Resolution 1497 RESOLUTION NO. 1497 A HO3OLUTION OF THE CIi Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION .iO. 1431. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the Section entitled WATER DARTMENT be amended to read as follows: WATER FUND Code Water Department 5-rs Administration 4''1" 500 500. 5-B Purchase of Water 145,000. 5-C Pumping Expense 5 ,000. 5-D Maintenance of Cast Iron Mains 10, 230. 5-E Maintenance of Wood Mains 7,000. 5-F Maintenance of Service 6,000. 5-0 Maintenance of Fire Hydraats 5,000. 5-H Taping Service 15,000. 5-1 Maintenance of Metors & Reams ins Meters 13,000. 5-J Tools & Equipment 8,000. 5-K Autos & Maintenance of same 2,000. 5-L Miscellaneous Expense 5,000. (.Fund for Maintenance & (Operating of Trucks -- t-N' Shop Fund -- 231,700.00 Less the following credits: Water Sales & Tapping Charges 175, 000000 Estimated Surplus in Water Fund, October 31,1926 56,700.00 231700.00 (Nothing to be raised - i t::x es for ,later Department BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the item entitled REPAIR ISTD INTERNAL IMPROVE ?T' FUND be amended to read as follows: Code Street Maintenance 6-A Administration 6,000. 6-B Patching Rock Streets 35,000. 6-C Resurfacing n 't 70,000. 6-D Deposit Jobs — 0 000. 6-E Oiling & Sanding 6-P Maintenance Autos 6,000. 6-G Maintenance Sidewalks 1,000. 6-H Maintenance Street Signs 500.0 6-I Maintenance Paved Streets 7,100. 6-K Maintenance Bridges 10,000. 6-1 Maintenance Seawalls 1,000. 6.4.1 Miscellaneous 2,062. 6-N Street Lighting 100,000. 6-0 Surface Drainage 5 ,000.IP i «_, 6-P Lot Cle wig, 50,000. F r R. £v I.I. Continued. 6-S Street Cleaning 15,000. 6-X Items to be prorated --- (Fund for Maintenance • (& Operating of Trucks. -- 328,662. Code Sewer Maintenance 7-A Administration 6,000. 7-B Sewer Flushing 12,500. 7-C San. Sewer C1ec: ning 7,500. 7-D Deposit Jobs 7-E Storm Sewer & Catch Basin Cleaning 1,600. 7-F Maintenance Autos 3,000. 7-G Gen. Maintenance Storrs Sewers 2,600. 7-E Gen. Maintenance Pumping Stations, Outfalls, & Force Maim 1,000. 7-I Gen. Mainten .nce of San- itary Sewers 4,500. 7-M Miscellaneous 2,008, 7-lt Electric Current 8,000. 7-X Items to be prorated -- ('Fund for Maintenance and (Operating of Trucks 48,708. Code Eng ine eying Department 8-A Administration 6, '300. 8'-B Streets 10,000. 8-C Sewers 10, 300. 8-D Deposit Jobs --- 8-E Street Lines 1,000. 8-F Maintenance Autos D,000. 8-G Sidewalks 500. 8-I Information 3,000. 8-K Bridges 500. 8-L Seawalls 500. 8-M Miscellaneous 2,070. 8-N Whiteway 500. 8-P Furniture & Fixtures 1,000. 8-S Tools,Equipment and Supplies 2,000. 8-X Items to be prorated -- ( Fund for Maintenance nd ( Operating of Truces -- 42,070. Code Parks & Docks Department 10-A Salaries & Wages 30,168. 10-B Maintenance & Repair (Autos & Trucks) 3,600. 10-C Miscl. Supplies & Exp. 2,292. 10-D Materials & Equipment 2,905. 10-E Dock Repairs 2,000. 40,965. Coal Bu.ildiri. Department i t • a Sheet #3. Code Building Department 11-A Salaries & Wages 19,800. 11-B Maint. of Autos 1,500. 11-C Stationery & Office sup_;,lies 220. 11-D ' Construction, Repairs & Alterations 40,000. 41,520. ; 501,925. Less the following Credits: Anticip .ted collections for lot cleaning during the fiscal year ending October 31,1927 15 ,000.00 From Balance in Repair & Internal Improvement Fund, October 31,1926. 2,962.38 17,962.38 483,962.62 PASSED .N ADOPTED ff2IS 24th. day of November, A.D. , 1926. ATTEST: di y Clerk. 111F la • I.al it II * • 4_1 at, 0J CA a) ci pi 0 0 t..tj W cl }-I GQ p•J H Cc? PJ 0 71z1 (D !Li (12 01-4 • -61 • c+ I-'• H 0 IP. to 1;4 0 •