Finance Agenda May 2017 UpdatedMIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, I700 Convenlion Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33I 39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM Members of the Finance and Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager May 19,2017 MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND ON FRIDAY, MAY 19,2017 A meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee has been scheduled for Friday, May 19,2017 at 2:30 pm in the Commission Chambers, 3'o Floor of City Hall. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: OLD BUSINESS 1. Discussion Regarding Proposed lnterceptor Garage At 1623 West Avenue (Lot No. P23l Commission ltem R9E, September 27,2016 (Parking) Saul Frances, Parking Director Sfafus; ltem enclosed. 2. Discussion Regarding A Skate Park/Parking Structure At 72nd Street Parking Lot (Ps2) Commission ltem C4B, February 8,2017 (Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development) Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Director Dual Referral: Mayor's North Beach Master Plan Steering Committee and Finance & Citywide Projects Comm ittee Sfafus.' ltem enclosed. 3. Discussion Regarding A Potential Lease With The Venture City For Commercial Space Located At 1661 Pennsylvania Avenue (Jeff Oris) Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development Director Sfatus.' ltem enclosed. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT;ITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE 1 NEW BUSINESS 4. Discussion Regarding The Fees Charged To Developers To Appear Before The City’s Land Use Boards Commission Item C4F, April 26, 2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Alemán) Tom Mooney, Planning Director Status: Verbal report. 5. Discussion Regarding The Living Wage Rates For Fiscal Year 2017-2018, In Accordance With Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 6, Section 2-408, Of The City Code Commission Item C4G, April 26, 2017 (Procurement) Alex Denis, Procurement Director Status: Item enclosed. 6. Discussion Regarding A Resolution Approving The City’s Sponsorship Of The Nationally And Internationally Televised 2017 World Footvolley Classic, To Be Held In The City Of Miami Beach Commission Item C4H, April 26, 2017 (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Rosen Gonzalez) Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development Director Status: Item enclosed. 7. Discussion Regarding Contributing Funds To A Regional Hybrid Skatepark/Pumptrack Initiative At Haulover In Conjunction With Sunny Isles Beach, Town Of Surfside, And Possibly Bal Harbour And Bay Harbor Islands Commission Item C4V, April 26, 2017 (Parks and Recreation) John Rebar, Parks and Recreation Director Status: Item enclosed. 8. Discussion On Performing A Gap Assessment Regarding The Energov Permitting System Commission Item C7M, April 26, 2017 (Information Technology) Ariel Sosa, Information Technology Director Status: Verbal report. 2 9. Discussion Regarding The Baywalk As Well As The Opening, Building And Funding Of The Baywalk Behind The South Bay Club Commission Item R7C, April 26, 2017 (Budget and Performance Improvement) Margarita Wells, Environment and Sustainability Acting Director Cintya Ramos, Budget and Performance Improvement Director Tom Mooney, Planning Director Status: Item enclosed. 10. Discussion Regarding The Mid-Year Request For Two New Positions In The Finance Department and Discussion Regarding PatternStream Software For The Office Of Budget and Performance Improvement Commission Item R7D, April 26, 2017 (Budget and Performance Improvement) John Woodruff, Chief Financial Officer Cintya Ramos, Budget and Performance Improvement Director Status: Item enclosed. 11. Discussion Regarding The Preparation Of A Budget Item Request For Consideration In The Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Process For The Design Of A Parking Garage Structure, And A New Recreational Park With A Skate Park And Community Use Space, At The 72nd Street Parking Lot Site Between 72nd And 73rd Streets And Between Collins And Harding Avenues Commission Item R7U, April 26, 2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Alemán and Commissioner Malakoff) David Martinez, Capital Improvement Projects Director Status: Verbal report. 12. Discussion Regarding Potential Financial Incentives For Miami Beach To Support The Film And Television Industry On A Local Level Commission Item R9T, April 26, 2017 (Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development) Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development Director Status: Item enclosed. 13. Discussion To Explore A Lease To Bring The Wynwood Yard Concept To North Beach Commission Item R9AG, April 26, 2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Arriola) Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development Director Status: Verbal report. 3 DEFERRED ITEMS 14. Discussion Regarding Future Uses Or The Potential Sale Of Vacant Gity-Owned Land Located At 226 87th Terrace Commission ltem C4A, October 19,2016 (Sponsored by Commissioner Grieco) Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Director Status: ltem deferred to the June 16, 2017 Finance and Citywide Projects Co m m ittee m eeti n g, pen d i n g ad diti o n a I a p p rai sa l. 15. Discuss Engaging ln A Pilot Program With A Cost Reduction Consultant Commission ltem C4N, Marcn 1,2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Arriola) James Sutter, lnternal Auditor John Woodruff, Chief Financial Officer Status: ltem deferred to the June 16, 2017 Finance and Citywide Projects Committee meeting, pending coordination with departments to identify areas with cost reduction potential. 16. Discussion Regarding The Maintenance Of Public Bathrooms Gitywide Commission ltem C4N, February 8,2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Grieco) John Rebar, Parks and Recreation Director Adrian Morales, Property Management Director Dual Referral: Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee and Finance & Citywide Projects Committee Sfafus; ltem deferred pending direction from the Neighborhood and Community Affairs Committee. 17. Discuss The Key Development Parameters For The Barclay Plaza Apartments Workforce Housing Project Commission ltem C4A, March 1,2017 (Office of Housing and Community Services) Maria Ruiz, Director of Housing and Community Services Status: ltem deferred to the June 16, 2017 Finance and Citytide Projects Committee meeting, pending data and analysis. 4 18. Discussion To Explore Placing Cameras On Every Corner Of The MXE (Mixed Used Entertainment) District And On The Beachwalk, And lnstalling Emergency Activation Boxes Along The Beachwalk Commission ltem C4P, March 1,2017 (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Rosen Gonzalez) Daniel Oates, Police Chief Dual Referral: Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee and Finance & Citywide Projects Committee Sfafus; ltem deferred pending direction from the Neighborhood and Community Affairs Committee, Finance and Gitnaride Proiects Committee Meetinqs for 2017: May 19 June 16 - Budget Briefing June 30 - Budget Briefing July 10 - Budget Briefing July 21- Budget Briefing July 28 August Recess September 8 October 13 November 3 December 8 Committee Members Commissioner Ricky Arriola, Chair Commissioner Joy Malakoff, Vice Chair Commissioner John Alem6n, Member Commissioner Micky Steinberg, Alternate John Woodruff, Committee Liaison JW/MTG To request this material rn accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please contact 305-604-2489 (voice), 305-673-7524 (fax) or 305-673-7218 (TTY) five days in advance to initiate your request. ffY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). Cc. Mayor and Members of the City Commission Management Team 5 I T E M o N E 6 MIAMIBEAGH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER To: Finance and Citywide Projects COMMITTEE EMORANDUM FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: May 19,2017 SUBJECT: PROPOSED PEDESTRAN BR CONNECTOR . INTERCEPTOR GARAGE AT 1623 WEST AVENUE (LOT NO. p23) The Administration received the following response from Crescent Heights regarding the option to have a pedestrian bridge connector from their development's garage (1600 Alton) to the City's planned lnterceptor Garage at 1623 West Avenue: Crescent Heights, the developer, has no objection to the connection and can work with the City to adjust the building to accommodate it. However, they are not prepared to pay for it as they see parking demand actually going down due to behavioral changes (more use of car sharing, etc.). The Administration is concerned with the City's garage and its lower parking rates being the first and more attractive parking option for patrons of the development. This could likely result in limited or reduced parking availability to serve the intended purpose of the interceptor parking garage. The concept of providing a pedestrian bridge access from the City's garage to this private development and the Alton Road corridor has a limited public purpose. Moreover, the developer's reluctance to fund the pedestrian bridge further dilutes advantages to this narrow public benefit. ,rrr*orrrr& F:\PING\$ALL\SAUL\FinanceCommittee\lnterceptorGarage'l623WestAveFCWPCmAY1920l7.mem 7 I T E M T w o 8 MIAMIBEACH Gity of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention www.miamibeachfl.gov Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, TO: Chair and Members of the Finance Committee FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: May 19,2017 SUBJECT: Discussion Regarding A Street Parking Lot (P92) COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM Citywide ParklParking Structure At The 72nd ISSUES The Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWPC) at its March 31, 2017 meeting, recommended to the City Commission that the City begin preparing an RFQ for design of the 72nd Street !ot, and discussed consideration of a budget enhancement for the 2017l18 budget for design of the project. Additionally, the Committee requested staff simultaneously complete conceptual design options for the site. At the April 26, 2017 City Commission meeting, the Commission considered a discussion item regarding the recommendations made by both the FCWPC and the Neighborhoods and Community Affairs Community (NCAC). Concurrently with this item, the Commission also considered a resolution placed on the agenda by Commissioner Aleman for the City to proceed with a consultant service order for Desman, lnc. to prepare designs for a parking garage structure, and a new recreational park with a skate park and community use space at the 72nd Street parking lot site. The Commission adopted the resolution to proceed with the consultant service order, negating the need for continued design by City Staff. The Commission did not negate the Committees request for the conceptual designs, however. Planning staff had completed one conceptual design prior to the Commission meeting (See Attachment 2), in an effort to satisfy the request of the FCWPC, staff will present the conceptual design to obtain input that will be shared with Desman, lnc. for consideration in additional conceptual designs the firm will prepare under the consultant service order. 9 ANALYSIS For several years, the City has had within its work plan to site and construct a skate park within the municipal limits. Multiple sites have been explored throughout the City with each location posing challenges. These challenges include resident objections to the use close to their homes that the City has been unable to mitigate to date. Nonetheless, the City has continued to pursue a site for such a park due to the demand from the local skating community and local residents who would like to have a place for skaters to enjoy their sport. Most recently, in 2016 several locations were presented to NCAC for a skate park or all-wheels park concept: the 72nd Street (P92) Parking lot, the West Lots (those lots on the west side of Collins Avenue between 79th Street and 87th Street), and the south end of North Shore Open Space Park. Based on community input and NCAC review, lhe 72nd Street tot was selected as the preferred location, and endorsed by the City's Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board. Given the loss of parking spaces that would result from the conversion, as well as other uses recommended for the 72nd Street lot by the North Beach Master Plan (Attachment 3), the City's Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board for the 72"d street lot, as well as City Departments and the Community (Attachment 4) the NCAC requested that staff evaluate programming of the entire 72nd Street Lot, including a potential replacement parking garage (See Attachment 5). The item was also referred to FCWP who recommended input from the Mayor's North Beach Committee prior to discussing the item in depth Additional detail on the background timeline is provided in Attachment 1. CONCLUSION Staff is seeking input from the Committee regarding the conceptual plan. This input will be shared with Desman, lnc. to guide them in the creation of additional conceptual designs for the 72nd Street site. 10 ATTACHMENT 1 T!MELINE OF PRIOR ACTIONS Funding for a skate park in Miami Beach was appropriated in Fiscal Year 2011112 in the amount of $400,000. At that time the description for the project stated "Location TBD based on Neighborhood/Community meetings throughout the City. ln the Spring of 2015, Velosolutions USA, a locally-based company, made presentations to the Parks and Recreation Board and the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel on North Beach regarding a mixed use, all-wheels, pump track concept. This concept varies from a traditional skate park in that it is more of a contoured and graded track suitable for skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles and the like, and it is more suited to use by persons of all ages and skill levels. A traditional skate park, while useable by rollerbladers and certain bicyclists, is more for skateboard riding and would include steeper ramps and other elements on which to launch into various "tricks." During the last year or so, the North Beach community has become more accepting of the location of a skate park or all wheels track within this area of the City, and the members of the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee (NCAC) asked for staff to seek potential locations in North Beach for the siting of one or both of these types of facilities. Several locations were presented to the NCAC at their April 15, 2016 meeting. The NCAC asked for three staff recommended sites; the 72nd Street (P92) Parking lot, the West Lots (those lots on the west side of Collins Avenue between 79th Street and 87th Street), and the south end of North Shore Open Space Park to be brought to a public workshop in North Beach for the purposes of gathering the input of the public. !n addition, the NCAC also requested that input be obtained from the Parks and Recreation Facilities Advisory Board and the Mayor's North Beach Master Plan Steering Committee. At the aforementioned public input meeting, held on May 25, 2016, the public in attendance suggested the location at the North Shore Open Space Park as their desired site. lt was clear that the public actually favored the 72"d street lots location, but indicated preference for the park location due to an anticipated time lag on constructing a park on the parking lot. The Parks and Recreation Facilities Advisory Board also recommended the North Shore Open Space Park location at their May 2016 meeting. The North Beach Master Plan Steering Committee requested conceptual drawings of each of the three sites before committing to support a particular location. Unfortunately, the Committee was sunset before the drawings could be reviewed and thus it made no recommendation. The NCAC, at the October 21,2016, was'presented with conceptual drawings of a skate park in the three locations under consideration. After a short discussion, it was clear the Committee unanimously favored the 72nd street parking lot with an understanding that the placement of a skate park at this location will cause a loss of parking spaces in the existing lot. The NCAC requested that staff return to the November meeting with more information regarding the loss of parking if a skate park is located at the site, the potential for reconfiguring the parking lot with a parking structure, the inclusion of greenspace on this block, and the inclusion of other amenities as outlined in the recently adopted North Beach Master Plan. The City's Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board adopted the following motion at their November 2,2016 meeting: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board has for the past year been discussing various recreational facilities and locations. After giving a lot of 11 consideration and reviewing the North Beach Master Plan, it seems most efficient to the board to consolidate the following four (4) sports activities into the conceptual design of the 72nd Street Lot in order to create a recreational sports corridor: a competitive pool, batting cages, skate park and regulation size soccer field. Parking and the appropriate life safety considerations for crossing Harding Avenue should also be considered in the plan. The uses contemplated on the site by this motion will have implications on the need for additional new parking. Additionally, the North Beach Master Plan contemplated the siting of a skate park at this site under all three scenarios illustrated for this site. One of the scenarios presented also showed the potential for an open multi-use, however, this scenario did not include any parking on the block at all. Thus, the siting of more recreational uses at this site would be incompatible with the master plan During the December g, 2016 NCAC meeting, the committee members requested additional information to determine if the activities and rudimentary site plan presented by staff at the meeting consisted of "the right pieces in the right configuration" for the site. ln response, staff has researched other area needs which are outlined later in this memorandum. Additionally, at the December meeting, the members also asked for the input of the Finance and Citywide Project Committee (FCWP). lt was found that this item was not dual referred to both committees and thus, the item was referred to the FCWP by the City Commission at their February 8, 2017 meeting. The item was placed on the FCWP's February 17, 2017 agenda, at which time the Committee indicated they would like to see a design and wished to hear input from the Mayor's North Beach Committee prior to discussing the item in depth. At the FCWP meeting of February 13,2017 meeting, this item was deferred until input from the Mayor's North Beach Committee could be obtained. The North Beach Committee subsequently took up the matter at their February 24th meeting and passed the following motion (on at 6-1 vote): MOTION: The Steering Committee requests that the City of Miami Beach engage a planner to create a cohesive vision for the 72nd Street parking lot, the Youth Center, the Bandshell, Ocean Terrace, the Altos del Mar park area, and the library location right away so the community can have input in the area parks and how they can expand and work together as one, from 72nd street to 76th Street and that the 72"d Street parking lot be designed to maximize parking, have a single building footprint, include a breezeway to or adjacent to the Youth Center, and have wide green walkways going east to west on the North and South sides to encourage pedestrian circulation. The North Beach Committee's motion was then taken up by the NCAC at their March 17, 2017 meeting. The Committee subsequently adopted a motion that generally recommends to the City Commission that a designer be engaged a designer to prepare a comprehensive plan to include all of the areas requested by the North Beach Committee (exact wording of the motion is not available as minutes had not be prepared as of the creation of this memo). !n passing this motion, the NCAC was concerned about potential utility conflicts at the 72"d Street parking lot. Public Works indicated they would have a basic utility study completed by April 14,'2017 thus, NCAC felt it was best to not stop the item to wait for the study since any designer hired would have that information before the design efforts began. 