20160829 Agenda
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
6:30 p.m., Monday, August 29, 2016
City Commission Chambers, City Hall
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach
a. June 6, 2016
b. June 20, 2016
Maria Ilchevia, Ph.D. FIU Metropolitan Center
a. Convention Center Construction Update – Maria Hernandez, Project Director,
Convention Center District
b. Convention Center Business Update - Roland Aedo, Chief Marketing Officer and
Executive Vice President – Greater Miami and the Beach Convention and
Visitors Bureau
The next meeting of the Committee is tentatively scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 12,
2016 in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall. This is subject to change.
If any member of the public wishes to receive future information and meeting notices related to the
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee on the Convention Center, please make sure to
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Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
2016/06/06 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
6:30 p.m., Monday, June 6, 2016
City Commission Chambers, City Hall
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach
In attendance:
Commissioner Ricky Arriola, Chair
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Vice Chair
Member Jorge Exposito
Member Saul Gross
Member Paul Freedman
Member Debra Leibowitz
Member Leslie Tobin
Jeff Oris, Administration Liaison
Chair Arriola opened the meeting at 6:38p.m and welcomed all in attendance.
Also in attendance:
Jack Portman
Maria Ilchevia, Ph.D. from FIU Metropolitan Center
Max Sklar – Director of Tourism, Culture, and Economic Development
Chair Arriola welcomed the remaining members: Debra Leibowitz and Leslie
Chair Arriola made the following motion:
Motion was seconded by: Member Debra Leibowitz
Motion was adopted by an anonymous voice
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on the Convention Center Hotel
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Jack Portman stated he has an early flight that evening thus Chair Arriola
announced items on the agenda will be taken out of order.
Maria Ilchevia, Ph.D. FIU Metropolitan Center
Maria Ilchevia: The purpose of the survey was to test varies options such as what
residents would prefer verses what critical points were needed in order to obtain
the 60% approval. Maria postulated that the results of the survey can be ready in 2
to 3 weeks. She stated that the survey needs to be very precise on how the
questions are stated and not misleading. Push poll questions can be used to ask
these questions, but these push poll questions should not state questions that are
not really feasible down the road.
Chair Arriola: We need to know what polls are the best and what things people
feel the most negative about so we can put that into the hotel proposal that will
ultimately get signed off on.
Maria Ilchevia: The main issue would be traffic. It is hard to test traffic issues
with questions without knowing what the scenarios will be without having the
traffic impact study done. The traffic impact study will give you the immediate
intersections done previously and how it will affect the quality of life for city
residents. In order to have the full range we would need to know if it will be an
800 room hotel, what will be the site, other options in terms of retail, food
establishments which also play a role in traffic bundling. Maria Ilchevia stated
that as long as the range of options are given the survey experts present as many
drafts as the committee sees fit to finalize a realistic questionnaire that really
reflects the options that are available.
Member Saul Gross asked Ms. Ilchevia how the survey would work in terms of
the Jackie Gleason Theater site based on the discussion heard and suggestions if
she would be able to come up with a draft for it or were there specific questions
that need to be submitted so she can ticker with it. Maria Ilchevia stated that
enough information was given in regards to the Jackie Gleason options and it
would be up to them to design the questions.
Member Saul Gross then asked Ms. Ilchevia about the traffic issue and what
things that can be done around the hotel that would ease the traffic in the area but
not city wide. As well as the percentage of the beach population that aren't
concerned with the plan but fed up with the traffic on the beach generally. Maria
Ilchevia indicated that the survey will provided whether the residents have a traffic
concern or a general specific concern regarding the development. Commissioner
Kristen Rosen Gonzalez expressed that traffic concerns wouldn't be a part of the
survey it would be a part of the traffic study. The survey is to gauge resident
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
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Maria Ilchevia indicated that the goal is to obtain 600 called responses.
Member Paul Freedman asked Ms. Ilchevia if she thought it would be better to do
two surveys. The first to get sentiment in terms of what the issues are and based
on what the issues are a second survey on how you were to vote it we addressed it
a certain way. Maria Ilchevia informed the committee that the developers
performed 3 polls regarding issues about the Convention Center Hotel.
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez asked if an educational component can be
done because the City is currently spending 600 million dollars on a convention
center. In order for the Convention Center to work, it needs this hotel. Maria
Ilchevia stated there is a way to format the questions regarding economic impact
and how important it is to have an 800 room hotel verses 600 room. Chair Arriola
stated that there has to be an educational component in the survey and residents
have to understand how city finances work. A big portion of the budget comes
from Resort Tax.
