Finance and Citywide Addendum 7 28 17TO: A^IAMIBEACH FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE MEETTNG ADDENDUM MATERIAL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR, CITY HALL JULY 28,2017 AT 3:15 PM Commissioner Ricky Arriola, Chair Commissioner Joy Malakoff, Vice Chair Commissioner John Alem6n, Commissioner Micky Steinberg, FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City DATE: July 28,2017 SUBJECT: ADDENDUM MATERIAL FOR FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS coMMtTTEE (FCWPC) ON FRIEAy, JULY 28,2017 ADDENDUM MATERIAL ITEMS 13.23 NEW BUSINESS 13. Discussion To Allocate $2,500, As Requested By The Hispanic Affairs Gommittee, To Fund Enhanced Entertainment During The Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-off Event, Band Shell Band Night, On September 14, 2011, At The Band Sheil Commission ltem C4L and R9AB, July 26,2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez and Commissioner Steinberg Leonor Hernandez, Office Manager and Community Liaison/Hispanic Affairs Committee Liaison stafus; ltem from the July 26,2017 commission meeting encrosed. f 4. Discussion Regarding The Methodotogy For Future Stormwater Rate lncreases Commission ltem C4M, July 26,2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Alem6n) Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Sfafus; ltem enclosed. 15. Discussion Regarding A ProposalTo Build A Public Baywalk From l$-l2Streets And A Public Marina Commission ltem C4N, July 26,2017 (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Arriola) Tom Mooney, Planning Director Margarita Wells, Acting Environment and Sustainability Director Sfalus; Drscussion at committee. 1 16. Discussion Regarding The Management Agreement Between The City Of Miami Beach And The Sabrina Cohen Foundation, lnc., Providing For The Foundation To Manage, Operate And Maintain The Adaptive Recreation Genter On The Gity's Behalf Commission ltem R7AC, July 26,2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Malakoff) John Rebar, Parks and Recreation Director Sfafus; ltem enclosed. 17. Discussion Regarding Tesla Supercharger Stations At The Pennsylvania Avenue Garage Commission ltem R9R, July 26,2017 (Parking) Saul Frances, Parking Director Stafus: ltem from the July 26,2017 Commission meeting enclosed. 18. Discussion Regarding The Completion Of The 2012 CIP Project For Stillwater That lncluded A Sign, lmproved Landscaping And Lighting At The Entrance Commission ltem R9AD, July 26,2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Steinberg) David Martinez, Capital lmprovement Projects Director Stafus; Discussion at committee. 19. Discussion Regarding $20,000 ln Funding For The Sobe Arts Production Of Testa, A Multidisciplinary Opera September 28 Through October 1,2017 At The Golony Theatre Miami Beach Commission ltem R9AJ, July 26,2017 (Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development) Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development Director Sfafus; ltem from the July 26,2017 Commission meeting enclosed. DEFERRED ITEMS 20. Discussion Regarding The Formation Of A SpecialAssessment District On Alton Road, From Dade Boulevard To 63'd Street, ForThe Purpose Of Undergrounding Utilities And Fiber Cable Commission ltem C4H, July 26,2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Malakoff) Sfafus; ltem deferred to the Sepfember 8,2017 FCWPC meeting, pending research. 2 21. Discussion Regarding Gonsidering The lmplementation Of A Student Loan Reduction Program For City Employees, To Help Pay Off Their Student Debt Faster Commission ltem C4l, July 26,2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez) Michael Smith, Human Resources Director Sfafus.' ltem deferred to the September 8,2017 FCWPC meeting, pending research. 22. Discussion Regarding Gonsideration Of A License Agreement With Design Miami lt, LLC For Use Of Portions Of The New Gonvention Center Park, Located To The West of rhe Miami Beach Gonvention center, ForA Period of ren (i0) years Commission ltem C4J, July 26,2017 (Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development) Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development Director Sfafus; ltem deferred to the September 8,2017 FCW?C meeting, pending negotiations. 23. Discussion To Gonsider Amending Our Gity Employee Leave Ordinance For Time Donations For Employees Caring For lll Family Members Commission ltem C4K, July 26,2017 (Sponsored by Commissioner Alem6n) Michael Smith, Human Resources Director Sfafus.' ltem deferred to the September 8,2017 FCWPC meeting, pending research. 3 ,7'E,Uf T' ,IJ ,RT'EEaf 4 712712017 Coversheet Commission Gommittee Assignments - C4 L MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez DATE: July 26,20't7 SUBJECT REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE TO ALLOCATE $2,500, AS REQUESTED BY THE HISPANIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, TO FUND ENHANCED ENTERTAINMENT DURING THE HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH KICK.OFF EVENT, BAND SHELL BAND NIGHT, ON SEPTEMBER 14, 20'17, AT THE BAND SHELL. ANALYSIS At their June 12, 2017 meeting, the Hispanic Affairs Committee passed a motion urging the City Commission and the Administration to allocate $2,500 to be used to enhance entertainment (band) during the Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-off event, Band Shell Band Night, s9leduted for September 14,2017, at the Band Shell. The Rhythm Foundation ii contributing $1,000 for this event. A copy of LTC 356-2017, which details the motion, is attached hereto. I herby request that the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee allocate $2,500 for this event. Legislative Tracking Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez ATTACHMENTS: Description D LTC # 366-2017 https://miamibeach.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/CoverSheet.aspx?ltemlD=4410&MeetinglD=2965 712812017 Coversheet New Business and Commission Requests - R9 AB MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: CommissionerMickySteinberg DATE: July 26,2017 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION ABOUT ENHANCING THE HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH KICK-OFF EVENT, SCHEDULED FoR SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 AT THE BAND SHELL AS REQUESTED BY THE HISPANIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. Leoislative Trackino Commissioner Micky Steinberg ATTAGHMENTS: Description D LTC 356-2017 HispanicAffairs Committee ANALYSIS Please add to the July 26,2017 Commission Meeting Agenda, a discussion about enhancing the Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-off event, scheduled for September 14,2017 at the Band Shell as requested by the Hispanic Affairs Committee. https://miamibeach.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/CoverSheet.aspx?ltemlD=4434&MeetinglD=296 1116 AAIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY T./ANAGER No. LTC# 356-2017 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Philip Levine and Mpmbers Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager July 7, 2017 Hispanic Affairs Committee The Purpose of this Leffer to the Commission (LTC) is to inform the Gommission of a Motion passed by the Hispanic Affairs Committee at their June 12, 2017 meeting. Members Present: Miguel Brizuela, Luz Angela Diaz, Regina Suarez, Ana Cecilia Velasco, Francis Trullenque Via Telephone: Alex Femandez MOTION: to urge the City Commission and Admlnistration to allocate $2,500.00 to be used to enhance entertainment (band) during the Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-off event, Band Shell Band Night, scheduled for September 14,2017 al the Band Shell. The Rhythm Foundation is contributing $1,000.00 for this event. Motion Made byr Luz Angela Diaz Motion Seconded by: Miguel Brizuela Motion Adopted 4-0 by voice Marcia Monserrat, Ghief of Staff Members of the Hispanic Affalrs Committee JLM:LH 7 , 7',E,J' FC'uR 7',EE AJ 8 MIAMI BEACH City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convenlion Cenler Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33 I39, www.miomibeochfl.gov E MEMORANDUM Members of the Finance and Projects Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager July 28,2017 FCWPC-DISGUSSION R RATE INCREASES TO: FROM: DATE; SUBJECT:THE METHODOLOGY FOR FUTURE STORMWATER BACKGROUND Public Works staff has conducted additional research and determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach to index the storm water fees in accordance with the Consumer Price lndex (CPl). There was a similar action taken last year to index the water and sewer fees. CONCLUSION The following is presented to the members of the FCWPC for discussion and further direction. lLot(rctlJF/FRS F:\WORK\$ALL\1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS\FIORELLA SARMIENTO\CITY COMMITTEES AND LTCs - ALL YEARS\FINANCE COMMITTEE- ALL ITEMS\FCWPC rate methodology.doc 9 , T'EIJ' FrF T'.EEnl 10 DIScussIoN er CoMMITTeT MEETING 11 I T'Etlt sI ^xT'EEnl 12 MIAMIBEACH City of iliomi Beqch, l 200 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov C E MEMORANDUM Members of the Finance and Projects FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: July 28,2017 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND THE SABRINA COHEN FOUNDATION, INC., PROVIDING FOR THE FOUNDATION TO MANAGE, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE ADAPTIVE RECREATION CENTER ON THE CITY'S BEHALF. ANALYS!S At the July 26, 2017 City Commission meeting, the collaboration and funding portion of the Collaboration, Funding and Management Agreement ("Agreement") between the City and the Sabrina Cohen Foundation, lnc. for an Adaptive Recreation Center was approved. The management portion of the Agreement was referred to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee ("FCWCP"), with a direction to discuss and include the City Manager's following recommendations: a. A requirement that within six months of the date of adoption of this resolution, the Foundation submit drawings, plans and operating plan with sufficient detail to enable the City to accurately estimate the construction costs, the costs of FF&E, and the operation and maintenance costs of the Facility; b. A schedule of fundraising thresholds and deadlines based upon the cost estimates (i.e. 25o/o of funds by end of year one; 50% by end of year two; and 10Oo/o by end of year three plus the first year's O&M costs); and c. The City's right to terminate if any of the foregoing deliverables and deadlines are not met. ACTION Administration requests a discussion on the points made by the City Manager and any other edits to the draft management agreement. Attachment Exhibit A - July 26, 2017 Commission ltem RTAC /1- ,,-rr#$ 13 Resolutions - R7 AC MIAMIBEACH TO: FROM: DATE: COMMISSION MEMOMNDUM Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Cornrnission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager July 26,2017 SUBJECT A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL FROM THE SABRINA COHEN FOUNDATION, INC., A FLORIDA NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION ("FOUNDAT|ON"), FOR THE FOUNDATTON, A PUBLTC CHAR|TY TO FUND- RAISE AND CONTRIBUTE ALL OF THE EXPENSES RELATED TO THE CITY'S DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A CITY-OWNED PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITY TO BE LOCATED AT A PORTION OF THE CITY'S "P72" SURFACE PARKTNG LOT AT 53RD STREET AND COLLTNS AVENUE (THE "p72 LOT" ), AND WHICH FACILITY ONCE COMPLETED, WILL BE USED AS AN ADAPTIVE RECREATION CENTER SERVING PERSONS WITH PHYSICALAND COGNITIVE DISABILITIES, SENIORS, AND ABLE.BODIED INDIVIDUALS WITH TEMPORARY INJURIES, WITH THE INTENT OF EXPANDING THE CITY'S ACCESSIBLE BEACH PROGRAMMING FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC (THE 'FACILITY"); PROVIDING THAT THE FOOTPRINT FOR THE FACILITY SHALL BE APPROXIMATELY BUT NOT MORE THAN, 5,OOO SQUARE FEET, WITH A MAXTMUM HETGHT OF TWENTY FOUR (24) FEET, AND CONTATNING A BUILDING HAVING NO MORE THAN 1O,OOO SQUARE FEET, WITH THE FINAL LOCATION FOR THE FACILITY AT THE P72 LOT TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION; PROVIDING THAT ALL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FACILITY SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY AND FURTHER, PROVIDING FOR THE FOUNDATION TO MANAGE, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE ADAPTIVE RECREATION CENTER ON THE CITY'S BEHALF, FOR A TERM OF NINE (9) YEARS AND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR DAYS, COMMENCING UPON THE CITY'S COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FACILITY FURTHER ACCEPTING THE WRITTEN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER (AS FURTHER SET FORTH rN THE C|TY COMMTSSTON MEMORANDUM ACCOMPANYTNG THIS RESOLUTTON) AND WATVTNG, By 5t7TH VOTE, THE FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY AND APPROVING, IN SUBSTANTIAL FORM, A FUNDING, COLLABORATION AND MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE FOUNDATION; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM ATTACHED TO THE COMMISSION MEMORANDUM ACCOMPANYING THIS RESOLUTION. RECOMMENDATION Accept the proposal from the Sabrina Cohen Foundation, lnc., a Florida mt-for-profit corporation ("Foundation"), for Page 2633 of 3438 14 the Foundation, a public ctnrity, to fund-raise and contribute all of the epenses related to the City's design and construction of a City-owned parks and recreation facility, to be located at a portion of the City's "P72" surface parking lot at 53d Street and Collins Avenue (lhe "P72lot"), and which facility, once completed, will be used as an adaptive recreation center seMng persons with physical and cognitive disabilities, seniors, and able-bodied individuals with temporary injuries, with the intent of epanding the City's accessible beach programming for the benefit of the general public (the "Facility''); proMdirg that the footprint for the Facility shall be approximately, but not more than, 5,000 sqmre feet, with a maximum height of twenty four (24) feet, and containing a building lnving rn more than 10,000 square feet, with the final location for the Facility attrc P72 Lot to be determined by the City Commission; providing that all plans and specifications for the Facility shall be subject to approwl by the City; and further, providing for the Foundation to manage, operate and maintain the adaptive recreation center on the City's behalf, for a term of nine (9) years and three hundred sixty four da;a, commencing upon the City's completion of the constnrtion of the Facility; further accepting the written recommendation of the City Manager (as further set forth in the City Commission memorandum accompanyirg this Resoh-rtion) and waive, by 5/7ths rcte, the formal competitiw bidding requirement, finding such waiver to be in the best interest of the City, and approving, in substantial form, a Funding, Collaboration and Management Agreement with the Foundation and authorilng the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement substantially in the form attached to the Commission memorandum accompanlng this Resolution. ANALYSIS At the March 22,2017 City Commission meeting, a discussion on a possible anangement with the Sabrina Cohen Foundation, lnc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation (the "Foundation"), for the constnrction and operation of a Citp owned adaptire recreation center at a portion of the City's "P72" surtace parkirB lot located at 53d Street and Collins Avenue (the "Facility''), was refened to the Finance & Citywide Projects Committee by Commissioner Malakoff. The Foundation's corrept for the Facility, which would be a City-owned building under the aegis of the City's Parks and Recreation Department, represents the Foundation's attempt to (1 ) build on the successful implementation of the adaptive beach days that provide disabled persons with the abilityto enjoythe City's beaches; and (2) respond to the main community concems and objections raised with respect to an earlier proposed project at a different location, Allison Park. Specifically, the Foundation's proposalforthe project is as follows: The Foundation, as a public charity, will raise 100% of the funding required forthe design ard construction of a City-owned Facility, with no Cityfunds used forthe developmentof the Facility. The City would not proceed with the design and construction of the Facility until the Foundation has raised sr-rfficient funds for design and construction, and has transfened such funds to the City. lt is anticipated that the project costs will be approximately $4.5 million, subject to further refinement during the design development process. The Gity would be the