant shall be required to pay twice the double permit fee plus a fee specified in appendix A. (c) Reinspection fees. (1) When extra inspection trips are due to incorrect address oiven on call for inspection. prior reiection of work due to faultv construction. work not beino ready for inspection at time specified. failure to call for final or other inspections. or required corrections not beinQ made or completed at time specified. a fee as specified in appendix A for the first reinspection may be charQed to the permit holder in the trade concerned. (2) If it is determined bv the field inspector concerned that the iob has the same problem after the reinspection fee is assessed. paid and the reinspection made. a second reinspection fee as specified in appendix A shall be charQed. Subsequent reinspection fees shall be as 8 .. specified in appendix A. applicable to all sections of the buildinq services department. (3) Payment of the reinspection fee shall be reauired before any subseauent permits will be issued to the person or firm owina the fee. Further inspections may be refused until payment of reinspection fees has been made. (4) The reinspection fee of existinq buildinqs bv divisions to determine compliance with the Florida Buildina Code shall be as specified in appendix A per trade inspection. includinq inspection of elevators if reauired. This shall not include inspections to determine compliance with the Miami-Dade County Municipal Code. chapter 8 dealina with 40-vear recertification. (d) Lost plans fee. When plans for new buildinas and additions are lost bv the owner or contractor. a recertification fee will be reauired to review. stamp and approve a new set of plans as a field COpy. Such fee shall be based on 25 percent of the oriainal buildinq permit fee. with a minimum fee for qroup I occupancy (sinale-familv residence) as specified in appendix A and a minimum fee for all other types of occupancies. dwellinas and buildinas as specified in appendix A. (e) Revised plans processinq fee. The charqe for plans processina of maior revisions to plans processed and permitted shall be based on a fee of 30 percent of the oriainal buildina permit. but shall not exceed a charae as specified in appendix A. (f) Lost permit card fee. After a permit has been issued. if the permit inspection card has been lost. a replacement fee as specified in appendix A shall be charaed. (q) Special proiects fee. A fee eaual to actual staff time and related costs shall be assessed for special proiects reauirinq research bv the buildina services department in order to answer auestions proposed bv developers. attorneys. realtors. and others in connection with the use and development of properties. or to determine if any existina violations are on the property throuqh a review of departmental records. Such special fees will be levied onlv for reauests outside the scope of normal departmental work. A minimum fee as specified in appendix A shall be charqed. Sec. 14-422. Buildina permits. (a) Up-front processina fee. (1) When the buildinq permit application is received. the applicant shall pav an up-front processinq fee as specified in appendix A. (2) This processinq fee is not refundable. but shall be credited toward the final buildinq permit fee. The up-front processinq fee. after it is calculated. shall be rounded UP to the nearest $5.00. with a minimum fee set as specified in appendix A. (3) When the up-front processinq fee is laraer than the final permit fee. not includina surcharaes. that up-front processina fee amount shall become the permit fee for that application. (b) Refunds. time limitations. cancellations. The fees charaed pursuant to this section. provided the same are for a permit reauired bv section 104 of the Florida Buildina Code (Buildinq). may be refunded bv the buildina official subiect to the followina: (1) No refunds shall be made on requests involvina: a. Permit fees of $65.00 or less: 9 b. Permits revoked by the buildino official under authority oranted by the Florida Buildina Code: c. Permits canceled by court order: d. Permits that have expired: or (3) A full refund less $65.00 or 30 percent of the permit fee. whichever amount is oreater. rounded down to the nearest dollar. shall be oranted to a permit holder who reauests a refund in writina. provided that: a. The permit holder makes a written reauest prior to the permit expiration date: b. A validated COpy of the permit be submitted with such reauest: and c. No work as evidenced by any recorded inspection has commenced under such perm it. ' (4) Where there is a chanae of contractor involvino a permit for which a fee of more than $50.00 was paid: a. The orioinal permit holder: 1 . Is not entitled to any refund if the perm it has expired or if work. as evidenced by any recorded inspection. has commenced under such permit. 2. Is entitled to a full refund less the up-front processina fee. where the permit has not expired and no work. as evidenced bv any recorded inspection. has commenced. b. The second permit holder shall pay: 1. A full fee if the oriainal permit has expired: or 2. A fee specified in appendix A to cover the cost of transferrino the data from the orioinal to the second permit and processina the second permit in instances where work. as evidenced by any recorded inspection. has commenced under the orioinal unexpired permit: 3. A full fee plus a fee as specified in appendix A to cover the transferrino and reprocessina costs where no work. as evidenced by any recorded inspection. has commenced under the oriainal unexpired permit. (5) A fee as specified in appendix A shall be paid by the permit holder who submits a written reauest for a permit extension as authorized under section 104. Florida Buildino Code. '10 .'I/;F, , (6) Where a permit has become null and void pursuant to section 104. Florida Building Code. and no work. as evidenced bv at least one recorded inspection. has been made bv the department. a credit of 50 percent of the original permit fee coverina the same proiect and involvina the same plans shall be aiven. provided that a complete reapplication is made within six months of the expiration date of the oriainal permit and provided that no refund has been made according to this section. The reapplication must be submitted with the plans and the applicant's validated COpy of the original permit. The amount of this fee shall be. at least. eaual to or higher than the minimum fee for the trade concerned. (7) The buildina services department director is authorized to charge interest to any amount due when.not paid by the due date. The interest rate shall be at the highest leqallimit authorized by law. plus collection costs and attorneys fees. (c) Building permit fees are as prescribed in appendix A. Sec. 14-423. Plumbina permits. Plumbing permit fees are as prescribed in appendix A. Sec. 14-424. Electrical permits. Electrical permit fees are as specified in appendix A. Sec. 14-425. Mechanical permits. Mechanical permit fees are as specified in appendix A. Sec. 14-426. Annual facility permit. The annual facility permit procedures are adopted as outlined in Section 104.1.7 of the Florida Buildinq Code (Building) and the annual fees are: (1) Calculation of the initial and final premises permit fee. Each firm or orqanization obtainina an annual premises permit shall include in their application for such permit the total number of maintenance personnel includina helpers and trainees thereunder assiqned to building. electrical. plumbinq or mechanical work. The premises fee shall be computed by multiplvinq the total number of such employees times $35.00. The minimum premises permit fee shall be as specified in appendix A. At the expiration of the premises permit. the iob loa shall be submitted to the building services department for the calculation and payment of any additional fee due for the work performed accordinq to the iob loa. No new premises permit shall be issued until the full amount for the prior year has been paid. (2) Certificate of occupancy. In order to obtain a certificate of temporarv or permanent occupancy as reauired bY section 118-2 and the Florida Buildina Code. the followina oriainal fees shall be paid for the purpose of defrayina the costs of the oriainal necessarv zoning and buildinq inspections. No refunds shall be made of fees paid for occupancy permits. a. Final certificate of occupancy. Certificate of occupancy fees shall be as specified in appendix A. b. Temporary certificate of occupancy. See appendix A. When the final certificate of occupancy is issued. the appropriate final fee charae shall be paid. 11 The certificate of occupancy is the certificate of occupancy for that facilitv for the first year of operation or part thereof. c. Certificate of completion. Certificate of completion fees for the rehabilitation. remodelinQ or repairs of structures when a certificate of occupancy is not required. shall be as specified in appendix A. (3) Certificate of use. a. No new buildinQ or premises or part thereof. except one- and two-familv residences. shall be occupied until a certificate of use is issued bv the city. Certificates of use shall not be issued until the premises have been inspected and found to complv with all requirements of this Code. 1. Apartment buildinQs. hotels and other multiple residential occupancies containinQ three or more units and occupied bv on Iv residential tenants shall require one certificate of use. Where these occupancies contain commercial activities in addition to residential tenants. an additional certificate of use for each commercial activity contained in the buildinQ shall be required. 2. Industrial. office and commercial buildinQs beinQ occupied bva sinQle tenant shall require one certificate of use. If an industrial. office or commercial buildinQ contains more than one tenant. an additional certificate of use shall be required for each unit occupied therein. b. A certificate of use must be obtained annuallv. Certificate of use renewal fees are due and pavable on June 1 of each year. Anv person failinQ to timelv applv for the annual renewal of a certificate of use may be issued a certificate of use on Iv upon payment of a delinQuencv penaltv of ten percent for the month of Julv or portion thereof and an additional five percent for each month of delinQuencv thereafter or portion thereof until paid. Renewal payments must be received bv the license section prior to the first day of each penaltv month to avoid additional penalties. c. The first certificate of use issued in coniunction with a new buildinQ shall be issued at the time when a certificate of occupancy is issued and at no cost. Where individual certificates of use are required. a certificate of use shall be obtained and the charQe shall be as established in subsection Q. below. d. As of the effective date of this subsection. all existinQ buildinQs or premises subiect to this subsection must obtain a certificate of use. e. Upon the issuance of a certificate of use for a buildina or premises. an annual inspection will be conducted thereafter to determine that each buildinQ or premises complies with all code requirements of the city. f. In order to obtain a certificate of use. an oriainal fee shall be paid for the purpose of defravinQ the costs of all the oriainal inspections. An annual renewal fee shall be paid to defray the costs of these annual inspections necessary to determine compliance. Q. The fees for certificate of use shall be as specified in apoendix A. 12 Sec. 14-427. Forty-year buildina recertification proaram. (a) There shall be a fee per buildinQ as specified in appendix A for the 40-year buildina recertification proaram as required under the Miami-Dade County Municipal Code. chapter 8. (b) If a buildina has not been recertified in the time limitation established by the ordinance referred to in subsection (a). a late compliance fee as specified in appendix A shall be paid in addition to the reaular recertification fee. This fee shall also apply if the buildinQ is declared unsafe and posted. and the time limitation for the requirement of a new inspection and report does not apply. (c) When the buildina recertification process has not been completed for a particular buildina within the maximum time limitations established by the county ordinance. a notice of violation shall be issued. If the process is not completed within 45 days of the notice of violation date. the buildina shall be declared unsafe and vacated at the owner's expense. The buildinQ shall remain secured while vacated. If the recertification is not complete within 90 days of the date when the buildina was declared unsafe. a new inspection report with a new fee as specified in appendix A shall be processed before the buildinQ can be declared safe for occupancy. Sec. 14-428. Occupant content sian. There shall be a fee as specified in appendix A for the processina of an occupant content sian as specified in Section 403 of the Florida Buildina Code (Buildina). Sec. 14-429. Employee trainina. education and safety. A surcharQe to buildina. electrical. mechanical. plumbina and demolition permits will be added for trainina. education and safety of the buildina services department employees accordina to the schedule specified in appendix A. Sec. 14-430. General information. This section contains a list of other fees collected by the buildina services department for other departments or aaencies. Specific amounts are aiven in appendix A. (1) A fee will be added to buildina permits for the state to study buildina code requirements for radon Qas. (2) A surcharae will be added to buildinQ permits for the code compliance proaram established by the county. (3) A surcharae to the buildina permits will be added when processina marine structures accordinQ to a schedule established by city ordinance. (4) A surcharae to the buildina permits will be added for the fire safety process accordina to a schedule established by city ordinance. (5) For buildina permits walk-throuah process a surcharae will be added for zonina process based on a schedule established bY city ordinance. (6) A fee shall be charQed to any buildina or structure for which a certificate of occupancy is beina issued. (7) A sanitation impact fee shall be charaed for all buildina. electrical. plumbina. mechanical and demolition permits. 