LTC 85-2002
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. ~S ,. rJ-C() ;;-
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez \ . ~~
City Manager () rv ()
Date: March 28, 2002
Last week I met with County Manager Steve Shiver and his assistant George Burgess to
discuss several County issues affecting Miami Beach. In summary, the issues addressed
during our meeting are detailed in the attached memorandum dated March 20, 2002 and
include the following substantive issues:
1. Proposed County-wide General Obligation Bond (November Referendum)
2. Convention Development Tax
3. Beach Renourishment
4. Transportation
. Proposed Dedicated Source of Funding
. I ntermodal Facility
. I mpact fees
5. Homeland Security and Disaster Preparedness Funding-Chuck Lanza OEM $45
6. Community Redevelopment
7. Social Services
. Homeless Programs
. Domestic Violence Intake Center
8. Major Events Assistance Policy
9. Countywide Strategic Plan
1 O.lncorporation and Municipal Revenue Sharing
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at your earliest convenience.
F:\CMGR\$ALLIRARIL TC\CMB2002PrloriUes ShlverMtg MayoCC.doc
c: Executive Staff
City Attorney
Steve Shiver, County Manager
Office of the City Manager
Interoffice Memorandum
Steve Shiver
Miami-Dade County Manager
Date: March 20, 2002
Jorge M. Gonzalez \ .. ~
City Manager U UJ" 0
Below and attached are a summary of the priority issues to address with Miami-Dade
1. Proposed County-wide General Obligation Bond (November Referendum)
2. Convention Development Tax
3. Beach Renourishment
4. Transportation
5. Homeland Security and Disaster Preparedness Funding
6. Community Redevelopment
7. Social Services
8. Major Events Assistance Policy
9. Countywide Strategic Plan
10. Incorporation and Municipal Revenue Sharing
March 19, 2002
steve Shiver- Miami-Dade County Manager
Page 2 0'6
1. Proposed Countv-wlde General Obllaatlon Bond (November Referendum)
Miami-Dade County is considering authorizing a referendum in November 2002 for the
approval of a $1.5 billion General Obligation Bond. It is the City's desire that municipal
projects be included in the development of the Program's prioritized project lists and that
the City receive its fair share of funding from this Program. City projects that are proposed
for inclusion in the program are:
. Neighborhood Improvement Projects
. Citywide Improvement Projects
. Intemal Projects
. Parking Improvement Projects
. Parks and Recreation Improvement Projects
. Public Facilities Projects
. Public Safety Projects
. Transportation Projects
Additionally, the City requests representation on the Citizen Advisory Committee that will
be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The County Administration
recommendation is that this Committee have input in determining the initial list of projects
from unfunded County department needs. The only Miami Beach project specifically listed
in the $6.5 billion list of unfunded capital needs is the renovation or replacement of the
beach maintenance facility at 72nd Street and Collins Avenue.
The February 26, 2002 memorandum to the Board of County Commissioners states: -Fire
Rescue, Library and unincorporated municipal service area projects have been excluded
since funding for these projects should be provided only from within their respective
jurisdictions and not through a countywide GOB initiative. However, the Board could
include these projects in this GOB program, but would then need to include municipal
projects as well, similar to how the Safe Neighborhood Park Program was structured"
However, based upon a commitment to maintain level funding consistent with the current
debt service millage, the City of Miami Beach residents currently contribute approximately
$5.9 million towards the County Debt Service millage. Based upon a 4.5% interest rate
over 30 years and assuming level funding or funding based upon an escalating tax role,
G.O. Bond improvements totaling anywhere from $97 million - $170 million, could be
. February ii, 2002 letter to County Manager Shiver
. February 26 Memorandum
. Supplemental Information - List of City of Miami Beach projects to be
considered for inclusion in Miami-Dade County G. O. Bond Issue
2. Convention DeveloDment Tax
Amendment One to the Inter10cal Cooperation Aareement dated 4/21/2001:
The City desires acknowledgement and clarification from the County Administration that
March 19, 2002
Steve Shlver- Miami-Dade County Manager
Page 30f6
the County's $50 million commitment to the City is not contingent on COT capacity to
generate the additional $50 million. On February 26, 2002 the Board of County
Commissioners accepted a report from the County Administration that stated the Interlocal
Agreement between the City and the County includes a contingency to fund the $50 million
contractually committed in the event of "no baseball" and if CDT capacity is not sufficient.