Chair Arriola suggested Maria Ilchevia come up with sample survey questions for
the next meet (June 20th)
Chair Arriola expressed that if we are hoping to have something on the ballot for
November the ballot language needs to be done by August. The only way that will
happen is if a new deal is found with Mr. Portman. The City Attorney has advised
that we can redo the lease and have a revised proposal. Chair Arriola proposed we
should take our time and be deliberate. We would like to ask Mr. Portman to come
back to us (the committee) with revised concept for a building that is not as high
and that takes into account traffic and design concerns that the residents have.
Chair Arriola said that he does not want Mr. Portman to be misled and the
committee rushed into making a decision, but there is a possibility of going into
RFP (request for a proposal).
Member Saul Gross suggested a traffic plan meeting with the residents and based
on that input, a revised presentation can be done.
Member Jorge Exposito suggested that Mr. Portman should present other options
that the committee can examine (such as fewer rooms). Member Jorge Exposito
suggested that Mr. Portman can address issues such as parking, height, and
massing. But traffic is more of a city issue that will take more time to resolve.
Chair Arriola expressed that his main concern was if the decisions were later
made to knock down the Jackie Gleason (Fillmore) or build the hotel o n the P-lot,
time and resources would have been wasted. Thus at this time they would like to
move forward with Mr. Portman on a plan he can sell the committee on, but there
is a probability of going into RFP and going into Plan B or C.
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
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Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez met with Mr. Portman who stated at their
meeting, he is willing to lower the size of the building as well reduce the amount
of rooms, but they discovered limitations on the original lease in regards to the
retail space and restaurants (there is a limited about of retail space and not enough
restaurants). The committee may not want to renegotiate the lease, thus if we send
this out to RFP we can develop a better plan with more retail space and
more restaurants. We currently have a dead zone in a vast area with nothing there
to activate it. Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez suggested moving some park land in
front of that area to the parking lot in order to establish a more integrated
design. Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez also suggested having retail space on the P
Lot which was not a part of the original lease.
Chair Arriola stated that the city gave restrictions in regards to the concession
of restaurants and retail on Lincoln Road. As part of the lease, no one can have
retail and restaurants in the space. Jack Portman stated that during the first go
around there was 25,000 sq. ft. of retail space in that entire area. Now we is 5000
sq., ft. Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez stated that due to the extremely
limited lease we would only be able to bring in a hotel operation restaurant rather
than a restaurant supply chain.
Member Saul Gross suggested that we wait to get input on the process. Jack
Portman expressed that he heard input from 20 different neighborhoods and the
min issues that came up were mass, height, number or rooms, traffic. Mr. Portman
believes the traffic situation wasn't properly communicated.
Member Jorge Exposito stated that the 2013 traffic study used a 75% occupancy rate
year round showed that the two major interactions on South Beach will be backed up
no matter what is done.
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez said we need to figure out a way to get cars
to and from the hotel. The original traffic study does not incorporate traffic from
Trader Joe’s. Member Paul Freedman stated that the Commissioner is examining
some light rail options in order to help solve traffic concerns. Chair Arriola said the
traffic study will have to be redone. It will have to be based on the hotel moving
forward. Jack Portman suggested that the traffic engineer should be given different
hotel size options in order to analysis possible traffic conditions.
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez suggested there must be an RFP with
another location, different from 17th street. Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez
suggested a motion to commission another traffic study.
Jack Portman stated the Jackie Gleason Theater lease can be brought out.
Max Sklar informed the committee that the Jackie Gleason Theater has until the
end of this year to exercise their renewal. If they exercise it, they get 5 more years.
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on the Convention Center Hotel
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Member Paul Freedman suggested that a traffic engineer come in to look at varies
concerns and options that can reduce traffic like change the entrance to 18th street.
Jack Portman suggested the traffic study should be under the cities control.
Member Saul Gross indicated that he would like to add all the Gleason issues to
the survey.
Debra Leibowitz feels that we are rushing to finish this project. Ms. Leibowitz
believes this is an important project that will result in a big turnout no matter
where it is placed on the ballot.
Leslie Tobin expressed that she doesn’t believe the main issue is the height or the
rooms. The real issue is traffic and parking.
Tonya Bhatt stated we have the opportunity to do something really great for city of
Miami Beach. We need a Convention Center Hotel. We are in the need of a critical
mass of rooms in order obtain the amount of business to make the Convention
Center work. There needs to be a change in the way this gets presented to the
public. A big part of this will be the survey as well as educating the public about
the background and why it matters.
