Resolution 1524 ' 71'Ftel RESOLUTION 110. 1524 District SR-107 , Sanitary Sewer Improvement SR-107 WHEREAS , the City Council , by resolution passed end adopted on the 15th day of December , 1928, cycdered Sanitary Sewer Improve- ment SR-107 , District SR-1071 and. the City Enineer , under direction of t.:e City Council , has prepared and filed with the City Clerk plans and soecificatione of such i.-wrovement and en estimate of the cost thereof , including an estiate of the cost of the incidental expenses of said improvement , and whereas due notice by publication as required by the City Charter has been made thct the City Council would on the 29th day of December , 1926, at the City Hell in said City, at 10: 00 o' clock A. receive and Jear re.:-Ionstrances of all interested Per- sons to the confir . Etion of said rsolution orderinL Ecid improve nent and .no remonstrances having been presented at the time and place aforesaid, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLTED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach , Florida , tact the said resolution of said Cit . Council ordering said Sanitary Sewer Improvement SR-107 , District SR-107 , ' be anithe same is hereby confirmed, and said City Council hereby de- teriaines that tae said improvement shall be of terra cotta and Council ae:ceby declares its intention to have said work done by City forces without contract. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of December , A. D. , 1926 President o City Council ATTEST: ---C)7 City Clerk mege se' lek 4111111044.4 4111110 IP • di $ it 0 po tt HH4 0 t4 0 i11 ci • 1,73 1-4 P. CDIi 0 1-4 pi on 0 (t) c3 rr.) • . cf r\.) 1-" -1=