Resolution 2037 WPM WINOWNWOMMO RESOLUTION NO. 2037 WHEREAS, The Miami Beach Bay Shore Company pro- poses to make application to the War Department for permission to construct a pier in Biscayne Bay off Johns Island, within the municipal limits of Miami Beach, Florida, as shown upon drawings designated Sheet 1 of 2 and Sheet 2 of 2, marked: " Sketch to Accompany Permit Application to Construct a PIER in BISCAYNE BAY off JOHNS ISLAND, Miami Beach, Fla. Miami Beach Bay Shore Co. J. P. Duffy , Engineer August 1 , 1929" and, WHEREAS , said plans have been presented to and considered by the City Council , and WHEREAS, the work contemplated by the said Miami Beach Bay Shore Company will not interfere with any plans for work which the said City Council has in view, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Miami Beach , Florida, in legal meeting assembled, that the said City Council waives, and it does hereby waive, all objections to the said proposed construction. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of August , A. D. 1929. President of City Council ATTEST: C. W. TkoLINSO City Clerk ALeif Ai.wrieta. By -- D The above waiver of objections is hereby approved by me. /dr/ - City Manager A.. C:1 .ttc------- 4.-----_____ ://y: 57 • ``" ,(N N ( G 4. tlt 0. 0 c) O r N N 01 NI N ' ,0 2, a o \)(� J o N. 6 4 N NN' . o o , 11 o tCi % ZUY/4--L V J (f 6, ',0 UNng G' ,!t k -1. n o NA UT/z s iso IlL O -, t ( V O ,,,,. b N 4 i 01“) • () t p'< N, , „, , .,,, ...., i. i 4\ \1 . .f-a,o o s e”(71_Pilo r;c:. h, 1 , '' , ` ,,, '4 tN / 11 , '*\\_'%\s‘) N, ,..,' 1 1.1 % 2 f---- , . .../0 .2.1* ./C12/70 %. \ 1) ir,, n N �� 0 '1-. i� 1 �x,� oG r, z"--- 0 '`�o C/ �, c rY ,...,- to � �t `c � � �j or)\ N 'Nh Li 4'2%4 40,4/(/' oNy o .moi << 1, y 111.11111s. vet • p• 0 bi • CD 11 td P-4) o 4.• 1-6 rn CD 0 Oa 11 EY' t—: de". o C.J. 0 o 1-4 CDHO 0 1-1) c+ 11-4 O c_40 41-4 ig 0 0 0 rn • p CD c+ 0 0 -• I-4 Gl 0 10:11 pa c+ 14) 00 1-3 op.