Clotilde said that she wants the committee to commit to rendering different designs
as to what the Convention Center would possibly look like. Ms. Luce also stated
the survey should include different design concepts. Chair Arriola motioned to
obtained renderings of the design to the public, the rest of committee members
were in agreement.
Additional input included suggestion to look at Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) as a
possibility to aid in transportation concerns and the potential to utilize scooter and
bike parking to reduce the footprint and the use of a waterbus as a method of
Chair Arriola noted that the Convention Center and the hotel don’t need to be
There was no general discussion at this time.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 pm.
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon
Steering Committee on the Convention Center Hotel
2016//06/20 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon Steering Committee
on the Convention Center Hotel
6:30 p.m., Monday, June 20, 2016
City Commission Chambers, City Hall
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach
In attendance:
Commissioner Ricky Arriola, Chair
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Vice Chair
Member Jorge Exposito
Member Saul Gross
Member Paul Freedman
Member Debra Leibowitz
Member Leslie Tobin
Jeff Oris, Administration Liaison
Chair Arriola opened the meeting at 6:39 p.m.
Also in attendance:
Maria Ilchevia, Ph.D. and from FIU Metropolitan Center
Dario Moreno from FIU Metropolitan Center from FIU Metropolitan Center
Maria Hernandez, Convention Center District Project Director
Ph.D. FIU Metropolitan Center
Maria Ilchevia stated that at the last meeting it was discussed that a simple poll/survey from an
educational standpoint would be given that contained basic facts within either the introduction or
the questions themselves. Maria Ilchevia advised against providing too much information in the
Member Saul Gross suggested that the survey refrain from any suggestive or leading language,
Commissioner Ricky Arriola was in accordance. Gross also recommended that the purpose of the
survey be added as part of the introduction.
Member Debra Leibowitz suggested including that tourism officials recommended a 1000 room
Convention Center Hotel to draw conventions.
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Steering Committee on the Convention Center Hotel
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Member Saul Gross suggested including the in order for the center to be financially successful it
needs a headquarter hotel adjacent to the center and to remove will a commentate a large number
because it depends on the ultimate size,
Commissioner Ricky Arriola advised that any reference that tax payer dollars would be used to
fund the hotel be removed from the introduction because it is misleading. Instead it should be
clearly stated that no public dollars will be spent on the building of the Convention Center Hotel.
Member Paul Freedman suggested that the $400 million cost be removed Dario Moreno and
other members of the board were in agreement.
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez suggested that the historical data from March regarding
the outcome of the Convention Center Hotel be removed from the survey.
Member Paul Freedman recommended that the survey shows the city’s reproaching the plan for
the Convention Center Hotel and is transparent to the facts and information so that voters feels
that they are part of the process. Commissioner Ricky Arriola was in agreement, Dario Moreno
stated that a new introduction will be drafted.
Based on the Miami Beach Convention Center Hotel Draft Survey
1. Member Debra Leibowitz suggested that the words “in support of” in question #1 be
removed. Member Jorge Exposito seconded Member Leslie Tobin’s recommendation of the
change. Member Saul Gross suggested the word regarding replace the phrase “in support of”.
Member Debra Leibowitz recommended that overall, the wording of all the survey questions be
shortened in order to reduce confusion in regards to what is being asked as well as the total
survey time.
2. Maria Ilchevia stated that the reason behind question #2 was to understand what were the
concerns for the residents as well as what aspects of the hotel did they like that made them vote
in favor of it. Chair Ricky Arriola expressed that this questions confirms how they voted and if
they would vote the same way again.
Dario Moreno stated that the order of answer choices will not be uniform for every survey taker
in order to ensure residents are not selecting the same answer choices.
3. Member Paul Freedman suggested that a supplemental traffic answer choice be added to
question #3 which would state “traffic congestion in the City generally”. Commissioner Ricky
Arriola recommended the original traffic answer choice “The traffic congestion it will create” to
reword to say “The traffic congestion it may create “. Final decision was to reword the traffic
answer choice to state potential traffic.
Member Jorge Exposito proposed adding a question in regards to a chance in the footprint/ land
area of the Convention Center Hotel on the survey to address height and other issues. Member
Saul Gross and Commissioner Ricky Arriola seconded Member Jorge Exposito’s proposal.
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Steering Committee on the Convention Center Hotel
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Dario Moreno stated that the methodology behind the answer choice of “less likely to support” in
questions 4-10 was to capture the hard “no” voting residents.
