Resolution 1708 it/26/fl nl@TIIOT 1114 RIOOLUTION 10, 1J(. . 11111* OAT 1111$ M IT a111 YZ$ Of 212 4I?T CO IL ST In QITT OF IIA11I UUAW, That the sesrstrn•tioa of lb. fellewiai deasribediaprovsseat is hereby ordered to be mode; the City 4cuno l hereby setting forth its iateali•a to pressed loader loonies ty of the Oily @barbr. 11WS COLLI1141 ATINVIS from the North lies of Twenty-third Street is the south limo et Thirtieth Street, to be improved with a White My & o►t System ofmoments/ posts end lamps at approximately emery one headset feet ea sash side of said Avenge, with audiovisual' ccnneetieaa ter lighting said Avenue's* said Avenue sort Strmets are show* ea a Plat reseeded in Plat Molt 11e. 9, Psi** sad S, of the Peblie Nueva, of Isle Gouty, Florida, sad as -said Streets are assod sad !estimated is Srdiasares Is. 131. The @ity 1iaems is hereby dir•eted to prepare sad to file with the City alert plane and s •siftosttoss of a-id imprevs'nt and as estimate of the sort t1 Nf, isolatingas estimate •t the swot of the expenses et preliminary sad iher ourvoys, the ia- spe•tterr and esperiat•ndsase et the wort the props stioa et plans and sps•ifisstisss sad estimates, the partatiai sad pehlisatioa of nooses sad prse•edags, the prepsrsties if heads teras* desist esastrtistiea, legal aerviees, sbstaasts, etc,' and sether expenses 110000110b110000110b sad proper ie sondseti� tyr prssesdiags sad work bevels pn vt tor; sad the sstimstei *metal* 1• be asassssd against each front toot of abattiai property. Tris Improvement shall be designated in all poramodhlo, assess- ments ssesstreats and bonds as white WayImprovementp , mad the property sgmast Ale* assesrm its terefor mai to made ter the soot thereof shall be desigast t as 1listrist 1 . PA$R$D AND Awn this Pl_p , day of, qeceriAler A. D. , 1927. / 'e 10i A r ...► -rep ouno `. ATT T1 .."-- (12a1Cjialerer . i • " • hi o 0 o w � N H iOH H o �r t4 H• i c+ • u CO CD • 1-0 .► l� 0 - H