Resolution 1300 RESOLUTION NO. 1300 A RESOLUTION 02 TRE CITY COUNCIL 02 THE CITY O ' MIAMI BEACH, . LORIDA, CANVASSING THE RETURNS 02 AN ELECTION HELD FEBRUARY 26th, 1926, nND DECLARING THE RESULT OF SAID ELECTION TO BE FOR TNN; ISSU- ANCE OF BONDS IN THE SUM O. $2,654,000. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T74 CITY OF JIIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That said City Council, acting as a Canvass board, has this day publicly can7assed the returns of an election held in said City on .!'ebruary 26th, 1926, which canvass was made solely, exclusive- ly and entirely from the returns of certificates of the Inspectors and Clerk who held and conducted said election and from such canvass has found that upon the questions: (a) "Shall the City of Miami beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sue of 4100,000 for the purpose of purchasing real estate as a site for a Are Station and erecting a .Are Station thereon?" 97 voters voted "Yed' and 1 voter voted "NO". (b ) "Shall the City of Miami beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 037,000.00 for the purpose of equipping and furnishing a fire station with fire fighting equipment and the installation of fire alarm boxes?" 97 voters voted "Yes" and 1 voter voted "NO". (c) "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 4300,000 for the purpose of constructing bridges across waterways within said City?" 97 voters voted"Yes" and 1 voter voted "NO". ( d) "Shall the City of Miami Beach, . lorida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 1750,000 for the purpose of extending and developing its waterworks system?" 98 voters voted "Yes" and No voters voted "No". ( e) "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Vlorida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of X47,000 for the purpose of developing and lk 'improving its public parks?" 96 vo'e�rs voted "Yes" and 1 vote' voted "No". ( f) "Shall the City of Miami Beach, ; 'loriaa, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 460,000 for the purpose of equipping its sanitary department with a garbage disposal barge?" 96 voters voted "Yes" and 2 voters voted "NO". ( g) "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 4150,000 for the purpose of purchasing real estate for and erecting a garbage disposal plant thereon" 96 voters voted "Yes" and 2 voters voted "No". (h) "Shall the City of Miami Beach, r'lorida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 4810,000 for the purpose of purchasing real estate for and erecting thereon a part of a sanitary disposal plant and the laying of drains and the installation of pumps, all for the operation and disposing of sewage?" 97 voters voted "Yes' and 1 voter voted "No". ( i) "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 4150,000 for the purpose of paving its streets?" 97 voters voted "Yes" and 1 voter voted "No". ( j) "Shall the City of Miami .each, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 4250,000 for the purpose of constructing docks, a ship channel thereto , and warehouses for the water, sewer, street and sanitary departments?" 96 voters voted "Yes" and 2 voters voted "No". And that a majority of the votes cast upon each of the aforesaid questions was for the issuance of said bonds and said City Council does hereby declare the result of said election upon each of said questions to be for the issuance of said bonds in the aggregate sum of 42, 654,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of March, A. D. , 1926. ;' ATTEST: President o Cit�v Council 5 City Clerk as sr so 40, ft ft, p V e s f-JCD C co I-1 co M. CD 0 o • ci- Fi• o 1-i + aQ CD 0 H G.+ .17? t-A,, cr. • cr. • co c.)1 o 0 CFb 0 c+ •