4. It was declared that question #4 will remain as originally stated since the size of the hotel
was originally introduced in the introduction of the survey.
5. A majority of the board members voted in favor of question #5 remaining on the survey,
Member Saul Gross recommended that the word “limit” be removed from the survey and
location markers such as Lincoln Road and Washington Avenue be reference so that residents
are aware of which Clock Tower is being referenced.
6. Dario Moreno from FIU suggested that the phrase in question #6 “where a park is
planned” be removed from the question because it bias’ the question, Commissioner Kristen
Rosen Gonzalez agreed.
7. Member Saul Gross suggested question #7 reference a world-class architect would design
the hotel. Member Jorge Exposito stated that based on a memo from the staff, if the hotel were
privately financed changes to the design would not be permitted after it has been approved. Dario
Moreno recommended a question in regards if the resident would if favor of or against a hotel
design executed by a world-class architect be added to the survey, this notion was seconded by
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez. Question #7 will remain as originally stated.
8. Chair Ricky Arriola suggested for question #8 the residents be aware if they voted in
support of this, this would mean that the Jackie Gleason Theater would be demolished. Maria
Ilchevia recommended better terminology for the word demolished. Chair Ricky Arriola
suggested the term renovate.
9. Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez and Member Saul Gross both expressed that
question #9 be removed from the survey because it was suggestive and read like a push poll.
10. Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez suggested that question #10, #11 and #12 be
taken out because it read like a push poll questions as well. She also suggested the word mitigate
be used to discuss the traffic issues.Per Dario Moreno’s, suggestion the committee unanimously
agreed to include questions #9 and #10 as part of question # 13.
Chair Arriola and Member Saul Gross suggested using language like “ in order to accommodate
the concerns of residents”.
Once the survey is ready, Chair Ricky Arriola is giving the committee 24 to 48 hours to respond.
3. PRESENTATION: P-LOT 32 - Maria Hernandez, Project Director, Convention Center
Derived from the Miami Beach Convention Center Hotel Site options meeting on June 11, 2014
Decision required:
HQ hotel site locations can impact Convention Center and parking planning
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon
Steering Committee on the Convention Center Hotel
2016//06/20 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5
Need Commission preference on hotel site
Template Program:
800 rooms
70,00 sq. ft ballroom/meeting
800 parking spaces
Per current code
0.5 spaces per room more typical and could reduce height
Option 1: P-Lot
Large site
225 feet height
Severely limits park area
Not compatible with Meridian neighbors
Option 2: City Hall
Smaller site
275 feet height
City Hall would need to be replaced first
Delays/Complications hotel approvals
Option 3: 17th Street Garage
Very tall
325 feet height
Loss of parking during construction
Public (parking) – Private (hotel) ownership required
Allows Soundscape - P-Lot park Connection
Option 4: Behind the Fillmore
Accommodates hotels, meeting space and hotel parking
225 feet height
Great connection to the Convention Center
Requires removal of theater practice space
Theater loading dock can remain
Does not allow for Soundscape P-Lot park Connection
Maintain Focus on Convention Center
Solidify Convention Center funding
Solicit Hotel Developer
o Spring 2015
o Must negotiate fill lase prior to referendum
Maria Hernandez stated Based on all the information presented to the Commission, they selected
Option 4: Behind the Fillmore on June 2014. Another advantage of the location behind the
Fillmore was that, the Fillmore would be able to stay in operation and it permits use of the P-lot
for public park purposes. To date, 100 million dollars has been spent on this project.
Maria Hernandez stated that an option for the 17th street garage to put mini garages off of
Lincoln Road so the building can be lower if the hotel were to be built there. The garage will be
demolished at some point because of its issues.
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Blue Ribbon
Steering Committee on the Convention Center Hotel
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Chair Ricky Arriola doesn’t believe the P-Lot is a viable option because a buffer zones.
Member Saul Gross believes widening 18th street should be an option to reduce traffic on 17th
Member Jorge Exposito made the following motion:
Motion was seconded by: Member Paul Freeman
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez voted against the motion and it died.
There was no additional public input at this time.
Member Saul Gross suggested a future meeting to discuss the following topics: height and
compatibility as well as traffic and mitigation ideas.
Resident Tonya Bhatt suggested having a meeting regarding reformulating the Jackie Gleason
and bringing in experts to discuss related options.
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez suggested that an email be sent to Miami Beach resident
regarding the topics that will be discuss at upcoming meeting to get more of the publics meets.
