LTC 136/2002
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. /3~...2~t1:6
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez ',. <.
City Manager '
Glass Elevator at City Hall
Date: May 30, 2002
As a follow up to my memorandum dated 4/19/02, on the status of the glass elevator at City Hall,
the following is an update of actions taken.
. Property Management drafted specification for the repairs of the elevator. These
specifications also included upgrading both of the glass elevators at City Hall to meet
current Building Code requirements.
. Atlantic Elevator received a purchase order for the required repair work for the City Hall
glass elevator on 4/17/02 and provided an estimated six-week time for the delivery of the
required materials and the installation.
. Property Management requested that Atlantic Elevator make an assessment of the elevator
to see if it could be brought back into service until the needed parts arrive from the
. Atlantic Elevator provided a response on May 8th (attached) stating that due to the
possibility of the entrapment of persons using the elevator under the current conditions,
Atlantic, and their legal advisors would not recommend that the elevator be brought back
into service until the repairs are made. In the same response from Atlantic, they also
informed Property Management that due to delays from the manufacturer the new
equipment will not ship from the manufacturer until the week of 6/10/02, with a five day
shipping time.
. Atlantic Elevator has advised Property Management that they have prioritized the project
and will begin the installation of the new equipment as soon as the new parts arrive.
In addition to the elevator repairs, the Fire Department has requested sprinkler heads to be
installed in the elevator pit areas for safety concerns. Property Management has received quotes
for the work and will schedule the installation of the sprinkler system to coincide with the elevator
repair project. All of the repairs to the glass elevators should be completed, with both elevators
back in full operation, by the end of June.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
c: Robert C. Middaugh, Assistant City Manager
Fred H. Beckmann, Director of Public Works
Brad A. Judd, Property Management Director
F:IWORK\$ALLIO LucyIProperty ManagementlCH Glass Elavator.DOT
oasALIS & CEf Ine.
.. ' 1M3 Tiprtall Blvd. . DltUl I_II, J'IOftdd3804 .
., .. .
r.-Jl (9") 'U'~Zl . bade. Nordl Bro..... . ftIIllftdll (110) 32J.ZIIO · I'u:~) 921036"
May 8, 2001
Mr. IrlKlC t.ambtt1o
€':it)' . I1eadl
.J,Jlami S
Rll: City Hatl West Glus Bac1 awatar
Sem Via'a.: 315-613.7963
Dear Mr. Lambedo.
As per your request, we have looked Into the pesslliJity orrtmminy this elevator to
service prior to perfomlins the needed work orl the power door equipment.
This elevator eoutd be tlftCd bact on, howt:Wr, tilt
, is. mo it will occur ifwe this ~lCVator
e1M1Qr, !teal inside the car wit entrapped
We enclose an Addendum and Rel_ fbr yournMew, Ifit mtClt$ with)oW( approval.
please sip and '<<1m a eop to our offtc:e. We do not ferMlmend tbis option) mwever,
after spcatq with 1cp1 adriSOfll, this is tlto only. option we em come up with.
Powa' door opcrainStlliseJevator -. ill .
timo item that tabs IIVt to I) . . tile Purc:bale
f'or this work dIt 4-11 ordeted the new eqWpmetlt .
tbett is no way to speed up ,delivery II the ~ of the e<<&uipment is the
ItIppIier for power door opertfiDa equipment and their I_times reflect how busy the
entire elevator bldustry is at the eurmrt time.
'tile new door eq meat is sdtedulod for shipment the 'W<<lt or6- to.o1 and would be 011
the road tor dy five (S) working day&. Orlco the material8trivoa, we will
bqift tlso repfaeement,
Please acMse usa to wIIieb dnc.tien you willi us to take.