13 Sec. 14-431. TemDorarv structure. Notwithstandina any provision of the zoninQ ordinance. a temporary structure used as construction offices shall be permitted in coniunction with the construction of a buildina for which a valid buildina permit has been issued. subiect to the followina: (1) The use of the temporary structure shall relate directlv to the buildinQ for which a valid buildina permit has been issued. (2) The temporary structure shall be located on the same lot as the buildinQ to which it relates or on a lot within 400 feet of the lot to which it relates. (3) The temporary structure shall be permitted onlv after issuance of a buildina permit for the buildina to which the temporary structure relates. and such temporary structure shall be removed upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy for such buildina, or within 30 days after the buildinQ permit for such buildina expires, whichever comes first. (4) Prior to approval of the temporary structure bv the buildinQ official. a $2,000.00 cash bond shall be placed on deposit with the city to assure removal of such structure in accordance with the provisions stated in this section. Sees. 14-432--14-440. Reserved. Division 3. Buildina Code Violations Sec. 14-441. Definitions. The followina words. terms and phrases. when used in this division. shall have the meaninas ascribed to them in this section. except where the context c1earlv indicates a different meanina: BuildinQ code means the Florida Buildina Code. adopted in section 14-401, and any other municipal code enacted or adopted as part of the construction codes of the city. Certified contractor means any contractor who possess a certificate of competency issued bv the state department of business and professional reaulation and who is allowed to contract in an\! iurisdiction in the state without beina required to fulfill the competency requirements of that iurisdiction. Locallv licensed contractor means any contractor whose iob scope does not substantiallv correspond to either the iob scope of one of the contractor cateQories defined in F .S. & 489.1 05( a) throuah (0), or the iob scope of one of the certified cateQories previouslv established bv the state construction industry licensina board. and who possesses a certificate of competency issued bv the Miami-Dade County Construction Trades Qualifvina Board. A locallv licensed contractor may contract onlv in such iurisdiction. Qualifvina aaent means a person who possesses the requisite skill, knowledae and experience, and has the responsibilitv, to supervise. direct. manaae and control the contractinQ activities of a business oraanization with which he is connected: who has the responsibilitv to supervise. direct. manaae and control construction activities on a iob for which he has obtained a buildina permit: and whose technical and oersonal Qualifications have been determined bv investiaation and examination bv the department of business and professional reaulation and/or the Miami-Dade County Construction Trades Qualifvina Board. Reaistered contractor means any contractor who has reQistered with the state deoartment of business and professional reaulation pursuant to fulfillina the competency requirements of the Miami- Dade County 14 Construction Trades Qualifvina Board for which the reaistration is issued. A reaistered contractor may contract on Iv in such jurisdiction. State construction industry Iicensina board means the board that is a part of the department of business and professional reaulation. created to maintain proper standards of construction in the state. Sec. 14-442. Enumeration and enforcement: citations. (a) Violations. It shall be a violation of this division for any reaistered or locallv licensed contractor operatina within the city to commit any of the followina acts or omissions: (1) Contract for or to do work outside of the scope of work for which the contractor is authorized to perform. (2) Abandon. without leaal excuse. a construction proiect or operation in which a contractor is enaaaed under contract as a contractor. (3) Divert funds or property received for the execution or completion of a specific construction project or operation or for a specific purpose to any other use whatsoever. (4) Depart from or disreoard in any material respect the plans or specifications of a construction job without the consent of the owner or the owner's dulv authorized representative. and the buildino official. as defined bv the Florida Suildina Code. (5) Willfullv disreoard or violate any provisions of F.S. ch. 489. the Florida Suildina Code or the buildino code of the city. as presentlv written and as may be amended from time to time. (6) Misrepresent any fact in an application or supportina papers for any permit which is reauired bv the Florida Suildina Code or the buildina code of the city. (7) Fail to fulfill contractual obliaations in connection with any contract or construction proiect. includina. but not limited to. payment for material furnished or work or services performed. (8) Evade or violate any provisions of chapter 10 of the Code of Miami-Dade County. which may be evidenced by. but not limited to. one or more of the followina: a. Aidina or abettino any person not holdina a certificate of competency to evade or violate any of the provisions of this chapter; b. Allowino a certificate of competency to be used bv an unauthorized person; c. Obtainino a permit for any work in which the certificate of competency holder does not actually supervise. direct and control the construction or installation covered by such permit; or d. Subcontractino any work to any person not holdina a certificate of competency for work involved in the subcontract. (9) Do any fraudulent act as a certificate holder by which another is iniured. (10) Fail to supervise. direct. inspect or control all work on any construction proiect or operation on which the aualifvina aaent is enaaaed. 15 (11) Fail to maintain insurance coveraoe as required or worker's compensation coveraoe as required by state law. (12) Fail to maintain business or financial records as required by chapter 10 ofthe Code of Miami- Dade County. (13) Fail to provide the disclosure required under chapter 10 of the Code of Miami-Dade County. (b) Enforcement of code violations. (1) A code compliance officer. inspector. or official in the buildino services department may issue a citation for any violation of subsection (a) of this section whenever, based upon personal investioation, the officer, inspector or official has reasonable and probable orounds to believe such violation has occurred. The citation issued shall state: a. Time and date of issuance and the time and date of the violation. b. Name of the code compliance officer. inspector or official. c. Name and address of the contractor or subcontractor to whom the citation is issued. d. Title and section number of the code or law that may have been violated. e. A brief description of the nature of the purported violation and the facts constitutino reasonable cause. f. The procedure to be followed in order to pay the civil penaltv or to contest the citation. o. The applicable civil penaltv if the person elects not to contest the citation. (2) None of the provisions contained in this division shall be considered exclusive: the code compliance officer. inspector or official shall have the option to use any methods provided by code or law to enforce the provisions of the various city codes. Sec. 14-443. Appeal of citation to special master: unpaid fines to constitute lien: appeal of special master decisions. (a) Notification and conduct of hearinQs. Hearinos shall be noticed and conducted before the citv's special master in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter 30 and F.S. ~ 489.127 if the alleoed violator elects to contest the citation. The special master. at any hearinQ, may set a future hearina date. The special master shall attempt to hold hearinos no less frequently than once a month. but may schedule for hearinos more or less often as demand necessitates. All hearinas shall be open to the public. The city clerk shall provide clerical and administrative personnel as may be reasonably required for the proper performance of the special master's duties. (b) Requests for postponement of hearina. The contractor or complainant may request a continuance of hearino before the special master. and such request for continuance shall be allowed accordino to the followina: (1) Requests for a continuance of hearina must be made in writina to the clerk of the special master at least five business days before the date set for hearina. 16 (2) The first request for a continuance may be administratively aranted upon meetina requirements of subsection (b)(1) of this section. (3) The second request may be aranted by the buildina director in his discretion if the petitioner can show aood cause for such continuance. If the request is denied. appeal of that decision may be made to the special master at the time of hearinQ and. if the request is aranted. the hearinQ will be rescheduled to the next available hearina. (4) Followina two continuances. there shall be no further continuances unless approved by the special master. (5) The special master may decide to hear the case and act in accordance with the powers in this division whenever the reaistered or locally licensed contractor fails to attend a properly noticed special master hearina without obtaininQ a continuance provided in this division. (c) Recovery of unpaid fines: unpaid fines to constitute lien. If the alleaed violator is found auilty of a violation. the violator shall be held liable for the reasonable costs of the special master hearinQs and shall be fined in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 30-74. In addition. any fines imposed shall constitute a lien upon any real or personal property of the violator as provided in sections 30-74 and 30-75 and F.S. ~ 489.127. (d) Appeals of special master decisions. Anyaaarieved party may appeal a final decision of the special master in accordance with section 30-77. Sec. 14-444. Schedule of violation fines. The followina fines shall apply to the citation of buildina violations as provided in section 14-442: Miami-Dade County Code Violations Section Violation Fine MC 2-103.21 Use of fire hydrant without perm it $200.00 MC 2-103.21 Use of fire hydrant without meter 100.00 MC 10-3(a) No certificate of competency as a master. contractor. subcontractor or Qualifvina aaent 500.00 MC 10-3(a) No certificate of competencv as a iourneyman. maintenance person. installer or other similar tradesman 200.00 MC 10-22(a) Contractina for work outside the scope of certificate of competency 500.00 MC 10-22(b) Abandonment of iob 500.00 17 MC 10-22{al Failure to fulfill contractual 500.00 obliQations MC 10-22{hH1l Aidina and abettina a 500.00 oerson not holdinq a certificate MC 10-22{hl{2l AIlowina a certificate to be 500.00 used by an unauthorized oerson MC 10-22{hl{3l Failure of oermit holder to 500.00 suoervise. direct and control aiob MC 10-22{hH4l Subcontractina work to a 500.00 oerson not holdinq a certificate MC 10-22m Failure to suoervise. direct 500.00 and control all work MC 10-22.1(al Workina outside the scooe 500.00 of the certificate or actina as a contractor MC 10-22.1{bl Deoarture from or disreoard 500.00 of olans or soecifications without consent of the aualifvina aqent MC 10-22.1{dH1l Aidina or abettina any 500.00 person not holdina a certificate of comoetency MC 14-58 Violation of standards 100.00 adooted by this chaoter MC 14-62 Refusal to allow insoection 100.00 MC 24-11(1l Prohibitions aqainst water 500.00 discharoe. It shall be unlawful for any oerson to throw. drain. run or otherwise discharoe into any of the waters of county. or to cause. oermit or suffer to be thrown. run. drained or allowed to seeo or otherwise be discharaed into such water any oraanic or inoraanic water 18 MC 24-11 (3) Discharaes affectina water aualitv. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharae sewaae. industrial wastes. coolina water and solid wastes or any other wastes into the waters of this county. includina but not limited to surface water. tidal salt water estuaries or aroundwater MC 24-11 (9)(a)(1)(2) Sewer discharae limitations. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw. drain. run or otherwise discharae into a sewer desianed to carry stormwater. or to cause. permit or suffer to be thrown. run. drained. allowed to seep or otherwise discharae into such sewer Section All other violations of chapter 10. Miami-Dade County Municipal Code 500.00 500.00 200.00 Violation Florida Buildina Code Violations Fine $100.00 Chapter 8 Miami-Dade County Municipal Code Failure to maintain a buildina or structure in a safe condition: failure to maintain devices or safeauards in aood workina order Chapter 8 Miami-Dade County Municipal Code Chapter 8 Miami-Dade County Municipal Code Chapter 8 Miami-Dade County Municipal Code Florida Buildina Code. Buildina 104.6.2 Florida Buildina Code. Failure to remove debris. eauipment. sheds or materials Failure to secure buildinas and eauipment Failure to complv with lawful stop work order Failure to obtain a permit Failure to displav a permit 100.00 100.00 500.00 100.00 50.00 19 Buildino 105.5 card Florida Buildino Code. Failure to obtain mandatory 250.00 Buildino 105.6 inspection Florida Buildino Code. Unlawfully connectino 500.00 Buildino 106.3 utilitv service Florida Buildino Code. Failure to provide reauired 50.00 Buildino. Chapter 11 accessibility in compliance with the Florida Americans with Disabilities Accessibility Implementation Act Florida Buildino Code. Exceedina allowable 50.00 Buildina 3303.2 obstruction of the public rioht-of-way with construction and/or demolition Florida Buildino Code. Allowino materials to 50.00 Buildino 3302 obstruct fire hydrant. fire alarm box. manhole. catch basin and restriction of water flow to outters Florida Buildino Code. Failure to provide 50.00 Buildino 3305.3 temporary sidewalk which is properly ouarded and not less than four feet wide Florida Buildino Code. lIIeaal obstruction of an 50.00 Buildino 3301.2 alley or portion thereof in connection with construction or demolition Florida Buildina Code. Failure to protect sidewalks 50.00 Buildino 3301.2 and pavements from damaoe incidental to construction work Florida Buildino Code. Failure to provide sidewalk 50.00 Buildina 3304.1 and shed Florida Buildina Code. Failure to provide 50.00 Buildina 3305.1 construction fence Florida Buildino Code. Failure to prevent the fallino 50.00 Buildino 3301 .2 of paint or debris over public sidewalks or other places of public use 20 Florida Buildina Code, Buildina 105.3 Failure to obtain boiler inspections 100.00 Florida Buildina Code. Plumbina Unlawful discharae of rainwater or other liauid wastes or allowina same to be disposed onto or across public property or sidewalk 50.00 All other violations of the Florida Buildina Code and Miami-Dade Countv Municipal Code 100.00 Florida Buildina Code. Buildina. Fire protection code Life Safety Code Violations Section Violation Fine NFPA 101 Anv violation of the Life Safety Code $200.00 Florida Statutes Violations Chapter Violation Fine 553 Any violation of accessibility reauirements $500.00 Sees. 14-445-14-465. Reserved. ARTICLE III. NUMBERING Sec. 14-466. Duty to furnish. It shall be the duty of the public works director to furnish to all applicants the correct number for houses in the city. Sec. 14-467. Owners shall obtain numbers: size: city not to furnish material. (a) All owners of houses and buildinas within the city shall obtain the correct numbers of their respective houses or buildinas from the public works director, for which there shall be no fee charaed. and cause such numbers to be placed on their houses or buildinas as provided in this section. Such number shall not be less than four inches in heiaht. (1) All owners of houses and buildinas within the city shall prominently display the correct numerical address on the front of their structure facina the street and shall use either liaht- reflective material or shall conspicuously illuminate the numbers by electricalliahtina so that the numbers are clearly visible from the street durina both dayliaht or niahttime hours. (2) All owners of houses and buildinas within the city havina access to an alley shall cause the correct street number of the structure to be placed on any side of the structure facina the alley. 