Convention Center Proiects:
The Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau commissioned a Convention Center
needs assessment study for the Miami-Dade County area. The report is titled "Analysis of
the Potential Expansion of Convention Facilities in Greater Miami and the Beaches" and
was conducted by Conventions, Sports & Leisure International (CSL). The report
recommends that the addition of a 50,000 s.f. Multipurpose general assembly banquet hall
would increase the marketability of the Miami Beach Convention Center, focusing on large
exhibit space users and not for stand-alone events. Furthermore, while the study made no
other substantive recommendations for other area facilities, it was recommended that the
Downtown/City of Miami should, over the next four to six years, evaluate variables affecting
pursuing a Downtown Miami Convention Center.
eFebruary 22, 2002 letter to County Manager Shiver
. February 22, 2002 letter to Joseph L. Rebak
. February 26, 2002 County Commission memorandum
. Amendment One to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement
. Addendum to Amendment One to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement
. "Analysis of the Potential Expansion of Convention Facilities in Greater Miami
and the Beaches", conducted by Conventions, Sports & Leisure International
(CSL) dated November 5, 2001.
3. Beach Renourlshment
The City of Miami Beach urges the Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources
Management to take control overthe Erosion Control Program and expedite the completion
of the planned projects and to allow for the more rapid development of new projects. The
City believes that the County's position that it is not authorized to design and construct with
subsequent reimbursement by the Federal government is erroneous and investigate the
authorizations granted under Section 206 US Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).
The Florida Department of Environmental Projection 2002-03 Funding Request for the
Florida Beach Erosion control Program prioritized a $1,117,500 request from Miami-Dade
County for the Dade County Beach Erosion Control. These funds will be used for the 65th
Street innovative hotspot remediation design and construction and project-wide monitoring.
The City of Miami Beach requests that Miami-Dade County and their representatives in
Washington D.C. partner with the City in aggressively pursuing the sand that has become
available from the Apalachicola River, for use in the renourishment of the City's beaches.
. Shore Protection Program
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Steve Shiver- Miami-Dade County Manager
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. Florida DEP Erosion Control Program Fixed Capital Outlay Budget Request
4. TranspOrtation
Proposed Dedicated Source of Fundina: The City of Miami Beach will evaluate the impact
of any proposed funding source for transportation on the City's residents, and will continue
working to ensure that the City's needs are addressed within any County-wide
transportation plan that receives a dedicated source of funding. The City requests that the
County include Miami Beach in all discussions and meetings that are related to this issue.
Intermodal Facilitv: The City of Miami Beach requests that Miami-Dade County report the
status of unencumbered/unspent federal funds in the County's possession that are
earmarked for intermodal facilities within the City. The Administration is currently drafting
correspondence to Miami-Dade County requesting information on the status of this
funding. Additionally, the City requests the County's support in Federal legislative changes
that may need to be made as it relates to the authorization of these funds.
Imoact Fees: The City requests information related to the amount of Road Impact Fees
that the County has collected in Miami Beach, and the expiration dates for these funds.
Additionally, the City wishes to explore the acceleration of the expenditure of these funds
as part of the City's Municipal Mobility Plan.
. Proposed Resolution for a Dedicated Transportation Funding Source
. April 26, 2001 Fax to Marion Turner (Jorden Burt)
. October 13, 2000 letter to AI Parjus (Miami-Dade) from Robert Matevish (Mt.
. April 24, 2001 letter to Mayor Kasdin from Danny Alvarez
. Baylink: Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study
. March 5,2002 memorandum regarding use of road impact fees at Allison Island
5. Homeland Security and Disaster Preparedness Fundlna
The City of Miami Beach requests that Miami-Dade County consider the City's needs as
they pursue Federal and State funds and provide assistance to the City in accessing funds
that become available. The City has identified needs in the following amounts:
. Police: $638,000
. Fire: $2,073,406
. Information Technology: $200,000
. Neighborhood Services: $100,000
. Property Management: $89,600
. City of Miami Beach Homeland Security Priority Needs
6. Community Redevelopment
The City requests the County's support in amending the City Center Redevelopment Plan
to allow the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency and the Miami Beach Police Department
. .
March 19, 2002
steve Shiver- Miami-Dade County Manager
Page 50'6
to develop and fund community policing initiatives. Recent changes to the Florida Statutes
governing Community Development (Chapter 163) enable community redevelopment
areas to implement and fund community policing initiatives.