owner of the Facility, with the primary purpose of proMding the general public and specifically, persons living with phpical and cognitirc disabilities, seniors, and able-bodied individuals with temporary injuries, with an accessible access point to the beach and related beach programming. The Facility would be located on a portion of the P72 surface parking lot adjacent to Beach View Park, with a footprint of approximately 5,000 sqrr€lre feet, and a maximum of two stories (for a total of approximately 10,000 square feet). The final location of the Facility within the P72 Lot shall be determined by the City Commission as part of the design development process. The site map for tE P72 Lot is attached as E$ibitA. Page 2634 of 3438 15 The Facility would not impact any greenspace or park land, and would be designed and developed with the intent of minimilng impacts to parking spaces. ln view of the Foundation's commitment to funding 100% of the design and constnrction costs for the Facility, and its experience with adaptive beach programming, if the Foundation raises the funding and the Facility is built, the Foundation would also manage and operate the Center on the City's behalf, for a term of less than ten (10) yeans. All operational and maintenance costs would be the responsibility of the Foundation. o Among other potential events of termination, the City rnay terminate the agreement for lts convenience if the Foundation does not raise the requisite project funding within three (3) years. AttheApril 21,2017 Finance and Cityrryide Projects Committee ('Finance Commiftee"), this itemwas discussed and direction was gircn for the City to continue to develop an agreement, based on the aforementioned terms, which were presented to the Finance Committee. The proposed Agreement attached hereto has not been reviewed by the Finarre Committee. The Administration has worked wih the City Attorney's Office to draft the proposed Collaboration, Funding and Management Agreement, attached as Et'ribit "B" to this Commission Memorandum. The Administration has also conducted its first phase of community outreach inviting the three neighboring condominiums to a public inpuUinformational meeting on April 17,2017, where City Staff, Sabrina Cohen and Miami Beach Residents discussed the location and operation of the potential Center. One of the top concems for the residents was amilable parking atlolP72. Residents rciced their concem owr insufficient parking and that the Center should be built at a different other location. The Parking Department was asked to provide data regarding P72 usage. Parking survey data shows P72has 139 park spaces and on average 53% of the lot is empty. At the April 21,2017 Finance Committee meeting, the Administration epressed that one of the top corrcems for the residents was for parking at the P72 parkirg lot, with a number of residents indicating that there is cunently insufficient parking, and that the Center should be built at another location. The proposed Agreement, it must be noted, does not gLrarantee a project. Rather, the Agreement outlines the framework for the City and Foundation to further develop the project, and specifically, for the Foundation to conduct the fund+aising that will be required for the project, with initial milestones for progress and funding of the project. lf it is the direction of the City Commission to accept the proposal fom the Foundation and proceed with the proposed project at the proposed location, as outlined aborc, I would suggest that the Agreement also reflect the following: A requirement that within six months of the date of adoption of this resolution, the Foundation submit drawirgs, plans and operatirg plan with sufiicient detail to enable the City to accurately estimate the construction costs, the costs of FF&E, and the operation and maintenance costs of the Facility A schedule of fundraising thresholds and deadlines based upon the cost estimates (i.e.25o/o of funds by end of year one; 50% by end of year two; and 100% by end of year three plus the first year's O&M costs); and The City's right to terminate if any of the foregoirg deliverables and deadlines are rpt met. lf the City Commission decides to accept the Foundation's proposal, then the City Manager recommends the waiver of the formal competitive bidding requirements with respect to the Foundation's management of the Facility, for a termoflessthanten(10)years. Specifically,ifteFacilityisconstructed,itwouldbeinthebestinterestoftheCityto permit the Foundation to manage and operate the Facility for a term of less than ten (10) pars, in view of (i) the Foundation's successful implementation of adaptire beach programming in Miami Beach, and (ii) the finarrcial commitments the Foundation is undertaking to raise all of the funds for the design and construction of the project, as well as the maintenance and operation of the Facility (other than capital repairs, which will be the City's respomibilig a. b. Page 2635 of 3438 16 as the owner of the Facility). Sirrce May 2016, the Foundation has operated an Adaptiw Beach Day program, seMng over 600 unique visitors including Miami Beach, Miami-Dade and Broward residents as wellas tourists from abroad. Visitors have included disabled individuals, seniors, veterans, and children with special needs. The program has volunteers ranging from high schoolstudents, college students, phpical therapy students to locals. Each Beach Day is consistently averaging approximately 100 visitors, with 2540 disabled participants. ln the last )ear, tle Foundation l'ns had over 800 individuals signin for an Adaptirc Beach Day. More information on the Foundation and its Leadership can be found at htp://sabrinasadaptivebeach.com/. There is precedent in the City for similar arranoements involving not-for-orofits. The City partnered with the Boys and Girls CIub for the construction of a facili$r in Flamingo Park to offer programming for children. The City entered into a Management Agreernent with Unidad in connec'tion with the construction and operation of a senior citizen center in Bandshell Park in North Beach. Legislative Tracking Parks and Recreation Sponsor Commissioner Joy Malakoff ATTACHMENTS: Description o E*ribit A - Site Map of P72 ^ Eflibit B Collaboration, Funding and ManagernentAgreement between The City of Miami Beach, Florida" and The Sabrina Cohen Foundation, lnc. for an Adaptive Recreation Center o Exhibit C - Sabrina Cohen Foundation Leadership lnforrnation o ExfribitD - Resolution D SCRAdaptive Recreation Center Page 2636 of 3438 17 .{ I r d @(orf (f) o F-(o(oN c)o)o TL 18 July 18,2017 between the CITY OF laws of the State of corporation, whose Florida, 33139 ('F WHEREAS, ThE Avenue, which includes Beach Mew Park. and and greater access to Beach View Park existing surface recreation services to seniors, and eage ztse of 3438 ,TION, FUNDING AND MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAM! BEAGH, FLORIDA AND THE SABRINA COHEN FOUNDATION, INC. FOR AN ADAPTIVE REGREATION CENTER ,ismadeandexecutedasofthis-dayof-,2017,byand lAMl BEACH, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the ('Cit/), and Sabrina Cohen Foundation, lnc., a Ftorida not-for-profit office is located at 1800 Sunset Harbour Drive, #2406, MiamiBeach, TION) (each, a nPafi,'and collectively, the "Parties'). WITNESSETH REGITALS: is the owner of certain real property located at and around 5301 Collins Fire Station 3, the parking lot areas east and south of Fire Station 3, iated facilities (the "Property'); and WHEREAS, in effort to provide enhanced recreational programming at Beach View Park City's beaches, the City desires to expand the footprint available for without reducing any existing Park greenspace; and WHEREAS, iN of the foregoing, the City desires to repurpose a portion of the lot area, described more fully below, to provide expanded parks and public, including persons living with physical and cognitive disabilities, individuals with temporary injuries; and 19 July 18, 2017 and beach sEcTroN 1. successful adaptive day program within the Ci$ of Miami Beach, with accessible beach programming at or near Park: and WHEREAS, exists as a 501(c)3 donations in the State and recreational needs, City's best interest to programming in Miami conditions herein 1.1. The square feet of land TION is a Florida not-for-profit corporation of the State of Florida, that charig under the tnternal Revenue Code, entitled to solicit and accept Florida for charitable purposes. The Foundation cunently operates a FOUNDATION's prior experience in developing adaptive beach : and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and it is agreed by the parties hereto as follows: shall consist of a footprint of approximately, but not more than, 5,000 east of 5301 Collins Avenue, on a portion of the "P72" surfiace parking 2 Page 2639 of 3438 WHEREAS, in of the limited funding available to the City to support its City-wide parks Foundation desires to collaborate with the City to provide the necessary construction of a City-owned adaPtive recreationalfacility which, oncefunding for the design completed, will be in accordance with this Agreement for the purposes specified herein ("Adaptive Recreation with the intent of providing an accessible access point to the beach, for persons living with physical and cognitive disabilities, seniors, and able-bodied individuals temporary injuries; and WHEREAS, the has identified a portion of the Property as an ideal location for the proposed Adaptive Center;and WHEREAS, thE is desirous of forging a partnershipwith FOUNDATION to managethe proposed Adaptive Center on the Propefi, and has deemed that it woutd be in the !/UHEREAS, thE is desirous that FOUNDATION play a primary role in the operation and managementof the Adaptive Recreation Center, as set forth in the terms and conditions of thisAgreement, and 20 July 18, 2017 lot generally described up to 10,000 sq. ft., precise location at the development process FOUNDATION, and management, the Term (as defined in stated herein, and Date, and during the T Premises, and shallbe condition, and without to its condition or as to greenspace. SECTION 2. 2.1 Date"). 2.2 The certificate of Centeronthe Premises and three hundred and shallexecute a wriften Possession Date, the 3 Page 2640 of 3438 Exhibit ?" attached hereto, and which shall contain a two-story building of a maximum height of twenty four (24) feet thereon, and with the final to be determined by the City Gommission, as part of the design in Section 5 of this Agreement (the'Premises"). 1.2. The City,as of the Possession Date (as defined in Section 2 herein), grants to TION accepts from the City, this Agreement for the exclusive use, , and operation of the Adaptive Recreation Center on the Premises, for 2 herein), in conformance with the purposes and for the period to allthe terms and conditions set forth herein. As of the Possession FOUNDATION shall have the primary use and occupation of the for its management, operation, programming, and maintenance. 1.3. As of the Date, FOUNDATION shallaccept the Premises, in its "as is" representations or wananties of any kind or nature whatsoever by City as use or occupancy which may be made thereof. 1.4. At no shallthe Premises include, nor reduce, any existing Beach Mew Park shall be effective on the date it is signed by both Parties ("Effective of this Agreement shal! commence on the date of issuance of a final by the Miami Beach Building Department for the Adaptive Recreation Date'), and shall continue thereafterfora period of nineyearc four days (9 years, 364 days) (the 'Term"). 2.3 \Mthin (30) days afterthe Possession Date, the City Manager and Foundation , filed with the City Clerk, for the purposo of memorializing the of expiration of the Term, and the use period referenced in Section 4.1 ol 21 July 18, 2017 this Agreement. sEcTtoN 3. 3.1. The development, design limitation, any and all Premises for its Costs'). The parties donor/grant funds (from cover the Project Costs. 3.2. The City funds for the programmlng or Foundation further have no obligation to respectthereto shall Ci$ Commission's sole will not use the municipal surface expiration or earlier 3.4. Atall Center. With respect to non-permanent fi xtures, permanent fixtures, in the City, if any. 3.5. Any 3.3. ln order agrees to solicit contributions and grant funds to coverthe costs of construction of the Adaptive Recreation Center including, without fixtures and equipment required to manage and operate the purposes (collectively, these costs shall be refened to as the'Project jointty develop the estimated budget for Project Costs, and anticipate that other than city or city-related grant entities) will be sufficient to acknowledges that the City has not identified or appropriated any and construction of the Adaptive Recreation Center, or for any at or on the Premises, and that such funds may not be forthcoming. The and agrees that by entering into this Agreement, the City shall any funds for the Project Costs, and any funding commitments with City Commission approval, which approval, if given at all, Ehall be at the permit the Foundation time to engage in necessary fundraising, the City or dedicate the Premises for any purpose otherthan its cunent uses as a lot, until sufficient funds are raised to cover the Proiect Costs, or the of this Agreement. City shall retain ownership of the Premises and the Adaptive Recreation fixtures and equipment, the Foundation shall own any furniture, equipmentthat is paid forwith Foundation funds. The Gityshallown all to any equipment, non-permanent fixtures and furniture paid for by the City accepts from the Foundation for the Adaptive Recreation Center 4 Page 2641 of 3438 22 July {8, 2017 shall be used potential grant support of the design opportunities that may reason, the parties applicant), the City will, be responsible for 3.7. The donation, grant or Center that contains expressly contained in programming atthe or any limitation with donationsthat include Agreement. The Citt's solicit donations for any the City forthe design Costs and do not Commission has not the purposes outlined SEGTION 4. (40) years thereafter, serving persons living temporary injuries. supportthe design and construction of theAdaptive Recreation Center. 3.6. The City'Office of GrantsAdministration shatt meetwith the Foundation to identify that may be available to either the City, the Foundation, or both, in construction of the Adaptive Recreation Center. With respect to grant be available to public entities such as the City (or forwhich, forwhatever that it would be more advantageous for the City to directly serye as the its sole discretion, apply for such grants. The Foundation shall otherwise for any grants in support of the Adaptive Recreation Center. agrees that, as part of its fundraising efforts, it will not accept any funds for the development or construction of the Adaptive Recreation restriction or imposes any requirements on the City other than those Section 4, inctuding, without limitation, any requirement of specific any requirement that would involve the expenditure of public funds, to the City's selec-tion of any manager/operator for the Premises. All interior or exterior naming rights shall be subject to the provisions of this with respect to the foregoing is not to restrict the Foundation's ability to purpose, but rather to ensure that any donations transfened to construction of the Adaptive Recreation Center are strictly forthe Project any additional use restrictions or other commitments that the City approved, (other than the restriction that the donation be used for 4.1 TheCity that, commencing on the Possession Date, and fora period of for$ Premises shalt be primarily used as an adaptive recreation center mainly physical and cognitive disabilities, seniors, able-bodied individuals with 5 Page 2642 of 3438 23 July 18, 2017 4.2 available to cover the the Premises shall be include a combination with the intent for the persons living with temporary injuries, (for determining the Premises any other offering electric beach City approved Premises, whether and/or the "approved additional programs, uses, as specifically prior written approval Commission's sole Agreement. prior written consent if herein; for purposes of use that is neither a programmatic change forth in this Section 4, or or uses whatsoever. ln uses not expressly 4.3 The the foregoing, if Foundation, or other third-party, funding is not costs for the Adaptive Recreation Center as contemplated herein, for the most closely-related Parks Department purposes, which may programming with other general Parks Department programming, to continue to serve as an accessible access point to the beach for and cognitive disabilities, seniors and able-bodied individuals with (40) years from the date the Premises is opened to the public). In for the Premises, the City agrees to evaluate the feasibility of relocating to programming offered elsewhere in the City, such as City programs for use by persons with physical disabilities (hereinaftel the foregoing activities, services, and uses by FOUNDATION with respect to the generating or not, shall be collectively refened herein to as the "uses" . ln the event that FOUNDATION seeks to use the Premises for activities and uses which are materially different than the approved herein, then each such proposed new use shall be subjectto the the City Commission which approval, if given at all, shall be at the City and which shall be memorialized as an amendment to this the preceding, FOUNDATION shall not be required to obtain the Citt's proposed new use is reasonably related to the approved uses set forth Section 4, the term 'reasonably related' shall refer to a proposed new change in the approved uses, nor represents a material said approved uses. shall be used by FOUNDATION solely and exclusively forthe uses set other uses as may be approved by the City, and for no other purposes event that FOUNDATION uses the Premises for any purposes and/or in Section 4 herein, such use shall be considered a default underthis 6 Page 2643 of 3438 24 July 18, 2017 DRAFT Agreement and the City set forth in Section 27 City shall be entitled to use(s). sEcTtoN 5. 