21 (b) The numbers required by subsection (a)(1). (2) of this section shall be installed as required by this section in the manner prescribed within ten days after completion of any new house or buildino. (c) This section shall not be construed to require the city to furnish the material out of which the numbers shall be made. Sec. 14-468. Responsibilitv of code compliance officers. The code compliance officers shall have the responsibility to enforce the street numberina of all houses and buildinas in the City of Miami Beach as required by section 14-467. Sees. 14-469--14-500. Reserved. ARTICLE IV. AWNINGS AND CANOPIES Division 1. Generallv Sec. 14-501. Definitions. The followino words. terms and phrases. when used in this article. shall have the meaninos ascribed to them in this section. except where the context clearly indicates a different meanino: Awnino means a temporary. movable. detachable canvas or other cloth. wood or steel protection aaainst sun. weather or vision on a foldino metal frame supported entirely from the walls of a buildino and raised and lowered with ropes and pulleys. rollers or other mechanical devices. Awnina construction means the installation. renewal. removal. repair or alteration of an awnino. stationary awnino. roller curtain. canopy or tent. Awnino contractor means a person enoaoed in the business of awnino construction. and who is duly licensed to transact such business by the city. Canopy means a temporary. detachable canvas or other cloth protection aaainst sun or weather. on a riaid metal frame supported entirely or in part by wooden or metal posts attached to the around or deck. floor or parapet of the buildina. Roller curtain means a temporary. movable. detachable canvas or other cloth protection aoainst sun or weather. havino a wooden or metal roller attached to its lower edoe. which is supported entirely bY the canvas and is raised and lowered by ropes and pulleys or other mechanical devices. Stationary awnino means a detachable canvas or other cloth. wood or steel protection aoainst sun. weather or vision on a riaid metal frame and supported entirely from the walls of a buildino. Tent means a canvas or other cloth shelter from sun or weather. supported bY wooden frame or by poles. stakes and ropes. or both. and not attached to any buildino. Any awnina construction of any description when it is outside of a buildino and used as a domicile. home or sleepino room for man or beast. or when it has a wooden frame. shall be considered to be a tent. Sec. 14-502. Construction reauirements. In addition to the requirements in the Florida Buildino Code. no awnino or canopy construction. whether on public or private property. shall be constructed. installed. renewed. repaired. reerected or altered unless it conforms to this article. 22 Sees. 14-503--14-525. Reserved. Division 2. Awninas Sec. 14-526 Awnina construction. (a) All awnino construction. whether on public or private property. shall have metal frames: and in no case shall canvas covers be used with wooden frames unless such construction is a tent. (b) All canopies and stationary awninos. whether on public or private property. shall be equipped with rafters and corner braces of sufficient size and strenoth to withstand ordinary wind pressure: and in no case shall the cloth support the frame. Rafters shall not be more than eioht feet apart. (c) All awninos. stationary awninos and canopies shall have metal frames when erected within the city: provided. that in case of canopies. the metal frame may be supported by heaw wooden posts on private property. and wooden head rods may be used to secure awninos. stationary awninos and canopies to the face of the buildinos. (d) All awninos. stationary awninas. canopies and roller curtains shall be substantially constructed and securely fastened. No form or type of construction or fasteninos shall be used unless approved by the chief buildino inspector. (e) When wooden or metal head rods are used to fasten awnino construction to the face of a buildina with expansion bolts or expansion fittinas. fiber or metal expansion shields may be used: but in no case shall wooden pluos be permitted. On awninos UP to seven feet in width. head rod fasteninos shall not be more than three feet apart. and on awninas over seven feet in width. head rod fasteninas shall not be more than two feet six inches apart. Metal expansion shields shall be used when the awnino or canopy extends over public property. (f) The cloth part of canopies and stationary awninos must be securely laced. tied or otherwise securely fastened to the metal frame. and in no case shall roller curtains be used to cover stationary frames of canopies or stationary awninos. (0) No awninos. roller curtains. stationary awninos. canopies or tents shall exceed 50 percent of the oround area of the buildina or portion of buildina in connection with which it is to be used. In no case shall it exceed ten percent of the area of the lot. or portion of a lot on which the main buildina is located. (h) No side or end curtains shall be permitted in connection with any awninas. roller curtains. stationary awninas. canopies or tents. Sec. 14-527. Construction requirements for awninas over sidewalks. (a) Awninas. stationary awninas and roller curtains may be erected over sidewalks under the followina aeneral conditions: (1) The frame shall be of metal. (2) No metal part of any awnino. stationary awnina or roller curtain shall be less than seven feet six inches from the top of the sidewalk. and no part of the cloth shall be less than six feet six inches from the top of the sidewalk. (3) No awnina or stationary awnino shall proiect more than nine feet from the buildino wall or property line. or nearer than ten inches to the curbline. No part of any canopy shall proiect 23 nearer than ten inches to the curbline. and the upriahts supportino a canopy shall never be fastened nearer than 18 inches from the curbline. In all cases where supports are on public property. the permit shall be approved by the chief buildina inspector and the city manaaer. (4) The front bar of an awnina. when it is pulled uP. shall not be hioher than the head of the awnino. (5) Awninas shall not be eauipped with slide rods. except where they can be made to operate automatically. The proiection shall never be oreater than two times the heioht. and where slide rods are used balar'lced arms also shall be supplied. (6) All awninas shall be eauipped with supportino chains or fireproof cables. one end of which fastens to the front bar. and the other end of which fastens to a point iust under the head of the awnino. but never to the head rod or head rod fasteninos. Such chains and cables shall be of sufficient strenoth and securelv enouah fastened to withstand the stress of the awnino's beino accidentallv dropped when beino raised or lowered. and to keep the frame from aoino below the horizontal in case the cloth stretches. tears or burns. Balanced arms are not permitted as meetina this reauirement. (7) Subsections (a)(5) and (a)(6) of this section do not apply where lateral foldina arms and flexible arms are used. (8) The proiection of a stationary awnina shall in no case be oreater than three times the heioht. (9) Roller curtains may only be erected over sidewalks when the method of securino the bottom of curtain has been approved bY the buildino inspector. (b) This section applies only to construction on the first or street floor and over public property. Sees. 14-528--14-550. Reserved. Division 3. CanoDies Subdivision I. Generally Sec. 14-551. PurDose of division: DroDerty riahts. The purpose of th is division is to provide authority for the construction of permanent canopies over city streets in connection with store fronts in business areas. to reoulate such canopies in such manner as not to interfere with necessary street wideninas and public utilities. and so as to produce the maximum uniformity of des ion consistent with the controllino conditions. The authority provided under this division shall not confer any property riahts to the areas occupied by such canopies. and shall be subiect to the riaht of the city to reauire the removal of such canopies if chanaes in the oovernino conditions so reauire. Sec. 14-552. ResDonsibilitv for enforcement of division: erection of sians on canoDies. The plan nino. desion and historic preservation division shall be responsible for the enforcement of this division. and all buildina plans providina for such permanent canopies shall be submitted to and approved bv the plannino. desian and historic preservation division before any buildina permit is issued by the buildino services department. No displays or sions of any kind shall be erected on or suspended from any canopy provided for in this division; except. that sians composed of open-faced letters not more than 24 inches in heiaht and located not less than six inches back from the open edae of such canopy may be erected on the upper surface only. the sian and the erection thereof beina otherwise subiect to the provisions of chapter 138. 24 Sec. 14-553. Responsibility for damaaes: insurance. Owners of buildinos on which permanent canopies are erected shall assume full responsibility for any damaoe to persons or property that may result from the occupancy of public property by such canopies. and shall provide public liabilitv and property damaoe insurance in amount as determined bv the plannino, desion and historic preservation division. based on the lenoth of canopv involved. Sees. 14-554--14-575. Reserved. Subdivision II. Districts Sec. 14-576 Specifications for each district. The business frontaoes of the city are hereby divided into canopv districts as provided in this subdivision. Sec. 14-577 Canopv district A. (a) Canopy district A shall consist of the north side of 23rd Street. between the west property line of Collins Avenue and the east property line of Liberty Avenue. (b) In this district. permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main buildina walls. shall proiect a uniform distance of seven feet six inches from the property line. and shall be a uniform heioht above the sidewalk of ten feet. Sec. 14-578 Canopv district B. (a) Canopy district B shall consist of the east side of Liberty Avenue. between the north property line of 23rd Street and the south property line of the Collins Canal. (b) In this district. permanent canopies, if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main buildino walls. shall proiect a uniform distance of three feet six inches from the property line. and shall be a uniform heiaht above the sidewalk of ten feet. Sec. 14-579. Canopy district C. (a) Canopy district C shall include the west side of Collins Avenue from the north property line of 73rd Street to the south property line of 75th Street: and the north and south sides of 74th Street between the west property line of Collins Avenue and the east property line of the alley between Collins Avenue and Harding Avenue. (b) In this district. permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main buildina walls. shall proiect a uniform distance of six feet into Collins Avenue and a uniform distance of three feet into 74th Street. and shall be a uniform heioht above the sidewalk of ten feet. Sec. 14-580. Canopy district D. (a) Canopy district D shall consist of the south side of 23rd Street. between the west property line of Collins Avenue and the east property line of Liberty Avenue. (b) In this district permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main buildina walls. shall proiect a uniform distance of four feet from the property line. and shall be a uniform heiaht above the sidewalk of ten feet. . 25 Sec. 14-581. CanODY district E. (a) CanODY district E shall consist of the north side of 17th Street. between the west line of Alton Road and the east line of that certain alley which is the extension northerly of the alley Iyino between Alton Road and West Avenue. (b) In this district permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main building walls. shall project a uniform distance of eight feet from the property line. and shall be a uniform height above the sidewalk of ten feet. Sec. 14-582. CanODY district F. (a) Canopy district F shall consist of the south side of 17th Street between the east property line of Meridian Avenue and the east property line of block 35. amended plat. Golf Course Subdivision. (b) In this district. permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main building walls. shall project a uniform distance of eight feet from the property line. and shall be a uniform height of ten feet above the sidewalk. Sec. 14-583. CanODY district G. (a) Canopy district G shall consist of the property along the east property line of block 35. amended plat. Golf Course Subdivision. between the south property line of 17th Street and Lincoln Lane. (b) In this district permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main building walls. shall project a uniform distance of ten feet six inches from the property line. and shall be a uniform heioht of ten feet aboye the sidewalk. Sec. 14-584. CanODY district H. (a) Canopy district H shall consist of the east side of Meridian Avenue between the south property line of 17th Street and the north property line of Lincoln Lane. (b) In this district. permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main building walls. shall proiect a uniform distance of two feet six inches from the property line. and shall be a uniform height of ten feet aboye the sidewalk. Sec. 14-585. CanODY district I. (a) Canopy district I shall consist of the east side of Jefferson Avenue from the south property line of Lincoln Road to the north property line of the alley south of Lincoln Road. (b) In this district. permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main building walls. shall project a uniform distance of five feet four inches from the property line. and shall be eleven feet above the sidewalk. Sec. 14-586. CanODY district J. (a) Canopy district J shall consist ofthe north side of Lincoln Road from the east line of Jefferson Avenue to a point 150 feet east of such line: and the east side of Jefferson Avenue from the north line of Lincoln Road to a point 150 feet north of such line. (b) In this district. permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main building walls. shall have a face depth of 18 inches or less. shall proiect a uniform distance of seven feet from the 26 property line. and shall be a uniform heioht above the sidewalk of ten feet. Sec. 14-587. CanODY district K. (a) Canopv district K shall consist of the property on the east side of Collins Avenue from the south property line of Lincoln Road to the north property line of lot 14. block 55. of Fisher's First Subdivision of Alton Beach and the south side of Lincoln Road from the east property line of Collins Avenue eastward a distance of 400 feet. (b) In this district. permanent canopies. if erected. shall be cantilevered from the main buildinQ walls. shall proiect a uniform distance of eiQht feet from the property line. and shall be a uniform heiQht of nine feet six inches above the sidewalk. Sec. 14-588. CanODY district L. (a) Canopy district L shall consist of all propertyabuttino upon that portion of Lincoln Road Iyino west of the westerly line of Washinoton Avenue to the easterly line of Alton Road. (b) In this district. permanent canopies. if erected. shall be extended from the main buildina walls. shall proiect a uniform distance of 14 feet from the property line. and shall be of a uniform heioht of seven feet six inches above the sidewalk. Sec. 14-589. CanODY district M. Canopy district M shall consist of all of the property on the east side of Wash in at on Avenue Iyino north of the north line of Biscayne Street to the south line of Commerce Street extended. and all of the property on the north side of Biscayne Street from the east side of Washinoton Avenue east to the west line of Collins Court. Sec. 14-590. Other CanODY districts. It is the intent that studies be made by the city commission of all business areas. and suitable proiections and heiohts established. As such area reoulations are established they shall be added to this section as new canopy districts. or combined into districts already provided. Sees. 14-591--14-610. Reserved. Subdivision III. Aareement Amona ProDertv Owners as to Desian Sec. 14-611. Reaulations as to construction under uniform Dlan. In cases where all owners of business or multiple-familY property frontino on a street for a full block shall aoree upon a uniformlv desioned permanent canopy proiectinQ from the buildino or buildinos over the sidewalk. such canopies may be constructed. subiect to the followina reoulations: (1) A oeneral plan shall be prepared and submitted' to the plannino desion and historic preservation division for approval. and. if approved. shall be retained bv the city as a public record. and all present and subsequent buildinos must conform to such plan. (2) All owners of vacant prooerty shall bind themselves and subseauent owners. bva covenant runnino with the land. to build in conformance with the uniform approved olan for the block. when and if such property is built on. Certified copies of recorded instruments containino such covenant shall be filed with the citv clerk. 