Chair Ricky Arriola stated that the next meeting will be on height and the Jackie Gleason.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm.
Convention Center Hotel Survey Page 1 of 3
Miami Beach Convention Center Hotel
Draft Survey
Good evening. We are conducting a survey on behalf of the City of Miami Beach on the topic of
the Convention Center hotel. The goal of the survey is to understand the preferences of Miami
Beach residents on the topic, and to address their concerns by adjusting the Convention Center
hotel accordingly. To ensure the collection of objective information, the City of Miami Beach has
contracted the Metropolitan Center, a public policy institute at FIU. Your answers will remain
May we proceed?
Thank you. First, let me provide a brief overview of the Convention Center facts so far.
The Miami Beach Convention Center is undergoing a $600 million renovation and expansion.
Convention Center and other tourism officials recommend that in order for the Center to be
financially successful, it needs a “headquarter hotel” with 800 to 1,200 rooms that is adjacent to
the Center. The plans are for the City to lease the land to a private developer who will privately
finance the hotel construction and provide lease payments to the City. No taxpayer funds will be
used in the development.
Now, let me begin with the questions…
1) Did you vote in the March 15 referendum regarding the development of a Convention Center
I voted and supported
I voted and did not support
I did not vote
2) Would you support the hotel if it were the same as proposed in March?
Yes [Skip to Question 4]
Maybe/Unsure [Do not read, record if indicated]
3) What was your primary concern when you voted against the hotel development? [Do not
read options, mark all indicated]
The height of the proposed development
The design of the development
The location of the hotel
The parking shortage it may produce
The traffic congestion it will create
Citywide traffic
Convention Center Hotel Survey Page 2 of 3
4) To address some residents’ concerns, it has been suggested that the hotel size be reduced
from 800 rooms to approximately 600 rooms. Would you be more or less likely to support
the hotel if the hotel size was reduced?
More likely to support the hotel
Less likely to support the hotel
No difference
5) To address some residents’ concerns, it has been suggested that the hotel height be
reduced from 288 feet to a maximum of 185 feet, which is approximately the height of the
Clock Tower building at Lincoln Road and Washington Avenue. Would you be more or less
likely to support the hotel if the hotel height was reduced?
More likely to support the hotel
Less likely to support the hotel
No difference
6) To address some residents’ concerns, it has been suggested that the hotel be developed on
the parking lot across the street from the Convention Center that is currently planned to be a
public park, instead of the parking lot behind the Fillmore. Would you be more or less likely
to support the hotel at the new location?
More likely to support the hotel
Less likely to support the hotel
No difference
7) To address some residents’ concerns about height and to make it more compatible with the
surrounding architecture, it has been suggested that the hotel developer rebuild and
incorporate a new Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater into the hotel. Would
you be more or less likely to support the hotel in that case?
More likely to support the hotel
Less likely to support the hotel
No difference
Do not believe [Do not read, record if answer provided]
8) To address some residents’ concerns about design, it has been suggested that a world-
class architect be recruited to design the hotel. Would you be more or less likely to support
the hotel in that case?
More likely to support the hotel
Less likely to support the hotel
No difference
Do not believe [Do not read, record if answer provided]
Convention Center Hotel Survey Page 3 of 3
9) To address some residents’ concerns, it has been suggested that the hotel design be the
product of a public process after the lease is approved. Would you be more or less likely to
support the hotel in that case?
More likely to support the hotel
Less likely to support the hotel
No difference
Do not believe [Do not read, record if answer provided]
10) To address some residents’ concerns about traffic, it has been suggested that the hotel
development includes a comprehensive plan to mitigate traffic in the area of the hotel.
Would you be more or less likely to support the hotel?
More likely to support the hotel
Less likely to support the hotel
No difference
Do not believe [Do not read, record if answer provided]
11) What is the primary reason you would vote to support the hotel? [Do not read options, mark
all indicated]
It will provide additional revenues to the city
It will help bring quality conventions to the city
It will improve the area
It will create new jobs
Other ______________________________________
12) Address (1)_______________________________________
City (2)___________________________________________
ZIP Code (3)______________________________________
Phone Number (4)__________________________________
Southwest corner of the renovated Miami Beach Convention Center.
Source: Fentress Architects/Arquitectonica/West 8
Maria Ilcheva, Ph.D.
Dario Moreno, Ph.D.
