20160509 Minutes
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
5/10/16 Meeting Minutes
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Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
6:00 p.m., Monday, May 9, 2016
Miami Beach Regional Library
227 22nd Street, Miami Beach
In attendance:
Commissioner Ricky Arriola, Chair
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Vice Chair
Member Jorge Exposito
Member Paul Freedman
Member Saul Gross
Jeff Oris, Administration Liaison
Rafael Paz, First Assistant City Attorney
Maria Hernandez, Convention Center District Project Director
Also in attendance:
Commissioner Joy Malakoff
Commissioner John Aleman
Ricky Arriola opened the meeting at 6:08 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance.
Chair Ricky Arriola introduced the remaining members of the committee: Commissioner
Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Commissioner Saul Gross, Commissioner Jorge Exposito, and
Paul Freeman. Debra Leibowitz and Leslie Tobin were unable to attend.
The Chair recognized the presence of Commissioner Joy Malakoff and Commissioner
John Aleman.
Commissioner Kirsten Rosen Gonzalez introduced herself for the record and stated her
initial view of opposition for the Convention Center Hotel, but stated that she is
committed to listen, figuring out the traffic, figuring out the right scale, protecting
historic resources, making sure the right things are done and coming together with
something that could possibly pass with the supermajority referendum.
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
5/10/16 Meeting Minutes
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Chair Arriola stated that he wants the Convention Center Hotel to help drive our local
economy. The last hotel proposal got 54% of the vote so there is still a ways to go to get
to 60. He further stated the only way to get to 60% is collectively by working together
with the community and hearing the input of the folks that weren’t supportive of it last
time and trying to get a deal that will get to the 60%.
REGULATIONS – Rafael Paz, First Assistant City Attorney, City Attorney’s Office
There was no overview of State and local sunshine and Ethics Laws and Regulations at
this time. Attorney Paz noted that most of the members had served on the Commission or
on other boards of the City. Arrangements would be made for those not in attendance to
be given the regulatory information necessary.
Member Saul Gross indicated that he voted against the Convention Center Hotel. The two
issues at hand were the scale (height) and traffic. He pondered how can the scale could be
reduced and wondered what will the traffic be. Saul suggested creating a process that
enlists people who were not in support of the plan to participate and develop some ideas
that will address the concerns that they had.
Chair Ricky Arriola stated in regards to the issue about scale (height) of the Convention
Center Hotel, the City Commission is working on putting a panel together with FIU in
order to do a formal public survey to get feedback from the public about what were the
issues for the people that supported it and what were the issues for the people who didn’t
support it. He also noted the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau is also doing a survey; the
feedback from that survey will be used as well. Chair Arriola further contemplated what
options might be available given that only certain land can be used for this project.
Maria Hernandez, Convention Center District Project Director, addressed three options
that were presented to the City Commission by the City Manager. All options were
reviewed keeping when they would go to referendum in mind. If a November
referendum were desire, the only real option is to renegotiate with Portman due to the
time constraints. The second option was to undertake the hotel ourselves which would
not require a referendum, however this options was not recommended by the City
Manager. The third option was to send out a new RFQ which would require an extended
period of time to execute. In terms of the site, we now have the 2 ½ acre site behind the
Fillmore Theater and the 6 acre site in front of the Convention Center. She stated that
you don’t really get a lot out of the 6 acre lot once you create buffers for the residential
properties and the Holocaust Memorial. There has been talk to someday have a hotel at
the 17th Street Garage site, but that is a much longer-term solution that would entail
demolition of the existing structure.
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
5/10/16 Meeting Minutes
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Member Saul Gross recalled that based on the last meeting, we can possibly expand
building the hotel on the Jackie Gleason side because the site that was chosen is too
Commissioner Joy Malakoff indicated that the Jackie Gleason is not historic as far its
architecture, but Miami Beach needs a theater. The acoustics in the Gleason aren’t really
good. Thus an option would be to tear down the Fillmore and create a new theater within
the new hotel with good acoustics.
Commissioner Kirsten Rosen referenced Tischman vs. Portman (2013) controversy
regarding tearing down the Fillmore and indicated if we touch the Fillmore we may never
get the super majority that we need.
Member Paul Freedman stated based in the last meeting, people want transparency.
People did not believe the parameters of the traffic study and would want to know: what
is the traffic going to be when the hotel isn’t occupied? When you have a convention or
trade show, will you have less traffic?
Chair Arriola indicated that to go on the November ballot, the only option would be to
renegotiate a new deal with Portman that will take into account – height and traffic. The
Chair indicated he had a conversation with Mr. Portman who is willing to do a smaller
hotel at 600-650 rooms in order to reduce the amount of floors. Fewer rooms will help
alleviate traffic concerns. If we go down the route of tearing down the Gleason, we may
have a tougher time of obtaining the 60%. Chair Arriola stated if we had 54% of the vote
last time, an additional 6% with quantifiable changes to the project that would allow us to
continue to work with Portman would be easier then starting from scratch.