5.1 The construction of the Adaptive Recreation mutual agreement of contingency to cover Centerwill be designed 5.2 The be administered as a including, without Recreation Center shall contractwith the othervendors required the City's Capital preliminary budgetfor schedule, outlining Project-related design of the Adaptive be entitled to all remedies, including termination of thisAgreement, as . ln addition, notwithstanding any other terms of this Agreement, the immediate relief, whether at law or equity, to restrain such improper budget of the Project Costs for the development, design and Recreation Center shall be developed after the concept design for the is approved bythe City and the Foundation, and shall be subjectto the Foundation and the City. The preliminary budget shall include a 10o/o circumstances and Project Costs, and the Adaptive Recreation this budget. design and construction of theAdaptive Recreation Centershall project in accordance with all City procurement and applicable laws, , LEED certification requirements, and the budget for the Adaptive such requirements. The City shall be responsibleforentering into the , the construction contractor, and any ancillaryprofessionals or complete the Adaptive Recreation Center and related improvements, and Office shall serve as the contract adrninistrator. Once the Costs is established, the Foundation and Ci$ shall establish a proiect timeframes for Foundation's fund-raising efforts, and the completion of 5.3 The City not enter into any binding agreement with an architect/engineerforthe Center until all of the following events have occuned: Foundation has transferred the funds sufficient to coverthe total contract for architectural/engineering fees; and 7 Page 2644 of 3438 (1) 25 July 18, 2017 DRAFT the Adaptive Recreation 5.5 The Adaptive Recreation Adaptive Recreation preliminary elevations, heights; and other i FOUNDATION's initial Manager shal! have 21 proposed Concept Plan shall be subject to Should the City automatically terminate grant an extension, at (2\Foundation has evidenced to the City that has it has received total ptedges orgrant commitments in an amount sufficientto coverthe 1 Project Costs, and that such pledges and commitments are to be fulfilled within nine (9) months following execution of the between City and the architect/engineer; and naming rights associated with donations or grants are approved rant to-SeCtion 16 herein and the Citt's Naming Ordinance, but only if r donation is (i) contingent upon naming rights being confened, and (ii) if amount of the donation is required for purposes of covering the total amount for architectural and engineering services for the Adaptive Center. 5.4 The Ci$not enter into a binding agreement with a construction contractor for until such time as allof the following events have occurred: (1) (2) Foundation transfers the funds sufficient to cover the total estimated costs, and naming rights associated with donations or grants are approved rant to Section 16 herein and the City's Naming Ordinance, but only if donation is (i) contingent upon naming rights being confened, and (ii) if amount of the donation is required for purposes of covering the total amount for the construction of the Adaptive Recreation Center. agrees to provide and pay for the initial concept rendering for the ("Concept Plan Design') detailing the proposed improvements for the in sufficient detail; the layout and siting, including without limitation, but not limited to, size of building footprint, number of stories, nents and appurtenan@s proposed upon the Premises. Upon ission of the proposed Concept Plan Design to the Ci$, the City to review and provide the Foundation with any comments to the . Following review bythe City Manager, the Concept Plan Design by the Mayor and City Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting. decline to approve the Concept Plan Design, then this Agreement shal! be of no further force or effect, unless the City Commission deems to sole discretion. ln the event of automatic termination of this Agreement 8 Page 2645 of 3438 26 July 18, 2017 pursuant to this the design intended Facility exceed anticipated or the issuance of a allclaims from the , each Party shalt bear its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with this and neither Party shall have any further liability to the other. 5.6 The documents, including plans and specifications, for the Adaptive developed consistentwith the approved Concept Plan Design. DuringRecreation Center, shall period, the Foundation agrees to provide City with input with respect to design development.City agrees to provide full consideration to the Foundation's input, particularly with respect aspects of the design that may enhance the use of the Premises for its subjectto City'sfinal purposes. All design documents, plans and specffications shall be and pursuant to all applicable governmental requirements, including regulatory approval by Premises. Design Review Board and agencies having jurisdiction over the 5.7 As part of the design development process, the City shall require the architecUengineer to an updated estimate of the construction costs, and the estimate of total Project Costs shall be accordingly. ln the event the estimates to desigtVconstruct the funds, or in the event cost overruns with respect to the Project Costs are during the construction of theAdaptive Recreation Center, the City and the Foundation shall together to either identify additional funds or adjust the project scope, as necessary. Exceptfor expenditure of the funds received from the Foundation for the Adaptive Recreation Center, City have no obligation to expend any funds to design, construct , equip or operate the Adaptive Center. 5.8 ln the the Adaptive Recreation Center and related improvements are developed, designed constructed for less than the amounts contributed by the Foundation for Project Costs, then any funds shall be returned to the Foundation within 60 days following (i) of Occupancy and (ii) receipt of a certificate of final paymenUrelease of contractor. 9 Page 2646 of 3438 27 July 18,2017 DRAFT 5.9 Any Center shall be fund, and used solely for 5.10 The initial In the eventthe million, the milestone basis. sEcTtoN 6. (as same may be contained in this exclusive right to: transfened by the Foundation to the Gity for the Adaptive Recreation for separately from any other City funds, in a restricted special revenue of Project Costs. for the project are as follows: will initiate the design solicitation process to selectthe architecUengineer the project, as referenced in Section 5.3, once the Foundation has to the Caty $500,000 for the project. will initiate the construction bid process to select the contractor for the as referenced in Section 5.4, once the Foundation has raised an $4 million. and City agree upon a final Project budget in an amount otherthan $4.5 identified in this Section 5.10 shall be adjusted on a proportionate 6.1. From and the Possession Date, and subject to the approved uses in Section 4 from time to time), and the terms, limitations and required approvals FOUNDATION is authorized and required, and shall have the and direct the Adaptive Recreation Center and coordinate and all approved uses thereof at the Premises; and provide forthe day-today maintenance and housekeeping for Premises: ise and direct all Adaptive Recreation Center employees and consistent with the provisions of this Agreement; and supervise detailed, accurate and complete financial and other of all its activities under this Agreement in accordance wtth generally accounting principles. All fi nancial records maintained pursuant to Agreement shall be retained by FOUNDATION as long as such records required to be retained pursuantto Florida Public Records Law, and shal! made available upon reasonable notice by the City; and implement programs and activitieswhich supportand promote goals and priorities and approved uses, as set forth in Section 4; and 10 Page 2647 of 3438 28 July 18, 2017 6.2. The approved uses, FOUN activities at the Department, or such that any such activities hereby agree to use manner in the that each Pafi will be services and programs. Agreement and shall days following the 6.4. operation forthe final normaloperating agreement of the City circumstances (i.e. extend its hours of approvalof the Ci$ 6.3. sEcTloN 7. rdinate with the City for such public use of the Premises by the Clty, as forth in Section 10.2 of the Agreement, which coordination and shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such public uses of the ses by the City shall be conducted pursuant to policies and procedures, shallbeestablished and mutuallyagreed upon by FOUNDATION and City, within six (6) months of execution of this Agreement by the parties agree and acknowledge that, in furtherance of, and consistentwith, the TION and the City may agree to provide certain recreation and leisure that will be programmed through the City's Parks and Recreation provider as the City may reasonably delegate, and provided, however, not interferewith the primary approved uses. FOUNDATION andthe City efforts in mutually determining and agreeing upon the time, place, and of such services and programs within the Premises, and further agree for its respective costs associated with the provision of said The Foundation shall commence operations pursuant to this the Adaptive Recreation Center to the general public within thirty (30) Date. The City and FOUNDATION herein agree that the hours of shall not exceed 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday through Sunday, with the (within the parameters set forth herein) to be determined on mutua! Foundation. The parties recognize and acknowledge that, under certain events, specialprogramming, etc.), FOUNDATION willbe permitted to but in no event shall said hours be shortened without the priorwritten or his designee, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 11 Page 2648 of 3438 29 July 18,20'17 DRAFT 7,1 FOUNDATION may the Premises, including, and sale of food and generating uses used to help fund F in the event that accounting period, the by FOUNDATION to conducted upon orfrom first be approved, in 7.2 other place within complete records and programs, events, designated records and accounts. twenty (120) days 30h, which is atso the designee, with an Agreement for the prior certified as true, SEGTION 8. 8.1. October 1st of each The City herein acknowledges that additional revenues from a portion of the uses it conducts upon orfrom not limited to, special events on the Premises, specialty sales, classes' FOUNDATION herein acknowledges that any and all revenue upon or from the Premises must be directly related to, consistentwith, or flON's management, operation, and maintenance of the Premises and, s) pertaining to the Premises exceed expenses during an annual and FOUNDATION agree that such excess, if any, may also be applied the programming of FOUNDATION. Any revenue-generating uses Premises that are not consistent with the uses in this subsection, shall , by the City Manager or his designee, prior to commencement of same. FOUNDATION shall keep on the Premises, or such Dade County, Florida, as approved by the City, true, accurate, and of all receipts and expenses for any and all uses, servi@s, and/or revenue generating activities/operations being conducted and/or transacted upon or from Premises pursuant to this Agreement and shall give the City, or its access during reasonable business hours to examine and audit such the term of this Agreement, no later than one hundred and the closing of FOUNDATTON's fiscal year (October 1't - September s fiscal year), FOUNDATION shal! provide the City Manager or his report of all activities and/or operations conducted pursuant to this , along with audited financialstatements. Said statements shallbe and complete by FOUNDATION and by its certified public accountant. theterm of thisAgreement, FOUNDATION shallprepareand present, on fiscal year (October 1 - September 30h), a proposed, detailed line item 12 Page 2649 of 3438 30 July 18,2017 annual operating budget his designee. Said end balance sheet; the budget shallalso 8.2. be the Adaptive then-known (planned) SECTION 9. 9.1 and every partthereol doors and windows, expressly provided in not be responsible to infrastructure that may b. c. d. e, f. the Adaptive Recreation Center, for review by the City Manager and/or shall include a projected income and expense statement; projected year of projected income sources; and application of funds. Additionally, but not be limited to, the following detailed projections: revenues by categories from all revenue sources and revenue activities derived from or upon the Premises; expenses of the Adaptive Recreation Center/Premises; , labor and general expenses; , advertising and promotion expenses; repairs and maintenance costs (to the extent such repairs and are the responsibility of FOUNDATION, as provided herein); ition to subsection (f) above, identify forthe Ci$, such long term capital and maintenanoe of facility infrastructure (which the City is for, as provided herein); in conjunction with this subsection (f) TION agrees to allow the City and/or its designee access to the as the City may deem necessary for the purpose of the City ing its own facility assessment methodology (as is used bythe City in the condition of other Cityowned structures). Accompanying FOUNDATION's proposed annual budget shall Genter programmatic plan for the upcoming fiscalyear, detailing the activities, events, and operations, and the number of users anticipated. FOUNDATION agrees to maintain the Premises, condition during theterm of theAgreement, including the plumbing, wil! not suffer or permit any strip or waste of the Premises. Except as Agreement, it is understood bythe parties hereto that FOUNDATION shall for any costs related to capital repairs or other improvements or required afterthe Possession Date (i.e. including, but not limited to, roof, 13 Page 2650 of 3438 31 July 18, 2017 structural elements and i capital improvements) construction-related sentence, FOUNDA infrastructure repairs thereafterto commence 9.2 satisfaction of the City, equipment thereon above), in good, clean, for day to day Premises, and all limitation, daily removal Premises, including all FOUNDATION shall expense, throughout service company maintenance and repair Notwithstanding and repairof the and City laws, codes, additions, or to the City, forthe prior improvements, or approved, shallbe HVAC, plumbing and sewerlines, majorelectrical, and similar the Premises, or repairs, if any, that may be required to correct any performed by any City contractors. Notwithstanding the preceding shall provide the City with prompt notice of needed capita! and/or are deemed to be required, and the City shall have a reasonable time id repairs, at City's cost and expense.. FOUNDATION shall, at its sole cost and expense, to the maintain, and repairthe Premises, and all improvements, fi(ures, and forthose items the City is responsible for as setforth in subsection 9.1 sanitary order. FOUNDATION assumes sole responsibility and expense janitorial services, and routine maintenance of the interior of the fixtures, and equipment thereon. This shall include, without of litter, garbage and debris generated by FOUNDATION's use of the disposal generated by its operations and activities. At Citt's option, required to obtain, and continuously maintain in good standing, at its Term, a maintenance and repair contract, approved by the City, with a approved in writing by the City, providing for the preventative all air conditioning units servicing the Premises. City and FOUNDATION's respective roleswith regard to maintenance FOUNDATION shall comply with any and all State, Miami-Dade County, and regulations, etc. with regard to its respective obligations. 