Resolution 2396 5 spa• o RESOLUTION NO . 2396 SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT SR-149 SR-149 WHEREAS, on the 11-th day of Larch , 19 31 the City Council passed and adoptea a. resolution ordering the improvement designated as Sanitary Sewer Improvement SR-149 , District SR-J.49 , and directed the City Engineer to prepae and file plans and specifications of such im- provement and an estimate of the coot thereof, including an estimate of the incidental expenses, and the said plans and specifications and estimate of cost and esti- mate of incidental expenses have been filed by the City Engineer with the City Clerk. THEREFORE, BE IT R.:"ET OLVED by the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida, that the City Clerk shall cause to be posted et the door of the City Hall in the City of Miami Beach, Miami Beech Police Station and Liberty Ave- nue Fire Station, in the City of Miami Beach, a notice stating that at a meeting of the City Council of Miami Beach on the lath day of March , 1931, at 10:00 o 'clock A. I . , the City Council will hear the objections of all persons interested to the confirmation of said re- solution orderin;- said improvement . PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of March A. D. 1931 . Pref ' .nt of City until r A l TES.. : ^�-- City Clerk U2 cf0 y0 • ct013 Oc C 0 (D H• H 011 0 tt. ►-h • cF O N•H W 0 0 c-f• 143 0 1 01111. /MM.OMNI 4.1111110.