Miami Beach residents are deeply divided about building a Convention
Center hotel
Today 46% of the voters support the original project while 46% oppose it
Opposition to the project has grown
Only 30% of those surveyed voted against the hotel in March but 46%are opposed to a similar proposal
17% of those who supported the hotel in March would now oppose it.
46% of those who did not vote would support the hotel if it was the same as proposed before, and 18%
are unsure.
The proposed hotel’s impact on traffic is clearly the most important concern
for Miami Beach residents.
SUMMARY continued…
Residents’ concerns could be alleviated by a properly designed project that
mitigates the hotel’s impact on traffic and parking.
Part of a citywide comprehensive plan process after the signing of lease
Public participation in the planning process
Process includes experts (architects, planners, traffic and parking engineers)
Comprehensive Plan has more support than downsizing the hotel or
changing location
Survey of 600 registered voters conducted August 2-15, 2016
Race and Ethnicity
• 48%White • 44%Hispanic •2%Black • 6%Other
• 47% Male • 53%Female
• 74%English • 26%Spanish
Party Affiliation
• 45%DEM • 31%REP • 22%NPA • 2%Ind
Approximately 46% of the voters still support the original referendum that
failed to get the necessary super majority (60%), while another 46% would
oppose it.
The original referendum failed in March 2015 as it received only 54% of the
vote with 46% opposed.
Men are more likely
to support (53%)
than women (41%).
Older residents (65+) are
more likely to support
(52%) than younger (42%).
Hispanic residents are
more likely to support
(59%) than White, non-
Hispanic (35%).
36% of Hispanics
but only 7% of
White, non-
16% of Hispanics
but 26% of White,
It will improve the
area, 11.2%
It will provide
additional revenues
to the city, 17.2%
Other , 17.3%
It will create new
jobs, 20.7%
It will help bring
conventions, 21.3%
I would not vote in
favor of the hotel,
The location of the hotel
The design of the development
The parking shortage it may…
The height of the proposed…
Citywide traffic
The traffic congestion it will create
What was your primary concern when you
voted against the hotel development?
While voters are apprehensive
over the size, height and
location of the project, it is the
hotel’s impact on traffic that
concern most voters.
Two-thirds of the respondents cited Traffic as their principle concern with
the new convention hotel.
Residents are mostly concerned with the project’s impact on traffic in the
area immediately around the proposed site (48.6%) but there was
considerable concern on its impact on citywide traffic patterns (17.1%).
Almost two-thirds of the respondents (64%) would be more likely to support
the hotel development if it includes a comprehensive plan to mitigate traffic
in the area of the hotel.
Residents also have concerns regarding
the design of the building.
Almost half support reducing the
building footprint
49.5% more likely to support if height is reduced
38% more likely to support if rooms are reduced
Reducing the height or number of rooms would
not make a difference for large percentages.
Recruiting a world-class architect to
design the hotel would make 49% more
likely to support.
the hotel size was reduced
from 800 rooms to
approximately 600 rooms
a world-class architect was
recruited to design the hotel
the hotel height was reduced
from 288 feet to a maximum
of 185 feet
More Likely Less Likely No difference
Location in parking lot across from Convention Center is a non-starter as it
will significantly increase opposition to the hotel project
The Gleason theater option has some support (44%) but by itself not enough
to assure passage of hotel project.
a world-class architect was recruited to design
the hotel
the hotel height was reduced from 288 feet to a
maximum of 185 feet, which is approximately the
height of the Clock Tower building at Lincoln…
the hotel design was the product of a public
process after the lease is approved
the hotel development includes a comprehensive
plan to mitigate traffic in the area of the hotel
Would you be more or less likely to support the hotel if…
More Likely Less Likely No difference
1 2 3 4 5
I voted
Hotel development
includes a
comprehensive plan to
mitigate traffic in the
area of the hotel (76.9%)
Public process
hotel height
Hotel developer
rebuild and
incorporate a new
Fillmore Miami Beach
at Jackie Gleason
Theater (53.7%)
I voted
and did
Hotel development
includes a
comprehensive plan to
mitigate traffic (40.9%)
Public process
number of
World-class architect
I did not
Hotel development
includes a
comprehensive plan to
mitigate traffic (68.9%)
Hotel developer
rebuild and
incorporate a new
Fillmore Miami Beach
at Jackie Gleason
Theater (52.3%)
World class
Reduced hotel height
Inclusive process to deal with design, location and traffic1
Experts, politicians, and citizens2
Traffic mitigation plan instead of another traffic study3
Unique and iconic design maybe incorporating the Jackie Gleason 4
Economic Impact Study5