12 The NCAC took this matter up at their March 17th meeting with discussion including the North Beach Committee motion as well as the anticipated completion date of a utility study to address existing utilities on site. Public works indicated that the basic utility study would be completed by April 14, 2017. Given that the utility study would be completed before a designer could be engaged because the Commission's next meeting would not be until the end of April, the Committee adopted the following motion (note: the motion is from the meeting video as minutes for the meeting had not yet been produced at the time this attachment was created): MOTION: To recommend to the full Commission that a designer be engaged to prepare a comprehensive plan to include all of the areas requested by the North Beach Committee. The item was subsequently discussed at the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWPC) meeting on March 31,2017. The FCWPC gave the following direction (NOTE: at the time of this memo's creation, minutes had not yet been completed for the FCWPC meeting and thus the below is a general statement of the direction given): 1) That the City proceed with preparing an RFQ for a parking structure and new recreational park with a skate park and prepare a budget item request for consideration in the FY 2017-18 budget and for staff to come back to the Committee with design options. 2) For staff to reconfirm with the North Beach Master Plan Steering Committee their goals and objectives for the area micro-plan. The item was subsequently discussed at the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWPC) meeting on March 31, 2017. The FCWPC motioned the following in regards to the Skate Park and Parking Structure at 72"d Street Parking Lot: . The Committee recommended moving forward with putting together a bid package for a parking structure and a new recreational park, which would include a skate park. o The Committee directed staff to simultaneously work with Commissioner Aleman to put together an analysis of the 72 Street parking lot and bring back to the Finance and Cityruide Committee what the options are for where the parking structure would go. . The Committee recommended moving fonrvard with adding a budgetary line item to next yea/s budget. The Committee motioned the following in regards to the Skate Park and Parking Structure: o The Committee directed staff to go back to the North Beach Steering Committee and reconfirm what their goals and objectives are for the study of the 4 block area and bring this item back to Finance and Citywide Projects Comm ittee fo r consideration. ln response to the FCWPC's request for clarification, The North Beach Steering Committee discussed the item and adopted the clarifying motion at its April 6, 2017 meeting: 13 MOTION: That this Steering Committee request, prioritizing 72"d street parking lot, the City of Miami Beach to engage a multidisciplinary urban design firm on an expedited basis, to work with this Committee and the City to prepare a Detailed Urban Design for the Ocean Terrace Neighborhood, which shall explore and recommend specific urban design solutions and options from the 72"d Street parking lot, through Ocean Terrace, and up to Altos del Mar, and the Library site with an emphasis on a future pedestrian friendly Ocean Terrace. The City Commission, at its April 26,2017 meeting discussed the March 17, 2017 recommendations of the NCAC and the March 31, 2017 recommendations of the FCWPC. The Commission also concurrently considered a resolution placed on the agenda by Commissioner Aleman for the City to proceed with a consultant service order for Desman, lnc. to prepare designs for a parking garage structure, and a new recreational park with a skate park and community use space at the 72nd Street parking lot site. At their April 26, 2017 meeting, the Commission also addressed the recommendation of the NCAC to address the request of the North Beach Steering Committee by adopting a motion to have staff prepare an RFQ for an urban neighborhood design concept for the Ocean Terrace area. 14 ATTACHMENT 2 Four Conceptual Renderings o Center . Angle o Top View . Library 15 16 17 df,tr eo' {f & i: 3 ! t Et a 18 19 (n F2 UJ =(J t- 20 {: !.- -i"lt'il! --'* 4 ,.j:,4 .{6, W), {\:ilr} <t z IJJ (J F r'l ffi )p' a L ,1, /s -v Vt : C) C) cc|\ 0pu,ueuj oJd uglJlsspod *' t t ** ' :rrtffi - *':: :,v,t1il'Itrr. tIY Eirl'; I 'rf,I, ; 21 tr rr:fi- 1-{ t ?s .= -C 3r U) r, 'J\ <.1 - -C *tq ryl .i? trt& Wli $ ff fr ! I I ot o(/) f o_( ^5Q ()c)- toe Cs u Ou o U "J V) J) It 0- It -/. CT, ; Ce 6(\ tilb 8wra tr& lfl;F!zLul IIflC F.F ,, r ifi.^ -*' " r jj*-' L rrffi';1--a , rr l"*l rill. - ir'i t ';1 ,,* 22 ,7EM 7t{REE 23 MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov COMM]TTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Chair and Members of the Finance Committee FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: May19,2017 SUBJECT:Lease with The Venture City for ia Avenue Discussion Regarding A Po Commercial Space at 1661 The purpose of this memorandum is to seek direction from the Committee regarding potential to provide an economic development incentive to The Venture City - a tech incubator/accelerator -- in the form of rent free space at 1661 Pennsylvania Avenue. ISSUE Staff seeks direction as to how to proceed with The Venture City's request to provide approximately 6,500 square feet of commercial space at the former Oolite restaurant location at 1661 Pennsylvania Avenue to operate a global technology incubator/accelerator. The Venture City anticipates between 30-100 in staff working for their organization and/or companies participating in their programs working on-site. The Venture City has requested this space be provided rent-free, although they would be responsible for any tenant build-out and have agreed to pay any property taxes if assessed against the space. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Venture City, a full-service business incubator/accelerator organization is led by Laura Gonzalez-Estefani, an Angel lnvestor and a former leading executive of Silicon Valley companies Facebook and eBay as well as Ogilvy and Siemens. The founding team includes other industry leaders from both Facebook and eBay, in addition to Google, with extensive international experience. The group has been working to locate their newly created, full-tech solution, global technology incubator/accelerator within the Miami area. This involves housing start-up technology based companies and providing them with services ranging from financing and networking to legal and regulatory comptiance. The Beacon Council has been actively engaged in assisting The Venture City in finding a site as they believe The Venture City will leverage and further expand the traction and opportunities gained by platforms such as eMERGE, Venture Hive (downtown), The Lab Miami (Wynwood) and Cambridge lnnovation Center 24 (Overtown) that are strongly attributed with boosting the Miami area's credibility as a technology hub in the global community. Representatives of the Beacon Council have also indicated that their support of The Venture City is also due to the fact that Ms. Gonzales-Estefani and the other members of the business' founding team are well-known in Miami-Dade technology circles and well-positioned internationally. At the initial meeting with Staff, representatives of The Venture City shared their business plan (Attached) and inquired into what city-owned space may be available for their use and further indicated they were seeking rent-free space to facilitate their business model. Staff indicated the City is quite limited in the space that is appropriate for such a use. The log cabin site in North Beach and the former Oolite restaurant space in City Center were suggested as potential locations. Further analysis showed the log cabin site to be significantly smaller than what The Venture City was seeking however, the group expressed interest in the former Oolite site at 1661 Pennsylvania Avenue. (As a point of information, the City began marketing the Oolite in March 2017 and has only received one inquiry as of the writing of this memorandum.) The Venture City has proposed occupying this space on a two-year, rent-free basis. While they request the space rent-free, they have agreed to pay for any necessary build-out of the space and will pay any property taxes that may be assessed against the site should the Property Appraiser deem the site taxable due to its loss as a municipal use or vacant municipally owned space. As mentioned, the basis for the request of free rent is as an economic development incentive to the group to locate in the City. Potentially, companies that will locate at the facility as part of The Venture City's incubator/accelerator will employ between 30-100 staff on-site, with these employees garnering a higher wage than would be expected from other area businesses. lt is also assumed that the employees and businesses housed on-site will utilize other businesses in the City for supplies and services as well as patronize retail establishments, having a positive effect on the City's overall economy. Further, there is an expectation that as businesses graduate from the incubator or accelerator programs, they would remain in the City, close to resources that will remain available to them through The Venture City, and that the presence of this facility will attract additional high-paying technology companies. All of this is also presumed to help retain and attract those with desired and valuable technology- related skills to the City and to the broader Miami area. COST Cost to the City if we were to proceed with this request would be the opportunity cost of lost revenue from the space if the City were to find a paying tenant for the space. lt would be anticipated that the space would be otherwise rented at a rate of approximately $60 per square foot, resulting in annual rent payments of approximately $390,000 or $780,000 over the two-year period of the lease. lt 25 should also be noted that this space may command a higher lease rate once the Convention Center reopens due to its proximity to the facility and the increased foot traffic due to a new booking policy prioritizing conventions over consumer shows. CONCLUSION Administration seeks direction on how to proceed with this request. Options for consideration include: 1) Granting The Venture City's request for a two-year, rent-free lease for 6,500 square feet of City-owned commercial space. 2) The City can propose an altered term of the lease. 3) The Venture City can be asked to pay a sliding-scale rent, the full rent, or some other subsidized rent rate. 4) The Committee can request putting the site out to an RFP for other similar users who may want to utilize the space, opening the opportunity up to a larger market. 5) The City can reject the offer and continue to market the property in an effort to find another user that will pay a market-rate rent. C: Kathie Brooks, Assistant City Manager John Woodruff, Finance Director Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Director Jeffrey Oris, Economic Development Division Director Mark Milisits, Asset Manager ,fu rdslesl.Jo 26 theventure.city lnnovolion Growlh Hubs Business Plqn Miomi- 2017 27 Context Technology tronsformotion is needed by businesses io survive long term Current ployers ore not reody to toke the chollenge Troditionol Componies . Monogement boords don't hove experts ln digitol ironsformotion . Current workforce unoble io execute . Componies lock of doto teoms thoi con onolyze their big doto to be oble toke key biz decisions ' Moving fost is key, or stortups will disrupt eoch one of the indusfries, os it is olreody hoppening Enlrepreneurs . Access io funding is limited, speciolly if you wont 'Smort money' to follow up lhe eorly series . Actuol occelerotor/ incuboior progroms ore short ond don't deliver the long term volue founders need to survive . Demond quolitotive help of industry experts thot ore very complicoted to reoch VCs & Consulting Firms . Trodiiionol TECH VCs bose iheir inveslments on flnonciol + legol due diligences + don't undersiond the potenliol growth ond lnternqtionolizotion . VC Funds hove difficulty detecting the best deols. Best stortups reoch only o smoll group of VCs . Cunent consultoncy firms lock of reol expertise hyper growth componies . They wqnt io hire people lrom the top lech componies but we don't woni to work for them lnslilutions & Universilies . Government ond instiiutions need to support the entrepreneuriol ecosystem but they do not know how, octuolly looking for key ployers to help.. Key Universities wonting fo odopt their progroms to the new dynomics ' Everybody tolks <rboui the need of digitolizoiion but not mony know how to execute it .& ffiffitffifl ,ffi -r$nb-=- s.+ A & -;n fuiilsrTs?s Our Business We hove creoted o new modelthot touches oll the ecosystem voriobles, from funding to growing ond portnering with componies ond institutions with o cleor internotionol perspective Our Fund is monoged by key lndustry experts invesiing in internotionol first storiups with hyper growth potentiol. To guorontee success, our due diligences contemplote engineering + produci + lnternotionolizotion ossessments, on top of the troditionol finonciol + legol model We support tech compony's growth ond scole ihrough long term flexible incubotion ond occelerolion progroms in exchonge for o equity stoke of their componies We work with componies ond their C-level in their trcnsformoiion process through our trqining ond Advisory progroms designed ond developed bosed on reol experiences We support lnternolionol Universities ond Public lnstitulions to foster chonge ond prepore the future leoders of the industry q{9 r#rffittffi-il&ffi, ner, (#;=#; A &" -;;r turilxrffi, 28 Our proposol we moke things hoppen. we hove built o 'fullTech solution' for ihe different stoges of lhe different ployers in the Tech Ecosystem, executed by o teom of top industry leoders thol come from Hyper Growth componies, Focebook, WhotsApp. Google. eBoy... Our lolenied leom ollrocls top lolenled slorlups. Our teorn is very excited to reshope the internotionol tech ecosystem from scrolch. We identlfied the need ond we love big chollenges Long term progroms is the key of our occelerotor ond incubolor model. This vision will solve moin problems founders foce todoy, I ) Lock of experience scoling & internotionolizing, 2) Lock of support from experienced teoms, ond 3) Foir Funding We ore inlernolionolfirsl, we hove scqled businesses beyond whot wos thinkoble. Now we wont to bring thot expertise bock to the internotionolstorlup community creoting Growth Hubs in Miomifor the Americos ond in Modrid Jor EMEA (To stort ) supporting bolh slortups ond trodilionol componies grow ond go inlernotionol, explore new business models ond processes, ond educoting/Re-cycling the tolent porinering with key universities under our University progrom, is o unique model .