27 (3) All owners of existino buildinos shall bind themselves and their successors in title. in a covenant runnino with the land and in an aoreement with the city. that no alterations to buildino exteriors will be made except in conformance with the approved uniform plan. and that the exteriors of such buildinos will be made to conform to the uniform approved plan within 12 months after the completion of any new buildino on adioinino property. or within 12 months after the completion of alterations to an existino adjoinina buildina in confon11ance with the approved uniform plan. (4) No buildino perm it authorizino the construction of such permanent canopy over city sidewalks shall be issued until all the property owners in the block under consideration shall have complied with the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of this section. nor until an approved uniform plan shall be on file with the city. (5) Such canopies shall proiect a uniform distance from the front property line of the lots and shall not exceed a projection of ten percent of the width of the street on which it fronts. plus one foot: but in no case shall they project closer to an established curbline than 18 inches. (6) Such canopies shall be a uniform heiaht above the sidewalk. No part of such canopy shall be less than nine feet above the orade of the sidewalk directlv under the outer edoe of the canopv. (7) Supports. if any. for such canopies shall be of uniform desian. and so far as practicable. shall be uniformlv spaced throuahout a block. Such supports shall be not more than ten percent of the street width from the property line of the lots to the outer edoe of the support. but in no case shall any part of a support be closer than five feet to an established curbline. (8) Canopies shall be of uniform thickness at their outer edoe. which thickness shall not exceed 12 inches. (9) Canopies and supports. if any. shall be constructed entirelv of incombustible materials and in conformance with the enaineerino and desion reaulations of the Florida Buildino Code. (10) No Iiahtino. displavs. accessories or apPurtenances of any kind shall be erected on or suspended from any such canopy. except as provided with respect to sions in subsection (11) of this section. nor shall such canopies be accessible to the public or in anvwavused for human occupancy. (11) Sions composed of open unliahted letters may be erected on the face of such canopies or above or below such canopies at their outer edoes and parallel to the buildino. Such sians shall be in accordance with the uniform approved plan. (12) For the purpose of this section. a block shall be considered to be the property frontino on one side of a street and extendino between any two intersectino streets. Allevs shall not be construed as streets. Secs.14-612--14-645. Reserved. Article V. Bulkhead Lines Sec. 14-646. Construction of barricades between hiah and low water marks prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect. construct. extend or maintain any fence of whatsoever nature. or any barricade or similar structure that restricts or prevents the free and unhindered traverse or use bv the public of the shore or space between the ordinary hiah and low water marks of the Atlantic Ocean. 28 Sec. 14-647. Construction of bulkheads. aroins or ietties exempted. Nothina contained in section 14-286 shall be deemed to orohibit or restrict. where otherwise oermitted bv orooer authorities. the erection or extension of bulkheads, aroins or ietties desianed and constructed for beach or channel orotection ourooses. Sec. 14-648. Backfillina behind bulkheads. No material shall be excavated from the Atlantic Ocean for the ouroose of backfillina behind any bulkhead. Sec. 14-649. Bulkhead line established for Indian Creek. A bulkhead line is established in Indian Creek in the city. between the southerlv line of lot 11 of block 3 of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision. accordina to the amended olat thereof. recorded in olat book 28. oaae 28. oublic records of the county. oroduced westerlv. and the northerlv line of lot 40. block 3 of the subdivision. oroduced westerly. such line beina located and described as follows: Beainnina at a ooint on the southerly line of lot 11. block 3 of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision. accordina to the amended olat thereof. oroduced westerly. such ooint beina 20 feet distant from the southwesterly corner of lot 11: thence northerly alona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerly line of lot 15. block 3. oroduced westerly. such ooint beina 31 feet westerly of the northwesterly corner of lot 15: thence northerly alona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerly line of lot 16. block 3. oroduced westerlY. such ooint beino 31 feet westerlv of the northwesterly corner of lot 16: thence northerly alono a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerlv line of lot 18. block 3. oroduced westerly. such ooint beino 31 feet westerlv of the northwesterly corner of lot 18: thence northerlv alona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerlv line of lot 20. block 3. oroduced westerly. such ooint beina 31 feet westerly of the northwesterly corner of lot 20: thence northerly in a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerlv line of lot 23. block 3. oroduced westerlv. such ooint beina 31 feet westerlv of the northwesterlv corner of lot 23: thence northerlv alona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerlv line of lot 26. block 3. oroduced westerlv. such ooint beina 35 feet westerlv of the northwesterly corner of lot 26: thence northerlv alona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerly line of lot 28. block 3. oroduced westerlv. such ooint beina 40 feet westerly of the northwesterly corner of lot 28: thence northerlv alona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerlv line of lot 30. block 3. oroduced westerly. such ooint beina 46 feet westerly of the northwesterlv corner of lot 30: thence northerlv alona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerlv line of lot 34. block 3. oroduced westerlv. such ooint beina 46 feet westerly of the northwesterlv corner of lot 34: thence northerlv alona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerlv line of lot 36. block 3. oroduced westerlv. such ooint beina 46 feet westerlv of the northwesterly corner of lot 36: thence northerlvalona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerly line of lot 39. block 3. oroduced westerlv. such ooint beina 46 feet westerlv of the northwesterlv corner of lot 39: thence northerly alona a straiaht line to a ooint on the northerly line of lot 40. block 3. oroduced westerlv. such ooint beino 46 feet westerly of the northwesterlv corner of lot 40: as such waterway. lots. block and subdivision are shown on a olat recorded in olat book 28. oaoe 28. oublic records of the county. Sec. 14-650. Structures west of Indian Creek line prohibited. No bulkhead or other structure shall be constructed or erected that shall be westerlv of the line described and setforth in section 14-649. Sec. 14-651. Bulkhead line established on eastern shore of Biscayne Bay. A bulkhead line is established on the east shore of Biscavne Bav west of lots 1 throuah 9. block 15. of Island View Subdivision. accordina to the olat thereof. recorded in olat book 6. oaae 115, oublic records ofthe county. such line beina located and described as follows: 29 Beoin at the northwest corner of lot 9. block 15. of Island View Subdivision. plat book 6. paoe 115. public records of the countv: thence south 36 deorees 37 minutes 16 seconds west for a distance of 16.07 feet: thence south 73 deorees 10 minutes 29 seconds west for a distance of 190.25 feet to the beoinnina of a tanoential circular curve: thence southwesterlv alono such circular curve to the left havino a radius of 150 feet throuah a central anole of 73 deorees 06 minutes 15 seconds for an arc distance of 191.39 feet to the end of such curve and a point located 298 feet west of. as measured at rieht aneles to. the west line of block 15: thence south 00 dearees 04 minutes 14 seconds west. taneent to the last described curve and parallel to the west line of block 15 for a distance of 218.80 feet to the beainnine of a taneential circular curve: thence southeasterlv alono such circular curve to the left havina a radius of 300 feet throuoh a central anele of 36 dearees 55 minutes 20 seconds for an arc distance of 193.33 feet to a point of reverse curve: thence southeasterlv alone a circular curve to the rieht havino a radius of 2.739.05 feet throueh a central anale of 06 deorees 19 minutes 20 seconds for an arc distance of 302.24 feet to the end of such curve: thence north 89 decrees 58 minutes 15 seconds east for a distance of 70 feet to the intersection of the west and south boundarv of Dade Boulevard as the same is shown on the Island View Subdivision and the end of the bulkhead line. Sec. 14-652. Structures west of Biscavne Bav line prohibited. No bulkhead or other structure shall be constructed or erected which shall be westerlv of the line described and setforth in section 14-651. Sec. 14-653. Bulkhead line established for Flaaler Memorial Island. A bulkhead line is established for that certain parcel of land Ivino. beino and situate in Biscavne Bav and commonlv known as Flaoler Memorial Island. as follows: On the circumference of a circle in Biscavne Bav in the SW1/4. section 33 in T53S. R42E. havino a diameter of 430 feet. the center of the tract beina 2.725 feet westerlv of 14th Street: 2.010 feet southwesterlv of Harbor Lane. Belle Isle: and 1.620 feet northerlv of Star Island. this circle beino the same tract of land as described in warranty deed recorded in deed book 1945. paae 181. public records of the county. Sec. 14-654. Construction of bulkhead between certain lines Drohibited. (a) No bulkhead shall be constructed or erected between the southerlv line of tract 1 of the Bath Club propertv as shown on plat,thereof. recorded in plat book 40. paoe 14. public records of the county. and the northerlv line of lot 43. block 1 of Second Ocean Front Subdivision. as shown on the amended plat thereof. recorded in plat book 28. paoe 28. public records of the county. which shall be east of a line described as follows: Beoinnina at a point on the southerlv line of tract 1 of the Bath Club property as per plat recorded in plat book 40. paae 14. public records of the county. and 466 feet east of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence northerlv alono a straioht line to a point on the northerlv line of lot 21-A, block 1. of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision. as per amended plat thereof recorded in plat book 28. paoe 28. public records of the countv. and which is 311 feet east of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence northerlv alono a straioht line to a point on the northerlv line of lot 21-H. block 1. of Second Ocean Front Subdivision. and which is 361 feet east of said easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence northerlv alone a straiaht line to a point on the northerlv line of lot 22 of block 1 of the subdivision. and which is 311 feet east of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence northerlv alono a straioht line to a point on the northerlv line of lot 25. block 1 of the subdivision. and which is 331 feet east of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence northerlv alona a line parallel to and 331 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue to a point on the northerlv line of lot 43. block 1. of the subdivision. 