9.3 ln the that FOUNDATION desires or deems it appropriate to make alterations, to the Premises after the Possession Date, it will submit plans for same approval of the City Manager or his designee. No such alterations, shall be made without the express written approval of the City and, if FOUNDATION's sole cost and expense, and shallbecomethe property 14 Page 2651 of3438 32 of the Ci$ upon permitthe creation of alterations, 9.4 with the approved uses are lost, stolen, or sole cost and expense 9.5 and shall be solely Premises. There shall Premises. FOUNDA furnishings thereon. damaged materials, damaged personal and/or other third SECTION 10. scheduled in and previous month. Any July 18,2017 DRAFT of this Agreement. FOUNDATION shatl not have the right to create or attaching to the City's interest in the Premises as a resultof anysuch or additions. FOUNDATION must provide and maintain, at its sole cost as reasonably required, expense, alllabor, personnel, materials, equipment, and fumishings, operate the Premises as an adaptive recreation center, in accordance forth herein. ln the event any materials, equipment, and/orfurnishings they shall be promptly replaced or repaired (funding permitted) atthe the FOUNDATION. ion. FOUNDATION shall have a neat and orderly operation at all times for the necessary housekeeping services to properly maintain the no living quarters nor shall anyone be permitted to live within the shatl make the Premises available for inspection during hours of operation by the City Manager or authorized representative. 9.6 Securitv.TION shall be responsible for and provide reasonable security measureswhich maybe to protectthe Premises and any of the materials, equipment, and no circumstances shal! the City be responsible for any stolen or and fumishings, nor shall the City be responsible for any stolen or of FOUNDATION's employees, contractors, patrons, guests, invitees, 10.1 FOUNDA shall provide an annual written report of the activities and events to the Premises and, with each such report, shall report on the activities which actually occuned the number of persons participating in those activities during the activity(ies) conducted upon orfrom the Premises must be 15 Page 2652 of 3438 33 July 18, 2017 in accordance with Ci$ in accordance conducted upon orfrom management, operation, tothe Premises exceed agree that such excess, the City, if any, and FOUNDATION. For grantfunding, and ear-marked toward the the net earnings benefit of any private and finalauthority in operation and operated and utilized in 10.2 used for programming BeachViewPark. thereof, subjectto limited to, recreational sponsored special payment of any rental or with such uses make the Premises FOUNDATION and the provided in Section 7 of this Agreement (or, othennrise approved by the . Att revenues received by FoUNDATION in connection with uses Premises shall be dedicated exclusively to help fund FOUNDATION's maintenance of the Premises. ln the eventthat revenue(s) pertaining during an annualaccounting period, the City and FOUNDATION any, shalt first be applied to offset any contributions previously made by then be applied by FOUNDATION to support the programming of herein, "revenues'shall also be deemed to include public/private donations and contributions received by FOUNDATION specifically , management and programming of the Premises. No portion of fiom the activities of FOUNDATION at the Premises shall inure to the Notwithstanding foregoing, the City Manager or his designee, shall have the absolute FOUNDATION's activities with regard to this Agreement and its of the Premises, such that the City is assurcd that the Premises is being with the terms of this Agreement. . FOUNDATION and the City have agreed thatthe Premises may be with the primary uses, and serve as an adjunct to the adjacent with this, the City shall have the rightto use the Premises, or any part , forthe benefrtof the communi$ forsuch purposes including, but not sponsored by the City, public meetings, training classes, City and other public purposes as deemed necessary by the City, withoutthe fee, except that direct out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection reasonable expenses incuned by FOUNDATION in order to open and in connection with a City use thereof) shall be paid by the City. agree to develop mutually acceptable guidelines and regulations to 16 Page 2653 of 3438 34 July 18, 2017 permit City and SECTION 11. 11.1 This agreement that FOUN the Adaptive Recreation 11.2 ln Adaptive Recreation forthis Agreement, grantfunding and improvements as may continued operation uses contemplated in approved uses shatl, FOUNDATION's sole FOUNDATION willuse programming of the continuing basis. Similarly, FOUNDATION's specifically, to obtain Recreation Center, and highest levels of effortswith respectto only to fund the design continued management use of the Premises, in accordance with the terms herein. is made with the express consideration, understanding and ,TION will contribute the funds required to design, construct and operate on the Premises. to the Foundation's contribution for the design and construction of the , throughout the Term of this Agreernent, and as further consideration TION shall atso use its best efforts to continue to obtain public/private contributions, not only for such other capital renovations and mutually agreed to by the Parties hereto but, more importantly, for the support of the Adaptive Recreation Center (and to sustain the approved Agreement). FOUNDATION hereby wanants and represents that such the Term of this Agreement, be funded and operated, at and expense. lt is the intent of the City and FOUNDATION that efforts to increase its funding forthe maintenanoe, operation and and toward sustaining and increasing the approved uses, on a the and FOUNDATION herein agree that a vital component of statement, with respect to this Agreement, is to use its best efforts: funding contributions to construct and operate the Adaptive continue to operate and manage the Premises in accordance with the Accordingly, FOUNDATION herein represents that it shall use its best a coherent and consistent grants writing and submittal effort, not construction of the Adaptive Recreation Center, but to fund the operation of the Adaptive Recreation Center and the Premises. 17 Page 2654 of 3438 35 July 18, 2017 obligated to operation and Agreement. SECTION I2. approval of the City City. Any assignment made with the Agreement, remain a for-profrt corporation, or determines that the shall be subject to SECTION 13. approved uses such use shall not be sEcTtoN t4. FOUNDATION conduct of its operation the responsibility of FOUNDATION shall Premises and its lawsof theCity; hereafter to be adopted. 18 Page 2655 of 3438 FOUNDATION acknowledges and understands that the City shall in no way be and/or othenrise contribute any funds for FOUNDATION's day-today of the Premises, except as may be otherwise set forth in this FOUNDATION not assign this Agreement, or any part thereof, without the prior written ion, which approval shall be given, if at all, at the sole discretion of the in violation of this Section 12 shal! be nulland void. ThisAgreement is that FOUNDATION shall at all times, throughout the term of this corporation. ln the eventthat FOUNDATION ceasesto be a not- City, through the City Manager, in his sole discretion and judgment, is not being used forthe stated purposes in Section 4, thisAgreement upon thifi (30) days written notice by the Ci$ to FOUNDATION. The Adaptive Center and Premises shall exist for the use of the public, for the with Section 4 and the terms of this Agreement, and the public's right to upon by any act of the FOUNDATION or any third-party. to obtain and pay for all permits and licenses necessary for the activities on the Premises and agrees to complywith all laws goveming employer with respect to persons employed by FOUNDATION. be solely responsible for payment of any and all taxes levied on the ln addition, FOUNDATION shallcomptywith all rules, regulationsand County; the State of Florida; and the U.S. Govemment, now in force or 36 July 18, 2017 sEcTroN 15. 15.1 licenses or permits for Agreement and shall Premises (including, trash collection, and 15.2 delinquency alltaxes Premises by reason FOUNDATION upon or uses of the Premises public purposes and, Appraiser.ll however, be responsible for sEcTtoN 16. approaches to the signage containing all applicable planning temporary banners provided, however, that shall be subjectto FOUNDATION shalt pay any fees imposed by law for uses or activities of FOUNDATION upon the Premises or under this to the City, before delinquency any and all charges for utilities at or on the limited to, water, electricity, gas, heating, @oling, sewer and telephone' expenses associated with the operation of the Premises). FOUNDATION agrees to and shall pay before assessments of any kind assessed or levied upon FOUNDATION or the this Agreement or by reason of the business or other activities of connection with the Premises. The Parties agree that the operation and those operations and uses convenient and necessary therefore, are for no ad valorem taxes should be assessed by the Dade County Tax taxes are assessed by said Property Tax Appraiser, FOU NDATION shall of same. FOUNDATION provide, at its sole cost and expense,required signs at all public reasonable discretion, saidas determined by FOUNDATION in its the following language: OPERA-BY SABRTNA COHEN FOUNDATION, !NC. Alladvertising,and postings shall be approved by the City and shall be subjectto zoning requirements of the City. The Foundation have the right to erect interior signage, including, without limitation, signage is subjectto City Manage/s approval) and exteriorsignage; names affixed thereon (including, without limitation, any sponsor names) as required by the Citt's Naming Ordinance, as codified in Chapter 82, 19 Page 2656 of 3438 37 July ,l8,2017 ArticleVl, Sections 82 ln no event the following types of sEcTtoN 17. '17.1. The or suspended at any performance by acts rebellion, strikes, FOUNDATION's or 17.2. untenantable, in whole discretion: (i) elect, as property; or (ii) elect not further that FOUNDA FOUNDATION's repair of the date of said the event the (a) City notice to the City within repair the damage with notice, FOUNDATION funds immediately acting in its reasonable unless othenadse demonstrated that it has procedures, contrac'tors, to the repair, then and in through 82-505 of the city code, as may be amended ftom time to time. interior or exterior signage include the names of any company selling guns, tobacco, alcohol, gambling, and medical mar'ljuana. of any act by FOUNDATION or the City hereunder may be delayed while, but only so tong as, either Party is hindered in or prevented from God ( inctuding, without limitation, hunicanes), the elements of war, fire, explosion or any other casualty or occurrence not due to negligence and beyond the reasonable control of the Parties. !n the event a Force Majeure renders the Premises in part, as determined by City, the City may, at its sole option and as practicable, to utilize the insurance proceeds to repairthe damaged repair or restore the damaged property and, in such event (and provided does not elect, andlor does not comply with the procedures for the Premises using its own funds), thisAgreement shall beterminated as of damage or casualty. Nofutthstanding the preceding sentence, in not to restore or repair the damage: (b) FOUNDATION gives written (60) days of the casualty that FOUNDATION is willing to undertake the own or other available funds; (c) within twelve (12) months following such to the Ci$'s sole satisfaction and discretion, that it has adequate to undertake the repair; and (d) the City and FOUNDATION, each agree within a reasonable time (but not to exceed six (6) months in writing by Crty Manager) after the City deems that FOUNDATION has funds to undertake the repair, to the conditions, timing, plans, disbursement mechanisms and other matters with respect event, FOUNDATTON shalt be entitled to effect the repair with its own 20 Page 2657 of 3438 38 July 18,2017 DRAFT funds; provided that than eighteen (18) capability. sEcTtoN 18. notice by authorized municipal officer or Premises. FOUNDA such inspectors on the this Agreement. The City or its to examine the condition the condition of the shall be exercised in FOUNDATION's activiti by other casualty that upon the Premises to emergency repairs, obligation to keep the terms hereof, FOUNDA FOUNDATION of Citt's SEGTION 19. reasons of any agency or offtcial as a reserved to the City 21 Page 2658 of 3438 TION must complete any and all repairs and/or restoration no later from the date of the City's approval of FOUNDATION's funding FOUNDATION that the Premises may be inspected at any time upon reasonable of the City, or by any other State, County, Federal and/or having responsibilities for inspections of such operations and/or ag rees to un dertake i m med iately the conection of any defi ciency cited by which is properlythe responsibility of FOUNDATION pursuantto shall have the right to enter upon the Premises at all reasonable times use thereof: (including, without limitation, forthe purpose of assessing , as also referenced in subsec{ion E.1(g), provided, only, that such right manner so as not to interfere with FOUNDATION in the conduct of on the Premises; and if the Premises are damaged by fire, windstorm or the Premises to be exposed to the elements, then the City may enter emergency repairs; but if the City exercises its option to make act or acts shall not be deemed to excuse FOUNDATION from his ises in repair. lf City makes any emergency repairs pursuant to the shall reimburse the City for all such repairs upon receipt by of repairs made and statement and proof of costs incurred. FOUNDATION waives al! claims for compensation for loss or damage sustained by with its operation and management of the Premises by any public of their enforcement of any laws or ordinances or of any of the rights Any such interference shall not relieve FOUNDATION from any 39 July 18,2017 obligation hereunder. sEcTtoN 20. of insurance coverage The policies of coverage except upon written approval of City. such policy, which shall obtained from !nsurance Guide (latest or substitute company 22 Page 2659 of 3438 FOUNDATION maintiain, at FOUNDATION's sole cost and expense, thefollowing types alltimes throughout the term of this Agreement: liability insurance with not less than the followinga. aggregate $2,000,000 andadvertising(injury) $1,000,000 (Per occurrence)$1,000,000 $ 100,000 $ 5,000 damage Expense rkers Compensation lnsurance shal! be required under Laws of the State of Florida. lnsurance shall be provided covering allowned, , and hired vehicles and non-ownership liabilityfor not than the following limits (only if FOUNDATION provides services): lnjury lnjury $1,000,000 per person $1,000,000 per accident $ 500,000 per accidentDamage lnsurance (fire, windstorm, other perils) shall be the of the City. referred to above shall not be subjectto cancellation or changing least thirty (30) days written notice to City and then subject to the prior TION shall provide City with a Certificate of lnsurance for each the City as an additional named insured. Allsuch policies shall be authorized to do business in the State of Florida with an A.M. Besfs rating acceptable to the City's Risk Manager, and any replacement also be subject to the approval of the City's Risk Manager. Should 40 July 18,2017 FOUNDATION failto required amounts, the expended by City in sEcTtoN 21. 21.1 servants and or nature arising out of employees in Agreement. 