+-p, rffiiffittffi fl ,&S ffirl q,-=- ## R #"',$r -fuiil=smsfr 29 To Redefine the Techthrough o Worldwide Growth Hubs. Accelerolion Mode! Network of Disruplive 6^\/r, A-, 30 I nterrratlonallzatlonolrport <- lncubator / Accelerator fuctory -Z Monetlzatlon+ msd(et vc bonk \ We ore on ecosvslem occelerotor fortech, slrucluredos o city, led by on internotionol dreom teom ( former execs of hyper growth componies ) inspired by the need of tronsporency, diversity ond foirness in the industry. C-level Education unhaerslty t U theventure.clty Product n.,{ .1, \ consurrancylobototorY r-"g"rY Poricy studio Town haII Data library 31 Foir funding Friendly Co-founding Diversity lnternotionolizotion Give bock to the community 32 Supporting the full entrepreneurial cycle DATA DRIVEN tta aoaaaaaa att ,aI,I a,I I 33 : a=t Dreom teqm thot ioins from key Finonciol+ Hyper Growth componies such os Focebook, Google, eBoy, with proven extensive inlernolionol experience. 34 bonk oirport loborotory tesm court foctory studio ,Z -+ \ unive rsity i\<- / hospitol Teom driven by chollenge, purpose ond ownership of whot we do We ore o doto driven compony . We toke decisions bosed in doto ollowing us to even predict whot's qheod of us A's hire A's . We trock everything in reol lime, ovoiding foilure ond moximizing succeSs. Our structures ore light, ihe decision moking process is ogile 35 :.4 6A /^. A-.-, Bonk/VC Multistoge fund focused on, mobile/AR/VR, with internotionol focus Advice our stortup portfolio on following rounds ond strotegies for funding. Leod ond coordinote the Bonk's octivity, deol flow ond due diligences, tech, finonciol & legol. Trovel oround the world to the key Stortup Forums looking for interesting investments representing our fund. Advisory/Consultoncy for componies on the Mobile, AR/ VR shift, ond on new business models opportunities. Work closely with Product ond Engineering on product feotures, services ond products demonded by the morket or componies we work with Anolyze morket competition ond identify opportunities for our businesses internotionolly. Represent the compony in key locol Forums focused on Tech & lnnovotion Studio/ Consultoncy 36 University /C-LevelEducotion Design, Coordinote ond lounch the educotionol progrom for C-level execs of stortups, SMBs, lorge componies ond institutions. Coordinote the porticipotion of internotionol stors/ Advisors in the progrom. Represent the compony in key internotionol Tolent Forums focused on lnnovotion. Anolyze morket competition ond identify opportunities for our business. University I I I T I T Shoping on lnnovotion teom. CDO, CRO, CPO, CTO Think Big: Go lnternotionol Understonding the shift to the next plotform. Operoting o Tech business Decision moking: Doto tolks. Recycling, Keeping & Growing the tolent of your compony. 37 AirDort/ lnternotionolizotion Design the Growth & lnternotionolizotion strotegy for the stortups Work with Product, engineering, doto & consultoncy on requests needed to internotionolize effectively Represent the compony in key locol lnternotionol Growth Forums. Anolyze morket competition ond identify opportunities for our business. Define ond design the stortups doshboords to trock their growth, product performonce & revs Work closely with University on the Troinings ond progroms needed to educote C-level on big doto Advice the Studio teom on doto metrics ond doshboords needed to implement in the projects we will be working on. Anolyze morket tools ovoiloble to trock ond onolyze our business LibrorylDoto 38 Foctory INCUBATOR PROGRAM I I Welcoming20 componies eoch yeor, for 3 yeors under o vesting model, toking o mox of 25% compony's stoke. Core teom olwoys ovoiloble to odvice on toctics to Build/Grow/internotionolize/Monetize, odvice on engineering, product or Policy/legol issues. Ambossodor progrom between our globol offices Office spoce ovoiloble for portfolio in Miomi ond Modrid to stort lnvesting in 10 componies eoch yeor, for 10% equity for l8 months under o vesting model Core teom olwoys ovoiloble to odvice on toctics to Build/Grow/internotionolize/Monetize, odvice on engineering, product or Policy/legol issues. Consultoncy for Stortups on Finoncing/olternotives, thot ore not on eorly stoge. Ambossodor progrom between our globol offices Foctory ACCELERATOR PROGRAM 39 TownHolllegol&policy I I Leod ond Build key relotionships with Governments, institutions ond business orgonizotions Advice our stortups on Policy ond legol risks. Invite key personolities to Compuses ond orgonize Key events with lnstitutions. Work closely with University on the Troinings ond progroms needed to educote 6a,i. alT Loboroto.vl Product'& Engineering Best in closs teom of engineers thot will odvice CTO/ CPO & teoms of our stortups oround their product, infro, doto onolytics, etc. to moke sure they grow ond scole efficiently Design working fromeworks ond processes for the stortups we ore invested to moximize resources Advice ond leod the Tech due diligence for our investments Trovel oround the world to the key Stortup Forums exploining their fromework ond keys to succeed 40 tPhose I 1st Venture Cities will be Miami, hub for the Americas, and Madrid as a hub for EMEA. Both cities are thriving and both need international talented professionals to educate and train the local talent into methodologies, processes, and frameworks to grow their startups and therefore the ecosystem. 41 rl ' . I Phose I W \ At the end of 2017 we will have Hotel Desks in SF and Singapore ty, * #aS ,uSL t*P Pho se 2 %:\ *\ 2018. Next round of Venture Cities will be Mexico city, Bogot5 and Buenos Aires. 42 i*l ' : ,'t-"0r- ffi* q-/-{$h s6 /s r\ ).*" Phose 2 Hotel desks in Sao Paulo, Lisbon & Tolqyo ^AA -r -A-1 Phose 3 2020.3rd round of Venture Cities will be Nigeria and Kenya. 43 .=o^ r,\ a-ro.a 44 Business Structure Buslness Focus ! legol & lmtllullonol Relollons ,-----*****-* ! Hnonclol Anolysls ll Dolo Anoffics 45 A.ll thth l1., tr tt ; I -l ffi' 46 rI; )at 47 ':-', -. ip_r-ili.-: a,. t$";:. '.'1>; l';gft;1.,.. F,tit.-: '"*tF,fH, 48 49 50 Louro Gonrtlor-td&ont Founcler & CEO IhcVcnlweCity 'i, M Possionote obout helping rnoke lhe grobol enlrepreneuiol ecosyslem occes5ible to lunding. loir. divere ond inrernotionol. Spenl 8+ yeors ol tocabook eoding growlh. business developm€nl ond mobile key proieclJ h Modrid. Sl;con Vofley ord Miomr. wos lhe l, emdoyee in Spoin ond tho l,iin Europ€ of lhe lnlernotionol leom. Lounched tho lu lnlernet.org p(oiecl in Lotom (Poroguoy) ond more recentry led the strotegy ond working group ln Cubo. omong other skolegicol projecb for Focebook- Prior lo Foceuook. Louro held r.lonoging robs ol oloy. Slemenr and Oglyy Group" Al5o co-tounded Esployo.com. tr€ {irst beoch tourism digitol plotlorm in Spoin in ?ffi. Louro is on octive octvocole forWofiron h fcch, Cooch ol lhe lobron Colegc WlNlcb, Mentor of lhe tioaford Lotirp Enhepreneurship leoderthip lnitiqtive, ond Mentor ond Ponef,sl ot Endcovq. She olso oclively invests in slorlups both persono{y os on Anglcl |rwador ond olso lhrough Gcnut Venfurcr. ttxa lund she ond Cloro Bultich co.founded. Bul obove oll, she ir moried lo onothe{ omozirg enhepreneur ond logether hove three owesome kids. Cloro Bullrich is o monogin$ porlngr fo( Cuggenh€im Portnec Lolin Americo./LJ Portnerships. o leoding ndepende.rl, p.ivolely-held multi.fomily oflice wilh rrssels under monogemenl of t5 biliion do{ots. Guggenheim hos tJronches in Mionli. London, Genevo Lisbon The lsb of Mon. Neucfiote, ond Hong Kong, Cioro hos been in Guggenheim tor l7 y6ors monoging indiyiduols. fomily otfrces ond foundolicns giving services such os privole olfrce. inve(ment odvisory. diecl inveslrnenl crrJ lrusl oncl Iiduckry services. Cloro horcts boord geoi: in l0 diflerenl ccmponies in US, Lotin Americo ond Elrope ocross dillereni industrie!. She rs oort ot tho Globol lnveslmenl Commillee in Guggenheim/ tJ Pahership. Cloro hove hod mony roles. os heod of business devebpmeni t€|om enkepreneur ond hos l9 yeors ot nch expen€nce in p{ivole bonking ond ossel monogernenl. fu o rerull she hos o unrque obilily to runoge mulli-disciprnory projecls ond lo nov(?ote complex cholienge5. Ihis ttTughl dtove her lo slorl togelhet wrth her porlner louro Gonzolez-Esleloni, Genus Ventr.ne which ,ocused on invesling in sforl-ups, ond other technology ond innovolion corrpon,es - especroly Motib, vifud Pedity ond ougrnenlec, reolity technobgies Her ospirolion is lo wilness growlh hoJ lec her focus on ernergjng mskels tke Alyico. APAC ond LAIAM. She loves lo se€ growlh ond innovotlm in oecple oround her - personolty o{ profestionoily she is on oclive boord member ol Boss Museurn Conlemporory Arl as one of ner possions When slre is nol worting, Cloro lokes ulmo5, ioy ond deolura in spending lime wilh her tomily ond secking odventuro orol-rfid lhe globe. ln odd,llon. she enioys mento{log women ol high corporole levels rn both Lolin Arterico ond US lo help them troce lheir polh lo success, 51 Sonllogo Comlqfo coo AaVcntt cClty Possionote workir,g or ditterent burinerr culhres, bringing logetrer furopeon ond PorFAmedcon woys ot underslonding business ond leoding people lowords common gools. Sorliogo compiles o brood ronge of experience leoding lorge leoms in difterent oreos ossholegic plonning, moteting ond 5obs. produclbr. HR. logbtics" lT" R&D ond fironce & odmir$5koliort. Belore joining lhe Veniure Cily. Sontiogo enjoyed 12 yeon of lop monogernent onC buiiness developmert rol€s in leoding componi$ in lhs tood induslry bolh in furope ond Americo. wilh rrEin focui on growth trrd inlernotionolizotion, olro led throush phoses of kf,unch, motured busi1eis ond reslructuring. with o slrong internotbnol focus. Son@o received on MBA trom IESE (Borcelonol ond ltorled hB profes$oncil conier with 7 yeors ol shotegic conrulloncy in lop orgonizotions io lhe Communicolions. Medioond lechnology seclor where he worked gxtensivsv trowh Europe, Americo ond Atrico. Eog€r lo exdore new things, Sonti5go p{oclbes o greot number of scorts wilh his greol lomly ood linds lhe tirne lo coflaborole wiih his forily owned winery in Spoh ond with his frien* ot th€ Urban Spo center they lounched in MoCriJ in 2m5- theventure.city 52 theventure.city 53 }IODEL THROUGH A r,IIORLDWIDE 54 AGSELEMATOR FOR IEGII, ASACXTY, 55 Th$TEM}dATIOD{AL DMEANfl TEAM* rFormor execs of hyper grofih compnier ebv m F\, TMANSPINREilG DtvEmgtTY RNESS 56 -11__ OUR BUSINESS WE I{AV[ DISICNID A NEW DATA DRIVEN MODEL TI.JA| TAC,KILS ALL Ti{[ STAGES OF IHi ENTREPRENEURIAL CYCLE FR()r"1 FUNDING rO INTERNATIONALIZAIION. INCLUDING PRODUCT DESIGN & ENGINEERING ___-rl-\_ OUr-0ffi -^J rtlll -i-*ornes mc5 Our Fund is managed by key Industry exp€rts investing in international- first startups with hyper growth potential To guarantee success, our due diligences focus on engineering + product + lnternatiofialization assessments, on top of the treditionel financial + legal model We support terh compsnies growth and scaie thrmgh lsg term flexlble incubation and accelemtion progmms in exchange for a equity stake of their com0anies We work with companies and th€ir C-level execs in their transformation process through 0ur tralnlng and Advlsory programs designed and developed based on real experiences We support lnternational lirifi,r iih,rr Jlrd lIilirlr, ln\{:li!'iiil0r to loster change and prepare the future leaders of the industry 57 )L___/-^\*-l1: our,: "r -p@po -dLffi OUR pntpl[D{OgAt WEMAKETHINGSHAPPEN.WEHAVIBUII 1A'FULL TECHSOLUIION FORDIFFERENI SiA6LSA\DPI,AYIRS IIJ I E ECTJSYSTEM, EXECI"JTF-D I3Y A II.-AM OF IOP INDI]STRY LEADERS TI-AT COMI IROM FIYPEIi (]R(]WlIi (IJMPANIHS i l(t i:ncLB()(jK. wrJA tSAPI , (;oocl f", L{3AY_.. 0ur talented team attract$ top talented startups. our team is v€ry excited to re5hape the international tech ecosystem from scratch- We identiied the need and we love big challenges Long tcrm programs ls thc key of our accelerator and lncubator model. This vision will solve main problems founders face today, 1) Lack of experience scaling & interna6onalizing, 2) Lack of support f rom experienced teams, and 3) Fair Funding We are lnternatlonal firrl we have scaled businesses beyond whal was thinkable. Now we want to bring that expertise back to the intemational startup community creating Growth Hubs in Miami for the Americas and in Madrid for EMEA (To start ) Supportlng both startups and tradltlonal companles to grow and 8o lntematlonal. explore new business models and processes, and influence the talent partnering with key universities under our University program with our unique model 58 f,*fu 59 z4. €\- __: -- -t-\_our FUNDING 60 gO.F(OUNDIT{G 61 THE COMMUNITY 62 #i ffi*P iik W 9: , * CYCLE 63 PRODUCT & ENGINEERING 2 , NTETU{ATION,TUZATIOITI I ii-Ei t+4,.1 ,l 64 THAT JOIN FROM KEY FINANCIAL + HYPER GROWTH coMPANtES SUCH AS GUGGENHnM, FACEBOOK GOOGLE, EBAY, WHATSAPP, WITH PROVEN GLOBAL EXPERIENCE MEET THE TEAIT Laura cEo !!erl B, /rar: 11 [a1rl]ool rr5t fhieF ]ed( ,i: {-ountr" v:nager tor Spr,,} & l}rriirisr cein6 tfrr,1.,l e,rrolcrep n aoJnfry.e[orlin8 1.,,hr: l1{] (-,rfrv,,tl- tew Mo!& to S,,i.o. Vallev ta reAlr l,re i,iow!i) Voble l; Plrtror!hrp! l{,;rrl t.r LA I Al1, le}ajli1g rile lN:!,-e: ):! ! .o.a$fr/ r, ,r iiafrve5 Ahc. -1 )car,, nuvsl k-; Mia,?,, lJ lead z,ri",i ijil.t, ,\\'-q,a ,.oleatr. the .t atets, ri far ebfirk in Lubi .ha lelr (oinle.ied acrnt.r f. iFe air:: i]-rof io faaerrk hnd nraorgcrtent rolc5 a! aAay 'irxran! ?ra: r-i81i\i ,-irira i:,:r : 2OO0 I ( lrifirxied Isplit/i1 i (,fi. rhe ti5t iltf.?ir,ral irr,a( h ',:...r,!r aigrlar llad:.-, I rnl efth!rtrU .rt,i,rjr y,/(,r1,,,, r, Tear 1_(..(f i if+'B:i.,.)', iotl"B€ Wlfila:r. In,-ii.,, aj tlrf ilafrlorli i!1 11,., frjlrri,ri)r'u,5fli ieailc,thr! lrriiatllt aIt \{{'iIr a,ril p;'!!:1|i1 ;1 i.dca/cr I 1av{- rls(,:cf!clv rf,velleC :r Sladupr b()il, :r'.\i},j.}li\ jn -r,i.Ar1tsei raqiar a.d r !o il^rcl8h ae.r!:. !..i!r's. 'rrr' ir,n.l lir?t aith Llara Errllr ( tr we {;,'ir, i,r.,ed iur tbovir ;ll 1 ai aralriJl tar ai(Xiil\ Jil:1l*ir tfritrlrorr',r' ;,rl ,,!4.'ie, .avt 'r;/, 65 MEET THE TEAIil MEET THE TEANfi Clara I am a managr,r8 fiartner fc. CLgSenher ladrers Lal. Ame-ica,: flarlie{lrps a {eidrlE rdeiie':cent. p,ivately-held mull-famrlv offae \r,ii airts lrrei manlge,aerr: ol $5 cillro,r rlolldrs Ihave bee! rl Cu8genherm for 1 I /eai5 franaging irdrr,ouals, fanriy alfhaes drd iu!i,daho{:s g,vr)R $ervrce! gurfr as private office. iovestmert advisory, drrect invstment and iru5i aid idu{jary reNrrs I had nrar! roles. as tread cf bugness daveicpqept tpam. ertreFfeaerir *id it iearr ot nf,h ei[erience I ,.ivaie oanking ;nd Jset naragere.i As a "esuli. I Mve a iininre ahility :o masage o!ll'disciclilar! afoiecls ar.i tc na'/i83le.o6plex challenBes "his lh{}dght Crove }e l| stat toBethc. ,th Laura aorraler- Esiefaii. Genus Venture wlicl Focused on ,nvesffill i0 $brt.up1. tnd oiltr iecilnolog! ind ;nnolatorl companie5 especially Mobile, Virt!al Realii) rn.r augreited r€li5/ tf,chn.-,lcg;es My ispir:hon rs to wrlress growtrr wilh toois ofi efileruir)g iaai<els filie A.riar. AFAa anrr r A IAV I lole t. see Srowth and innovahon in peple arouncl iie - lEreoirally or profess,oralt I am rn acive board menrber ol fiass Mrrerm in Miafir Coalerpoa3l An ,s ooe of m) passrons When air nct wor(i0g. I iake otmcst joy dni pl€asure iF spendi)B rff'e witi rlv faaril\ and *eksg adventurc aro!nal the globe ln addihon. lenjoy mentorlnR rvomer\ at hrgl. coapc.ate leve)s 14 mth :atn Ame.ic and irS ro helD them trace thelr oath lo suar:es.j Sanfiago Passronate worlirg on crtfer*nl busines" flrtLrcs bringii8 tagether arfoEa. rnc pan-Are.a.rri wrr. ol urdersBnchng Dirs r)ess and lerdin:i Deople ioward: coa:mor go;,s i have d brodd railBe oi experieilcs leddlfS iartrie leaFr\ in ailffeaeai afeas as Jf.iif--eia plaonri8, {rafketn8 rird !als.. proiu(lron, HR, loSistirs l l. R.iD at,c!,ioaf iIe & adFrt slralc.r Belgre ioinrn8 lhe Ventrrre ait! I errtoldr1 i2 yq,\ oi ioat mriDgeireni j16 bliiiieis deleloplrerl foles iil leadirg companict rt Lhe flrod irdust'Y iiolh t f,,,o!r' ;nd A:,r:,raa vvilh q\arn focus oa growth and inteanatioo;lizahca I alsc led throlgh of'ases ot ledn.h rralurec DUsirBs 3Fd restrurtlrin8. Wiin n ltra,r8 rrterilatoirl loru; I re.erved;r. vBA rioff' ltsi i3alaeic.a) fd sarted h$ proferiroi[i darr;er w;th 7 years of slrategia aonlrllancy :r top .rg# zntlo.e . rhe ;:.