Resolution 2277 RESOLUTION NO . DISTRICT SR-143 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-143 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: That the construction of the following described improvement is hereby ordered to be made; the Oity Council hereby setting forth its intention to proceed under Section 29 of the City Charter: SR-143 The laying underground of a 21" Concrete Storm Sewer or a 21" Terra Cotta Storm Sewer, and necessary manholes and appurte- nances; In an easement the center line of which is ten feet Northerly of the center line -of Lot 24, Block 1, Nautilus Subdivision from Biscayne Bay to the Westerly line of North Bay Road; In and across the said North Bay Road along the center line of said easement produced Easterly from the said Westerly line of North Bay Road to a point at or near the center line of the said North Bay Road; At or near the said center line of North Bay Road from the said center line of said Ease- ment produced Easterly to a point at or near the center-line of West Forty-fifth Street; The laying underground of an 18" Concrete Storm Sewer or an 18" Terra Cotta Storm Sewer , and necessary manholes and appurtenances; At oriear the saidcenter line of West Forty- fifth Street from the said point at or near the center line of North Bay Road to a point at or near the Westerly line of Alton Road; As said Lot, Block, Subdivision, Street, and Roads are shown On a plat recorded in Plat Book No. 8 at Page 95 of the-PublicRec_ ords of Dade County, Florida; And it is hereby directed that the material, nature, character, and size of said improve- ment be subsequently determined in conformity with one of such descriptions; Which Storm Sewer the City Council declares to be a special benefit to all of the-property embraced within the following described district: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of W. Forty-seventh Street at the center line of Block 4 of Nautilus Subdivision; thence Southerly along the said center line of Block 4-to the Northwesterly cornered of Lot 17 of the said Block 4, thence Southeasterly to the intersection of the center lines of West Forty-fifth Street and Alton Road, thence Easterly along the said --center line of West Forty-fifth Street and the — said center line produced Easterly to a point which is Two Hundred Feet Easterly of the Easterly line of Alton Road, thence Southerly along a line Two Hundred Feet Easterly of and congruent to the said Easterly line of Alton Road to an intersection with the center line of West Forty—fourth Street produced Easterly, thence Westerly along the said center line of West Fortyfourth Street produced Easterly and the said center line to an intersection with the center line of North Bay Road, thence Northerly along the said center line of North Bay Road to an intersection with the Southerly line of Lot 32, Block 1 of said Nautilus Subdivision produced Easterly, thence Westerly along the said Southerly line of Lot 32 produced Easterly and the said Southerly line to a point twenty feet Easterly of the Westerly line of said Lot 32, thence Northerly along a meandering line Twenty feet Easterly of the Westerly line of said Block 1 to an intersection with the Northerly line of Lot 12 of said Block 1, thence Easterly along the said Northerly line of said Lot 12 and the said Northerly line produced Easterly to an intersection with the said center line of North Bay Road, thence Southerly along the said center line of North Bay Road to an intersection with the said Southerly line of West Forty—seventh Street produced Westerly; thence Easterly along the said Southerly line of West Forty—seventh Street produced Westerly and the said Southerly line to the point of beginning; As said Lots, Blocks, Lines, Subdivisions, Streets, and Road are shown on a Plat recorded in Plat Book No. 8 at Page 95 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. The City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare and to file with the City Clerk plans and specifications of each kind of said improve— ment mprove-ment and an estimate of the cost of each, including an estimate of the cost of expenses of preliminary and other surveys, the inspection and superintendence of the work, the preparation of plans and specifica-» tions and estimates, the printing and publication of notices and pro- ceedings, the preparation of bonds, interest during construction, legal services, abstracts, etc. , and any other expenses necessary and proper in conducting the proceedings and work herein provided. for; kpd the estimated amount to be assessed against each thousand square fee feet of 'roperty, embraced within above described district. This Improvement shall be designated in all proceedings, assessments and bonds as Storm Sewer Improvement SR-143, and the property against which assessments therefor may be made for the cost thereof shall be designated as District SR-143. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of June_ A, D., 1930 President of City Council ATTEST: ity Clerk 6/10/30 MNL:W 4 i 1 3 'I '1 i t { 3 i i 1 I i I,. Ir` f i , k i