30 (b) No oroin shall be constructed or erected that shall extend into the ocean a distance of more than 150 feet from the bulkhead line described in subsection (a) of this section. Secs.14-655--14-685. Reserved. Article VI. Harbor Lines Sec. 14-686. Restrictions on construction of structures easterlv of harbor lines. (a) No bulkhead or other structure. exceot oroins. shall be constructed or erected easterlv of the line described in any of the sections of this article. exceot as otherwise provided in such sections. (b) No material shall be excavated from the Atlantic Ocean for the ouroose of backfillino any bulkhead. (c) No oroins shall be constructed or erected extendina into the ocean a distance of more than 200 feet from the harbor line described in any section of this article. (d) Notwithstandino the location of the harbor lines described in this article. no seawall. bulkhead. fill or other structure shall be constructed on or across the foreshore of the Atlantic Ocean. as the same shall exist and be located from day to day. beina that area Ivino east of the mean hiah water line of the Atlantic Ocean: exceot. that oroins or ietties built at riaht anoles to the beach in an east-west direction. the obiect and ouroose of which are to oreserve the existina beach. to trao the sand. and to imorove or enlarae the beach. may be constructed: but the authority for the erection of such aroins or ietties shall not include authorizina or oermittina erection of fences or walls across the foreshore or out into the ocean. the obiect or effect of which is to obstruct and orevent oassaae of the public alona the foreshore oortion of the beach. (e) Nothino in this section shall be deemed or construed to forbid the construction and maintenance. easterlv of the line described in any of the sections of this article. of water intake oioes: however. such water intake oioes shall be constructed below the foreshore as it may exist from day to day: further. such water intake oioes shall not obstruct or orevent oassaae of the oeoole alona the foreshore oortion of the beach. and drainaae oioes from swimmina oools. air conditionina systems or stormwater systems for the discharae of water. free from any matter or content that causes or could cause water oollution or contamination: however. such drainaae oioes shall discharoe on Iv into deeo water easterlv of the foreshore as it may exist from day to day: further. such discharae oioes shall be constructed below the foreshore as it mavexist from day to day: and further. such discharae oioes shall not obstruct or orevent oassaoe of the oublic alono the foreshore oortion of the beach. Sec. 14.687. Establishment between 22nd Street and 33rd Street. A harbor line is established in the Atlantic Ocean between a line seven feet southerlv of the southerlv line of 22nd Street extended easterlv and the northerlv line of 33rd Street extended easterlv. located as follows: Beainnina at a ooint which is seven feet southerlv of the southerlv line of 22nd Street oroduced easterlv and 536.45 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence run in a northerlv direction to a ooint on the southerlv line of 23rd Street oroduced easterlv. and 518.5 feet easterlv of the east line of Collins Avenue; thence run in a northerlv direction to a ooint on the southerlv line oroduced easterlv of lot 1. block 4. of the amended mao of the ocean front orooerty of the Miami Beach Imorovement Comoanv. and 138 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of block 4: thence run in a northerlv direction to a ooint on the northerlv line oroduced easterlv of lot 6. block 6 of the oceanfront orooertv of the Miami Beach Imorovement Comoanv and 142 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of block 6: thence run in a northerlv direction to a ooint on the northerlv line oroduced easterlvof lot 3. block 11. of the oceanfront orooertv of the Miami Beach Imorovement Comoanv. and 354 feet 31 easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line of 32nd Street produced easterlv and 345 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the southerlv line of 33rd Street produced easterlv and 340.38 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue. as Collins Avenue. streets. property. lots and blocks are shown on the amended map of the oceanfront property of the Miami Beach Improvement Companv recorded in plat book 5. paaes 7 and 8. public records of the county. and as such streets are named and desionated in city ordinance number 232. Sec. 14-688. Establishment between 33rd Street and 44th Street. A harbor line is herebv established in the Atlantic Ocean between the southerlv line of 33rd Street extended easterlv and the northerlv line of 44th Street extended easterlv. located as follows: Beoinnino at a point on the southerlv line of 33rd Street produced easterlv and 340.38 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the easterlv production of the southerlv line of lot 2. block 19. of the amended map of the oceanfront property of the Miami Beach Improvement Companv and 343 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line of 34th Street extended easterlv and 344 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line of 41 st Street extended easterlv and 325 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line of 44th Street extended easterlv and 311 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue. as Collins Avenue. streets. lot and block are shown on the amended map of the oceanfront propertv of the Miami Beach Improvement Companv. recorded in plat book 5. paoes 7 and 8. public records of the countv. and as such streets are named and desianated in citv ordinance number 232. Sec. 14-689. Establishment between lot 4 of Harrison and Haves Subdivision and 18th Street. A harbor line is herebv established in the Atlantic Ocean between the southerlv line of lot 4. Harrison and Haves Subdivision extended easterlv. and the centerline of 18th Street extended easterlv. located as follows: Beoinnino at a point on the southerlv line of lot 4. Harrison and Haves Subdivision extended easterlv. and 303 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Ocean Drive: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line extended easterlvof lot 9. block 56. Fisher's First Subdivision of Alton Beach. and 175 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of block 56: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the southerlv line extended easterlv of lot 1. block 28. Fisher's First Subdivision of Alton Beach. and 175 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of block 28: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the center line of 18th Street extended easterlv and 602.2 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue. as Ocean Drive and Harrison and Haves Subdivision are shown on a plat recorded in plat book 9. paae 73. public records of the county. and as Fisher's First Subdivision of Alton Beach. 18th Street and Collins Avenue are shown on a plat recorded in plat book 2. paoe 77. public records of the county. and as 18th Street and Collins Avenue are named and desionated in citv ordinance number 232. Sec. 14-690. Establishment between 44th Street and lot "A" of Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision. A harbor line is established in the Atlantic Ocean between the northerlv line of 44th Street produced easterlv and the northerlv line of lot "A" of the Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision produced easterlv. located as follows: Beoinnino at a point on the northerlv line of 44th Street produced easterlv and 311 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue. as Collins Avenue is shown on the amended map of 32 the oceanfront orooerty of the Miami Beach Imorovement Comoany. recorded in olat book 5. oaoes 7 and 8. oublic records of the countv: thence run in a northerly direction 700 feet more or less. to a ooint on the northerly line oroduced easterly of lot "A" of the Indian Beach Corooration's Subdivision. as shown on the amended olat thereof recorded in olat book 8. oaoe 61. public records of the county. such ooint beino 562.4 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alono the northerly line of lot "A". and the northerly line oroduced easterly. Sec. 14-691. Establishment between lot "A" and lot 6 of Indian Beach CorDoration's Subdivision. (a) A harbor line is established in the Atlantic Ocean between the northerly lines of lot "A" and lot 6 of the Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision. oroduced easterly. located as follows: Beeinnino at a ooint on the northerly line oroduced easterly of lot "A" of the Indian Beach Corooration's Subdivision. and 562.4 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alone the northerly line of lot "A" and the northerly line of lot "A" oroduced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction 250 feet. more or less. to a ooint on the centerline oroduced easterly of lot 3 of the Indian Beach Corooration's Subdivision. such ooint beino 558 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alono the centerline and the centerline oroduced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction 350 feet. more or less. to a ooint on the northerly line oroduced easterly of lot 6 of the subdivision. such ooint beino 546 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue measured alono the northerly line of lot 6 and the northerly line of lot 6 oroduced easterly. as such lot. avenue and subdivision are shown on a olat recorded in olat book 8. oaoe 61. oublic records of the county. (b) Groins and sun deck oiers may be constructed or erected easterly of the hereinabove described harbor line to a distance into the ocean. not more than 200 feet from such line: and such sun deck oiers shall not be more than 18 feet in heioht above mean low water. anvthino in this article to the contrary notwithstandino. Exceot for such oroins and sun deck oiers. no bulkhead or other structures shall be easterly of such line. Sec. 14-692. Establishment between lots 43 and 44. block 1. Second Ocean Front Subdivision. (a) A harbor line is established in the Atlantic Ocean between the northerly line, produced easterly. of lot 43 and the northerly line oroduced easterly of lot 44, block 1. Second Ocean Front Subdivision, located as follows: Beoinnino at a ooint on the northerly line, oroduced easterly. of lot 43. block 1, Second Ocean Front Subdivision, accordino to the amended olat thereof, recorded in olat book 28, oaoe 28, oublic records of the county. such ooint beino 333 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue, measured at rioht anoles to the easterly line of Collins Avenue; thence run in a northerly direction alone a line oarallel to and 333 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue to a ooint on the northerly line. oroduced easterly. of lot 44. block 1. of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision. (b) No oroin shall be constructed or erected extendino into the ocean from the harbor line described in this section a distance of more than 158 feet. Sec. 14-693. Establishment between lot 44. block 1. Second Ocean Front Subdivision and 69th Street. (a) A harbor line is established in the Atlantic Ocean between the northerly line produced easterly of lot 44. block 1. Second Ocean Front Subdivision and the southerly line oroduced easterly of 69th Street. located as follows: Beoinnino at a ooint on the northerly line produced easterly of lot 44. block 1. Second Ocean Front Subdivision. accordino to the amended olat thereof. recorded in olat book 28. oaoe 28. oublic 33 records of the county. such ooint beina 333 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured at riaht anales to the easterly line of Collins Avenue. as the avenue is shown on the olat; thence run northerly alona a straiaht line oarallel to and 333 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue to a ooint on the northerly line. oroduced easterly of lot 1. block B. Atlantic Heiahts. as the avenue. lot. block and subdivision are shown on a olat recorded in olat book 9. oaae 14. oublic records of the county. (b) No aroin shall be constructed or erected extendina into the Atlantic Ocean from the harbor line described in this section a distance of more than 165 feet. Sec. 14-694. Establishment between lots 12 and 22 of Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision. A harbor line is established in the Atlantic Ocean from the northerly line of lot 12. oroduced easterly. to the northerly line of lot 22. oroduced easterly. all in Indian Beach Corooration's Subdivision. located as follows: Beainnina at a ooint on the northerly line. oroduced easterly. of lot 12 of Indian Beach Corooration's Subdivision. accordina to the amended plat thereof recorded in olat book 8. oaae 61. public records of the county. such ooint beina 472 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 12. and the northerly line oroduced easterly; thence run northerly to a ooint on the northerly line. oroduced easterly. of lot 16. of the Indian Beach Corooration's Subdivision; such ooint beina 460 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 16. and the northerly line oroduced easterly; thence run in a northerly direction to a ooint on the northerly line. oroduced easterly. of lot 22 of the Indian Beach Corooration's Subdivision. oroduced easterly. such ooint beina 450 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue measured alona the northerly line of lot 22. and the northerly line oroduced easterly. Sec. 14-695. Established between lot 1, block B. Atlantic Heiahts Subdivision. and 87th Terrace. A harbor line is hereby established in the Atlantic Ocean between the northerlY line. oroduced easterly. of lot 1. block B. Atlantic Heiahts Subdivision. and the northerly line. oroduced easterly. of 87th Terrace. located as follows: Beainnina at a ooint on the northerly line. oroduced easterly. of lot 1. block B. Atlantic Heiahts Subdivision. accordina to the corrected olat thereof recorded in olat book 9. oaae 14. oublic records of the county. such ooint beina 333 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue measured alona the northerly line of lot 1 and the northerly line oroduced easterly; thence run in a northerly direction to a ooint on the northerly line. oroduced easterly. lot 1. block A. of Atlantic Heiahts Subdivision. such ooint beina 290 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 1. and the northerly line oroduced easterly; thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the centerline. oroduced easterly. of 71st Street. as shown on the olat of NormandY Beach South. recorded in olat book 21. oaae 54. oublic records of the county. such ooint beina 277 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the centerline of 71 st Street. and the centerline oroduced easterly; thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. oroduced easterly. of lot 1. block 9. of the Atlantic Heiahts Subdivision. such ooint beina 300 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 1. and the northerly line oroduced easterly; thence run in a northerly direction to a ooint on a line oarallel to and 40 feet southerly of the northerly line of 73rd Street. oroduced easterly. as shown on the olat of Hardina Townsite as recorded in olat book 34. oaae 4. oublic records of the county. such ooint beina 418 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. as shown on the olat of Hardina Townsite. measured alona the line parallel to and 40 feet southerly of the northerly line of 73rd Street. and the oarallelline oroduced easterly; thence run to a ooint on a line oarallel to and 62 feet northerly of the southerly line of 75th Street. oroduced easterly. as shown on the olat of Hardina Townsite. recorded in olat book 34. oaae 4. oublic records of the county. such ooint beina 417 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. as shown on such olat of Hardina Townsite. measured alona the line oarallel to and 62 feet 34 northerly of the southerly line of 75th Street. and the parallel line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of lot 6. block 7. Altos Del Mar No.1. accordina to the corrected plat thereof recorded in plat book 31. paae 40. public records of the county. such point beina 415 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 6. and the northerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction alona a line parallel to and 415 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue to a point on the southerly line. produced easterly. of 83rd Street. as shown on the plat: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the southerly line. produced easterly. of 84th Street. as shown on the plat of Altos Del Mar Subdivision No.2. recorded in plat book 4. paae 16. public records of the county. such point beina 425 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue measured alona the southerlY line of 84th Street. and the southerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the southerly line. produced easterly. of 85th Street. as shown on the plat of the Altos Del Mar Subdivision No.2. such point beina 425 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue measured alona the southerly line of 85th Street. and the southerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the southerly line. produced easterly. of 86th Street. as shown on the plat of Altos Del Mar Subdivision No.2. beina 418 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue measured alona the southerly line of 86th Street. and the southerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of 87th Street. as shown on the plat of the Altos Del Mar Subdivision No.2. such point beina 418 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue measured alona the northerly line of 87th Street and the northerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of 87th Terrace. as shown on the plat of the subdivision. such point beina 418 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. as shown on the plat of Altos Del Mar Subdivision No.2. measured alona the northerly line of 87th Terrace. and the northerly line produced easterly. as such streets and terraces are shown on the plats and named and desianated in city ordinances numbers 232 and 359. Sec. 14-696. Established between lot 22, Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision, and tract 1, Bath Club property. A harbor line is established in the Atlantic Ocean between the northerly line of lot 22. Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision. produced easterly. and the southerly line of tract 1. Bath Club property. produced easterly. located as follows: Beainnina at a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of lot 22. Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision. accordina to the amended plat thereof recorded in plat book 8. paae 61. public records of the county. such point beina 450 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 22 and the northerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of lot 3. First Ocean Front Subdivision of the Miami Beach Bay Shore Company. accordina to the amended plat thereof. recorded in plat book 9. paae 78. public records of the county. such point beina 375 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 3 and the northerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of lot 9 of the First Ocean Front Subdivision. such point beina 390 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 9 and the northerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of lot 15 of First Ocean Front Subdivision. such point beina 495 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 15 and the northerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of lot 19 of First Ocean Front Subdivision. such point beina 547 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 19 and the northerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of lot 28 of First Ocean Front Subdivision. such point beina 473 feet easterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerly line of lot 28 and the northerly line produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line. produced easterly. of lot 233 of First Ocean Front 35 Subdivision. such point beina 257 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue. measured alan a the northerlv line of lot 233 and the northerlv line produced easterlv: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line. produced easterlv. of lot 235 of First Ocean Front Subdivision. such point beina 240 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue measured alan a the northerlv line of lot 235 and the northerlv line produced easterlv: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line. produced easterlv. of lot 239 of First Ocean Front Subdivision. such point beina 240 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue. measured alona the northerlv line of lot 239 and the northerlv line produced easterlv: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line. produced easterlv. of lot 242 of First Ocean Front Subdivision. such point beina 210 feet easterlv of the easterlv lineof Collins Avenue measured alan a the northerlv line of lot 242 and the northerlv line produced easterlv: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line. produced easterlv. of lot 8. block 1. of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision. accordino to the amended plat thereof recorded in plat book 28. paoe 28. public records of the county. such point beina 275 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue measured alona the northerlv line of lot 8 and the northerlv line produced easterlv: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the northerlv line. produced easterlv. of lot 14. block 1 of the subdivision. such point beino 295 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue measured alono the northerlv line of lot 14 and the northerlv line produced easterlv: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the southerlv line. produced easterlv. of tract 1 of the Bath Club property. as shown on a plat recorded in plat book 40. paae 14. public records of the county. such point beina 420 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue measured alona the southerlv line of tract 1 and the southerlv line produced easterlv. Sec. 14-697. Establishment between First Street and Government Cut. A harbor line is established in the Atlantic Ocean between the centerline produced easterlv of First Street. and the northerlv line of Government Cut located as follows: Beainnina at a point on the centerline of First Street produced easterlv a distance of 395 feet of the easterlv line of Ocean Drive measured alona the centerline of First Street and such centerline produced easterlv: thence run in a southerlv direction to a point of the easterlv production of the southerlv line of Biscavne Street. such point beina 825 feet east of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue measured alona the southerlv line of Biscavne Street and such southerlv line produced easterlv: thence run in a southerlv direction to a point on the southerlv line produced easterlvof Inlet Boulevard. such point beina 1.074 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Collins Avenue measured alona the southerlv line of Inlet Boulevard. and the southerlv line produced easterlv: thence run in a southerlv direction alona a line havina a bearina of south 24 dearees 30 minutes 28.6 seconds east for a distance of 640.42 feet. to a point. beina at the southerlv edae of the rock ietty on the northerlv side of Government Cut. First Street. Biscavne Street and Inlet Boulevard and shown on the plat of the South Beach Park. recorded in plat book 6. paae 77. public records of the county. and as Biscavne Street is named and desianated in city ordinance number 232. Sec. 14-698. Establishment between First Street and lot 1. block 1. Friedman and CODe Subdivision. A harbor line is established in the Atlantic Ocean. between the centerline produced easterlvof First Street and a northerlv line produced easterlv of lot 1. block 1. Friedman and Cope Subdivision. as follows: Beainnina at a point on the centerline produced easterlv of First Street. such point beina 395 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Ocean Drive measured alona the centerline of First Street and such centerline produced easterlv: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the easterlv production of the centerline of Second Street. such point beina 350 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Ocean Drive measured alona the centerline of Second Street and such centerline produced easterlv: thence run in a northerlv direction to a point on the easterlv production of the centerline of Third Street. such point beina 345 feet easterlv of the easterlv line of Ocean Drive measured alona the centerline of Third Street and such centerline produced easterlv: thence run in a northerlv direction to 36 a point on the easterly production of the centerline of Fourth Street. such point beina 335 feet easterly of the easterly line of Ocean Drive measured alona the centerline of Fourth Street and such centerline produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the easterly production of the centerline produced easterly of Fifth Street. such point beina 335 feet easterly of the easterly line of Ocean Drive measured alona the centerline of Fifth Street and such centerline produced easterly: thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line produced easterly of lot 1. block 1. Friedman and Cope Subdivision. as shown on a plat recorded in plat book 4. paae 83. public records of the county. such point beina 330 feet easterly of the easterly line of Ocean Drive measured alona the northerly line of lot 1 and such northerly line produced easterly: the easterly line of Ocean Drive now beina a line parallel to and 15 feet easterly of that certain ten-foot sidewalk on the easterly side of Ocean Drive. as shown on plats of Ocean Beach Addition No.4. and Friedman and Cope Subdivision. respectively: such 15 feet havina been dedicated for street purposes to the city. as Ocean Drive. First Street. Second Street. Third Street. Fourth Street. Fifth Street. Biscayne Street. and Collins Avenue are shown on the plat of Ocean Beach Addition NO.4 recorded in plat book 3 paae 151: South Beach Park. as shown on plat thereof. recorded in plat book 6. paae 77: and Friedman and Cope Subdivision. as shown on plat thereof. recorded in plat book 4. paae 83. all of the public records of the county. and as Collins Avenue and Biscayne Street are named and desianated in ordinance number 232. and as lot 1 and block 1 are shown on the plat of Friedman and Cope Subdivision. recorded in plat book 4. paae 83. public records of the county. Section 2. Amendment to Appendix A/Fee Schedule of the City Code: That Appendix A/Fee Schedule ofthe City Code, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be amended as set forth therein. Section 3. Repealer: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. Codification: Codification of this Ordinance in the City Code of Ordinances is hereby authorized and directed. Section 5. Severability: If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held to be invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 6. Effective Date: This Ordinance shall take effect as of March 1,2002. PASSED and ADOPTED this 10th d April , 2002. ATTEST: ~r p~~ CITY CLERK MHD:lm F:\A TTO\$ALLIBEV\ORD-RESO\AMENDCH14-BUILDINGREG .DOC APPROVED MlO FORM&LANGUAGI a POREXECUTION 37 ~ City N: ,mey ~ ~ Dr:1te APPENDIX A FEE SCHEDULE FEE SCHEDULE This appendix includes all fees and charaes established !ri the ~ commission that are referred to in the indicated sections of the Code of Ordinances: CODE SECTION DESCRIPTION 14-403(b) 14-407 14-421(b) 14-421 (c) (2) 14-421(4) 14-421 (d) 14-421(e) 14-421(1) AMOUNT * * * CHAPTER 14: BUILDING REGULATIONS: PART! * * * CHAPTER 14: BUILDING REGULATIONS: PART!! Delinauencv penalty for violation of article: First month. 10% Subseauent months. 5% Hearina reauested !ri aaarieved owner/applicant for denial of certificate of use. determination of fees/penalties due. and/or warnina of potential suspension/revocation Division 2. Permit Fees Fee for startina work prior to issuance of permit: First offense Second offense Subseauentoffenses Reinspection Fee: First reinspection Second reinspection Subseauent reinspections Reinspection fee of existina buildinas to determine compliance with Florida Buildina Code Lost plans fee. 25% of oriainal fee. with! minimum of: Group 1... sinale-familv residence All other occupancies Revised plans processina fee. 30% of oriainal fee. with! maximum of Lost permit card fee: Research fee. per hour 75.00 100.00 200.00 500.00 35.00 65.00 65.00 25.00 65.00 100.00 200.00 25.00 14-421(a) 14-422( a) 14-422(b)(4)b.2. 14-422(b)(4)b.3. 14-422(b)(5) 14-422( c) Residential occupancy. maximum Other occupancies. maximum Special proiects fee. minimum Up-front processina fee: New buildinas and/or additions. per 100 SQuare feet Alterations and repairs. per $1,000.00 of estimated value of construction Minimum fee Transfer of data from oriainal to second buildina permit holder where work has commenced Transfer of data from oriainal to second buildina permit holder where no work has commenced ReQuest for buildina permit extension Buildina permit fees: New buildina and/or additions: For each 100 SQuare feet or fractional part of floor area Minimum fee Except that for buildinas for storaae and industrial ~ of the aroup E and F occupancies as defined in the South Florida Buildina Code. the fee shall be: For each 100 SQuare feet Q[ fractional part of floor area YR to 20.000 SQuare feet F or each additional 100 SQuare feet or fractional part of floor area thereafter Minimum fee Except that for areenhouses and buildinas for aaricultural uses (nonresidential) when located on the premises so used. screen enclosures and trailer additions: F or each 1 00 SQuare feet or fractional part of floor area Minimum fee New construction other than as specified herein (water towers. pylons. bulk storaae tank foundations. ~ walls. bulkheads. unusual limited-use buildinas. freestandina riaid canopies. marQuees and similar construction): For each $1.000.00 of estimated cost Q[ fractional part 65.00 100.00 25.00 3.00 4.00 40.00 100.00 130.00 65.00 13.00 40.00 13.00 6.50 40.00 6.50 40.00 13.50 Minimum permit fee Metal-wood and/or prefab storaqe sheds. first 100 SQuare feet Pavina: For first 1.000 sQuare feet of ~ For each additional 1 ,000 SQuare feet Q!: fractional part of area Sians: Sians 36-4. sian erector. minimum Sians 36-4. sian writer Per sQuare foot. minimum Sians 36-2. for sale. lease. open inspection. 6-month period Roofina. includina reroofina: For first 2.000 sQuare feet of area For each additional 1,000 SQuare feet or additional part of area Fences and/or walls: For first 100 lineal feet F or each additional 100 lineal feet or fractional part thereof Awninas. canopies and residential patio cover: First $1.000.00 of estimated cost For each additional ~1,OOO.00 or fractional p~rt thereof Swimmina pools: For the first 20,OOO-aallon capacity For each additionaI1.000-aallon capacity or fractional part Temporary platforms and temporary bleachers to be used for public assembly: For each 100 sQuare feet or fractional part of platform area For each 100 lineal feet Q!: fractional part of seats Demolition of buildinas: For the first 1.500 sQuare feet of floor ~ For each additional 1.000 sQuare feet or fractional part of floor area Minimum fee Demolition of sians. fences and/or walls and structures other than above: For each $100.00 or fractional part of estimated cost YQ to $1.000.00 40.00 15.00 40.00 19.50 35.00 35.00 0.15 7.00 65.00 13.00 65.00 13.00 65.00 6.50 100.00 13.00 65.00 13.00 100.00 20.00 250.00 40.00 14-423 For each additional $1,000.00 or fractional part of estimated cost Trees: landscapina: Each tree Hedaes per 100 lineal feet Ground cover per 1.000 sQuare feet Minimum fee Fumiaation Parkina ~ Iiahtina: Each footina and pole Minimum fee Elevator hoistwav construction permit fees: 1-- Q floors 6--10 floors 11--15 floors 16-20 floors 21--25 floors 26--30 floors 31--35 floors 41--45 floors 46--50 floors Above 50 floors Plumbina permit fees: Minimum plumbina fee per permit This minimum does not !Um!Y to permits issued !! supplementarv to current outstandina permits for the !M!! iob. Rouahina-in or pluaaed outlets for bathtubs. closets. doctors, dentists. hospital sterilizers. autoclaves. autopsy tables and other fixtures, appurtenances or other appliances havina water supplv or waste outlets, or both, drinkina fountains. fixtures discharaina into traps or safe water pipes. floor drains. laundrv tubs. lavatories. safe waste pipes, showers. sinks. slop sinks. and urinals: F or first rouahina-in or pluaaed outlet. F or each additional outlet Fixtures set on ~ rouahina-in or pluaaed outlets or replaced on 6.50 4.00 13.00 32.50 35.00 40.00 5.00 40.00 200.00 300.00 325.