Resolution 2998 - aa. _.
_ . .
WHEREAS, the County Causeway connecting Miami and Miami
Beach is under repairs and its capacity thereby greatly reduced,
• and
WHEREAS, as a result of the work now in progress, congestion
in traffic results in annoyanoe and inconvenience and the lose of ._
from one to two hours in traversing this highway at certain times
each day, and
WHMT,A3, there is under construction at Miami Beach more than
3,000,000.00 worth of building, the materials and labor for which
must be transported from Miami, which buildings were contracted for
when the causeway was fully open to traffic and irreparable loss
will be suffered by contractors and owners by reason of delays in
securia4 materials and labor, and
MMUS, to a largo extent the success of the winter season
about to open depends upon the free flow of traffic between Miami
and Miami Beach, and any restriotion of the tree flow of traffic
will result in losses of revenue to the Greater Miami Area amount-
ing to millions of dollars,
NOV, THEREFORE, 3E IT RLSOLUD that the state Highway Commis-
sion be and it is hereby respectfully requested and urged to employ
as large a force of men and equipment as is possible to employ on
the work, and thet the work be prosecuted throughout the twenty-four
hours of each day in order to reduce to a minimum the tremendous
economic loss beinis occasioned by the restriction of the free flow
of traffic on said oausellags
PA33ED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of November, A. Dep 1934.
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