21.2 ln agents, servants and kind or nature arising and forwhich the City, shall not apply, City, its agents, 21.3 preclude subrogation employees and agents. Agreement. SECTION 22. or supervision, cause to event any lien is filed, days therefrom, and in automatically terminate 23 Page 2660 of 3438 maintain or renew the policies of insurance referred to above, in the may, at its sole discretion, obtain such insurance, and any sums said insurance, shall be repaid by FOUNDATION to City. shall indemniff, hold harmless and defend the City' its agents, from and against any claim, demand or cause of action of whatsoever kind , omission, or negligent act of FOUNDATION, its agents, seruants or with the performance of the Foundation's obligations under this FOUNDATION shall indemniff, hold harmless and defend the City' its from and against any claim, demand or cause of action of whatever any misconduct of FOUNDATION not included in subsection2l .l above agents, servants or employees are alleged to be liable. This subsection to any such liability as may be the result of the willful misconduct of the or employees. The terms of insurance policies refened to in Section 20 shall against FOUNDATION, the City and their respective officers, 21.4 The of this Sec,tion 21 shallsurvive thetermination and/orexpiration of this FOUNDATION that it will not suffer, or through its actions or anyone under its control filed upon the Premises any lien or encumbrance of any kind. ln the DATION agrees to cause such lien to be discharged within ten (10) with the applicable law. lf this is not accomplished, the City may Agreement, without further notice to FOUNDATION. 41 July 18,2017 SECTION 23. shall be necessary for FOUNDATION's background checks for the City for evaluating agents, independent purpose(s) shallnot be the City, and shall not the City or any rights shall not be deemed City. Additionally, volunteers, and/or the purpose set forth turpitude orfelony. thisAgreement. Premises at alltimes. FOUNDATION shall 23.2 23.1 The City FOUNDATION recognize that in the performance of this Agreement, it TION to retain qualified individuals to effectuate and optimize and operation of the Premises. Foundation shall conduct employees working at the Premises, consistent with the criteria utilized by for employment. Any such individuals, whether employees, volunteers, and/or other, retained by FOUNDATION for such to be agents, employees, partners, joint venturers or associates of any rights or benefits under the civil service or pension ordinances of afforded classified orunclassified employees of the City;furtherthey to the Florida Worke/s Compensation benefits as employees of the TION, and/or any employees, agents, independent contractors, acting underthe authority and/orwith the permission of FOUNDATION for shall never have been convicted of any offense involving moral to complywith this provision shall constitute causeforthetermination of TION shalt have an experienced manager or managers overseeing the criminalactivi$ on the Premises caused by or knowingly permitted by in automatic termination of this Agreement. Ci$'s contract administrator shall be the City Manager and/or his FOUNDATION shall name a specific individual to serve as its administrator. City's contract administrator shall have the authorityto give all approvals the Ci$ while administering this Agreement, with the exception of items would require City Commission approval. The City's contract Shall be the liaison between the City and FOUNDATION on all matters relating to this Agreement. Shall be responsible for ensuring that any information supplied by 24 Page 2661 of3438 42 July 18,2017 DRAFT SECTION 24. whatsoever, the violation of any Federal, governmentalrule or not use the Premises licensing requirements and activities conducted permit operation of any Except as may result Premises to become prevent fire on the equipment at alltimes. sEcTtoN 25. lamps, turpentine, 25 Page 2662 of 3438 FOUNDATTON is property dishibuted to the appropriate City departments. Shal! be responsible for contract compliance by FOUNDATION (including, without limitation, FOUNDATION's activities, programming, operations, management, and maintenance of the Premises). TION shall name an individua! who shall serve as the general of the Premises and who: Shalt be the liaison between the City and FOUNDATION on all matters relating to this Agreement. Shall be responsible forthe day-to{ay managementand supervision of the Premises. Shall be responsible for providing supervision and direction to the Premises' em ployees, agents, contractors, and/or volunteers. FOUNDATION not use, nor suffer or permit any person to use in any manner for any improper, immoral or offensive purpose, or for any purpose in , County, or municipal ordinance, rule, order or regulation, or of any now in effect or hereafter enacted or adopted. FOUNDATION shall any unlawful purpose and shall comply with all laws, permitting, and in force or hereafter adopted, applicable to the Premises or the uses the Premises. FOUNDATION agrees notto usethe Premisesfor, orto or dangerous activity, nuisance or anything against public policy. acts of force majeure, FOUNDATION agrees that it wil! not allow the or vacant. FOUNDATION shalltake appropriate precautions to maintaining existing fire detection devices and extinguishing FOUNDATION not to use or permit in the Premises the storage of illuminating oils, oil benzine, naphtha, or other similar substances, or explosives or any 43 July 18,2017 DRAFT kind, or any substance or State of Florida. SEGTION 26. It is expressly employees, offi@rs, and own benefit; and that volunteers and/or event whatsoever in performance of their sEcTtoN 27. lf either Party Agreement, and such defaulting Party shall vacate or re-enter the also pursue any and all termination rights theCityftom exercising in other sections hereto. sEcTroN 28. termination thereof, togetherwith any and all maintenance, appliances or other Premises, free of all together with all structural 26 Page 2663 of 3438 28.1 FOUNDA prohibited in the standard policies of fire insurance companies in the and agreed by and between the parties hereto that all individuals, of the City are acting in a representative capacity and notfortheir FOUNDATION, nor any of its employees, agents, contractors, shal! have any claim against them or any of them as individuals in any with any acts or duties which are reasonably related to the to perform in accordance with any of the terms and conditions of this is not cured within thirty (30) days afterwritten notice is given, the non- the right to terminate this Agreement and, as the case may be, either without further notice or demand. At its option, either Party may remedies available to seek redress for such default. The default and the parties in this Section 27, shall in no way limit or othenrise preclude other rights to terminate this Agreement, as may be expressly provided shall, on or before the last day of the term herein, or the sooner and quietly leave, sunender and yield unto the City, the Premises, located at or on the Premises and used by FOUNDATION in the or operation of the Premises, excluding any equipment, fumishings, property which can be removed without material injury to the claims and encumbrances and rights of others, and broom-clean, , alterations, additions, and improvementswhich mayhave been 44 July 18, 2017 made upon the subject, however, to the the provisions of this termination of this abandoned by FOUN removed and disposed may see fit. lf the subsection, FOUNDA reason thereot and any), so far as such as and when herein express orimplied) this Agreement. SECTION 29. 29.1. The F convenience at any time design of the Adaptive 29.2. The F convenience without Foundation are unable to construction of the scope reductions, if either available funds. 29.3. The if, as part of the design 27 Page 2664 of 3438 in good order, condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted, provisions of this subsection. Any property which pursuant to is removable by FOUNDATION on or at the Premises upon the and is not so removed may, at the option of the City, be deemed , and either may be retained by the City as its property, or may be by City, at the sole cost of the FOUNDATION, in such manner as the City are not sunendered at the end of the term as provided in this shall make good to the Ci$ all damages which the City shall suffer by indemnify, the City against allclaims made by a succeeding occupant (if is occasioned by the failure of FOUNDATION to sunender the Premises 28.2 FOUNDA ON covenants and agrees that it will not enter into agreements (whether to the Premises for a period of time beyond the stated expiration date of and the C ity shall each have the right to terminate this Ag reement for to City's execution of the agreementwtth the architect/engineerforthe ion Center, with each Pafi to bear their own costs and fees. and the City shall each have the right to terminate this Agreement for or liability if, pursuant to Section 5 of this Agreement, the City and on the budget of the Project Costsforthe development, design and Recreation Center, or identify additionalfunds or agree upon project both are needed in the event that the anticipated Project Costs exceed shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for its convenience for the Adaptive Recreation Center, changes to the plans and 45 July 18,2017 DRAFT specifications are changes render the 29.4. lf the (3) years following the 29.5. ln the that it can no longer and uses herein, then orderto allow FOUNDA Agreement for its 29.6. Any to the other Party. ln the Section 29 or any obligation to the other SECTION 30. registered or certified ma All notices from certified mailto City at with copies to: by the applicable city boards or agencies having jurisdiction, and such Recreation Center economically unfeasible. has not contributed the total Project Costs to the City within three .Date, City may terminate this Agreement for its convenience. that FOUNDATION loses its funding at anytime during the Term, such and operate the Premises in accordance with the goals and priorities Ci$ may, at its discretion: (i) supplement any lack or loss of funds in to continue to manage and operate the Center: or (ii) terminate this for convenience shall be efrective upon thirty (30) days written notice of a termination for convenience of this Agreement pursuant to this thereof, neither Pafi shall have any liability or owe any further All notices from City to FOUNDATION shall be deemed duly served if mailed by to FOUNDATION at the following address: Cohen Foundation, !nc. 1800 Sunset Harbour Drive #2406 Beach, Florida 33139 to the City shall be deemed duly serued if mailed by registered or following address: of Miami Beach Manager Convention Center Drive iBeach, Florida 33139 of Miami Beach lion: Asset Manager Convention Center Drive, 3d Ftoor Beach, Florida 33139 28 Page 2665 of 3438 46 July {8, 20{7 DRAFT FOUNDATION and the other Pafiwriften SECTION 31. national origin, physical Agreement; and further, operation of the public; subject to the regulations to provide for sEcroN 32. 32.1. This the State of Florida, both The exclusive venue for Florida, if in state court, BY ENTERING INTO RIGHTS EITHER RELATED TO, OR ARI 32.2. lfa the dispute cannot be the dispute by altemative dispute resorting to litigation or SECTION 33. The City desires its liability for any cause may change the above mailing addressed at any time upon giving the All notice underthis Agreement must be in writing. FOUNDATION that there shall be no discrimination as to race, sex, color, creed, or sexual orientation in the operations referred to by this shall be no discrimination regarding any use, service, maintenanceor All facilities located on the Premises shall be made available to the of FOUNDATION to establish and enforce reasonable rules and safety, orderly operation and security of the facilities. shall be governed by, and construed ln accordancewith, the laws of and remedial, without regard to principles of conflict of !aws. litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be Miami-Dade County, the U.S. District Court, Southem District of Florida, if in federal court. AGREEMENT, CITY AND FOUNDATION EXPRESSLY WAIVE ANY MAY HAVE TO A TRTAL BY JURY OF ANY CIVIL LITIGATION OUT OF, THIS AGREEMENT. arises out ol or related to, this Agreement, or the breach thereof, and if through negotiation, the parties agree first to try in good faith to settle administered by the American Arbitration Association, or other similar organization, person or source agreeable to the parties, before dispute resolution procedure. enter into this Agreement only if in so doing the City can place a limit on action for money damages due to an alleged breach by the City of this 29 Page 2666 of 3438 47 July 18,2017 Agreement, so that its hereby expresses his Gity for any damage less the amount of all hereby agrees that the of $10,000, which pursuant to this performance or Nothing contained in waiver of the limitation SECTION 34. 34.1 omissions in connection affect the authority of 34.2 of the promises, FOUNDATION commitments bythe under separate grant understandings, betweenthem other expressly contained in herewith by the parties 34.3 Agreement shall be Accordingly, and for any such breach never exceeds the sum of $10,000. Contractor to enter into this Agreement with Contractofs recovery from the for breach of contract to be limited to a maximum amount of $10,000, actually paid by the City to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. any otherterm or condition of this Agreement, Contractor shall not be liable to the Contractor for damages in an amount in excess shall be reduced by the amount actually paid by the City to Contractor for any action or claim for breach of contract arising out of the of any obligations imposed upon the City by this Agreement. paragraph or elsewhere in this Agreement is in any way intended to be a upon the City's liabitity as setforth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Nothing in this Agreement or in the parties' acts or shall be deemed in any mannerto waive, impair, limit orothenruise City in the discharge of its police or govemmental power. This Agreement, togetherwith the attachments hereto, contains all conditions, inducements and understandings between City and the operation and management of the Premises (except for funding CDBG, and/or FEMA which may be expressly committed forthe Premises r), and there are no promises, agreements, conditions, , wananties or representations, oral or written, express or implied, as expressly set forth herein and in such attachments thereto or as may be enforceable wriften agreements or instruments executed simultaneously No covenant, agreement, term or condition of this modifted, altered, orwaived except by a written instrument of change, 30 Page 2667 of 3438 48 July 18, 2017 DRAFT modification, alteration, shall affect or alterthis this Agreement shall subsequent default 34.4 Agreement shall be this Agreement, or now othenrise expressly exercise by a Party of now or hereafter existing limited bythe terms of Party of any or all other existing at law or in terms of this Agreement) 34.5 provided inthis of its obligations 34.6 requirements of, this times within which Recreation Center. u.7 as to the condition of the 34.8 it is an independent pursuant to this waiver executed by City and FOUNDATION. No waiver of any default but each and every covenant, agreement, term and condition of in full force and effect with respect to any other then existing or .-Each right and remedy of either Par$ provided for in this and shall be in addition to every other right or remedy provided for in hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise (except as by the terms of this Agreement), and the exercise or beginning of the one or more of the rights or remedies provided for in this Agreement, or law or in equity or by statute or otherwise (except as otherwise expressly shal! not preclude the simultaneous or later exercise by such or remedies provided for in this Agreement or now or hereafter or by statute or othenryise (except as othenrise expressly limited by the Unless otherwise expressly when either Party exercises any of its tights, or renders or performs any , such Party shall do so at its sole cost and expense. Time is of the essence with respect to all matters in, and as to both City and FOUNDATION including, but not limited to, the TION must commence and complete construction of the Adaptive City and FOUNDATION have made no representations herein FOUNDATION acknowledges, represents and confirms that in the performance of all activities, functions, duties and obligations 31 Page 2668 of 3438 49 July 18,2017 DRAFT The parties partnership, joint for the purpose of notwithstanding any construed or deemed to tenancy-in-common, dratsoever between the and/or expiration of this 34.9 structure, equipment or agreement and not a Premises shall continue agreements, stipulations 34.10 upon any person, other rights or remedies under acknowtedge that it is not their intention to create between themselves a tenancy-in-common, joint tenancy, co-ownership or agency relationship Agreement, or for any other purpose whatsoever. Accordingly' or provisions contained herein, nothing in this Agreement, shall be , or to express an intent to create, a partnership, ioint venture, tenancy, co-ownership, or agency relationship of any kind or nature ies hereto. The provisions of this Sedion 34.8 shallsurvive termination is expressly understood and agreed that no part, parcel, building, is leased to FOUNDATION; that this Agreement is a management ; and that FOUNDATION's right to operate, manage, and coordinate the so long as FOUNDATION complieswiththe undertakings, provisions, conditions of thls Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, shall confer the Parties hereto and their respective su@essorc and assigns, any by reason of this Agreement. 