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 650.00 700.00 775.00 1.000.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 old rouahina-in: First fixture F or each additional fixture Septic tanks. settlina tanks. aas and oil interceptors. arease traps. includina draintile for same: 1.200-aallon capacity or less Over 1.200-aallon capacity Draintile relav Septic tank abandonment (where beina abandoned) Sewer: Each buildina storm sewer and each buildina sewer where connection is made to ! septic tank, to ! collector line or to an existina sewer or to ! 9rl sewer or soakaae ID! or to ! buildina drain outside of ! buildina Sewer cappina Water drainaae: Rainwater roof inlet: Each inlet Area. yard. sidewalk or rainwater drain for which no other fee is provided: Each surface inlet Each catch basin Each soakaae Qit. each 200 cubic feet. Condensate drain. air conditionina: Per outlet Except sinale not manifolded AlC outlet. not exceedina 5 horsepower Water pipina: Water service connection to ! municipal or private water supplv system: For the first meter on each lot Each additional meter on !!!!l! lot Water connection to or outlets for appliances .Q! installations not covered lrl fixtures or other permit Irriaation system and underaround sprinkler system. etc. Fire sprinkler system connection to 9rl water Fire control system. includina standpipe. siamese connections and pumps: Each standpipe 10.00 10.00 40.00 45.00 45.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 13.00 13.00 40.00 20.00 7.50 7.50 40.00 20.00 20.00 . 40.00 65.00 65.00 Each hose rack or each hose bid Each sprinkler head Standbv for emeraencv potable water supplv outlet. Solar water heater installations or repairs Solar water heater booster connection Swimmina pool pipina installation. not includina wells or water supplv Sump pump Swimmina pool pipina replacement or repair work. each job Repairs to pipina. for each $100.00 Domestic water: Risers. pipina less than 11/2" each floor Risers. pipina 11/2" and laraer each floor Repipe bathrooms Repipe kitchen Repipe mains. top or bottom: Less than 2. floors 2. floors or more Water connections to pool Water supplv to fire Q.Y..!IlQ or svstem Water supplv to each domestic Q.Y..!IlQ or replacement All wells Natural aas and liQuefied petroleum aas: Minimum aas fee per permit (This minimum does not ~ to permits 'issued as supplementarv to current outstandina permits for the same job.) For the first outlet. includina cvlinders and reaulators F or each additional outlet For the first appliance (does not include warm air heatina units. but does include unvented space heaters and vented wall heaters-no duct work) F or each additional appliance or replacement F or first meter F or each additional meter For chanae from!! master to an individual meter For major repairs of aas ~ where no fixture or appliance 20.00 1.50 40.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 13.00 25.00 40.00 20.00 200.00 325.00 40.00 40.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 13.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 40.00 7.00 4.00 14-424 installation is involved Underaround L.P. aas tanks Abovearound L.P. tanks Chanae of company. no additional appliances or outlets Water treatment plants. plumbina station. sewaae treatment plant and lift station: Water treatment plant. interior plant pipina Sewaae treatment plant. interior plant pipina Lift station. interior station pipina Water and aas mains. on private property and other than public utilitv easements: Each 50 feet or part thereof Storm and sanitary utilitv and/or collector lines. on private property other than public utilitv easements: Each 50 feet or part thereof In addition. each manhole Temporary toilets: Water borne. for each installation Chemical toilets. for each installation Miscellaneous: Siphon breakers on old installations. required when repair of unapproved water closet is made. each Water heaters. electrical or ~ less than 200.000 Btu Electrical permit fees: Minimum permit fee. includina repair work. per permit. unless other minimum fee specified... 35.00 (This minimum does not !QQ!y to permits issued as supplementary to current outstandino permits for the ~ iob') Rouah wirino outlets, Iioht. receptacle. switch. sian and also telephone and other low-voltaoe outlets: 1 throuah 10 outlets F or each additional outlet Services. The followino fees shall be charoed for each service and for each subfeed in ~ installations only. No charoe will be made for subfeeds in existina installations. Each service fee shall 4.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 13.00 13.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 24.00 2.00 include ~ subfeed. Temporarv for construction. test. etc. Subfeeds!in amperes): 100 and under 101-200 201--400 401--600 601--800 Each additional 1 00 ID!!!: 800 Service repair and/or meter chanae Switchboards. J2y amperes. same as "Services" above. Eauipment outlets or permanent connections: Ranae Ranae top Oven Water heater Space heater Washina machine Drver Fan with fraction tm motor Garbaae disposal Dishwasher Deep freezer Refriaerator Air conditioners. window and throuah wall units. each Central units. per ton Minimum Motors: Each YQ to 1 bR From ~ tm throuah 10 bR Each tm ID!!!: 10 bR Machine outlets or permanent connections: X-raY. portable (dentist) X-ray. stationary (doctor) Diathermic 50.00 7.50 10.50 12.00 13.00 18.00 5.00 45.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 6.00 13.00 10.00 50.00 3.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 Isolation units Generators and transformers. commercial heatina eauipment and strip heaters. each aenerator or transformer (kva or kw): YQto,Q 6--10 11--15 16--20 21--25 26--50 Over 50. each Generators and transformers. where located on the same floor. fee for laraest. plus each additional Weldina machine outlets: YQ to 25 amperes Over 25 amperes for each additional 25 amperes or fractional part thereof Special-purpose outlets. commercial: Popcorn. douahnut. drink machines. coin music machines. toasters. coffee urn, deep ~ telephone booths. refriaerators. displav cases. sian ircuit. etc.. each Paintina. bake ovens. each Sians. per each sauare foot of face of sian New strips: First 100 linear feet Each additional 1 00 linear feet or part thereof Sians repairs and reconnection. each Fixtures: Liahts: 1--10 sockets 1--10 florescent tubes Each additional socket or tube Liaht poles each (fixture additional) Combination: Liaht fixtures and outlets.YQ throuah 10. Qn! inspection Streamers Q[ festoon Iiahts: 50.00 6.50 13.00 16.00 22.50 35.00 65.00 0.75 1.50 8.00 8.00 9.00 40.00 2.50 50.00 30.00 50.00 9.00 9.00 1.50 6.00 24.00 14-425 ' First 10 Iiahts Each additional 1 0 or less Pluamold: First 25 feet Each ~ feet thereafter Swimmina poolliahtina: Residential pool or spa Combination pool and spa Commercial or multifamily pool. or spa Commercial or multifamily combination pool and spa Temporary work on circuses. carnivals: Per show Eauipment around. each Fire detection system: Installation. central system Smoke detector. each Head or taraet area. with product or wire of similar character. each Speaker. each Bell alarm station. each Proximity station Reinspection fee. semiannually Master television. intercom. buralar alarm. telephone. and radio: Receivina antenna master control 1V and radio antenna devices. wall outlets. suppressors. splitters. Iiahtnina arrestors. receivers. input devices. audio amplifiers. around connections. etc.: 1 throuah ~ devices Each additional device Fire alarm and/or fire QY!!!Q test. per hour Minimum fee... 100.00 Mechanical permit fees: Air conditionina and refriaeration. (Includes all component parts of the system except water. duct. electric and aas lines and connections that feed separately.) Mlhere Btu ratina is not known. substitute 100 for 1 ton or 12.000 7.00 6.50 24.00 4.00 45.00 70.00 90.00 150.00 250.00 0.00 25.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 25.00 35.00 24.00 1.30 50.00 Btu's for 1 ton.) F or each ton capacity or fractional part thereof Duct work: For the first $1.000.00 For each additional ~1.000.00 or fractional part thereof Minimum fee Furnaces and heatina eauipment. includina commercial driers. ovens and other fired obiects not elsewhere classified. (Includes all component parts of the system except fuel and electrical lines.) (For vented and unvented wall heaters. see plumbina permit fees. natural and L.P. ~ Gas or oil furnaces: First 200.000 Btu per hour Each additional 100.000 Btu per hour or fractional part Strip heater. electric. each Air-handlina units (AH.U.l. per ton Others: \Mndow or room air conditioner. each Hoods. per foot Minimum (Inspected annually. first inspection 12 months after installation and inspection every 12 months thereafter.) Inspection. per year Reinstallation or removal of fuel tank. above or below arade. each Fire suppression and baa test Contaminate aroundwater. pipina and installation. each Walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers. each (Eauipment fees additional) Coolina towers. per ton Elevators. escalators and other liftina apparatus: Permit for ~ installation or maior revampina (includes initial inspection and certificate): Installation of elevators and escalators. .YQ to ~ stories Each additional stOry Installation of wheelchair lifts. stair chairs. home elevators. 13.00 30.00 20.00 35.00 32.00 13.00 25.00 13.00 25.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 250.00 100.00 13.00 325.00 25.00 handicap elevators Casino fee. per foot Minimum fee. per casino Annual maintenance repair permit. not to include maior revampino Repairs of elevators and other transportino apparatus. estimated cost: YR to J1.000.00 Each additional $1.000.00 or fractional part thereof Escalators, per rise Roof window cleanino machine. each machine Annual fees for certificate of operation and inspection: date due: October 1 every year. Dumbwaiters: certificate and inspection: TABLE INSET: Landinos 0--2 ~~ ~Q L.~ ~ 10 1l.12 ~14 15.16 More than 16 Annual fees 53.00 61.00 70.00 79.00 88.00 97.00 106.00 115.00 135.00 TABLE INSET: Reinspection fee. each reinspection Duplicate of certificate. each Elevators and escalators: certificate and inspection: TABLE INSET: Landinos 0--2 ~~ ~Q Annual fees 71.00 80.00 89.00 80.00 2.50 35.00 500.00 40.00 13.00 80.00 90.00 65.00 15.00 L~ ~ 10 1l.12 1214 ~16 1L 18 19.20 ~22 23.24 ~26 ~28 29.30 ~32 ~34 ~36 &38 ~40 ~42 ~44 ~46 47.48 49.50 ~52 ~54 ~56 &58 ~60 More than 60 TABLE INSET: 98.00 107.00 116.00 125.00 134.00 143.00 152.00 161.00 170.00 179.00 188.00 198.00 207.00 216.00 225.00 234.00 243.00 252.00 261.00 270.00 279.00 288.00 297.00 306.00 315.00 324.00 333.00 400.00 Reinspection fee. each reinspection 75.00 Duplicate certificate. each 25.00 The annual charae is based on the condition that the eQuipment is under ~ maintenance aareement with ~ Qualified maintenance company. in which case there is no obliaation for the city inspection to be Qiven every year. If no maintenance aQreement is in effect AUQust 1 st of every year. the ~ inspection will be performed every year and above charQes for the next fiscal year shall be 150% of the one shown in these tables. Any elevator or escalator owner who fails to comply with the order to correct! violation issued within 30 days is subiect to an administrative fine .YQ to J500.00 in addition to any other penaltv provided ID! law. Fines can be imposed for every 30-day period the violation remains active. These fines, before or after paid. gn be appealed to the department director. whose decision shall be final. No clearance for the use of the elevator shall be Qiven until these fines have been paid or waived. The department director can deleQate this appeal function to the department assistant director. the ~ buildinQ official or the deputy buildinQ official. Amusement rides and devices. Verification of certificates of safety. Examine ~ of current certification ID! state. for each device (ride) Boilers and pressure vessels, installation permit fees, includinQ initial inspections and certificate: does not include installation or connection of fuel and water lines: Boilers (as defined in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code). each: Steam boilers 100.00 Hot water boilers 100.00 Miniature boilers 50.00 Steam drive prime movers, each 150.00 Steam-actuated machinery. each 100.00 Unfired pressure vessels (operatinQ at pressures in excess of 60 psi and havinQ a volume of ~ than ~ cubic feet) Periodic reinspection: Steam boilers (semiannual), internal and external: Internal inspection External inspection Hot water boilers (annual) Unfired pressure vessels (annual) 35.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 14-426( 1) 14-426(2)a. Miniature boilers (semiannual). each inspection Certificate of inspection where inspected Qy insurance company Shop inspection of boiler or pressure vessel per completed vessel. reaardless of number of vessels inspected: Limit. per half day Limit. per full day Fire sprinkler system: Per sprinkler head Minimum permit fee C02 and Q!Y power systems for estimated cost: !JR to J1.000.00 For each additional $1,000.00 or fractional part thereof Fire wells (where applicable) Acceptance tests for sprinkler systems Acceptance tests for standpipes Hydrant use permits Construction meters Pest control. lawn sprayina. etc.. annual. per meter Hydrant flow tests unless in coniunction with acceptance test for sprinkler systems Storaae tanks for flammable liQuids Internal combustion enaines: Stationary. per enaine Generator test. full load Other fees: Pressure and process pipina, sheet metal and duct work and other mechanical lines: For estimated costs .YQ to $1.000.00 For each additional $1.000.00 or fractional part Annual Facility permit fee. minimum Certificate of occupancy fees: For H occupancy: Apartment. hotel. motel. etc.: Per unit Minimum 100.00 75.00 150.00 260.00 1.30 35.00 25.00 35.