(,r$!r),..1hoi5 fu'lecir ind Teahnology leLh)r where [e worked extensrvel,,, tt],ough a!'ape Ameil.a ai.l Afii; Lager to erplore ie! lhrnBs i lzr La(y tr p.rcf;ce; greJ, nLr.ntrer Dl il{rd., dith ry 8r,iat Fanily and 1rnd9 the ine tc .oll3Dorate wril' my larrrt ow'lEc w iErr ir Sp;r' aryl lrth r! fri$r(l5 jl ,he l-)rbair 5pa (enl{* i lailadled ,n \lrdrd i. rlT)5 66 67 ARE REI.ATTOX$ITP BUTLDEMS We get involved in your everyday and long term business. You are the decision maker of your business, we simply guide you to make it happen. We only work with 25 startups in residence/year, so or we work hard together or we are out. 68 DEDICATION We welcome 15 cornpanies each year, for 36 months FLEXIB ILITY We earn up to 25% company's stake, through a monthly vesting prorated model. If either ol us rs not happy, either of us can leave the program at any time. ADV!CE Our Core team + yours work together every day to help Build/ Grow/internationalize/Monetize, and advise on engineering, product or Policy/legal issues. INTERNATIONALIZATION To help with the internationalization of your business, we have an exchange program between our global offces CO.WORK We offer free office space in our Campuses in Miami/Madrid so that we can work together We earn it if we help. Based on a prorated model From 18-36 months on company We take early stage €ompanies with basic growth track record ol at least 6 months Focused on Growt} and lnternational expansion international first Highly cumted network of mentors and we assign you a coach: Quality Our Core team comes from hyper growth tech companies: Unicoms Throughout the prog.am, we introduce our founders to key strategic investors and/or companies. We make it 1 to 1, personal. We leave it up to the fouilders. It's proven that company Culb.,rre is key to success: Trust, transparency, @mmunication & fun 69 # Definition & ophmizatron of the registration, activation, activity & virality flows. # Definition & Optimization of the notificahon channels: Push Notifrcation, email & SMS. # Localization of the product: Language & cultural checks- # Creation of the Growth Dashboards. # lmplementation of product testing methodologies # Analysis and supervision of the engineering platf onns # Product performance oDtimizalion for nehlrork environment, mobile/ broadband. # Supervision of implementation on third party software compatibility. Big data tools, bots, e-commerce platforrns, notifrcatiorr tools, etc... # Advisory on acquiniring of startups & tools available an market. # ldenfification of key industry, government, educatjonal, or mobile partnerships needed al the different stages of the company's growth" # Negotrahon tachcs and implementation of the different partnership models # lntroduction to key stakeholders to build long term relafionships. f ldentification and tracking of the suc<.ess metrics to understanc impact. # Definilion of the key growth & engagement metrics within the business" #Design and lmplementation of the "Big data" tools, to track the growth, engagement and revenue. # lmplementahon of data visualization tools. # Deep dives on core product performance and internal communication. # Advisory on hiring talent # Defrnihon of fundrng timeline # ldenifrcation of preferred funders. # Creation of funding materials. # Funding ncgobahon, opportuoities, # Legal advisory: Term Sheets, convertible notes, safe notes, commitments... # Funding public corrmunication strategy a t"inancial ongong advice. P&l groMh over morretization # Access to international mentoring network # Assignment ot a Coach that will work close to the founders. Coach should have opportunity to invest. # Access to lnternahonal Tech Founders network from key r: rga n iza tio n s. # Organizatior.r of small gatherings. educational modules for full startup team 4 Crvc bar( lo the tommurrrt-y & other founcers 70 # Allocation of Marketing budget and definition of markefing plan. # Access to intemational Marketing parbrers network # Creative hrainstorm arotrnd min budgeVmax impact # Access to beta programs from key companies # ldentifcation and tracking of the success metrics to understand impact # Authenticity, transparency and open communication strategies within the team # How to retain talent: Ownership, talent and responsibility # Feedback culture: How to do it efficiently # Goals definition & tracking # Good habits: 1:1s & HPMs # Hiring talent Diverse & lnternational # Celebrate success & failures: Q&As 71 ULTRADEDICATION We wehome 1O cornpanies each year, for 18 months FLEXIBILITY We eam a max of 10% company's stake, through a monthly vesting prorated model. lf either of us is not happy, either of us can leave the program at any moment. TEAMWORK Our Core team + yours work together every day to help internationalize & monetize your business AMBASSADOR PROGRAM We have an Ambassador program between our global offices so that the internationalization is immersive TOGETHERNESS Both teams are together at our Campuses in Miami/Madrid # Optimization & tracking, registration. activation, activity and virality flows. # Optimization & review of the notification channels:: Push Notifrcation, email & SMS # Localization of the product: Language & cultural checks # Review and irnplementation of internal dashboards t0 track key growth & engagement metrics # Scaling the engineering platforms # Performance optimization for network environment, mobile/ broadband. 2G. 3G.4G. etc # Engineering processes & roadmaps to guarantee execution # Cross functional role with product and data teams # Educational workshops from CTOs # Hiring 72 # ldenhficahon of key industry, government, educational, or mobile partnerships needed for high engagement # Design, negotiation and implementation of the different partnerships. # lntroduction to key stakeholders to build long term relationships # ldentification and tracking of the success rnetrics to understand engagement impact # Definifion of engagement metrics # lmplementation of data visualization & lnterpretation tools. Specially engagement metrics # Track engagement on notification channel # Definition, implementation of fy'u processes and internal communication # Cross functional role with product & engagement 73 MU LTISTAGE Mulhstage 10OM USD fund focused on tech, SaaS, mobile tech/AR/VR. with international focus. GONTROL L.ead and coordinate the Bank's activity, deal flow and due diligences, tech, product, fi nancial & legal. ADVIS:NG Advise our startup portfolio on funding strategies and timing. WORLDWIDE Travel around the world to the key Startup Forums looking for interestin g investments representing our fund. We look at the engineering, product and then financial & legal We need to understand the product and the Founder. We check background through our network Founder chooses us: The good opportunities are oversubscribed and fouMers just want to work with who adds value to the money inteffitiond 6Et We lov€ to be involved in the business when needed, specially if things go wrong we don't require a board s€at but we are always invited We track growth & engagement numbers, engineering scalability & finamials We team up with the founders to avoid failures We lmk at the engineering, product and then financial & legal 74 # General Partners + Team introductory call with founder. General questions on business, product, team, international ambition, funding so far & vision long term. # lf initial call ok, Laura to run industry background check on founder. # lf founder background, ol( moving opportunity to next step. # Prior to engineering + product call, team will send basic questionnaire to understand how product is built. # During the call, both CTOs and CPOs eng & product teams will review actual infra, plans for the future scalability of the business and actual pain points/opportunities. # lf no red flags, engineering will send assessment to move to next step, # By the time the deal reaches to Legal Advisors, we have a full 36O degrees due diligence of everything except legal. They will run both legal check on company and founders. # To avoicj overcharges, Legal Advisors will have agreed with VC on standard Termsheets, convertible notes, etc, unless the amount is big enough that founder runs with the cost. #VP VC communicates decision to the management team in that week's committee. # Prior to call with VC, team will send master preso, business projections, cap table, cash in the bank, etc, etc... # During ihe call VC team will gather as much info as possible on company financials and on team's ability to run the business. Guillermo may request extra lnfo, or extra interviews before going tp the next step, if any. 75 ADVISING Advisory/Consultancy f or companies on the Mobile, AR/VR shift, and on new business models oppolruoities. REAL TIME ANALYSIS Analyze ma*et competition and identify opportunlties for our businesses intemationally. CLOSENESS Work closely with Product and Engineering on product features, services and products demanded by the market or companies we work with REPRESENTATION Represent the company in key local Forums focused on Tech 6 lnnovation 76 FREE PROGRAM Design, Coordinate and launch the educational program for C-level execs of startups, SMBs, large companies, institutrons & community members (free). REPRESENTATION Represent the company in key intematronal Talent Forums focused on lnnovation. STAR ADVISORS Coordinate the participation of international stars/Advisors in the program. REAL TIME ANALYSIS Analyze market competition and identify opportunities for our business. 77 INTERNATIONALIZATION Design the Growth & lnternationalization strategy for the startups REPRESENTATION Represent the company in key local lnternational Growth Forums. EFFECTIVENESS Work with Product, engineering, datz & consultancy on requests needed to internationalize effectively REAL TIME ANALYSIS Analyze market compefition and identify opportunities for our business- 78 DESIGN Define and design the startups dashboards to track their growth, product performance & revs ADVIS IN G Advice the Studio team on data metrics and dashboards needed to implement in the projects we will he working on. CLOSEN ESS Work closely with University cn the Trainings and programs needed to educate C-level on big data ANALYSIS Analyze market tools available to track and analyze our business 79 KEY RELAT'ONSHIPS Lead and Builcj key relahonships with Governments. institutions and business organizations KEY ADVISORS lnvite key personalities to Campuses and organize Key events uyiih lnstitr:ticxrs. LEGAL COUNSELLING Advise our startups on Policy and legal risks. CLOSENESS Work rlosely with University on the Trainings and prograrns needed to educate 80 BEST IN CLASS Best in class team of engineers that will advise CTO/CPO & teams of our startups around t}eir product, infra, data analytics, ete to make sure they grow and scale effrciently. ADVIS IN G Advise and lead the Tech due diligence for our investmenls FRAMEWORK Design working frameworks and processes for the startups we are invested to maximize resources GLOBALLY Travel around the world to the key Startup Forums explaining their framework and keys to succeed 81 1\-_ &-{tt )lqt -{tt ffip-roruodt \& &, srr-'7 1st Venture Gths wil be Miami, hub for the Americas, and Mdid 6 a tx.rb for EMEA Boffr citiesae thrivirgrd botr need international talented proftssiofl* t0 edlcate and train the local talent on nx&oOotogies, processes, {d framewarks to grow their startups and tirerefore the ec6)Ehnr 20t7 82 tAt Bre erd d m17 \rre $,fl harrel{d DeCG h San Fracisco ardSfrEporE END OF 2OI' Ne<t rcund d Ventre Gti€s rl# be t\ret*D GV, Bototi ad &rncArcs 20I 8 83 l'MddsinSrcFdJo,ti$on &Tdqo 20I 8 3rd roLrd of Verfr.re Gties u,im beL€psard Nae'obi. ) 2020 84 q{. ,.^' g ffi 85 LET'S GO TO NfrTAMI BEACH 86 :Ifi ;;r -l I $ iEa$ul-fi ## ilfi 87 88 NOTHING sEATS Et METIM@ NOTHING BEATS EL RETINO 89 theventure.city 90 rIII;l;l;l_:l;l;lr:lIIII '*ll*IEI€l H ,ei :l6l x @l IO6l3l zP.El o!t Ettll E El d- Efa6l -e6l Eai atr 6l lal E r =r EI i 3E6 n-6-c9b .:, 06EEoH}ai4t =-ldi50iEl E *' ef; aiE E9 Ei.el!<q E H ,i Hu$ ! E!lIg I! ;sd g a. €oc oo o o q 5 _2 o Eo 9o co co! o ot = = q E P() o c:E .:F.u.g':3 io.@,E3(J;I F ^o;3 tso-E+EEgE *,26<oICJE<.=F:>od; i wL 6 I El tio--ru3;:iEo-az " i, E{(!aFf!!ES53ri? afrrr.lE;EEB3: tlE!0L -oa<C.FN9 E 5EEI;SS*:E:_t:EBElil IB ; IE =o$3 o N- :^oooN3ar E_to;j 'cAI5 _) {i o(lo v, o 6I 5 Cnc oth t o .9 oI ,F o2 Y Fz3oEA si3 EeEq f;iE= oG2<n cON 1 E3t= 5 =8= sUN= o9 ra> E =3s s ua= li r=E E 91 v, ururt(rl J/tol.ul/ AMENDED AND RE,STATED LIMITED LIABILITY COMPAI{Y OPERATING AGREEMENT OF YENTI.IIIE.CITY MIAMI ACCE,LEITATOR, LLC DATED AS OF rp4St,zott THE SECURITIES CREATED I}Y THIS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY OPERATING AGREEMENT HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED UNDER TI{E SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED, NOR REGISTERED NOR QUALIF'IED {JNDER Ahry STATE SECURITIES LAWS. SUCH SECIruTIES MAY NOT BE OFFERED FOR SALE, SOLD, DELIVERED AFTER SALE, TRANST'ERRED, PLEDGED OR HYPOTHECATED UNLESS QUALIFIED AND REGISTERED UNDER APPLICABI.,E STATE AND FEDBRAL SECURITIBS LAWS OR UNTIL THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF' THN COMPANY SIIALL HAVD ITECEWED A FAVORABLE OPIMON FROM THE COMPANY'S LEGAL COUNSEL, OR FROM LDGAL COUNSEL ACCEPTABLE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, TO TTTE EFFECT THAT SUCH TRANSFER IS EXEMPT FROM REGISTRATION UNDER SUCH LAWS. .A.I\TY TRANSFER OT THE SECURITIES REPRESENTED BY THIS AGITEEMENT IS FURTI{ER SUBJIIICI'1() THE RESTRICTIONS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, WHICII ARD SET FOIITII HEREIN. MIA 155788943v4 92 LIMITED LIAI}ILITY COMPANY OPERATING AGREEMENT This LIMITT D LIABILITY cotvtpANy OPERATING AGREEMENT (tlris "Ap.reetneltt") of ventrue.ciby \4iami Accelerator, LLC, a Delarvare limired liabilitycolnpany (the "Compar}"), i.s entered into by the urrdersigned (each, a "Menrber', and collectively, the "Me!lbel!"), who have exeouted this Agreement ancl have been achnined as Members of thc Compatry, and the pel'sons u,ho have executetl this Agreement ancl are adnritte<l as Managers, as rlefined belorv, efI'ective as of the L] day of Match, 2-0 t 7. WIIEREAS, the Members have been admitted as nrenrbers in venture.city MiamiAccclerator,I-.LC, a linrited liability comparly organized unrler the Delawarc Lintited Liabiliry Company Act (the "Ac!"), and desire to enter into this Agreeurent in orcler to set lbrth the termsaud conclitions of the llrsiness and af{hirs of the Cornpany and to detemrine the riglrts andobligatiorrs of irs lr4embers. NoW, TI'IEREFORE, the Mentbers, in'[,,cfr,rg to bc legally bound by this Agreement,hereby agreethatthe limited liabiliry company operating ogl."r*ninf the coirrpany shall be asfollows: _ 1, Definitions. Capitalized terms used hel.ein shall have the meanings set forth ilthis Section I. "Act" iras tl:c meaning set forth in thc r.ecitals. "Agrcen:enJ', has the meaning set florth in the preamble. ^ "Change of Contro-I" meal'ts (i) the salc of all or sr.rbstaltially all of the assets of tleCornptrny to an Inde-penclctrt Tlrird i'arry; (ii) a sale resulting in rnore than 50% of thenrernbership inletests otl the.cgrnnanr uiine'held by u,i-malp.,rdent Third party; or (iii) amerger, cousolidatiou, recapitalization or riorganizition of tire co*puny-*iit-'o, into anIndepenclent'l-hird party. "eqrypq.y,,has the meaning set forth in the preamble. "Dta&qlqlg_]leltgg'has the meaning set fbrth in Section i4(b). "Drag:alelrg_Sqlg" has the meaning ser fodh in section l4(a). "Dt'ag:alq:gSgIer" has the u:eaning set forrh in Section l4(a). "Dug-al.ongMgtrbgt" has the meaning set fodh in s.ection l4(a). "Equilrsgsuuues' ureans any and all nrernber.ship irrterests of the comparry a,d anysecttrities of the co,rpauy colrvertitrle into, or exchangeable or exercisable ror, *"i, ,"mbersiripinte'ests. and rvarrant.s or otlrer rights to acquire sucrr rnembersrrip i,terests. MtA 18578894sv4 93 "Iogldlrg_I4glgbqg" means Laura Gonzillez-Est6fani and Ctara Bullrich, each in their capacity as a Menrber of the Cornparry. "Government Approvil'flreans any authoriintion, consenl, approval, waiver, exception, vzuiance, order, exemption, publication, tiling, declaration, concession, grant, tianchise, agreement, pelmission, permit, or liceu.se ofl fiom or with any Governnrent Authority, the giving of notice to or rcgistratiorr with any Government Authority or any other action in respect of any Govemnrent Authority. "Govenrment Authority" n'teans any federal, state, local or foreign goverrunent or political subdivision thereof, or any agency ot instrumentality of such government or political subdivision, or any self-regulated or:ganization or other non-governmentalregulatory autlrority or quasi-govemntental authority (to the extcnt that the rules, r'egulations or otdem of such organization or authority have the force of law), or any arbitrator, court or tribunal of competent jurisdictiou. "Ind"pendent Thil@" neans. witlr respect to any Member, any Person who is not an Affiliate of such Membcr. "Lien" fileal1s any n:ortgage, pledge, security interest, option, right of lirst offcr, encumbrunce or other restliction or limitation of any natnre whatsoever'. "Manager" has the meaning set fbrth in Section 7. "Menlbs!" has the meaning set furth in the prearnble. "Qf,fetedlntetgElg" has the meaning sct lbrth in Section 15.. "Qffer:i[g_X4qqbq" has tlre meaning set forth in Section 15. "Offering MemberNoticc" has the meaning set lbflh in Section 1S(aXi). "!elce!I4ge_fl!gle9!" lneans, with respect to cach Member, the Percentage Interest set forth opposite such Member's name otl Exhibit A attached hereto, "ps1's6n" means any individual, corporatioq limited liability company, lirnited or general partnership, joint venture, association, joint-stock company, trus! unineorporated organizdtiolr, govcmment ol any agency or political subdivisions tlrereof. "IIg-BAla I'oIlioU" rneans, with respect to any Purchasing Menrber, on the date of the Offering Member Oftbr Notice, the number of Equity Seculities equal to the product of (i) the total number of Otlbted Interests and (ii) a fraction determined by dividing (x) the number of menrbership inLer:ests owned by such Purchasing Member by (y) the total nunrber otl mernbership interests owned by all of the Purchasing Members. "lqrclrgslng--Mgmber" me&ns a Member who delivers a ROFO Offer Notice to the Offering Men:ber. MIA 185788943v4 94 "I{OFO Notice Periocl" has the rncaning set forth in Section lS(.aXii). "ROFO Offer Notice," has thc meaning set forth in Section 1S(bXi). "Sccurities Act" means tlre Securities Act of 1933. as arnended, o[ arly suocessol'fecleral statute, and the t Lrles and regulations thereunder r,vhich shall be in eft'ect at the tinre. "Ttansfet" lteans to, ditectly or indirectly, sell, transfer, assign, pledge, errcurnber, hypothecate or similarly dispose of, either volurrtarily or involuntarily, or to enter into an-v contract, optiorr c,r- oihcr arranBernclrt or nrrrlerstaudiug vvitlr respect to the salc, traltsfer, ttssigtunent, pledge, encttrnbrance, lrypothecation or similar disposition of, any Equity Securities otl,ned by a Person or any intelest (including, but not linrited to, a beneficial interest) in any Equity Sccurities ownecl by a Ilersorr ".Waiye-d ROFO 'l'r'a " has the meaning set lbr-th in Section l5(-c). 2. Nanre. 'fhe narne of the Cottipany is "venlure.oity Miami Accelerator. LLC". 3. Orsanizatiotr. The Company is a rnulti-member limitecl liability cornpany pul'suant 10 the provisions ol'the Act. The Company was fonled at the time of the filing of an initial certificate of folmation in the Office of thc Depar:tment of State of the Stale of Delaware. The names of the Members, their addresses, initial capital contributions, Percentage Irrterests ancl ntttnber of limited liability conlpany interests orvned are se[ forth on Exh-ibit A attached hereto. 4. Punrose. The pupose ol'tlie Corlpany shall be to engage in any lawful business that may be engaged in by a limited liabil'ity cornparry organizecl undir the Act, as such business activities may be determined by the Membem from tilnJto tinre. The Conrpany shall have theauthority, all the polvers of a limited liabiJity company under the Act and itr" po*.", to clo alltlrlrql necessary or conveuient to accomplislr-its pu,1ror" and operate its business as clescr.ibed intlris Section 4 , 5' Registered Office: Registgred Agen]. 