Member Saul Gross stated we need to engineer the project to include what we can do
from the beginning to reduce the amount of traffic within the immediate environment and
design the project based on that feedback rather than the other way around. He further
indicated some items that could be reviewed such as parking on-site, re-opening 18th
Street, and other items that would change traffic patterns and alleviate what people are
objecting to.
Commissioner John Aleman indicated her concern that if the project scope was
significantly changed and we continue to pursue a deal with Portman, that Portman would
require a public subsidy to construct the hotel. She further indicating that it is rare to
have a project like this without a subsidy and asked Chair Arriola if this was discussed in
their discussion. Chair Arriola noted that Portman has not asked for public subsidy and
there was a belief he won’t necessarily do so if the scope of the project changed. The
Chair further indicated he felt it would be beneficial having the Convention Center Hotel
on the upcoming November ballot because it is an election year, there will be a lot of
voters and this would be a good representation of how the City feels.
Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez indicated she is fine if this project is not rushed to be on
the November ballot if it means getting it right. She further indicated she thought the
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
5/10/16 Meeting Minutes
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100,000 square feet of meeting room space in the hotel was unnecessary and it should be
removed to reduce the project height.
Member Jorge Exposito expressed that he does not believe they should push the building
of the Convention Center hotel to the November ballot. We need to be more transparent
with the information being given out to the public about traffic, revenue and other
relevant items. In the past, the issue with the Jackie Gleason Theater was that Portman
wanted to tear it down and build something smaller. We need a venue like the Jackie
Gleason Theater and we should incorporate it into the Miami Beach Convention Center
Hotel. You will get the state of the art facility and it would pay homage to Jackie
Gleason. We need to take our time and wait until next year to add the Convention Center
hotel to the ballot so there is time to address all issues.
Member Paul Freedman felt it would be an injustice to get the issue on the November
ballot. He further indicated there should be appropriate traffic studies and Portman’s
designers should design a new project to see if it is feasible and could be done. He also
believed the Commission should provide some direction as to whether they want to
continue with Portman.
Chair Arriola said to make the November ballot we would need to renegotiate with
Portman. If this does not make it on the November ballot, this will become an election
issue in the next Mayor and Commission election next year.
Member Saul Gross stated if there was a recognized Architect involved to design the
building, this would help sell it to a portion of the community who was against the height
and design. The original design was not special enough for Miami Beach. This statement
initiated a discussion with the public related to the need for a good design.
Chair Arriola stated another option that would sell would be a much smaller hotel of
about 400 rooms. Sometime in the future, when the 17th street garage is redone there can
be another 400 room hotel on top of the garage. The Jackie Gleason wouldn’t be touched.
Chair Arriola indicated that because the existing lot site is too small, the building is too
tall. We need more land. The P lot doesn’t give us enough land mass to avoid going
vertical. The place where you get a lot of land is if you take down the Jackie Glea son you
can build sufficient number of rooms to meet convention center needs and not have a
very high structure. Or two small structures, one on 17th street garage, and one on the
current P lot site.
Maria Hernandez indicated two things to take into consideration when discussing the P
lot: the residential neighborhood to the west and a building facing it, as well as the
Holocaust Memorial to the north which would need 2 acres as a public park to act as a
buffer. That would only leave 3 acres for a hotel. The issue is space is needed for a
loading dock and service access. The previously designed hotel included a bridge that
would connect the hotel to the convention center. If the hotel were built on the P-lot there
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
5/10/16 Meeting Minutes
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would be no bridge to the convention center, which would increase pedestrian traffic on
Convention Center Drive therefore hampering vehicular traffic.
Commissioner Ricky Arriola indicated we need 800 rooms to meet the stated needs of the
convention center. Whether based on one hotel or two separate 400 room structures based
on the last vote, a very tall structure cannot be built anywhere near the convention center
so a shorter structure must be built, therefore we need more land.
Commissioner Joy Malakoff referenced the issue with the garage is that over 1200 cars
parking there every day. She expressed concern at where all those cars park if that
building is demolished and replaced with the Convention Center Hotel? There will have
to be two garages built on the lots north of Lincoln Road. This can take a lot of time.
A resident suggested an underground tunnel leading from the hotel to the convention
center. The hotel needs to be connected to the convention center.
Commissioner Ricky Arriola stated that by the next meeting (June 6th) Jeff Oris will have
some survey questions prepared, that way they can do a formal survey and get the results
by this summer.
Additional discussion ensued reiterating previously stated points. Member Gross
specifically requested copies of AECOM’s traffic study that was prepared for the
previously proposed hotel. Chair Arriola asked Jeff Oris to make sure that was provided
to the members. Addition conversation ensued regarding needs for a theater if the
Gleason were to be replaced.
Mr. Oris commented that any member of the public that wanted to receive regular emails
on this topic and meeting notices for the Committee only need to send their email to
Hotel@miamibeachfl.gov to be placed on the email list.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 pm.
Minutes Approved at ________________ Meeting
Ricky Arriola, Chair Date