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 0.00 35.00 75.00 130.00 75.00 75.00 160.00 35.00 13.00 900.00 13.00 150.00 Maximum Condominium and townhouses Shell per unit For G occupancY. Divisions.l. 2: Mercantile. business: One business in whole buildina More than Q.ID! rental space: Shell Plus. per space Minimum For A.IL ~ D occupancies. assemblv ~ (theatres. restaurants. niahtclubs. hospitals. old aae homes. prisons. schools. etc.). per use For ~ E occupancies (storaae facilities. warehouses. aas stations. factories. etc.): One use in whole buildina F or more than one rental space Shell ~ per space Minimum For 4 occupancies: special proiects (parkin a aaraaes. marinas. commercial parkina lots, public pools. etc.) 0.1 % of valuation Minimum Maximum 14-426(2)b. Temporary certificate of occupancy fees: Maximum period. 90 days. 50% of final certificate of occupancy fee. Extension of temporary certificate of occupancy. per period. 100% of final certificate of occupancY fee. 14-426(2)c. Certificate of completion fees: Occupancy ! sinale-familv duplex and triplex All other occupancies. 0.1 % of valuation Minimum Maximum 14-426(3)a. Certificate of use fees: Apartments. includina condominiums: 1.500.00 150.00 50.00 250.00 150.00 50.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 150.00 50.00 250.00 150.00 1.000.00 125.00 100.00 500.00 14-427 14-427(a) 14-427 (b) 14-427(c) 3--50 units Each additional unit over 50 Hotel. motel and roominahouses: 3--50 units Each additional unit over 50 Retail. wholesale. storaae. manufacturina. aaraaes. office. miscellaneous: YR to 5.000 SQuare feet. Over 5.000 SQuare feet. Open areas (parkina lots. boat sales. and auto sales). flat fee Restaurants (bars. lounaes): First 60 seats Each additional 20 seats Adult conareaate Iivina facilities. nursina homes. hospitals. convalescent homes. etc.: YR to 50 beds Each additional bed over 50 Dav ~ centers. nursery schools. private schools Theatres: YR to 500 seats Over 500 seats Church. svnaaoaue. temple Municipal buildinas. county. state. and federal facilities and public schools. etc.. are exempt. Marinas (marine dockaae): ~ to 15 boatslips 16 to 50 boatslips Each additional boatslip over 50 F orty-vear recertification proaram fee: Per buildina Late compliance fee. reaular fee. plus New inspection report fee .if recertification not completed within 90 days of buildina's beina declared unsafe Occupant content sian per S.F.B.C. ~ 3102.2(8)(aa) Emplovee trainina. education. safety surcharae: 14-428 14-429 52.50 1.50 52.50 1.50 52.50 105.00 52.50 52.50 15.00 60.00 1.50 60.00 52.50 105.00 52.50 52.50 75.00 1.50 100.00 150.00 250.00 100.00 14-427 14-427(a) 14-427 (b) 14-427(c) 14-428 14-429 14-430 14-430( 1 ) 14-430(2) 14-430(6) 14-430(7) Retail. wholesale. storage. manufacturing. garaaes. office. miscellaneous: !J.Q to 5.000 sauare feet. Over 5.000 sauare feet. Open areas (parking lots. boat sales. and auto sales). flat fee Restaurants (bars. lounges): First 60 seats Each additional 20 seats Adult congreaate living facilities, nursina homes. hospitals. convalescent homes, etc.: !J.Q to 50 beds Each additional bed over 50 Day care centers. nursery schools. private schools Theatres: !J.Q to 500 seats Over 500 seats Church. synagoaue. temple Municipal buildings. county. state. and federal facilities and public schools. etc.. are exempt. Marinas (marine dockage): ~ to 15 boatslips 16 to 50 boatslips Each additional boatslip over 50 Forty-year recertification program fee: Per building Late compliance fee. regular fee. plus New inspection report fee if recertification not completed within 90 days of buildina's being declared unsafe Occupant content sian per S.F.B.C. ~ 3102.2(8)(aa) Employee training. education. safety surcharge: When fees based on sauare footaae. per sauare foot of gross area When fees based on valuation, per $1.000.00 or fraction thereof When fees based on units for electrical and plumbina work. per unit When fees based on air conditioner tonnage. per ton or Btu Other general fees: Added to building permits for state to study building code reauirements for radon gas. per sauare foot Surcharge added to building permits for County Code compliance proaram. per $1.000.00 of work valuation Fee for issuance of certificate of occupancy. per sauare foot per month or part thereof. until December 31 Sanitation impact fee for all building. electrical. plumbing. mechanical. demolition permits. 0.30% of estimated cost of proiect: Minimum Maximum. Chapter 42. Emergency Services Article 11. Alarm Systems Division 3. Buralar Alarms 52.50 105.00 52.50 52.50 15.00 60.00 1.50 60.00 52.50 105.00 52.50 52.50 75.00 1.50 100.00 150.00 250.00 100.00 0.01 0.25 0.01 0.15 0.01 0.60 0.04 20.00 1.500.00 14-430 14-430( 1 ) 14-430(2) 14-430(6) 14-430(7) When fees based on SQuare footaQe. per SQuare foot of Qross area When fees based on valuation. per $1.000.00 or fraction thereof When fees based on units for electrical and plumbinQ work. per unit When fees based on air conditioner tonnaQe. per ton or Btu Other Qeneral fees: Added to buildinQ permits for state to study buildinQ code reQuirements for radon ~ per SQuare foot SurcharQe added to buildinQ permits for County Code compliance prOQram. per $1.000.00 of work valuation Fee for issuance of certificate of occupancy. per SQuare foot per month or part thereof. until December 31 Sanitation impact fee for all buildinQ, electrical. plumbinQ. mechanical. demolition permits. 0.30% of estimated cost of proiect: Minimum Maximum. * * * 0.01 0.25 0.01 0.15 0.01 0.l)0 0.04 20.00 1.500.00 t .CO ''Pi CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS c:-.l o o c:-.l ~ J: o a:. < :E ;; < o tI) a:. :::l %: ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY given that public hearings will be held by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Aorida, in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on WedneSday, April 10, 2002, at the times listed below, to consider the following: at 10:15 a.m.: . '. "I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1605, THE UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE; INCREASING ON THE FIRST PAY ~, PERIOD STARTING MAY 1 , 2002, TH,E MINIMUM OF THE RANGES BY 4% AND THE MAXIMUM OF THE RANGES BY 4.755%; PROVIDING FOR A I REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, EfFECTIVE DATE AND COOlFICATlON. l~ at 10:16 a.m.: '. - ~; AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 789, THECLASSIRED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE, FOR CLASSIFICATIONS 'IN GROUP VI, BEING OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE ClASSIFIED, SERVICE NOT COVERED BY A BARGAINING UNIT; INCREASING ON THE FIRST PAY PERIOD:, STARTING MAY 1, 2002, THE MINIMUM OF THE RANGES BY 4% AND THE MAXIMUM OF THE RANGES BY 4.755%, TO REFLECT THE CURRENT ~ CLASS~FICATlON AND PAY SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, EFFECTIVE DATE AND CODIFICATION. "I , -. ~ att0:17 a.m. ' . - . f AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION" BY AMENDING ARTICLE III THEREOF ~ ENTITLED "AGENCIES, BOARDS, AND COMMlmES"; BY" AMENDING DMSION 9 THEREOF ENilTLED "HEALTH ADVISORY COMMIT1tE"; BY ~ AMENDING SECTION 2-81 (0) ENTITLED "COMPOSITION: BY AMENDING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD TO ELIMINATE A MEMBER FROM :~ THE MIAMI HEART INSTITUTE AND ADDING AN ADDITIONAL BOARD MEMBER WHICH MAY BE A REPRESENTATIVE FROM AN ASSISTED LIVING I FACILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; CODIFICATION; SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ 'i Co II) % III '.J:, I- 1II ~ Inquiries may be directed to the Human Resources De~ent at (305) 673-7524. at 1 &.50 a.m. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 82 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE ENTITLED "PUBLIC PROPERTY" BY AMENDING SECTION 82-412 THEREOF ENTITLED "POSTING OF SIGNS ON UTILITY COMPANY PROPERTY OR PUBLIC PROPERTY PROHIBITED; ENFORCEMENT; FINES; , APPEAL"; BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (A) AND (F) THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF AND PENALTIES FOR ILLEGAL SIGNS IN ' THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AFAXED OR SECURED; PROVlOlNG FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' Inquiries may be directed to the Neighborhood Services Department at (305) 673-7077. !. ~~ i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE MIAMI I BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "BUILDING REGULATIONS," BY AMENDING CHAPTER ~. 14 TO PROVIDE FOR A PART I WHICH WILL CONTAIN THE CURRENT CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND BY MAKING THE CURRENT \ CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO PERMITS APPLIED FOR BEFORE MARCH " 2002; BY CREATING A PART II TO CHAPTER 14 \' WHICH WILL ADOPT THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND PROVIDE FOR CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TO BE APPLICABLE TO PERMITS APPLIED; FOR ON DRAFTERMARCff " 2002; AND BY AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE SET FORTH IN APPENDIX A TO THE CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FEES j AND CHARGES FOR PART II TO CHAPTER 14; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER, CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 . i Inquiries may be directed to the Building Department at (305) 673-7610. :i \ at 5:05 p.m.: -, " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, BY AMENDING CHAPTER. 142, "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS", ARTICLE II, "DISTRICT REGULATIONS", DIVISION 2, "SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS," . BY CREATING PROCEDURES FOR THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF DEMOLITION REQUESTS FOR ARCHITECTURALLY SIGNIFICANT SINGLE ' FAMILY HOMES CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO 1962 AND NOT LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED HISTORIC DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. InqUiries may be directed to the Planning Department at (305) 673-7550. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1 st Roor, City Hall. Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of these ordinances are available for public Inspection during normal business hours in,the City Clerk's Office;1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Aoor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Aorldif33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice would not ' be provided. " " Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk , CIty of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat, the City hereby advises the pUblic that if a person decides to appeal any decision made" by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such' person must ensure that a verbatim record of th~ , proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not i constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize ; challenges or appeals notof!1erv.:ise al!ow~~ by law., . , , " , . .",'. . ' I' In: ~cor4alJC1lI Withftte ~.rioans-witl1o OisabW/1ies "Adt-Ot ~ ~~;. pJ~s.m~ecbDO slleoialljCsOlJ1ll11~nltolliarfc~t~~" tlllllJ Fcee~g should contact the City Clerk's Office no later than four days prior to the proceeding, telephone (305) 673-7411 for assistance; if heaQrlg , impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service n&rf1trerS, i (800)" 955-8771 (TOO) or (800) '955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance. Ad 11. 00.91 ~ ,~ .. . .. ... ..... . ... .. .. -.. ........ .. .. .. ... .. . ... .. .. .. ... ~... . . ....... .'. t I .. .... - ... . .. .... -- ,,-.. - .. .. Co . ... "' . ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY ~ Condensed Title: An ordinance amending Chapter 14 of the City Code entitled "Building Regulations". Issue: The Florida legislature has established a new Florida Building Code, which took effect on March 1, 2002. The newly adopted Florida Building Code must be utilized by the City of Miami Beach, which contains construction standards for all permits applied for on or after March 1, 2002. The amendments proposed to the City Code Chapter 14, entitled "Building Regulations", is intended to establish construction standards in conformance with the provisions of the Florida Building Code. All pre-existing construction standards, as currently contained in the City Code shall remain in effect and shall be applicable only to those permits applied for before March 1, 2002. Item Summary/Recommendation: The City Administration recommends that the City Commission adopt this Ordinance. Advisory Board Recommendation: On April 1, 2002 Joint Land Use and Development Committee and Business Resolution Task Force Meeting - discussed and no action taken. Financial Information: Amount to be expended: D Finance Dept. Source of Funds: T:\AGENDA\2002\APR 1 002\REGULAR\FBCMemo Summary2,doc AGENDA ITEM DATE R5H 'I-/(J-O~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us To: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission Date: April 10, 2002 Jorge M. GOnZale~ SECOND READING City Manager PUBLIC HEARING AN ORDINANC OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE ENTITLED "BUILDING REGULATION", BY AMENDING CHAPTER 14 TO PROVIDE FOR A PART I WHICH WILL CONTAIN CURRENT CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND BY MAKING THE CURRENT CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO PERMITS APPLIED FOR BEFORE MARCH 1, 2002, AND BY CREATING A PART II TO CHAPTER 14 WHICH WILL PROVIDE FOR CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE NEW FLORIDA BUILDING CODE TO BE APPLICABLE TO PERMITS APPLIED FOR ON OR AFTER MARCH 1, 2002. ADMINIST A TION RECOMMENDATION From: Subject: Adopt the Ordinance. ANALYSIS The Florida legislature has established a new Florida Building Code, which took effect on March 1, 2002. This single statewide I unified code is developed and maintained by the Florida Building Commission. The Code supercedes all local codes and is automatically effective on March 1,2002 as established by State law. The Florida Building Code is based on a national model building code and national consensus standards and incorporates all state agencies building codes and regulations. It has been harmonized with the Florida Fire Prevention Code to establish unified and consistent standards. Together, the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code contain all state standards for the design and construction of buildings in the state of Florida. The newly adopted Florida Building Code shall be utilized by all municipalities throughout the State of Florida, and all local regulations pertaining to construction standards shall conform to the Florida Building Code. The provisions of the Florida Building Code and the amendments made hereto shall be only applicable to all permits applied for on and after March 1, 2002. All pre-existing construction standards, as currently contained in the City Code Chapter 14, shall remain in effect and shall be applicable only to those permits applied for before March 1, 2002. On March 20, 2002, the Mayor and City Commission approved the Ordinance on first reading and referred it to a Joint land Use and Development Committee and Business Resolution Task Force Meeting. On the April 1 , 2002 a Joint land Use and Development Committee and Business Resolution Task Force Meeting was held and the committee suggested that a notice of the proposed changes to the Building Code, as they may affect sidewalk cafes, be forwarded to property owners and merchants in the area. It is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the Ordinance on second reading, public hearing. T:\AGENDAI2002\APR 1 002\REGULAR\FBCCOMMMEMO.doc