32 Page 2669 of 3438 50 July 18,2017 DRAFT tN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have caused their names to be signed and their seals to be affixed; all as of this day and year first written above. Attest:CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Cig Clerk Philip Levine, Mayor STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI.DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of .l 2017 , by Mayor Philip Levine and Rafael Granado, City Clerk, ortheirdesignees respectivetyrcn behalf of the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instrument for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and officialseal, this day of 2017. Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: My Commission Expires: 33 Page 2670 of 3438 SS: 51 ,ffii$$#:Ht "' " " !L;:--i'-'--ff ,':i6l-r, , Page 2671 of 3438 52 July 18,2017 DRAFT SABRINA COHEN FOUNDATION, lNC. President STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing nstrument was acknowledged before me this day of , by , on behalf of the Sabrina Cohen Foundation, lnc., known meto be ine persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and purposes therein to and before me that they executed said instrument for the WTNESS my and officialsea!, this daY of 2017. Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Commission No.: My Commission Expires: ) ) SS: ) Page 2672 of 3438 53 July 18,2017 DRAFT EXHIBIT A P72 SURFACE PARKING LOT pfgg zozs or 3438 54 : t: t): L, @ (f)sf (f) o sfI\(o N oq,o(L J.'.r 55 \ i I t! t',t: l:\/a' l))arl ttlt) lln)tlt)t) SABRINA COHEN. Founder / President Sabrina is the voice and face of the Foundation. A C5 quadriplegic, as the result of a spinal cord injury from a car accident in 1992, she has been a health advocate for research and rehabilitation since her injury. Sabrina established the Sabrina Cohen Foundation in 2006 to raise funds for research and quality of life fitness initiatives for the disabled community. Sabrina continuously travels tirelessly and extensively - from schools and universities to scientific conferences - to be a spokesperson for this cause. JASPER NELISSEN. Director VP/General Manager Conill Miami at Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide, Jasper has brought a distinctive flair to the agency while expanding the office's client businesses and staff levels. As Saatchi & Saatchi's Director of Global Reinvention from 2006-10, Jasper was involved with developing work process, company strategy and transformation programs. He has trained employees in Europe, Asia and the U.S., and managed organizational change in a number of key markets, including Germany and the Netherlands. Jasper was previously an Account Director at Saatchi & Saatchi, where he led efforts on European and global accounts. CHARLOTTE LIBOV. Communications Director Medical writer/ author at Newsmax Health. Charlotte Libov has written about medical and health care topics for more than 15 years. Since becoming a health book author in 1993, she has written or co-written five books, including The Woman's Heaft Book, which was adapted by PBS for a documentary, and received a book award from the American Medical Writers Association. Before becoming a medical author and freelancer, she was a New York Times contributor and has written health articles for Ladies'Home Journal, Neurology Nor,y, and Arthritis Today. She is also a professional speaker on women's health issues and has appeared on radio and television health shows. Libov has a bachelor's degree with honors from the University of Connecticut and a master's degree in mental health counseling from the University of Oregon. ANGEL PARDO. Director Angel Pardo is the President of Doctors Medical Rentals, DMR Corporation, an Assistive Technology provider specializing in meeting the needs of clients ranging from Neo-Natal to Bariatric, with experience caring for those with ALS, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy and Spinal Cord lnjury. DMR's state-ofthe-art facility is located in South Florida, with an evaluation area and full diagnostic capabilities for repair with a large inventory of parts - all of which is fully accessible. DMR has been a proud sponsor of the Sabrina Cohen Foundation since its inception. ARYAN RASHED. Director With a strong passion for the fitness and wellness industry, Aryan is the co owner of JetSet Pilates also known as JetSet Miami. Aryan's clients range from beginners to professional athletes and celebrities. JetSet fuses principles of Pilates, balance, flexibility, strength, core, circuit, and strength training. Aryan created her own JetSet adaptive fitness program currently Page 2675 of 3438 56 .t'-\ r.,.: r r,., : :, _ ,..1', 1 L,> /. ..r ': r'r, '.), taught at Jackson Memorial Hospital and the Miami VA and is looking forurvard to working with Sabrina Cohen Foundation to continue to implement training for paralysis community and beyond. Aryan is also an attorney, barred in Florida and Washington DC, received her Master's from Stanford University, earned her BA from UC Berkeley, worked at the Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard University, has been a featured expert on various fitness and wellness forums, and currently serves as an ambassador for Lululemon South Miami. BERNIE SIEGEL, Director Bernard Siegel, J.D., is the founder and Executive Director of Genetics Policy lnstitute (GPl), a nonprofit organization with offices in Palm Beach, Florida; Silicon Valley, California and Washington, D.C. He founded and co-chairs the annual World Stem Cell Summit, founded and serves editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed World Stem Cell Report and is the editor of the 360 Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine weekly newsletter. He founded and is the spokesperson for the Stem Cell Action Coalition, a 100+ member international alliance of nonprofits and research institutions leading the global "Pro-Cures Movement." Dr. John Chae, M.D, ClevelandFES Cenier Professor and Director of Research, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Director, Stroke Rehabilitation Dr. Joshua Hare, M.D. University of Miami Louis Lemberg Professor of Medicine Director, lnterdisciplinary Stem Cell lnstitute Dr. Hunter Peckham Ph.D. Case Wesfern Resele University Donnell lnstitute, Professor Director, Functional Electrical Stimulation Center Dr. Rajiv Ratan, M.D., Ph.D. Cornell University Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology Director, Burke-Cornell Medical Research lnstitute Page 2676 of 3438 57 SABRINA SERVING WTH THE SHALL BE WITH A wlTH THE AND FURTHER BY5/7THS and Collins Avenue lot areas east and facilities (the "Property') Park and greater for Beach View Park existing P 72 Lot area, Page 2677 of 3438 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION MIAMI BEACH, THE MAYOR AND GITY COMII'IISSION OF THE CITY OF FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL FROM THE FOUNDATION, tNC., A FLORIDA NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION DATION"), FOR THE FOUNDATION, A PUBLIC CHARITY, TO RELATED TO AND CONTRIBUTE ALL OF THE EXPENSES CITY'S DESTGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A CITY. OWNED PARKS PORTION OF DETERMINED FOUNDATION RECREATION AND RECREATION FACILITY, TO BE LOCATED AT A CITYS "P72'' SURFACE PARKTNG LOT AT 53RD STREET AND COLLINS E (THE "P72 LOT"), AND WHICH FAClLlft ONCE COMPLETED,BE USED AS AN ADAPTIVE RECREATION CENTER WITH PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE DISABILITIES, SENIORS, AND INDIVIDUALS WTH TEMPORARY INJURIES, OF EXPANDING THE CITY'S ACCESSIBLE BEACH PROGRAMMING FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE GENERAL PUBLIG (THE .,FACILITY"};DING THAT THE FOOTPRINT FOR THE FACILITY ,TELY, BUT NOT MORE THAN, 5,OOO SQUARE FEET, HEIGHT OF TWENW FOUR (241 FEET, AND CONTAINING A HAVING NO MORE THAN IO,OOO SQUARE FEET, LOCATION FOR THE FACILITY AT THE P72 LOT TO BE THE ctTY COMMISSION; PROVIDING THAT ALL PI-ANS FOR THE FACILITY SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY; AND FURTHER, PROVIDING FOR THE MANAGE, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE ADAPTIVE oN THE CtTyS BEHALF, FOR A TERM OF NINE (9) YEARS AND THE CITY'S MANAGER (AS MEMORANDUIII HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR DAYS, COITIMENCING UPON PLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FACILITY; THE WRITTEN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY FURTHER SET FORTH IN THE CITY COMMISSION AGCOMPANYING THIS RESOLUTION) AND WAIVING, THE FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING SUCH TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE C!TY, AND APPROVING,IN iiANAGEMENT THE MAYOR BSTANTIAL FORM, A FUNDING, COLLABORATION AND wlTH THE FOUNDATION; AND AUTHORIZING CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT SUBSTANTIALL IN THE FORTU ATTACHED TO THE GOMMISSION iNEMORANDUM ANYING THIS RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, thE is the owner of certain real property located at and around 53d Street Collins Avenue), which includes City Fire Station 3, the surface parking of Fire Station 3 (the 'P72 Lot"), Beach View Park, and associated and WHEREAS, iN effort to provide enhanced recreational programming at Beach Mew to the City's beaches, the City desires to expand the footprint available without reducing any existing Park greenspace; and WHEREAS, iN of the foregoing, the City desires to repurpose a portlon of the provide expanded parks and recreation services to the public, including 58 persons living with temporary injuries; and WHEREAS, the profit corporation of the Revenue Code, entitled purposes; and WHEREAS, the within the City of Miami WHEREAS, iN parks and recreational necessary funding for with the intent of persons living with temporary injuries (the WHEREAS, it is design and construction purpose of providing the disabilities, seniors, and point to the beach and Mew Park, with a four (24) feet (for a total Memorandum Lot to be determined by Committee'), the term sheet presented to wHEREAS, thein substantial form, incorporated herein by accompanying this and three hundred sixty the Facility; and WHEREAS, as the City Commission's as set forth herein, requirements with years and three Page 2678 of 3438 and cognitive disabilities, seniors, and able-bodied individuals with Cohen Foundation, lnc. (the'Foundation") is a Florida not-for- of Florida, that exists as a 501(c)3 public charity under the lntemal to soticit and accept donations in the State of Florida for charitable oundation currently operates a successful adaptive beach day program with accessible beach programming at or near Allison Park; and of the limited funding available to the City to support its City-wide the Foundation desires to collaborate with the City to provide the design and construction of a City-owned adaptive recreational facility, an accessible access point to the beach, and beach programming, for and cognitive disabilities, seniors, and able-bodied individuals with ; and that the Foundation will raise approximately $4.5 million for the the Facility; and WHEREAS, thE would be the owner of the Facility, which will be used for the primary public and specifically, persons living with physical and cognitive individuals with temporary injuries, with an accessible access beach programming; and WHEREAS, the would be located on a portion of the P72 Lol adjacent to Beach of approximately 5,000 square feet, and a maximum height of twenty approximately 10,000 square feet); and WHEREAS, the map for lhe P72 Lot is attached as Exhibit ?" to the Commission this Resolution, with the ftnal location of the Facility within the P72 Ci$ Commission as part of the design development process; and WHEREAS, at April 21 , 2A17 Finance and Citywide Projects Committee ('Finance ion was directed to continue to develop an agreement, based on the Finance Committee; recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve, proposed Funding, Collaboration and Management Agreement and attached as Exhibit uB'to the Commission Memorandum ; with said management agreement having a term of nine (9) years (364) days, commencing upon the City's completion of construction of forth in the Commission Memorandum accompanying this Resolution, if is to proceed with the proposed proiect at the proposed location City Manager recommends the waiver of the competitive bidding to the Foundation's management of the Facility, for a term of nine (9) sixty four (364) days, as being in the best interests of the City, in view of 59 the Foundation's commitment to funding the design and construction costs for the Facility, and its experience with adaptive beach programming within the City of Miami Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED THAT THE MAYOR AND CIry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission, hereby accept the proposal from the Sabrina Cohen Foundation, lnc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation ("Foundation"), for the Foundation, a public charity, to fund-raise and contribute all of the expenses related to the City's design and construction of a City-owned parks and recreation facility, to be located at a portion of the City's "P72" surface parking lot at 53rd Street and Collins Avenue (the "P72 lot"), and which facility, once completed, will be used as an adaptive recreation center serving persons with physical and cognitive disabilities, seniors, and able-bodied individuals with temporary injuries, with the intent of expanding the City's accessible beach programming for the benefit of the general public (the "Facility"); provide that the footprint for the Facility shall be approximately, but not more than, 5,000 square feet, with a maximum height of twenty 'four (24) feet, and containing a building having no more than 10,000 square feet, with the final location for the Facility at the P72Lot to be determined by the City Commission, provide that all plans and specifications for the Facility shall be subject to approval by the City, and further, providing for the Foundation to manage, operate and maintain the adaptive recreation center on the City's behalf, for a term of nine (9) years and three hundred sixty four days, commencing upon the City's completion of the construction of the Facility, further accept the written recommendation of the City Manager (as further set forth in the City Commission memorandum accompanying this Resolution) and waive, by 5/7ths vote, the formal competitive bidding requirement, finding such waiver to be in the best interest of the City, and approve, in substantial form, a Funding, Collaboration and Management Agreement with the Foundation; and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement substantially in the form attached to the Commission memorandum accompanying this Resolution. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ATTEST: RAFAEL E. GRANADO, CITY CLERK PHILIP LEVINE, MAYOR 2017. APPHOVEDASTO FOFIM & I.ANGUAGE &FOREXECUTION L Page 2679 of 3438 60 iB: oT eF. (,13\,ofiqq.'-. 33AUOIIIAJ I $Iil0i ylolTu9S*l ilol il t-. '. i. . /,,... tir -_---BllO tet$srrrit ii.) Page 2680 of 3438 61 SABRINA COHEN FOUNDATION Adaptive Recreation Center The Sabrina Cohen Foundation (SCF) is working with the City of Miami Beach to develop a project that best meefs the unique health and wellness needs of ifs disabled resrdenfs and visitors. SCF will lead a capital campaign to deliver a sfafe-of-the-art Adaptive Recreation Center, a first-of-a-kind permanent beach house with full wheelchal access and accomodations to provide adaptive watersport activities for the entire community. --\ \-)i, ;..; .:.:1 " i-; ' Page 2681 of3438 Executiw Summary 12017 62 ln 201,2, Sdbrina Cohen, Disabled Advocate and President of the Sabrina Cohen Foundation (SCF), a pproached her hometown with a novel idea: :.^Y t :; Be ;ch ir:r AL. 'l- .,,i:t'., Sr-': s r. 1-l ii:.1 :r l.;.it Lr ,,, r ,i r i ,-: .t,,t i 3. ','-'-- !