Resolution 1432 ' g RESOLUTION NO. 1432 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TTT'r; CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, MAKING A TAX LEVY FOR THE TAX YEAR 1926, AND FIXING THE MILLAG ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN SAID CITY. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida: Section 1: That there be, and the same is hereby levied a tax for the year A. D. , 1926, on all real and personal property lo- cated within the corporate limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on the dollar of the taxable cash value of all of said property in said City, the sum of nineteen and one half (19*) mills for the pur- poses and amounts as hereinafter fixed, namely: (a) For the purpose of carrying on the Government of said City, that is, for the General Fund, covering Administration of City, Fire Department, Police Department and Sanitary Department, Seven and one half ( 72) mills. (b) For the purpose of repairs and internal improvements, that is, for the Repair and Internal Improvement Fund, covering Street Main- tenance, Sewer Maintenance, Bridge Maintenance, Engineering Department, Park & Docks Department and Building Department, Seven and one quarter ( 74) mills. (c) For the purpose of publicity, that is, for the PublicityIli Fund, One mill. III (d) For the purpose of paying interest due on such outstanding bonds and notes of said City as have been or will be issued since the extension of the City limits, both to the north and the south, by Or- dinances Nos. 201, 208 and 219 and providing the Sinking Fund for the Redemption of said bonds and notes, that is, for the Interest and Sinking Fund, Three and three-quarters (3t) mills. Section 2: That there be, and the same is hereby levied an additional tax for the tax year A. D. , 1926, on all real or personal ;, property located within the original corporate limits of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, prior to th9 annexation of any additional terri- tory, as said original limits are described in the City Charter (Chapter 9836 of Special Acts of 1923) on the dollar of the taxable cash value of all of said property in said former corporate limits, One and one-half ( 12) mills for the purpose as hereinafter fixed, namely: ( e) For the purpose of paying interest on such outstanding bonds and notes of said City as have been issued prior to the exten- sion of the City limits either to the north or to the south by Ordi- nances Nos. 201, 208 and 219 and providing the Sinking Fund for the redemption of said bonds and said notes, that is for the Interest and Sinking Fund, One and one-half ( 12) mills. Section 3: That a certified copy of this resolution be deliver- ed to each of the following officers and agents of the said City of Miami Beach, Florida, namely: The City Tax Assessor, The City Clerk, The City Auditor and the City Depositories, and that their receipts respectively be taken therefor. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of duly, D. , 1926. 4IP-a. *, (/- ( 'C=7:44)4 t ATTEST: -1/ President of City Council (;-? ) '. '7. ,-' City Clerk APPROVED this 9th day of July, A. D. , 1926. Mayor . , • < 0 LA 0 1-3 1-o 4 1--1 H 1-0 D• L-4 4 • 1-3 1.P