Inclusion of community policing in the City Center Redevelopment Plan will allow the
Redevelopment Agency to Implement a Community Policing Plan, which may include a
new Neighborhood Resource Officer position, add seven Beat Patrol Officers to two ofthe
existing beats and create a new beat location, add four A TV office positions, add two
Criminal Investigation Division Detectives, add two Beat Sergeants and one Bicycle
Sergeant for Lincoln Road, and add one Crime Analyst position.
. December 26, 2001 Police Department memorandum
. November 8, 2001 Legal Opinion
7. Social Services
Homeless Proarams: The City's increased access to the County-wide Continuum of Care,
specifically at the Downtown Homeless Assistance Center and through the Homeless
Trust, and any other programs that Miami-Dade County may implement in the future, is
essential to address the increased homeless population in Miami Beach.
Domestic Violence Intake Center: the County withdrew Resources for this facility in early
2002, although between July 2000 and January 2002 the City had contributed over
$55,000 (excluding design, permitting and construction management) to this Facility. The
City requests that Miami-Dade County reauthorize funding and resources for a Domestic
Violence Facility in Miami Beach.
. January 18, 2002 fax to Marta Trujillo
. August 4, 2000 letter to Ruben Carrerou
8. M!lor Events Assistance Policy
The City of Miami Beach is a regional resource, attracting over seven (7) of Greater
Miami's 10 million tourists annually, and has become a Major Events Destination.
Additionally, residents of the surrounding region make approximately eight (8) million day-
trips per year to Miami Beach. The sandy beach is one of the region's most important
economic assets, as are the City's cultural, entertainment and recreational amenities.
Miami Beach is home to many high-profile events that attract large crowds and
international attention, and holiday weekends such as Memorial Day, Labor Day, and New
Year's Eve have become events in themselves.
The burden placed on Municipal Services can at times be overwhelming, and assistance is
required from agencies outside of the City. Given the positive impact that large events in
Miami Beach bring to the region's economy, the City requests Miami-Dade County's
partnership in the Major Events Policy, and participate in planning for and provide service
to these events. Services will include, but are not limited to: Beach Maintenance, Police,
FirP. $Inri FmAmAnr.v RA~nnn~A ~Antir.A~ ThA ~itv rAnlIA~t~ A w~ivAr nf fAA~ At thn~A timp_~
. "
March 19, 2002
Steve Shiver - Miami-Dade County Manager
Page 6 of 6
when additional services are needed to ensure the health, welfare and safety of the
region's residents and visitors during major events.
For Memorial Day Weekend 2002, a request has been made for Public Safety assistance
and the City also requests your assistance and participation with the Goodwill Ambassador
Program, as has been provided in the past.
. January 14, 2002 letter from County Manager Shiver requesting reimbursement
for $7,615.99 for enhanced beach maintenance during Veteran's Day event.
. Miami-Dade Parks Department invoice for $1,480 for bleacher rentals for
Veteran's Day event.
. February 20, 2002 correspondence from Director Carlos Alvarez.
9. Countywide Strategic Plan
Miami-Dade County is in the process of developing a set of guiding principles and priority
strategic themes for the Countywide Strategic Plan. These statements and themes will
provide the framework of the strategic plan and will guide the development of the County's
long-term goals, strategies, objectives and business planning efforts.
The strategic planning process will encompass four phases: 1-Global Planning, 2-Strategic
Areas and Structure, 3-Strategic Area Plan Development, 4-Strategic Plan Development.
The six Strategic Areas of service delivery are Economic Development; Health and Human
Services; neighborhood and Unincorporated Area Municipal Services; Public Safety;
Recreation and Culture; and Transportation.
As the region's top resource for tourism, entertainment, culture, recreation, and investment,
the City of Miami Beach requests inclusion and participation in all phases of the
development of the Countywide Strategic Plan
. February 26 Resolution (File Number 020277)
10. Incorooratlon and Municipal Revenue SharinG
The City of Miami Beach must ensure that" it receives a proportionate share of County
services as more areas of Miami-Dade County incorporate and the County finalizes its
Incorporation Procedures. The Board of County Commissioners defeated a proposal in
January 2002 that WOUld have placed a 1/2-penny sales tax increase on the November
2002 ballot. The revenue generated from this source would have been used for municipal
revenue sharing for County services.
. February 26 Resolutions (File Numbers 020398 and 020488)
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