--: ri:l,trr-l:r Sabrina Cohen Foundation Founded in 2006, the Sabrina Cohen Foundation (SCF) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to funding innovative programs that provide a better quality of life for those living with paralysis and other conditions. Beach access is a main initiative of SCF, who will play a leading role in the day-to-day management of the Adaptive Recreation Center and fundraising activities for long-term sustainability. Page 2682 of 3438 Executive Summary | 201 7 63 ln the summer of 2016, SCF launched "Adaptive Beach Days," a program that takes place twice a month with specialized staff / volunteers, plus adaptive beach equipment to make a day at the beach possible to anyone. The demand for this program emerged rapidly. To date, the program has served: o Over 1,500 visitors including Miami Beach, Miami-Dade and Broward County residents o Tourists from France, Turkey, Venezuela and Italy TW;Lq Disabled individuals, seniors, veterans and children with special needs Volunteers range from high school students, college students, physical therapy students and localsEIE o Participants range between 5 - 65 years' old Each "adaptive beach day" attracts approximately 100 guests, with 25 -40 of them being disabled participants. Because of the growing demand, expanding the current program with more days and securing a permanent location with a structure to house all equipment on site, is needed. For this, the development of a first of a kind, all-inclusive Adaptive Recreation Center is being proposed. Foundation Sponsors I ncl ude: ACCES$ { IT CURISTOPHER&DnNn{ REEVE For.JNDATroN ,/.-,(\lr\ 'li{t\'',1r.!, r \,,, | . t ' tt \. \ fl .\} CRESCENi HEIGHTS ir ,ra-\'ts.. _..., ..lt Page 2683 of 3438 Executive Summary | 2017 64 PROPOSED SITE: 5301 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach Designed with a universal design approach, the Center will welcome the entire community to a safe and comfortable environment. Components will include: . Max height 24" feel (two levels), and up to 10,000 sq. ft total o Storage area for Adaptive Equipment - access decks and beach wheelchairs o Accessible Changing Stations / Locker Rooms / Restrooms . Snack Bar / Nutrition Zone to stay hydrated and cool . Open Space Exercise Area . Program Space / Group Classes (Yoga I Art I Music / Meditation) Page 2684 of 3438 Executive Summary | 2017 65 Why ls lnclusive Recreation lmportant? When people with disabilities are creating their everyday to-do list, they oftentimes prioritize a lot of things over fun. Leisure isn't something that is put at the top of their list for various reasons, such as limited transportation, recreational places aren't accessible and people with disabilities don't often think about recreation for themselves because society has "included them" by letting them watch, rather than finding a way for them to participate in activities. ln most communities, the beach is a "no-go zones" for the disabled because the sand is difficult to navigate for someone visually impaired or with mobility issues. Recreation is a great stress reducer and can help to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Allows people an opportunity to laugh and feeljoyful. Provides an opportunity to develop new friendships. Helps someone feel a part of the community and to feel empowered by a sense of inclusiveness. . Enables one to learn about themselves and discover activities they are good at. The Solution: The Adaptive Recreation Center will be the first ever state-of-the-art facility on the east coast catering exclusively to individuals living with disabilities. Participants will indulge in a uniquely empowering experience, combining physical fitness with recreational activities that promote mental and spiritual wellness. The center will feature a diverse menu of programs and amenities for everyone at a single convenient location, featuring wheelchair accessible entrances and a pathway with decking that extends from landside to Oceanside, a truly one-of-a-kind seaside destination, inviting disabled people to live healthier, longer, and more joyful lives. "People with disabilities should have the same opportunity to improve their health and enhance their abilities as everyone." Page 2685 of 3438 Executive Summary | 2017 66 . Approximately 56 million Americans today have a disability. o The obesity rate for children with disabilities in the U.S. is 38% higher than for children without disabilities. . Adults with disabilities are physically active about half as often as adults without disabilities (12o/o vs. 22%). . By the year 2030, 71.5 million Baby Boomers will be over the age of 65 and demanding services and environments that address their age-related physical changes. r President's Gouncil on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition I I Can Do lt, You Can Do lt Who will be Served Disabled Citizens: Assuming that incidence rates by age remain the same, by 2030 nearly 24o/o of the total U.S. population will be disabled (and over 15% severely disabled). The total disabled population will increase by 30.9 million and the severely disabled population will increaseby 21 million, when compared to 1997. Senior Citizens: The largest demographic shift since 19th century urbanization is upon us. There are currently 43 million Americans age sixty-five and over, comprising 13o/o of the population. By 2030 this number will swell to an estimated seventy-two million people, nearly 1 of every 5 people. This demographic transition will affect nearly all aspects of our economic and political structures and will have profound effects on our infrastructure and public resources. Wounded Warriors: Over 48,000 servicemen and women have been physically injured in the recent military conflicts. ln addition to the physicalwounds, it is estimated as many as 400,000 service members live with the invisible wounds of war including combat- related stress, major depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Another 320,000 are believed to have experienced a traumatic brain injury while on deployment. . U.S. Census Bureau,1997 and 2001 Page 2686 of 3438 Executive Summary | 2017 67 "Putting lives ba ck into motion" Community Volunteer Benefits: Over the past two decades a growing body of research indicates that volunteering provides individual health benefits in addition to social ones. Those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer. Perhaps the biggest benefit people get from volunteering is the satisfaction of incorporating service into their lives and making a difference in their community and country. The Adaptive Recreation Center will aim to provide worthwhile and invaluable reasons to serve, such as pride, satisfaction, and accomplishment. We will be recognized as a place where we: -l- Solve Problems for the disabled + Strengthen our Community + lmprove Lives ffa-" fn fI/a' Page 2687 of 3438 Executive Summary | 2017 68 $500K Design & Architecture $3.5M Center Build Out $200K Equipment / Furniture $300K Operations $500K Reserve Fund FEATURES Welcome Center Storage area for beach equipment Locker rooms / Restrooms Juice bar/ Healthy snack zone Exercise / Group Classes room Scooe of Proiect: NOTE: This is just a rough estimate of the building details. Exact layout TBD Changing Rooms ''\,, -.\\ On-srte Storage 1 \ ffi Beach Accese -'\.r \ 'r. ;'Ltitt ,-t i'\,tt,,-ti.r * ltt tt"ft:tftt)1l ,l Open Space Page 2688 of 3438 Executive Summary | 2017 69 -Phase !- Launch "Adaptive Beach Days" to go from concept to reality; Spearhead Adaptive Playground initiative; Receive land use approvals and permits to develop an Adaptive Recreation Center -Phase ll - Launch capital campaign; Apply for grant funding / sponsorships and national marketing campaign .Phase lll - Recreation Center build out Fundraising Campaign Gift Table (Appx. Number / Range Of Gifts anticipated to Reach $5M Goal) Number Of Gifts: 4 4 10 10 12 20 ln fhe Flanoe of:Total: $s00,000 $250,000 $100,000 $50,000 $25,000 Under $25,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $300,000 $200,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS WILL INCLUDE: a a a a a a a Pledges/ Major Gifts Foundations Grants General Contributors Sabrina Cohen Foundation Auxiliary Board Kickoff Launch Party (+Ongoing Events) Communications/Social Media Campaigns Page 2689 of 3438 Executive Summary | 2017 70 Open Space Exercise Area Accessible Changing Room Healthy Snack Zone Welcome Center Healing Room / Program Activities Spacious Storage Area The SCF Adaptive Recreation Center will give donors the chance to show their support through: o Naming Opportunities throughout the Center . Foundation sponsorship opportunities as deemed appropriate - A Benefactor's Wall or monument within the Center Corporate sponsorships prominently displayed Page 2690 of 3438 Executive Summary | 2017 71 With the development of the Adaptive Recreation Center, the Sabrina Cohen Foundation will continue to defy odds, push limits and inspire others to reach their full potential. Jd *"*. "Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he could be, & he will become what he should be." - Coach Jimmy Johnson HISTORY: Sabrina Cohen, a c5 quadriplegic is a nationally recognized figure in the field of disability health and fitness advocacy. She is a national winner in Self Magazine's "Women Doing Good" competition, a WebMD American Health Hero and winner of the "Overcoming Adversity" category in the America lnspired National Competition. A motivational speaker since the age of '14, she has appeared on CNN, The Today Show, has been honored by the American Red Cross, and received a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz for outstanding contributions and efforts on behalf of the community and government. For more information about this project, contact us at 305.968.8024 or sabrina@sabrinacohenfoundation.orq. Visit SCF online at www.sabrinacohenfoundation.oro Page 2691 of3438 Executive Summary | 2017 72 ,T'E,J' sEVE AJT'EE AJ 73 New Business and Commission Reouests - R9 R COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Menbers of the City Cormission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager July 26,2017 MIAMI BEACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT DISCUSSION REGARDING TESLA SUPERCHARGER STATIONS AT THE P E N NSYLVAN IAAVE N U E GARAG E. RECOMMENDATION The Adninistration is seeking direction regarding Tesla's Concession Agreenrent requirernents for a rninimlm term of five (5) years and providing no financial return to the City. ANALYSIS On April 19,2017, the Sustainability and Resiliency Cormittee nnde a nlrtion referring a discussion to the City Cormission, with a favorable recomrnendation, regarding the installation of Tesla electric vehicle charging stations at the Pennsylvania Avenue parking garage or other underutilized city garages. At the Sustainability Cormittee on Apri! 25,2017, a Tesla representative provided inforrnation on the benefits of Tesla's SuperChargers electric vehicle charging stations. The Tesla representative briefly nentioned that the conpany has worked with other cities to install SuperChargers at their cost. However, during that presentation, he did not delve into details of the agreenents Tesla cunently has with other municipalities. The Sustainability Cormittee passed a nption supporting the City's efforts to begin discussions with Tesla for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations in City garages. PennsylvaniaAvenue Garage - Pilot Program City staff had initiated discussions with Tesla for a turnkey SuperChargers station one (1) year pilot program at the Pennsylvania Avenue garage (1661 Pennsylvania Avenue), where Tesla would be responsible for all the equipnent, permitting, installation, operation, rnaintenance and other costs related to the installation of the stations. !n turn, the City would provide the minirnrm required ten (10) parking spaces, as requested by Tesla, on the top (or second from the top) floor for one station with several connectors. Upon further discussions, Tesla proposed an agreement (Attachnent A) and provided a usage analysis (Attachnent B) for additional parking revenues in the form of short term parking sessions. The Adninistration is seeking direction regarding following issues: Pilot Program Term o Tesla states a one (1) year pilot is not cost effective and it is seeking a minimum five (5) year Page 3081 of3438 74 term. Tesla cites its capital investnrent for the infrastructure and Supercharger stations is estirnated $SOOK+ and $240K+ on annually utility e&enses requiring a tonger term for their investnent. o Testa nentioned the Sth level does not provide a good custoner eperience given erposure to the etenrents, and requested the 3rd or 4th tevel of the garage. Financial Retum to the City o Tesla states it does not provide a financial return in other conparable venues. Moreover, Tesla asserts its SuperCharger stations will generate additional parking revenues in the form of short term parking sessions while users patronize businesses for quick transactions (30 minutes or less) (Attachrnent B). o Blink Network, the City's cunent electric vehide (EV) charging station provider does provide the City with a financial return of 15% of profit, net of specified operational e)(penses, however the retum in noninal based on 4 spaces. o Based on cunent usage of two EV stations at four (4) parking spaces at the City's 13th Street and Collins Avenue Garage over the last 12 npnths, the City's share is estirnated at $30 for each parking space, annually. While this is seeningly inrmterial, the use of EV stations is anticipated to increase. ln fact, Volvo has announced that it will fully transition from internal conbustion engines to either hybrids or powered solely by batteries by 2019. CONCLUS!ON The Adninistration is seeking direction regarding Tesla's requirenents for a ninim.rm term of five (5) years and providing no financial return to the City. ln the event the city cannot reach an agreenent with Tesla as the above rnentioned, the city could eplore other innovative arrangernents that could benefit mutual sides. E><anples of innovative projects could include battery solutions for the punp stations and a solar roof demonstration project. Legislative Tracking Parking ATTACHMENTS: Description o Tesla Agreenent - Proposed o Tesla Analysis - Garage Utilization Page 3082 of 3438 75 SUPERCHARGER AGREEMENT This Supercharger Agreement (the "Agreemenf ) is effective as of , 20_ (the "EffectiveDate,,)byandbetweena-("Go!.E!eJEI!y,)andTeslaMotors,lnc.,aDelaware corporation ("Tesla"). WHEREAS, Tesla, through the provision of Supercharger services at the Property, will provide value to Counterparty by attracting Tesla vehicle owners and the public to, and providing additional visibility of, the Property; WHEREAS, Counterparty acknowledges the value of Tesla's Supercharger at the Property and desires to grant possession and control of the Premises to Tesla pursuant to the terms set forth herein; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. CONTACT INFORMATION: Counterparty's Address for Notices: [Counterparty Name] [Address ] IAddress] Attention: [ ] Phone: [ ] Email: [ ] Tesla's Address for Notices: Tesla Motors, lnc. 3500 Deer Creek Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Attention: Supercharger Team Phone: (650) 681-5000 Email : superchargerlease@teslamotors.com 2. 24-hour Technical Support & Service: 877-79-TES LA (87 7 -7 98-37 szl PREMISES: Counterparty hereby grants to Tesla possession and control of _ (_) parking spaces, up to five (5) feet of additional parking width to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and approximately 200-400 square feet of landscaped space for equipment (the "Premises") on the property commonly known as _, located at and as depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "plcperty") in order to build an electric vehicle supercharging station to charge Tesla vehicles (the "supercharser Station"). CONSTRUCTION: Upon delivery of possession of the Premises to Tesla, Tesla shall, at its sole expense, construct improvements as described in and pursuant to the procedures set forth in Exhibit B. attached hereto and made a part hereof, and will install certain trade fixtures indicated in Exhibit B (the "Trade Fixtures" as further described and defined in Exhibit B). lNlTlAL FOOTPRINT: A total of - (-) parking spaces shall be outfitted with charge posts ("SgEfgIglqers") to charge Tesla vehicles. lnitially, - (_) parking spaces shall serve as dedicated charging stalls to be used only by Tesla vehicles ("Dedicated_S!g!!g"), and _ (_) Page 1 Page 3083 of 3438 3. 4. Tesla Motors, lnc. @2015 (v. 20150923-2) 76 5. 