'llre acldress of the registered office of theComparry in the State of Delaware and the name and the address of the registered agent of tlreCompany required ,o !:. rnaintained by Section 18-104 of the Act is borpnr"tinn Se1iceCompan'y,2711 Centerville Roacl, Suite 400, City ol"Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware l9B0g. 6' Menrbership Interests. The Conrpany is hereby autlrorized to issue one or moroolasses of tnembership interests. Ftorn time to tiine and upon arry changc in the ownership of tl:ecompany, thc Managcrs shall trpclate Exhibit a hereto *itt, ttr" *true and colrect capitalconttibutions. Percentage Interests, or.,d rr.rrb",=hip intelests of the Members. 7 Manaps:nqnt of the Compqly. The conrpany shall be deemecl a "manager- managed" limited liability company and shall b" managed Uy its managers (the .,Manasers,,). The initialManagers of the Conpany shall be Laura Corial"z-Ostdfani and Clara Bullrich. (a) Subject to such other wtitten contmct that uray exisl between the Membersand the Mairagers, any pBrson serving as a Manager may resign frour such positior: at any tir:reby giving at least thirtv (30) days writton notice ro the lrTe,r,bers (or suclr slrorter period MIA tB5lBB943v4 95 acceptablc to tlrc Memtrers), and any Manager nray be removed at any tirne, with ot'without oause, by the written election of the Foundiug Members. Unless otherwise specifred in such notice, the acceptance of snclr resignation shall not be trecessary to make it effective, (b) The Managers, may fion: tine to time and at any time delegate oertain management and adurinistrative functions to individuals with such titles as the Managers select, including, withotrt lirrritation, the titles of President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officcr, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Vice Prcsidettt, Tteasurer and Secretary, to act on behalf of the Cornpany with such power and authority as the Managers may clelegate to any such person fi'om time to tirne. ln the absence of specitic written authority or in the event there is any issue or doubt as to an officer's scope of authority and ability to bind the Company in aocordance with this Agreenrent, it shall be presurned suoh officer has the same powers, duties and rights as au officer of a Delawal'e corporation with the same conesponding title. (c) Any otficet of the Company may resign at any tirne by grving at least thirty (30) days written notice to the Managers (or such shorter periocl acceptable to the Managers), and any officer may be removed at any tirne, with or without cause. by thc written election of the Managers. Unless otherwise specified in such notice, the acceptance of such lesignation shall not be necessary to rnake it effective. (d) Except as otherwise provided in this Agrcement, all of the Company's management and administrative ar"rthority is reserved exclusively to the Managers. The Managers shall have full, exclusive and complete discretion, right, power and authority to nranage, control and make a[[ decisions atfecting the business and affairs of tlre Company and to do or cause to be done any and all acts, at the expense of the Cornpany on the terms provided herein, deenred by the Managers to be necessary or appropriate to eftbctuate the business, purposes and objectives of tlre Company as set forth in this Agreement, Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Mauagers, eitlrer aoting for themselves or through one or more of the Company's ofTicem properly autlrorized by the Manageru, shall have the power and authority to execute all docurnents or instruments, perhl'm all duties and powers and do all things for and on behalf of the Company in all matlers necessary, desirable, convenient or incidental to the business of the Cornpany. 'lfhe exprcssion of any power or authority of the Managem in tlris Agreement shall not in any way limit or exclude arry other power or authority which is not specifically or oxpressly set frrrth in this Agreemenl. The actions of the Managers, when taken in accordance with this Agreement, shall bitrd the Con:pany. (e) Any action rcquiring flre vote of the Founding Members shall be decided in accordance with the Percentage Interests of the F'ounding Members. (D Relianoe by Third Parties. Any peson dealing with the Company or the Managers rnay rely upon a ceftificate signed by the Managem as to: (i) the existence and identity of the Managers, the Company's ot'ficem or any Member; MIA 185788943v4 96 (i0 the existence or non-existence of any fact ot'facts which constitute a conclition precedent to acts by the Matragers, or a Conrpany offioer or Member' or in arry other mallner relating to tlie at'fairs of the Company; (iii) the conrparry oflicers, Members oI othel persons who ale author.ized to execute and cteliver any initrument or docurnent of ot'on behalf of the Cornpany; or (i") any act o1 failure to act by the Comlrarly or as to an1, ot[er matter ,uvhalsoever involving the Managers, the Cornpany, olte or more of its ol'ficers, or any Membet' (g) Interestgcl Managers. The Managers may act uuder this Agrecrnent even if intercste{. i, on indiviOrot orfacity, as a ficlucizu'y of a tt'ust or estate or in any other capacity, in any propel.ry in which the Contpany holds an interest. The Marraget's rllay in gotid faith, buy fro,",-,, r"tt to, leasc, bid at ptrblic truction for their oq,tr accottnt, act as agent or othelwise deal with any ploperty in rvlrich the Cotnpalry owtts an interest. (h) Otlier ActivitiqF and Competition. The \tlanagers shall not be required to manage the Company as their sole and exclusive ftinction arrd the Managers may have other business intelests and may ellgage in other activities in addition to those relating to the Company, includirrg the rendering of advice or services of any kind to affiliates oltthe Comparry. Each lr4embet ackrrorvleclges that the Managers and etrtities, estates aud trttsts in which the Managers, the Conrpany or any Menber participate or are beneficially interested, are or may become involved iu activities or businesses relating to the business of the Cornpany that are or may beconre cornpetitive to the business of the Comparry. Neither the Company nor any Member shall have alry riglrt, by virflre of this Agreement or the relationship meated hereby, in or to suclr other ventures or activities or to the income or proceeds delived therefrom. 8. Linrited Liabilitv. Except as otherwise provided by tlre Act, the debts, obligatiorrs and liabilities of the Courpany, whether arising in contract, tort ol otherwise, shall be solely the debts, obligations and liabilities of the Cornptury, arrd neither the Members nor any Manager, ot'['icer', rnernber, eml loyee, rcpresentative or agent (including, without limitation, any agent acting as an attomey-in-fact) of tlre Company (including, without limitation, a person having more tharr one such capacity) shall be obligated personally for any such debt, obligalion or liability of the Company solely by reason of acting in such capacitl,. 9. Additional Members. Sudect to tlre restrictions set forth in tliis Sectiou 9, one or' more additional n:en:bers rnay be admittcd to the Comparry with the cousent of the Founding Mernbers. Priot to thc admission of any such additional members to the Cornpany, such Person shall have executed aud delivered to the Cornpany a written undemaking in tlic form of a joinder agrcement substautially iu the form ofl Exhi_bit.B. Upon the arnendment of Exhibit.X. by the Managers and the satisfaction of any other applicable cor:ditions, irrclucling, if a condition, the receipt by the Conrpany of payment for the issuance of membership interests, such Person shall be a&nitted as a Member and deerned listed as such on the books and records of the Company. The Company rnay admit additional members ultil the capital contributions of such additional mernbers totals $10 rnillion, after which point the acceptance of any additional mernbers will require tlre consent o1' three quarters (3/4th) of the Members. The Founding Members, at their sole discrction, may also cause tlre Conrpany to issue up to a five percent (5Yo) aggregate interest MIA 185788943v4 97 to certain individual.q on terms which are pari passu to those received by the F'ounding Members. Notwitlrstanding thc lbregoing, the Founding Members may create and issue pl'ofits interests to certain groups of enrployees of the Company at their sole disorotion. 10. Additional CogltllZutions. 'I'he Members arc net required to make additioual capital contributions to the Company, but additional contlibutions rnay be rnade in each Msnrber's sole cliscretion upon request from the Managers. 11. Allocation of Profits aud Losses. For each fiscal year of the Compauy, after adjusting each Member's Capital Account for all oapital conuibutions and distributions during such t'iscal year and all special allocations pursuant to this Section l1 with lespect to such fiscal year, all profits and losses (other than prolits and losses specially allooated pursuant to this Section I1) shall be allocated to the Members' Capital Accounts in a nranner such that, as of the end of such liscal year, the Capital Account of each Member shall be equal to (a) the arnount which would be distributed to such Member, detennined as if the Company were to sell all of its assets for the book value thereof, pay all Iiabilities allocable to such assets according to their' terms and distu ibute the proceeds thereof pursuant to Section 17, hereof, minus (b) the sum of (i) such Menrber's share of "paftnership nrininium gain" (as determined according to I'easury regulation Section 1.704-2(d) and (g)(3)) and "partner nouecoul'se debt nrinimum gain" (as determined according to Treasury Regulation Section 1.704-2(i)) and (ii) the arnount, if any, which such Mernber is obligated to contribute to the capital of the Company as of the last day of such fiscal year:. This Agrcernent shall be deemed to include "qrralified income offset," "minimum gain chargeback" and "partner nomecoume debt minimum gain chargeback" provisions within the meaning of Treasury regulations under Section 704(b) of the Code. Accorclingly, notwithstarrding any other ptovision of this Agreement, items of goss income shall be allocated to the Members on a priority basis to tlie extent and in the manner required by such provisions. To the extent that losses othelwise allocable to a Mernber hereunder would cause such Member to have a deficit capital account balance (after giving effect to the adiustnrents descr:ibed on Treasury Regulation Sections 1.704-1(lrX2XiiXdX4), (5) and (6)) as of the encl of the taxable year to which such losses l'elate, such losses shall not be allocated to such Member and insteacl shall be allocated to the other Members in accordance with this Section I l. 72. Distributionq. Distributions shall be made to the Members at the timcs and in the amounts deterrnined by the Managers. AIl distributions (other than liquidating distributions nradepursuantto Section 17) slrall be made tothe Members in accordance withtheirrespective Percentage Interests. 13. Assignprcnt of Interests. Without tlre consent or approval of the Founding Mernbers, no Metnber shall Trarmfer any Mernbership Interest now or hereafter except in accotdance with Sections 13 and 14. Any purported assignment or otl,er Transfer that is in violation of this Agreenterrt shall be void and ineffective ab initio and shall not operate to Transfer any legal or equitable interest of title to tlre purported transferee. 14. Drag-along Rights. (a) Participation. If either of the Fouuding Members receives a bona fide offor (a "Drag-alorrg Sellef) from an Independent Third Party to consummate, in one transaction MIA 185788943v4 98 or a serics of relatcd transactions, a Change of Cogtrol (a "Drag:.plong.falc"), the Drag-along Seller shall ha'e the right to require thal "each other Menrber (cach, a ".Preg-al.ong Mernher") participates in such sale in the marurer set forth in this Section 14' Notwithstanding arrything to the contrary in this Agrcemenl, each Dtag-alorrg Mu,1b"r=huil uote in favor of the transagtion and take ali actions to Ivaive any disse,teri, appraisal or other similar rights' (b) Sale Notice. The Drag-along Seller shall exercise her rights pul'suant to this Sectio,14 by cleliver.ing a written notiJe (thJ"DBg.alqug-Notice") to the Company and each Drag-along Mernb.r rlJ*or= than 15 business Ouy.t uft"t ihe cxecution ancl delivery by all of the parties tSereto of the delinitive agreernent enterecl into with respect to the Drag-along Sale and, in any event, no later than 10 buiiness days plior to tlre closing date of such Drag-along Sale. The Drag-along Notice shall rnake ,"i"r",."" to the Drag-alorrg Seller's riglrts ancl obligations hereuncler anrl shall clesoribe in reasonable detail: (i) the name of the pgrson or entit)r to whonr s'rch menrbership interests are ploposed to be sold; (ii) tlie proposecl date, time aud locatiop of the closing of the sale; (iii) the number of membership interests to be sold by the Drag-along Seller, t5e purchase pri""prr membership interest and the other material ternrs and conditions of the Diag-aiong Sale, including a description of any ttou-cash consideration irt sufficient detail to permit the valuation thereof; and (i")a copy of any fornr of agreernettt proposed to be executed rn connection therewith. (") Membership Interesls .to be Sold. Subjeot to Section 14(d), each Drag- alolg Member shall sell in the Drag-along Sale the mrmber of rnembership interests equal to the pr:oduct obtained by multiplying (i) the nunrlier of membership interests hetd by such Drag-along Member by (ii) a fraction (x) the nurnerator of which is equal to the number of mentbership interests the Drag-along Seller proposes to sell or trausfer in the Drag-along Sale and (y) the denomirrator of which is eqr.ral to the number of membership interests held by the Drag-along Seller at such time. Each Member holding equity intetests other than mernbership interests shall convei't such equity interest into rnenrbership interrsts immediately priol to such sale. (d) Conditions of Sale. The consideration to be receivEd by a Drag-along Member shall be the same fomr and arllount of cclnsideration per membership interest to be received by the Drag-along Seller (or,. if the Drag-along Seller is given au option as to the fot'm and araount of ccxrsideration to be received, the same option shall be given) and the terms and conditions of such sale shall, except as otherwise provided in the immediately succeeding sentence) be the saile as those upon which the Dragging Member sells its menrbership interests. Each Drag-along Member shall make or provide the sarue representations, waltanties, covenants, indermrities and agreements as the Drag-along Seller makes or provides in connection with tlrc Drag-along Sale (except that in the case of representations, warrauties, covenants, indemnities and agreements pertaining specifically to the Drag-along Selier, the Drag-along Member shall make the comparable rcpresentations, warranties, covenants, indemnities and agreelrents MIA 185788943v4 99 pefiaipipg specil'rcally to itsclf); provided, that all representatiolls, wal'1'anties, covenants and indernlities shall be nrade by tlie Drag-along Seller and each Drag-along Membet severally and not jointly and any indernriification obligation shall be pro rata based on the considefation roceivecl by the Dr.ag-along Seller and each f)mg-along Membet, in each case in an amount not to exceecl tl',. aggr=gate pioceeds receivecl by the Drag-along Seller and each such Drag-along Menrber in connection witlr the Dlag-along Sale. (e) Expenses. 'l'he fees and expenses of the Drag-along Seller iucurrBd in connectiou with a Orug-alr\g Sate and for the benefit of all Members (it being understood tlrat costs incuued by or on Uehatiof the Dr:ag-along Selter for its sole benefit wil[ not be considered to be for the belcfit of all Mernbers), to dre extent not paid or reimbtused by the Conrpany or the Inclependent Third Party, shalt be shared by all the Members on a pro rata basis, based on the consideration received ty each Member; provided, that no Member shall be obligated to make any out-of-pocket expenditure prior to the corrsumrnation of the Drag-along Sale. (0 Cooperation. Each Mernber shall take all actions as may be reasonably necessary to consutnmate the Drag-along Sale, including, without limitation, enterlng irrto agreemeirts ancl delivcri:rg certificatcs and instruments, in each case, consistent with the agreements being entered into aud the certificates being delivered by the Drag-along Seller. (g) Colsurnniation of the Sale. The Drag-along Seller shall have 90 business days following the date of the Drag-along Notice in which to consumnrate the Drag-along Sale, on the ternrs set forth in the Drag-along Notice (which such 90 business day period may be extended for a rcasonable time not to exceed 120 business days to the extent reasonably necessaly to obtain any regulatory approvals). If at the end of such period the Drag-along Seller has not cornpleted tlre Drag-along Sale, the Drag-along Seller may not then effect a hansaotion subject to this Section 14 without again fully complying with the provisions of this Section 14. 15. Rieht of First Offer. Except with respect to a Drag-Along Sale as set tbrth in Seclion 14, any time and subject to the terms and conditions specified in this Sestion 15, each Member shall have a right of first offer if arry other Member (the "9ffedqe Membgt''), proposes to sell any Equity Securities (the "Qffered IntggSts") owned by it to any Independent llhitd Party. Eash tirne the OfFering Mernber proposes to Transfer any Offered Intercsts (other than Tmnsfers made pursuant to Section 14), the Offering Member shall first make an offering of the Offered Interests to ttre other Members in accordance with the following provisions of this Section 15. (a) Offer Notice. (i) The Offering Member shall give written notice (the "Offering Mernbgr Notjcg") to the Conpany and thc Founding Members the other Members stating its bona fide intention to Transfer the Offered Interests and specifying the number of Offered Interests and the material terms arrd conditions, including the price, pursuant to which the Offcring Member proposes to Transfer the Offered [ntercsts. MIA 185788943v4 100 (ii) The Oftbring Member Notice shall constitute the Offering Mernber"s offer to Tratrsfbr the Offered Interests to the other Members. which offer shall be ir:'evocable lbr a period of 10 Lrusiness days (the "BQEONelcg-Peued"). (iii) B), delivering the Olfering Member Notice, the Offering Member represents and rvarants to the Company and each othel Member that: (x) the Offering Member has firll riglrt, title and interest in and to the Ofl'eled Interests; (y) the Offer'ing Member has all the necessary power and authority and has taken all necessary action to sell such Ollered Interests as contemplated by this Section l5(.a).; and (z) tlie Offered Intercsts are free arrd clear of any and all l.,iens other than those arising as a result of or nnder the terms of this Agreement. (b) Exercise of Righr of l'irst Oftbr. (i) lJpon leceipt of the Off'ering Mernber. Notiee, the Founding Ir4embers shall have until the end of the ROFO Notice Period to ofl-er to purchase all (but not less than all) of the Offered Intsrests by deliveling a wlitten notice (a "ROFO Offel Nolice") to the Offering Member ar:d the Cotnpany stating that it offers to purchase sr.rch Of1'ered Irterests on the ternrs specified in the Offeling Mernber Notice. Any ROF'O Offer. Notice so delivered shall be binding upon clelivery arrd irrevocable by the applicable ]Vlernber. If more than one Founding Member delivers a ROFo Offer Notice. each such F-ounding Mernber shall be allocated its pro Rata Portion of flre Offbred Interests, unless otherwise agreed by the Fourncling Membem. dur i n g th e R o Fo N oti!? pu r * :,l;iit'ffi #:::rJ il[ *i#: ff "i i""ffi F3:3,,?ffi il;:',: : r:iglrts to purchasc the Offered Interests under this $-ection 15. SSould no l?ourdiig Me'rberdeliver a ROF'O offbr Notice during the ROFO Notice perioa, tne Oflbrilg Member s6all deliver. a-secoM Offering Member Notice to the Cr:rnpany and to the Members (eicept for the FoundingMernbers) and lepeat the Riglrt of First Ollbr pr:ocess set forilr in this Section E. Should n6Metr:ber delivol an O{fering Mernber Notice the Offering Member sf,attlffiuner, be {.i.ee toTransfer tlie Offered ltrterests to any Independent T'hird Party without any fur-ther obligation to such Mernbel' ptrlsuant to this Section 15.. (c) Consummation of Sale. If no Member delivcrs a ROFO Offbr Notice inaccotdance witli Section 15(!0, the offering Member rnay, during the 60 busine"x day periodfollowing-the e;xpitation of tlre Ror''O Notise Periocl(s), as appli-cable, (which per.iod may beextended for a tea-sonable time not to excce$_ f! bu119ry auy" to the extent reasonably necessarytoobtB,inartyGover.nrrrentApprovals(tlre..@ii'-i.",.ii.allofthe otfered Interests to an lndependent Tlrird noriy onE.,* "ra ilirditions r1o rrore favorable to rheIndependent Third Party than tltose specified in tlie oftcring Member Notice. If the ofleringMember does nol Transfer the offered Interests within sucli period or, if such Transfer is lotconsununated withiri the Waived RoFo Transfer Period, tfre right proriA"a fio.*r4., shall bedeemed to be revived and the offered Interesrs strall not be oft*ria ;r"; p;r;;;;Lr" first re-offered to the Members in accordance with this Section l_5_, (d) 9ooperatiott- Each Membel shall take all actions as may be rrasonablynccessary to consttrnnrate the sale conternplatec.lby this Section l5 incltnling, r,viihout limitatio; IOMIA 185788943v4 101 entering into agreements ancl clelivering certificates and irxtluments and cottsstlts as may be deerned necessal'y or appt'opriate. (e) Closing. At the closing of any sale and purchase purstlant to this Section 15, the Otlering Member shall cleliver to the Purchasing Member(s) a celtificate or ""rtifout"r represeuting the Offcrcd Intetests to be sold (if any), acconrpanied by eviderce of transfer and ail r',"""rrury trarrsfer taxes paid and sta:nps affixed, if necessaty, againstreceipt of the purclrase price therefor fi'om such Purchasirry Mentber(s) by certified or official bank check or by wire transt'er of inrrnediately available funds' 16. Exculnation and lndemnificatign. Neither the Managers nor the Members nor any of their ."rp""ti* pr,rt,rers, affiliates, rnernbers, shat:eholders, consultants, representatives, employees, agents (including, rvithout limitation, any agent acting as an attorney-ir:-fact), officers or diiectors, llor any of their lespcctive afliliates. paftners, tnentbers, shareholders, officcrs, representatives, directors, consultants, employees or agents (including, without limitation, any agent acting as an attorney-in-fact) (each an "Irrde!01ified&Iry') shall be liable to the Company or any other person or entity tbr any loss, damage or claim incuned by reason of any act or omission pertbmred or omitted by such Indemnified Party in good faith on behalf of the Company and in a rnannel reasonably believed to be within the scope of the authority cont'erred on such Indemni.fied Palty by this Agreement, by any other agreement entered into between the Indemnified Palty and the Company, or otherwise, except that an Indemnified Party shall be liable for any such loss, damage or claim incured by reason of such lndenurified Pafty's gross negligence or willful misconduct. To the flrll extent permitted by applicable law, an Indemnihed Party shall be entitled to indenrnification fi'om the Company fbl any [oss, damage or claini incurred by such lrrdemnified Party by reason of any act or omission performed or omitted by such lndernnifred Party in good faith on behalf of the Company and hr a manner reasorrably believed to be within the scope of the authority confemed on such Indemnified Party by this Agrcement, by any other agreement entered ,$o between the Indemnified Party and the Company, or othsrwise, exccpt that no Indernriified Party shall be entitled to be indemnified in respect of any loss, darnage or claim incumed by sucll Irrdemnified Party by reasorl of such Indenrnified Party's gross negligence or willful misconducti provided, hgw*eye,r, that any indenrnity under this Section 16 shall be provided out of and only to the extent of the Company's assets, and the Members shall not lrave any perconal liability on account thereof. 17. Dissqlution and Winding-up of the Cornpany. 'l'he Company .shall be dissolved rrpon the first to occur of (a) the written consent of the Members, or (b) the entry of a decree of juclicial dissolution under the Act. The Members shall continue to share distlibutions and allocations of profits and losses during the per:iod of liquidation. Any gain or loss realized by thc Company upon the sale oI property shall be deemed recognized and allocated to the Members in accordance with Section 1 l. IJpon a dissolution of the Company, the Managers shall take full account of the Compauy's assets and liabilities and the assets shall be liquidated as pr'omptly as is consistent with obtaining the fair malket value thercof and as shall be necessaly to timely make the distributions below described, and the procecds therefi'orn, to the extent sufficient thercfor, shall be applied arrd distributed in the following order: (a) to the payment and discharge of the Company's debts and liabilities, including establishment of any necessary contiugency reservesl MtA 185788943v4 I I 102 (b) to those Members rvho have made capital contribr"rtions to the Company in propot'tion to the respective arnourrts of'thcir capital contribr.rtions, until the ar:rounts of tlreir iespective capital coutritrutions have [:ecn returned pulsuant to this Section ] 7(b); and (c) to thc Mer:rber:s in accorclernce r.vith theil Perccntage Inlerests. 18. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of tire Cornpany fqr financial statement and U.S. t'ederal iucome tax purposes shall, except as othcrwise requiled in accordance witlr the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as anended (the "Codc"), be December 31 of each year'. 19. Q.ompanv -I'ax Retums. The Managers shall oause to be prepared and timely filed all tax retuflls required to be filecl (if any) for the Company, The Managers lnay, in their sole discretion. make or refi'ain .&'om making any tax elections for the Cornpany that it deems necessaly or advisable. The lvlanagers shalljointly be the "tax n)atters partner" arrd "partnership reprcsentative" as such telms are defined under the Code. 20. Counterparts. This Agreement nray lre executed in several counterparts. each of which shall be deerned att original, but all of which togethel shall constitute one and the same instrument, binding upon all of the parties. ln pleadirig or proving any provision of tlris Agreement, it shall not be nccessaty to 1>roduce rnt>rc thau one set of such cor.lntorparts. Delivery of au executed countetpart ol: a signatLlre page to this Agreenrerrt by facsirnile shall be effective as delivery of a nranualiy executed counterpaft of this Agreement. 21. Headings. The heaclings contained in this Agreenrent are for rcference plllposes only and shall not in any way affect the rneaning or interpretntion of this Agreement. 22. Govelning Law. This Agreernent shall be governed by arrd construed in accordance with the lau.s of the Statc of Delawaie without reltrcnce to the con{licts of law rules thereof that rec;uire the application of the Laws of another juriscliction. 23- Jtrrisdiclion: Forum. The partics agree that the appropriate and exclnsive forumfor zury dispute between l]ry of the parties arising out of this Agreemeut shall be in any state or federal court in Miarni, llorida, and the parties flirther agree tlrat the parties wil notiand willpermit their respective alfiliates to) bring suit with ,urpu"t to any disputes arising out of tSis Agreenrent in any corut ol jurisdiction other than the above-specifiea courts. 24. Entire Aereemcnt. This Agreernent (together with any other cloctulents cleliverredor to [:e clelivered iu cotrnection lrcrcwith) constitules the entire agrecment of the parties witlttespect to the sub.iect matter lrereof and .supersedes all prior agreements, anangements,covellants, promises, coudiLions, undcrtakings, inducen'tents, represEntations, warranties anclnegotiatioils, expressed or implied, oral or wriften, behveen the parties, *iit, ru*f."t to thesubject rnatter hereof. 25 ' Assignment. The parties utay not assign this Agrcement and any such assigmlentshall be null and void. 12 MIA 18578894sv4 103 26. Parties in Interest. 'l"his Agreenrent shall be binding upon and inure solely to the benefit of each party (including any successor to any party by operatiou of law, or by way of merger, consoliclation or sale of alt or substantially all of its assets) and nothing in this Agreemen! express or implied, is intended to or shall sonfer upon any other Person any right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under or by reason of rhis Agreement. lSi gnature P age Followsl MIA 1E6708943v4 l3 104 IN WITNESS IVHEREOF, this Agreement has been Members and Managers effective as of the date first written above. made and executed bY the Bullriclt MANAGERS: Signahn'e Page to Operating Agreen&nt of'venture.city Miami Accelerator, LLC MtA 18678W13v4 105 EXHII}IT B IOINDER TO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPAI{Y AGREEMENT OF YENTURE.CITY MIAMI ACCEI,ERATOR, LLC TNs JOINDER (this "Joi.UdeI"), dated L_J, is being executed aud delivered by I l, a [ ], pursuant to that certain Limited Liability Company Agreement, dated as of Match I l, 2017,'1as amenclecl, modified, snpplemonted, restated or anrended and rcstated ti'orn tirne to time the.,Ll,e--Agtss!1sn!"), VENTULE.CITY N4IAMI ACCELERA'I'OR, LLC, a Delaware timited liability io*p*ry (the "Companv"). Capitalized terms used herein but not otlerwise defined lretein shall have the meaning ascribed to suclt terms in the LLC Agreement. Pursuant to, and in accordance with, Se--ction 9 of the LLC Agreement, the undersigned heleby acknowledges that it has received and reviewed a complete copy of the LLC Agreernent and agrees that upon execution of this Joinder, such Petson shall becorne a party to the LLC Agreement and slrall be fully botrnd by, and subject to, all of the covenants, terms ancl conditions of the LLC Agreenrent as though an original pal'ty thercto and shall be deeme4 and is hereby admitted as, a Member fbr all pulposes thereof and entitled to all the rights incidental theteto. The undersigned has camed this Joinder to be duly executed and delivered effective as of the date first set forth above. B Name: Title: Soa\ttlJrt n(5. Agreed and Accepted: VENTURE.CITY MIAMI ACCELERATOR, LLC LJ MIA 185788943v4 106 EXHIBIT.A Name of Member Address of Membcr Va.lpe of Initial Canltal Contributlon Percentage Interest Laura Gonzalez-Estdfani 365 Hampton Lane, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149 $0 7A% Ctam Btrllriclt 3569 N. BaylromCI Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 $0 30o/o MtAr8578$1tua 107 r i-' FLORIDA DEPARTME}.IT OF STATE Division of Corporations March 21, 2o17 csc Qualification documenB for VENTURE.CITY MIAMI ACCELERATOR, LLC were filed on March 20,2017, and assigned document number M'17000002313. Please refer to this number whenever corresponding with this office. Your limited liability company is authorized to transact business in Florida as of the file date. The certification you requested is enclosed. To maintain "active' status with the Division of Corporations, an annual report must be filed yearly between January 1st and May 1st beginning in the year following the file date or effective date indicated above. lf the annual report is not filed by May 1st, a $4@ late fee will be added. A Federal Employer ldentification Number (FEl/ElN) will be required when this report is filed. Apply today with the IRS online at: https://sa.www4. i rs. gov/modieir/ind ividuaUindex.jsp Please notrfy this office lf the limited liability company address changes, it is the responsibllity of the corporation to notify this office. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact thls office at the address given below. Dionne M Scott Regulatory Specialist ll Registration Section Division of Corporations Letter Number: 517400005298 Account number: 120000000195 Amount charged: 155.00 www.sunbiz.org Division of Corporations - P.O. BOX 6327 -Tallahassee, Florida 32314108 nte 0f $orib Brpurtmrnl nf Stutr I certify the attached is a true and correct copy of the application by VENTURE.CIW MIAMI ACCELERATOR, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, authorized to transact business within the state of Florida on March 20, 2017, as shown by the records of this office. The document number of this limited liability company is M17000002313. Given under mv hand and the Great Seal of thdState of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Twenty-first day of Maich, 2017 cruEoz2, (1-11) 109 APPLICATTON BY FORE,IGN LIMTTED LIABILITY COMPANY FOR AUTHORIZATION TOTRANSA T BUSINESS IN FLORIDA tN CO64ILUI€E WrTH SFt:flOl,{ &)5.(m2, fi.AWe| SA7l.flES, TIE FAIlfrvlN; A WBMIUED Io RtIitrlBt A {'ORETGN UMIIFD LUNIITv COMPANY TO TM /slCTBt{vNAS N THE $U'IE6 t-t ORfiD4: I venture.city Miami Accelerator, LLC ssinF|orida.Thcaltcrnatcnarnemustinclude..Limitcd Liahility Company," "L.L.C," or "LLC'") 1 DELAWAIIII''mm; niiy L$rnp{tr-Y is orgrrnizsd) . UPON FILINC 3. -----lfEf numfer; if aPPlicable) 4.lLrnlc tlf$ IrfllSlGIGq OUSItrS lll rlttllg0n ll ltrru. re lssr.rrlG' (Sci scctions 60t.090'l & 605.0905, F.S. to rlcicrmine pnaltl' 5, .**.---* ,6f,1lly,*3}.1:v ei.*vne, Florida 33 I 4e _ 7. Nanre and stteet !d-d.tsl! of Florida registered agcnt (P'O' Box NOT aoccptablc) CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY Name; Office Addrcssl I2OI HAYS STREET TALLAI{ASSBE , Florida 3230 I (City)(Zip code) accepl the obtlgotlons of my position as regislered agenl agcnt's signaturc)Asst. Vice Presidenr 8. Ttre name, titlc or capacity and address of tlrc person(s) who bavlrave nulhority to m0nage is/arc: LAURA GONZALEZ-ESTEFANI - 365 Hampton Lanen Key Biscayne, Florida 33149'Member cLAttA BULLRICH - 3569 N. Bayhorned Dr., Miarni, Florida 33113 - Mcmber )-l' ,r_o _t' r:1 - i->' ').). 7; fl-/-a f t t'. ,, t.) \ ,,|-',rf-" (} i-fli'' i 1: i3 t r-a t: 1_-,:-l qi '.t.', r"-)_ t:\ r Registercd r gen t's acccPtrnccl Hovtng been named as registered egcar arrd to accept setvice of procex for the obove sluled lirnited tlubillly cbmpany ol lhe ploce deigualed in lhh opplicoiion, t neioy accefl rhc ippointmeni it rcgktered ogenl ond ogree lo oct in this capaeity' I {urthet ogree to complywilh the proelsio,rs of trll slalutes relaive ti rhe proper eni comptae performance o! my tlulia, and I amlaililiar with uttd 9. Atrached is a certilicate ofcxistence, no more than 90 days old, duly authenticatod by the oflicial having ctrstody ofrecords in thc. jur.isdiction under the law of which it is organized. (lf tlrc cenificale ii in a foreign language, a translation of the c'ertificate under oath of the n'anslator nrust be submitted)'" --,_Jrrr*t:l:*ffi This documcht is executed in acoordonce with secrion 605.0203 ( l) (b), Florida.statutes. I am awarc that any false infomralion subnritrcd in ' docurnenr d ii;;-il;;;;renrof state constitutcs n ihird d'"gre" tblony as provided for in s,817.155' F's' 110 Delaware Page 1 The First State r, ;IEIEEREr fl. BAI.IACX, SECllEEerlr Og sDArE os rEE STA1Z Og DETIIIWARE, N EEREEr C8Fgr,;W 'UEfrEF(tre-Crr! ttruel AccEr,8RArOR. LrEu IS U'LY IIORMED UTDER r'IE I,INS OP IgE S,IAI]E Og DDI;A'ARE END TS Ifv @OD SEAI@.T'NE TI{D EIS A .LECET EXTSTE1vqB gO I,BR AS TM RECORDS Og ['ErS OgEr@ SHOfl, AS Or tru TWENTISTf, tIAy OE laRcxl, A.D. 2077. EilD T N EEREBT N'R:EEER CEa;r,TI/|r THAT TEE SAI,D NVE,IWT,RE.CITY D]T:AIUTT ,lClctsTTRA:rclT, LIE'I MS TIORI@D ON TEE TEIwfr DAY Og II,IRCE, A.D. 2077. AND T DO EEREB,f TUR:EEER CER:$W TBT TfrE AII}TLAI DA'rtS EAVE Arll8!' E.9SE5sSD TO DATE. '-J---rL,1 J ''r,1, * -r1 -t-.' , ";o ,F:],:.', r') l*,;-, t-) \-n.lr: . r-_1: jr". )"5 \-J -i],.. "$ r-_ --r ot) 2-: r.)