5. parking spaces shall serve as charging stalls to be used by Tesla vehicles and will also be available for general parking of non-Tesla vehicles for a maximum of thirty (30) minutes ("EnableC-5!e!8"). The Dedicated Stalls and Enabled Stalls and any applicable restrictions shall be identified by signage substantially similar to the signage depicted in Exhibit B. Tesla shall have the option to convert Enabled Stalls into Dedicated Stalls on ten (10) days written notice in order to meet demand for Supercharging services, subject to Counterparty approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. POSSESSION DATE: The first date where Tesla may enter the Premises and Property to begin its work pursuant to the Agreement is , 20_ (the "Possesslgn Date"). COMMENCEMENT DATE: The date that the Supercharger Station opens to the public (the "Commencement Date") shall be within one hundred and fifty (150) days following the Possession Date, provided that no external permitting, utility or other requirements beyond Tesla's control delay the installation, despite the best efforts of Tesla. Tesla shall deliver written notice to Counterparty promptly following the Commencement Date to confirm such date for recordkeeping pu rposes. TERM: The initial term of the Agreement shall expire five (5) years from the Commencement Date (the "!-E!!!g!-Term"). Tesla shall have the right to twice extend the Agreement and each extension shall be for an additional period of five (5) years (each a "Renewal Term" and together with the lnitial Term, the "Term"). To extend the Term, Tesla shall deliver written notice of such extension to Counterparty no later than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the Term. ln the event of a sale or transfer of the Property or Premises by Counterparty while the Agreement is in effect, Tesla's rights shall be conveyed with the Property or Premises. UTltlTlES: Tesla agrees to arrange and pay the charges for all Tesla-related utility services provided or used in or at the Premises during the Term. Tesla shall pay directly to the utility company the cost of installation of any and all such Tesla-related utility services and shall arrange to have the utility service separately metered. Counterparty shall not be responsible for any damages suffered by Tesla in connection with the quality, quantity or interruption of utility service, unless the cause of the disruption or damage was due to Counterparty's gross negligence or willful misconduct. USE: Tesla shall use and occupy the Premises during the Term for a Supercharger Station and incidental purposes, including generating photovoltaic electricity and operating an energy storage system. All use of the Premises by Tesla shall comply with applicable codes, laws, and ordinances. PAYMENT FOR CHARGING SERVTCES: Counterparty shall have no right to request or accept payment from Tesla, Tesla customers or any other third-parties in connection with Tesla Su percha rging services. 11. MAINTENANCE: Tesla shall be responsible for maintaining the Trade Fixtures and lnfrastructure (as defined in Exhibit B) and Counterparty shall not have any liability for damage to the Trade Fixtures or the lnfrastructure unless such damage is caused by Counterparty's gross negligence or willful misconduct. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Counterparty's normal responsibility to maintain the common areas of the Property shall also apply to the Premises, such as for snow Page 2 Page 3084 of 3438 7. 8. 9. 10. Tesla Motors, lnc. @2015 (v. 20150923-2) 77 L2. removal and garbage collection. Counterparty agrees to coordinate any parking lot maintenance with Tesla to ensure that charging stalls remain available for vehicle charging at all times. Tesla may, in its discretion and at its sole cost, install security cameras and other equipment to monitor the Premises from off-site. COUNTERPARry COVENANTS: Counterparty represents that they are the owner of the Property and that this Agreement does not violate any agreement, lease or other commitment of Counterparty. Counterparty shall not take any action that would impair or interrupt the use of the Premises or the Trade Fixtures. Counterparty agrees to notify Tesla within a commercially reasonable time if (i) it has knowledge of third-parties impairing or misusing the Premises or Trade Fixtures, or (ii) it obtains knowledge of a needed repair to the Premises or Trade Fixtures. lf non-Tesla motorists repeatedly park in the Dedicated Stalls, thereby impairing use of the Dedicated Stalls, or if motorists repeatedly park in the Enabled Stalls for greater than the permitted duration, then the parties shall together determine and implement an appropriate and effective strategy for preventing such impairment, including, without limitation, alternative signage and painted asphalt. Counterparty shall use commercially reasonable efforts to actively monitor the Premises to ensure that use of the Supercharging stalls is not impaired. ASSIGNMENT: Tesla shall not assign this Agreement voluntarily or by operation of law, or any right hereunder, nor sublet the Premises or any part thereof, without the prior written consent of Counterparty, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed; provided that the foregoing prohibition shall not limit Tesla's ability to transfer this Agreement to a company that is controlled by, controls, or is under common control with Tesla. ALTERATIONS: Excepting the items of Exhibit B, Tesla shall not make or permit to be made any alterations, changes in or additions to the Premises without the prior written consent of Counterparty, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Upon termination of this Agreement, unless terminated due to a default of Counterparty, the lnfrastructure shall become the property of Counterparty; provided that all Trade Fixtures and all related intellectual property shall at all times remain the property of Tesla and all Trade Fixtures will be promptly removed by Tesla upon termination of the Agreement. SIGNAGE: Tesla signage to be installed at the Premises is represented in Exhibit B and shall include signs to identify Dedicated Stalls and Enabled Stalls. Any material revisions or additions to the signage depicted in Exhibit B shall be subject to Counterparty approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. All signage shall be professionally prepared, installed and maintained at Tesla's expense. INDEMNIFICATION: Except to the extent of any gross negligence or willful misconduct of Counterparty, Tesla hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the property, Counterparty, its managers, members, agents and representatives from all liability, damages, loss, costs and obligations, including, court costs and attorney's fees, on account of or arising out of or alleged to have arisen out of any claim of any third party directly related to Tesla's use of the Premises. Tesla shall promptly remove or bond any liens placed on the property as a result of any claims for labor or materials furnished to or for Tesla at or for use on the premises. Page 3 Page 3085 of 3438 13. t4. 15. 16. Tesla Motors, lnc. @2015 (v. 20150923-2) 78 t7. 18. Except to the extent of any gross negligence or willful misconduct of Tesla, Counterparty hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Tesla, its directors, officers, employees, consultants, agents and representatives from all liability, damages, loss, costs and obligations, including, court costs and attorney's fees, on account of or arising out of or alleged to have arlsen out of directly or indirectly, any claim of any third party directly related to Counterparty's actions with respect to the Premises. DESTRUCTION: Any total destruction of the Premises shall, at Counterparty's or Tesla's written election within thirty (30) days of such destruction, terminate the Agreement. DEFAULT: Each of the following shall constitute an "Event of Default" by Tesla under this Agreement: (1) the failure by Tesla to perform or observe any material term or condition of the Agreement and such failure continues for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice thereof, provided however, that if the nature of such default is such that the same cannot reasonably be cured within said thirty (30) day period, then Tesla shall have such additional time as is reasonably required to cure such failure provided Tesla commences to cure such failure within such thirty (30) day period and proceeds to cure such failure with diligence and continuity; or (21 the appointment of a receiver or trustee to take possession of all or substantially all of the assets of Tesla located at the Premises if possession is not restored to Tesla within sixty (60) days; or a general assignment by Tesla for the benefit of creditors; or any action or proceeding commenced by or against Tesla under any insolvency or bankruptcy act, or under any other statute or regulation having as its purpose the protection of creditors and in the case of involuntary actions filed against the Tesla the same are not discharged within sixty (60) days after the date of commencement. REMEDIES: Counterparty and Tesla acknowledge and agree that each party shall have all remedies available at law or in equity if the other party is in default under the terms of this Agreement. lf an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, then Counterparty, in addition to any other remedies given at law or in equity, may: (A) continue this Agreement in effect by not terminating Tesla's right to possession of said Premises and thereby be entitled to enforce all Counterparty's rights and remedies under this Agreemen! or (B) bring an action to recover and regain possession of said Premises in the manner provided by the laws of eviction of the State where the Premises are located then in effect. INSUMNCE: Tesla shall carry commercial general liability insurance with limits of not less than One Million Dollars (51,000,000) for bodily injury or death and property damage and an umbrella insurance policy of not less than Five Million Dollars (S5,0OO,OOo). A certificate evidencing such insurance shall be delivered to Counterparty upon the execution of this Agreement and from time to time thereafter as may be requested by Counterparty. Upon request, Tesla shall include Counterparty as additional insured on its commercial general liability Page 4 Page 3086 of 3438 19. 20. Tesla Motors, lnc. @2015 (v. 20150923-2) 79 2t. and umbrella insurance policies. Tesla will also carry worker's compensation insurance in accordance with state and federal law. CONFIDENTIATIW AND PUBLICITY: (A) Tesla and Counterparty agree that the terms of this Agreement are confidential information, and both parties agree not to disclose such confidential information to any person or entity other than (i) financial, legal and space planning consultants that have a "need to know" such confidential information and have agreed to abide by confidentiality terms no less protective than the terms of this Agreement and (ii) as required by law. (B) Neither party will use the other party's name, trademark or logo without such other party's prior written consent. EXCTUSIONS: Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Tesla shall not be liable for, and Counterparty expressly releases Tesla from any claims from, speculative, indirect, consequential or punitive damages, including any lost sales or profits of Counterparty. ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS: Counterparty represents and warrants that the Premises shall be delivered free of environmental contamination. Tesla shall have no liability for any environmental contamination unless caused by Tesla, its agents, employees or contractors. During the Term, Counterparty is responsible for remediating any pre-existing contamination or any contamination not caused by Tesla, its agents, contractors or employees. Tesla shall have no liability for diminution in value of the Property as it relates to environmental contamination. NOTICES: All notices or demands shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly served or given only if delivered by prepaid (i) U.S. Mail, certified or registered, return receipt requested, or (ii) reputable, overnight courier service (such as UPS or FedEx) to the addresses of the respective parties as specified in Section 1 above. Counterparty and Tesla may change their respective addresses for notices by giving notice of such new address in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. BROKERS: Counterparty and Tesla represent to each other that each has dealt with no broker and each hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the other harmless from any claims for any such commissions or fees. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of counterparty and Tesla and their respective successors and assigns. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State where the Premises are located. TIME: Time is of the essence in this Agreement. COUNTERPARTS: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together will constitute one agreement. Signed copies transmitted electronically in PDF or similar format shall be treated as originals. Page 5 Page 3087 of 3438 22. 23. 24. 25. 25. 27. 28. 29. Tesla Motors, lnc. @2015 (v. 20150923-2) 80 [Sign otu re poge fol lows.] Page 6 Page 3088 of 3438 Tesla Motors, lnc. @2015 (v. 20150923-2) 81 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have each caused an authorized representative to execute this Agreement as of the Effective Date first written above. COUNTERPARTY:TESIA: Tesla Motors,lnc. a Delaware corporation By: Name: Title: Page 7 Page 3089 of 3438 Name: Title: Tesla Motors, lnc. 02015 (v.2015@23-2) 82 EXHIBIT A Premises and Property Depiction and Address Property Address: Premises and Property Depiction: Page 3090 of 3438 83 EXHIBIT B Tesla lmprovements Tesla shall install the Supercharger Station on the Premises pursuant to the terms of this Exhibit B. Tesla installation shall include the installation of the infrastructure for the Supercharger Station, which may include power supply, utility connections, concrete pads, conduit and wiring (the "!nfrastructure"). The Supercharger Station will also include certain trade fixtures as determined by Tesla, which may include, without limitation, the charger cabinets ("Supercharger Cabin ), Superchargers, switchgear, signage, fence or other visual barriers, canopy, solar panels, and an energy storage system (the '@Q Fixtures"). The Trade Fixtures to be installed as of the Commencement Date will include the following: _ (_) Superchargers Cabinets _ (_) Superchargers Switchgear and meter panel r Signage The installation of the lnfrastructure and the Trade Fixtures is collectively referred to as the '@!g lmprovements." Tesla will not perform the Tesla lmprovements until the plans and specifications, including exact locations, have been approved by Counterparty, which approval may be by e-mail communication and shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. All Tesla lmprovements shall at all times comply with applicable laws, codes and ordinances and lnfrastructure and Trade Fixtures shall be installed, maintained and replaced at Tesla's sole cost. Signage Dedicated Stall Sign Example Enabled Stall Sign Example Page 3091 of3438 84 Page 3092 of 3438 85 Site: 1561 Pennsylvania Ave, Miami Beach , FL 33139 Charge Posts: 20 Monthly vehicle charge session capactiy for total stall coun Average vehicle occupancy: 2 people Average monthly new customers on property at capacity: 2 lnstallation cost: -S1M (covered by Tesla) Utility cost: SZOk+ / month (covered by Tesla) BEACH PARKING REVENUE ANALYSIS: Estimated Monthly Revenue to MiamiBeach Estimated Annual Revenue to Miami Beach ANALYSIS: value to surrounding retail and restaurant (Lincoln Road) I TNTANGTBIE BENEFITS: Top 1% demographic on property Future prooflng with fastest possible EV charging in world New market share (electric vehicle travelers) due to Supercharger presence Page 3093 of 3438 86 Page 3094 of3438 87 Iesla Usage Analysis As of 6l1l2oL7 t (20): 10,000 vehicle charge sessions per month !0,000 customers Estimated 5 yr term Revenue to Miami Beach Page 3095 of 3438 88 ,T'Etv, E , G'HT'EEnl 89 DlscussloN nr CoMMITTEE MeerING 90 I 7',Etut hl , AJET'EEh, 91 712712017 coversheet New Business and Commission RequesG - R9 AJ MIAMI BEACH GOMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: July 26,2017 SUBJECT DISCUSSION REGARDING $2O,OOO IN FUNDING FOR THE SOBE ARTS PRODUCTION OF TESLA, A MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPERA SEPTEMBER 28 THROUGH OCTOBER 1,2017 AT THE COLONY THEATRE MIAMI BEACH. Legislative Tracking Tourism, Culture and Economic Development https://miamibeach.novusagenda.com/agendapublidCoverSheet.aspx?ltemlD=4503&MeetinglD=296 1t192