!rt1\ J-:-7 6343373 8300 sR# 20171865972 .t ! I I Authe nt icatio n: 2O2227 44O Yor may verifo this certificate online at corp.delaware.gov/authver.shtml Date:03-20-17 111 C IHE IDSACEHTEN ATTAAilIADTQl"LtrOI ltFlA,f,nGnf,#wrm(F xnigrtrmrdafion a I Laura Gonzalez- Est6fani CEO Venture City Miami Accelerator, LLC 365 Harnpton Ln, Key Biscayne 33149, Miami, FL Monday, March 20,2017 Dear Laura: Thank you so much for the time and effort you and your team have dedicated these last few weeks to help us redefine the new academic pro$am for the Associate in Science-Business Entepreneurship at Miami Dade College. I am sure that by joining efforts with Venture City we are going to be able to offer our students great practical content and real business experience. We were impressed by your experience and the quality of your team and your compromise with the community. We are highly motivated to start our next phaJe with your company so that the program can be completely defined by the end of June. The IDEA CENTER tO Mteml Dade College .3O0lilE 2.d Avetrue, Fifth Floor, illami, Florlda 33132 . wrw,tbcldeacenter.co' Heacenter@mdc.cdu 112 o flfr rb oU* IIJ lr' r:j 1(}ifi- l{Jrmi:' -(_ll ' (/)irr Zuld+E' C)L aqEb t- Ell5co6 L#EBB8(EEO.o ,jh f;Etr+., ti.O ts Lt-o' rd JLo(f>r€E'P Ubrs-ETDE C'IEauO-o:b= EFL-r\P (-) tts,.ur'1 it(l)!li B o Ol(.} o-oEd,(,]hEL;(u(fO u E(l)OEu,gFol65 f,"uq SE - (I)0'. J EiDE $ EI,e E ;eUI E, >OUl ltJ k=r', = fl+ =UE u gt{E = F=fl = En3 F Er:rln f o-q: E (EEb r: e eEI E H oeE E= EE = *g EE q E P =iF E. E :Eo ohE {Iq EF,o 4.3 j= E ff €EE E5E ff"fD 3EE6 tr)r:o FH o)lLI()l Fl(l)l rrrnl -ltLtr)l o)l(l)lgl(,t (l)t:t -l sl El =lElull Ll c..rs slElElF cl ul iDl E slEl ul Eo 4Ptrtllvo'fr o zil 113 I7Eta FIvE 114 MIAMIBTACH City of Miomi Beoch, I700 Convenlion Cenler Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM Finance and Citywide Projects Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager May 19,2017 DISCUSSION REGARDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2017.2018 IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI, DIVISION 6, SECTION 2 .408, OF THE CITY CODE. At its April 26,2017 meeting, the City Commission, pursuant to Agenda ltem C4-G, approved a referral to the Finance and City-Wide Projects Committee (the "Committee") for a discussion on whether or not to change the living wage hourly rate that certain contractors are required to pay their employees pursuant to the above referenced ordinance. The living wage rate may, by Resolution of the City Commission, be indexed annually for inflation using the Consumer Price lndex for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, issued by the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. The City Commission may also, by Resolution, elect not to index the living wage rate in any particular year, if it determines it would not be fiscally sound to do so. ln the current fiscal year, the minimum hourly rate paid to covered employees of applicable City service contractors is $11.62 per hour, with health benefits of at least $1.69 per hour, or $13.31 per hour without health benefits. These rates were last indexed by the City Commission on September 30, 2014 with an effective date of January 1, 2015. No increases were approved for the following periods: . January 1,2016- December31,2016. January 1,2017 - December 31 ,2017 As a point of information, the Broward County living wage rate is currently $13.59 without healthcare benefits and $12.03 with healthcare benefits. The Miami-Dade living wage rate is currently $15.52 without healthcare benefits and $12.63 with healthcare benefits. ln considering the indexing of the living wage rate, one of the factors the Committee has typically considered is the potential budget impact to the City resulting from any cost adjustments that would need to be made to contracts as a result of a mandated increase to contractor employees, plus any corresponding increase in the contractor's share of payroll taxes that would be due because of the higher mandated rate. The information below is presented to the Committee for its determination on whether or not to recommend indexing the living wage rate effective January 1,2018. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:XING OF THE LIVING WAGE RATE FOR 115 2 Discussion Regarding lndexing the Living Wage Rate for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Option 1 - lndexino Livinq Waqe Rate for the CPI lncrease from 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017 Pursuant to the Ordinance, the living wage rate may be indexed annually for inflation, providing that no annual index shall exceed three (3) percent or the corresponding annual compensation increase provided to unrepresented (i.e., unclassified) City employees. lf the Committee desires to recommend indexing the living wage rate based on the rate of change for the preceding fiscal year (October 1, 2016 and September 30,2017), the rates would change as follows: Current Rate CPllncrease 10/01/16- 09/30/1 7r Rate lncrease Based on CPI lncrease Adjusted Rate Based on CPI lncrease $11,62/hr (waqe) 2.5Y0 $0.29 $11.91 $1,69/hr (health)$0.04 $1.73 Option 1 (indexing based on prior year CPI increase) would require contractors to pay their employees a minimum of $11.91/hour, with health care benefits of not less than $1.73lhour. Contractors not offering health benefits would be required to pay employees a minimum of $13.64/hour. The potential budgetary impact of Option 1 is approximately $351 ,622. Option 2 - Catch Up Option The Ordinance allows for a catch-up option in the event that the City Commission has determined, in any prior year(s) to not index the living wage rate, and thereafter determines that making up all or any part of the prior years' unindexed percentage would not have an adverse fiscal impact upon the City. ln this case, the City Commission may cumulatively index the living wage rate to "make-up" for any deficiencies in the prior year(s) where no increase to the living wage rate was approved. lf the Committee desires to recommend indexing the living wage rate based on the rate of change for the period since the last increase (October 1,2014 and September 30, 2017), the impacts are as follows: Gurrent Rate CPllncrease 10t01114. 09/30/1 7r Rate lncrease Based on CP! lncrease Adjusted Rate Based on CPI lncrease $11.62/hr (waqe) 5.620/o $0,65 $12.27 $1.69/hr (health)$0.1 0 $1.79 Option 2 ("catch-up" indexing based on aggregate CPI increase for all prior years where no increase was approved) would require contractors to pay their employees a minimum of $12.27lhour, with health care benefits of not less than $1.79/hour. Contractors not offering health benefits would be required to pay employees a minimum of $14.06/hour. The potential budgetary impact of Option 1 is approximately $799,140. CONCLUSION The City Administration is seeking guidance from the Finance and City-Wide Projects Committee regarding whether or not to index the Living Wage rate. lf an increase is recommended and approved by the City Commission, the new rates would take effect January 1, 201L JLM,M#,,, F:\PURC\$ALLf/fvff.fC WAGE\Living Wage Memos to FCWPCWemos to FCWPC on L\MFinance Citywide Projects Committee Memo - Living Wage FY18 (3).docx rFor the current FY, rate change is based on actuals October - February and forecasts for March - September 116 I 7 E M $Ix 117 g MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, I700 Convenlion Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33I39, www.miomibeochfl.gov TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Finance and Citywide Projects Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager May 19,2017 A REFERRAL OF THE CITY FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, TO CONSIDER CITY SPONSORSHIP OF THE NATIONALLY, AND INTERNATIONALLY, TELEVISED 2017 WORLD FOOWOLLEY CLASSIC, TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH FROM JULY 27, 2017 THROUGH JULY 30, 2017 (THE ,'EVENT"); WAIVING SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT FEES FOR THE EVENT IN THE AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXGEED $5,000; AND FURTHER PROVIDING FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT NOT.TO.EXCEED $1O,OOO, TO OFFSET ESTIMATED INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS INCLUDING THE RENTAL OF A l2OO.PERSON CAPACITY BEACH STADIUM, FENCING, AND ALL CITY STAFFING FEES INCLUDING POLICE DETA!L. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION The Administration is seeking direction from the Committee. ANALYSIS Footvolley is a growing international sport, created in Brazil, combining soccer and beach volleyball. The Pro Foofuolley Tour, a for-profit operation, will host the 2017 South Beach Open in Lummus Park between 7 and g Street July 27 through 30,2017. Other locations on t the 2017 Pro Footvolley Tour include Hollpuood Beach, FL; the Wildwoods, NJ; Cartagena, Colombia; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Cayman lslands; and China. The event on Miami Beach will feature team USA versus Spain, Brazil, and Argentina. Sergio Menezes, the President of the Pro Footvolley Tour, is a University of Miami graduate, a long-time Miami Beach resident, competed for team USA in Rio de Janeiro 2016 and was featured on NBC Sports in primetime. For the 2017 Miami Beach event, the producer is requesting a waiver of relevant special event application, permit, square footage and Lummus Park user fees, assumed by to be under $5000. The Administration can provide more specific estimates once the producer provided detailed schedule and site plan requirements. The City Manager is authorized to waive special event application, permit and vehicle access pass fees for not-for-profit applicants seeking such waivers. The City Commission can waive additional event special 118 Art Deco Weekend -2018 Sponsorship City Commission Meeting May 17,2017 Page2 of 2 event fees, including square footage fee, user fee and police and fire administrative fees. The Commission has previously waived all event fees for for-profit applicants, like Pro Footvolley Tour, including recently for the Air and Sea Show, Major League Baseball's All Star Game Fan Fest and the Miami Beach Bowl. ln addition to event fee waivers, the producer is requesting the City provide a $10,000 sponsorship to the event, to assistwith costs that cannot be waived. Special events taking place in Miami Beach which seek funding typically apply through the Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority ("MBVCA"), a public-private entity that offers reimbursable grants from resort tax collection. The approval and value of these grants is based on target criteria the event must demonstrate, including Miami Beach hotel room nights and media impressions. The minimum number of Miami Beach hotel room nights for MBVCA grant consideration is 350, unless the event occurs in North Beach, where the minimum requirement is 75 Miami Beach hotel room nights. This event came together quickly, taking advantage of the recent announcement of the El Classico soccer match, a major soccer exhibition featuring Real Madrid versus Barcelona, taking place at Hard Rock Stadium on July 29,2017, during the dates of the Footvolley Tour. The Footvolley Tour producer is eager to take advantage of the media attention and fan attendance coming to South Florida forthe El Classico soccer match, hoping it will bring more attention to the Footvolley Tour. As a result of the timing of the recent announcement about El Classico, the Footvolley Tourwas unable to apply for an MBVCA grant, as the deadline for grant approval in this period had elapsed. The event producer estimates the Footvolley Tour wi!! bring approximately 150 hotel room nights to the City of Miami Beach. CONCLUSION The Administration is seeking direction from the Committee. The administration also recommends that the Committee consider the development of guidelines for these types of waivers. ,fr JLM\K6B\ES\GW T:\AGENDA\201 7\5 - May\TCED\Footvolley FCWP memo.doc 119 I7Eta sEvEN 120 MIAMI BEACH City of Miomi Beoch, ,l700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,I39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Finance and Projects FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: May 19,2017 SUBJECT: DTSCUSS CONTRIBUTING SKATEPARK/PUMPTRACK DS TO A REGIONAL HYBRIDTIVE AT HAULOVER IN CONJUNCTION WITH SUNNY ISLES BEACH, TOWN OF SURFSIDE, AND POSSIBLY BAL HARBOUR AND BAY HARBOR ISLANDS. BACKGROUND On April 14,2017, the Town of Surfside reached out to the City of Miami Beach in regards to Miami Dade County's (the "County") regional hybrid skate parld pump track initiative. The County has received a proposal (Exhibit A) from Velosolutions, a company that designs and constructs the infrastructure for pump tracks, to design, engineer and construct a hybrid skate park in Haulover Park. Since receiving the proposal, the County has engaged its districts for financial support to back the initiative. At the time of this memo, the City of Sunny lsles Beach and the Town of Surfside plans to contribute $150,000 and $50,000, respectively, towards this initiative. Bal Harbour and Bay Harbor lslands have also been engaged. On April 26, 2017, Commission moved this item as a dual referral to both the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the Neighborhood and Community Affairs Committee. Administration requests a discussion and possible direction on this item. Attachment ExhibitA-Formal Qu te from Velosolutions JLM/EC/J 121 oco =oo -9o EI (l) ofa (E E ol! F d) =x LU 122 {l I ,1it t, ,'" Hrt kf tk, v".&r ru.m, ry u-*123 oA \PLVLo*E -E O (E'x - (/,!-c E * qE 'XE e oO*E-o- iE .LJ (/,6pE8o 69'EEE# =€*?E>.: -:l E ti i sgsl q EO'=-aFEi/D(Do::r.=;Otg'-O-Yc'6.E I 6!s5o'=Iv - c)-Y x E3H-8fi'= E O(6=i (E xr ^(Joo(/)jJ ry?:4,;r a 124 '=oo= Ea>E.=ooE(60 oil2CO'== Esa!-o- k 3=E(6= tstr=oL! rr - #, lr, t{ ,l I {,{l 4{ {Ec (s}i '-n \J.LJ--\- -)EE*c-g co >,o'6ro iI'. I t i ,t,' . I t II 125 -.! o5O.*3 ooocqqooooooo. o. o.ohoddNq rra <4 ocIo hNir.} o o E coI ooo .sg E' 6so o EE o ou ! .g o G G!, Nm 3oooo. Eo.F u = co(J co.E JE -9o ogoooom0 oc'=ooc.do cu oE =EE c .q9 oo T'co b0 .gcYE(u0 0-OF -fOEOF.N;@, o0o CLo a. J oa. o oto I 3o o o E Io Eto2'ELG@v-3o9 .=E.gUF6r Eoc9E:E3.E4EkEAEooEE3E9EOoc98s€ 126 EIHIHIHI :=(6 m ao o-c(L lno(J Cog-otho4 .: fo =Co (t, 3 ao o (L .=o .YI =oz U'o o-c(L 127 128 I7 E M NIN E 129 MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beqch, 1700 Convenlion Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM To: Finance and Citywide Projects ttee FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: AND FUNDING OF THE BAYWALK BEHIND THE SOUTH BAY CLUB BACKGROUND At the City Commission meeting on April 26,2017, the Mayor and City Commission referred a discussion to the Neighborhood / Community Affairs Committee and the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee regarding the Bayrualk, as well as the opening, building and funding of the baywalk behind the South Bay Club. ANALYSIS The Bayrvalk is a system of public pedestrian pathways along the Biscayne Bay shoreline designed to promote alternative transportation. Once completed, it will provide a continuous path running north/south on the rear of the properties along West Avenue from Sth Street to Lincoln Road, linking residential and commercial areas, public street-end parks, and other existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities such as the beachwalk. The Baywalk system is part of the larger Atlantic Greenway Network Master Plan, as well as a component of the Blueways Master Plan and the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan. Attachment A is a map showing the current status of the Bayrualk. At this time, the following portions of the Baywalk have been completed through grant-funded projects, as part of public construction project, or by the upland properties in accordance with a land use board order: o Bentley Bay Condominium (520 - 540 West Avenue; DRB File 9802) An upland baywalk has been constructed and is publicly accessible, connecting to The Floridian baywalk to its north. . The Floridian Condominium (650 West Avenue; DRB File SSIT) An upland baywalk has been constructed and is publicly accessible, connecting to the Bentley Bay baywalk to its south and ending at the northern property line where it meets the South Bay Club Condominium. . Southgate Tower Apartments (900 West Avenue; DRB File 22718) An upland baywalk has been constructed, but has not been made publicly accessible by the property owner at this time. This is due, primarily, to a condition in the Final Order for DRB 22718 that does not require public access until an accessible bayralk at the South Bay Club property to the south has been connected and is operational. At the April 26 City Commission meeting, the property advised they will not allow public access to the Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager May 19,2017 130 baywalk until the South Bay Club baywalk is completed. Consequently, the City Commission denied the property's request for $195,000 as reimbursement for the fence associated with the bayrualk. West Terminus of 1Oth Street An upland baywalk has been constructed using Florida lnland Naviation District grant funding and is publicly accessible. However, it does not currently connect to the property to its north. There is a physical connection to the property to the south (Southgate Towers), but the owner of this property has not made the connection accessible. The Waverly Condominium (1330 West Avenue; DRB File 9024) An-upland baywalk has been constructed and is publicly accessible, connecting to the 14"'Street street-end baywalk to its north. West Terminus of 14th Street An upland baywalk and street-end park have been constructed and are publicly accessible, connecting to The Waverly and The Flamingo baywalks to its north and south. o The Flamingo Condominiums (1500 Bay Road; DRB File 9191) An-upland baywalk has been constructed and is publicly accessible, connecting to the 14th Street and Mae Capri baywalks to its north and south. o Mae Capri Condominium (144516th Street and 1491 Lincoln Terrace; DRB File 17716) An upland baywalk has been constructed and is publicly accessible, connecting to The Flamingo baywalk to its south and ending at the northern property line where it meets the Lincoln Bay Towers Condominium. The following segments have not yet been constructed, but are required to be constructed in accordance with a land use board order: South Bay Club Condominium (800 West Avenue; DRB File 22960) Pursuant to the Final Orderfor DRB 22960, the owner of the property has entered into an agreement to permit the design, permitting, construction and public access for a baywalk. The City is required to perform and subsidize the cost for its design, permitting and construction. Staff has evaluated the feasibility of a baynralk in this location and has concluded that it must be constructed ovenrater, which will require permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Design, permitting and construction are estimated to cost $3.34 million. Staff has submitted a FY2017118 capital budget funding request for 9240,000 to cover the design and permitting. Construction is estimated to cost $2.8 million and will be requested in FY2020121 or sooner, depending on how quickly the City can obtain permits for the overwater design. Mondrian Hotel/Mirador Condominiums (1000-1200 West Avenue; DRB File 20181) Pursuant to the Final Order for DRB 20181, an overwater public baywalk has been proferred, designed and made part of the permit plans for the Mondian Hotel project. As a condition of this approval, the applicant posted $800,000 in escrowed funds to be held by a third party pursuant to an escrow agreement, in order to ensure the construction of the bayrvalk. As a condition of the March 6, 2012, DRB modification, $350,000 of the 131 $800,000 in escrowed funds was released, leaving $450,000 remaining in escrowed funds. According to the property's last update, they have submitted an FDEP permit application and a City building permit application. However, copies of these applications have not been provided to staff. . Monad Terrace (1300 West Avenue; DRB File 23249) Pursuant to the Final Order for DRB 23249, the developer of the Monad Terrace property has voluntarily offered to design, permit, and construct a baywalk, connecting to The Waverly to its north. The following segments have not yet been completed and do not have a land use board order requirement for their construction: . Bayview Terrace Condominium (1228 West Avenue; PB File 1879) The property owner has granted riparian rights for a future baywalk. Staff has evaluated the feasibility of a bayralk in this location and has concluded that it must be constructed overwater. Design, permitting and construction for this segment are estimated to cost $1 million, which is currently unfunded. . Bay Garden Manor Condominium (1250 West Avenue) Staff has evaluated the feasibility of a bayualk in this location and has concluded that approximately 100 linear feet can be constructed on land, with the remaining portion to be constructed overwater. Design, permitting and construction for this segment are estimated to cost $1 million, which is currently unfunded. o Lincoln Bay Towers Condominium (1450 Lincoln Road; DRB File 23218) The property owner has granted riparian rights for a future baywalk. Staff has evaluated the feasibility of a baynrvalk in this location and has concluded that it must be constructed ovenuater. A preliminary design that includes this segment and the Lincoln Road segment was included the Design Criteria Package for the West Avenue Phase ll project. Both segments will be designed, permitted and constructed as part of this project and were quoted at $1.77 by the awarded Design-Build Firm. . West Terminus of Lincoln Road An ovenrater baywalk will be designed, permitted and constructed with the Lincoln Bay Towers Condominium as part of the West Avenue Phase ll project. The cost estimates for the South Bay Club and unfunded gaps in the baywalk are attached (Attachment B). To supplement capital funds, the City submitted a Transportation Alternative Program grant application to the Florida Department of Transportation to fill existing gaps in the Baywalk system. lf awarded, the City will receive $1 million in construction funds during FY2022t23. CONCLUSION The following is presented to the members of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee for discussion. Attachments: A - Bayrvalk Status Map B - Baywalk Cost Estimates 132 o c c q c( oq Nd! N E,(g; oi =i<io! >i o E@o c-o0u0 Eu o< )>: o_ta -(a.! oi b:CC EC!J -ed = C.o! cl'i. C.8i -16! tsEt I Ei .h u= Eq Et 0 cL .scq G c o BoF @c6 c o dcE f 133 Baywalk Properties Status Lincoln Bay Towers/ Lincoln Road* 1450 Lincoln 225 Feel CAPRI 1445 16th Sr 485 Feet Flamingo 1504 Bay Rd 1410 Feet 14th st 85 Feet The Waverly 1330 WestAve 270 FeelMonad Terrace 1300 WestAve 160 Feet Bayview Terrace* 1228 WestAve 130 FeetBay Garden Manor 1250 WestAve 210 Feet Mondrian 1100 WestAve 310 FeetMirador 1200 WestAve 270 Feel Mirador 1000 WestAve 355 Feet Southgate Towers 910 WestAve 650 Feet Not publicly accessible until SBC completeSouth Bay Club 800 WestAve 425 Feel Provided full right for the city to construct The Floridian 650 WestAve 470 Feet Bently Bay 540 WestAve 615 Feet r Built I Required Not Required * = Riparian Rights Granted N+0 I 485 970 rrrl 1,940 Feet 134 I T E M T E N 135 MIAMIBEACH City of Miqmi Beoch, 'l700 Convention Cenler Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 331 39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM Members of the Finance & City Projects Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: May 19,2017 SUBJECT: MID-YEAR REQUEST FOR AND DISCUSSION REGARDING PATTERNSTREAM SOFTWARE FOR THE OFFICE OF BUDGET AND PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT At the April 26th, 2017 Commission Meeting, the request for two new positions in the Finance Department and the Pattern Stream software purchase were referred to the Finance & City Wide Projects Committee. Two New Positions in the Finance Department Based on staffing recommendations from the BDO review of internal controls, two new positions have been created and filled in the Finance Department. A FinancialAnalyst ll position was added to provide more timely reconciliation of daily disbursements (checks, wire transfers, and ACH transactions), more proactive oversight for treasury transactions, and provide for stronger segregation of duties. A Financial Analyst I position was also added to improve the timeliness of the monthly bank reconciliation process by facilitating necessary research and communication throughout the department. There is no fiscal impact in the department's FY 2017 budget due to offsetting salary savings from vacancies and these two positions will be included in the FY 2018 Current Service Level budget. PatternStream Software for the Office of Budqet and Performance Improvement As part of the Munis transition, the PatternStream software by Finite Matters, LTD was identified as a possible publishing software for the City's financial and policy documents such as the CAFR and the Operating/Capital budget books. This software was not purchased as part of the initial implementation. The impact of this exclusion has resulted in a series of difficulties in putting together the budget documents for FY2016117, which most significantly impacted the development of the Capital budget book which depended on a report from Eden that no longer exists in Munis. Looking forward, OBPI has researched ways in which we could develop the Operating and Capital budget books directly from the systems currently in place. Our research has indicated that most cities use a publishing software for their budget books as this offers flexibility in creating the documents from multiple sources such as their financial systems, MS Excel, Word, and other miscellaneous resources as well as providing a more professionalfinish. This request is coming at this time because OBPI now has a clearer understanding of the capacity of the new financial system and how it provides information through various reports. The set-up process for the budget documents will begin soon in order to meet the printing deadlines of mid- August for the FY2017118 operating and capital budgets. This process is typically a manual TO: FROM: POSITIONS IN THE FINANGE DEPARTMENT 136 FY17 * Operating Budget Amendment Refenalfor Two Finance Posrtions and PatternStream Page 2 consolidation of MS Word and MS Excel documents and financial/performance data from various sources. Through implementation of this software, OBPI would create templates that feed data from multiple sources into the publishing software and help eliminate the manual consolidation of both the operating and capital budget books. lmplementation of PatternStream is expected to cost $100,000 of which $84,000 are one-time set up and training costs. This software could also help publish books such as the Environmental Scan and Performance reports and could potentially be used by other departments in the future. JLM/CGRw 137 I 7',E tuf 7JyELvE 138 g MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Finance and Citywide Projects FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: May 19,2017 SUBJECT: A REFERRAL OF THE CITY OF THE CITYOF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, TO CONSIDER CREATING A MIAMI BEAGH FILM INCENTIVE PROGRAM, DEFINING REQUIREMENTS, AND IDENTIFYING FUNDING SOURCES, TOWARDS ENCOURAGING FILM PRODUCTION ACTIVIW TO TAKE PLACE IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION The Administration is seeking direction from the Committee. ANALYSIS At the February 8, 2017 meeting of the Commission of the City of Miami Beach, the Administration was asked to give an overview of the state of the film and print industry in Miami Beach. As was reported, Miami Beach has historically been a hot spot for film and print production for the better part of five decades, hosting major celebrities and box office and ratings sensations, including MiamiVice, Bum Notice, Magic City, Bird Cage, Bad Boys 1 & 2, lron Man 3 and the recent Oscar winner Moonlight However, the lack of additional funding and ultimate sunset of the State of Florida's Film and Entertainment lncentive Program in July, 2016 has seen a decline of 44o/o in dollars spent and 36% in hotel room nights used in Miami Beach alone. Additionally, City of Miami Beach film and print guidelines have simultaneously become more restrictive and burdensome for production teams to navigate. The Commission tasked the Administration with looking into ways to bring back film and print production and promote the City of Miami Beach as a film friendly destination. The Administration met with leading local production industry figures, the City's Production lndustry Council, and reviewed guidelines processes and local incentive options provided by other communities to evaluate our internal processes, looked at key challenges towards improving the process and the City's image and developed options for presentation thatwould potentially bring more production work to Miami Beach in ways that would be beneficial to both the City and the industry. 139 Film lncentive Program Discussion Finance and Citywide Projects Committee May 19,2017 Page 2 of 3 At the April 26, 2017 meeting of the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, consideration for a stand-alone Miami Beach Film lncentive Program, along with suggested amendments to current film and print guidelines, were presented by the Administration as a means to entice scripted film and television productions to film in Miami Beach and to support the current industry working locally. The Commission referred discussion of the potential incentive program to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, and unanimously supported the suggested amendments to the guidelines which are addressed in a separate resolution. ln evaluating the creation of such a potentialfilm incentive program, identifying sufficient and reliable long-term funding is, naturally, the most important part of the program, to ensure it is a successfultooltowards bringing film and television production the Miami Beach. Sources for similar municipal funding have included genera! fund, resort tax collection, and, in other states, sales and corporate taxes. Typical municipal incentive programs award a set amount, similar to a grant, as opposed to percentage of spend, as larger state programs typically do, because of the complication of auditing the work. Comparable municipal programs in the State of Florida feature awards ranging from $25,000 to $250,000. The mode value for similar programs appears to be $100,000 per production. While this value may not be sufficient to attract major film or television work that may have budgets over $5 million, this would be sufficient to attract modest films and loca! work, along the lines of "Moonlight," as well as television pilots. !n addition, when coupled with potential incentive programs in Miami- Dade County and, hopefully the State of Florida in the future, this award value would be attractive towards bringing these productions to the City. The Administration believes amassing a consistent annual fund of $500,000 from a multitude of funding sources including grants and municipalsubsidies plus some portion of Cityfunding, will successfully launch and sustain this program. The Administration has suggests an enhancement of $100,000 for consideration in the Fiscal Year 20171 2018 budget development process to launch a fund for this program's use. ldentifying and soliciting additiona! funding partners to support this program will be critical over the next twelve to eighteen months. Potential funding partners may include Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority ("MBVCA"), the Greater Miami Convention and Visitor Bureau, the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, grant support (Knight Foundation, etc.), and potential investment from local Business lmprovement Districts and local businesses who would benefit from added productions in Miami Beach. ln evaluating the potential desired outcomes of a film incentive program, the Administration identified four target areas, as follows. 1. Off-peak utilization - there is a desire to encourage film and television production activity to occur during periods when the City is less saturated with tourism and special events. The ideal window identified would be May through November, with the exception of key periods within that window, such as Memorial Day Weekend. The benefits of hosting productions during this period are limiting traffic and parking impacts; utilizing Miami Beach hotels when availability, rate and major event spikes are more amendable; and availability of production support and crew base that are typically busier in season. 140 Film lncentive Program Discussion Finance and Citywide Projects Committee May 19,2017 Page 3 of 3 2. Miami Beach hotel utilization - many programs, including the MBVCA film grant, are tied to minimum thresholds of room nights within the community. While this certainly makes sense as a direct economic return, it can also be restrictive, particularly in season, when rates may be inflated or rooms unavailable during major events, such as Art Basel Miami Beach, South Beach Wine and Food Festival, or Winter Music Conference.3. Miami Beach branding - there is long-term marketing value in program titles that feature key Miami Beach terms, such as Miami Beach, South Beach, Ocean Drive, etc. An enticement to title productions with our identifiers, as well as properly identify Miami Beach locations within filmed uses, instead of the ubiquitous "Miami" location graphic, has potentially immeasurable value.4. Localjob creation - many programs, including the now-defunct Florida Film and Entertainment lncentive Program, tied the return of the award to localhires. Miami- Dade County is looking to the same targets for their potential film incentive program. The challenge for Miami Beach, however, is that most cast and crew on scripted film and television production shot in the area does not live in Miami Beach. Once funding is identified and desired outcomes for a potential film incentive program are established, the final requirement of the program is determining how to award applying projects. Some programs operate on a first come, first serve basis. Others score the projects based on desired outcome criteria of their application and script. Another tactic is to assemble an independent review board to consider all applicants within a period and to award amounts based on board vote. lt would be idealto award incentive grants more than once a year, as the best productions may not be ready to apply during a singular application cycle. Lead time between application and reward is also a factor, as too time much can hold money up that other projects may better use and too little time may render the program unusable. CONCLUSION The Administration is seeking direction from the Committee to pursue suggested avenues of funding for the incentive fund; as well as to finalize the criteria for eligibility and award selection. JLM\KGB\ES\GW T:\AGENDA\2017\5 - May\TCED\Film & Print ordinance changes\Film lncentive Program FCWP memo.doc 141