Resolution 2018-30145RESOLUTION NO. 2018 -30145 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO CONDUCT A COMMUNITY CHARRETTE TO OBTAIN PUBLIC INPUT REGARDING THE FUTURE USE OR DEVELOPMENT OF THE BYRON CARLYLE THEATER LOCATED AT 500 71st STREET; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ISSUE A REQUEST FOR LETTERS OF INTEREST TO OBTAIN MARKET FEEDBACK WITH RESPECT TO THE POTENTIAL USE OR DEVELOPMENT OF THE BYRON CARLYLE THEATER; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO CONTINUE TO WORK WITH MIAMI -DADE COLLEGE TO DEVELOP THE CONCEPT FOR A MIAMI -DADE COLLEGE SATELLITE CAMPUS TO BE LOCATED IN NORTH BEACH. WHEREAS, the Byron Carlyle Theater, located at 500 71st Street (the "Byron 'Carlyle "), was identified in the North Beach Master Plan as a unique asset for the North Beach community; and WHEREAS, Miami -Dade College ("MDC") is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the United States; and WHEREAS, at the October 26, 2017 North Beach Steering Committee meeting, representatives of MDC made a presentation regarding a potential collaboration between the City and Miami -Dade College, which would provide for an MDC presence in North Beach through the use of the Byron Carlyle, or portions thereof, as a satellite campus; and WHEREAS, in recognition of the opportunity for such a partnership with MDC to spur economic growth in North Beach, the North Beach Steering Committee adopted a motion to encourage a potential partnership between the City and MDC; and WHEREAS, at the December 22, 2017 Neighborhoods /Community Affairs Committee meeting (the "Committee "), the Committee recommended that, prior to issuing a Request for Proposals ( "RFP ") with respect to the Byron Carlyle, the Administration conduct a community charrette to re- engage residents on the North Beach Master Plan, and to obtain input from residents with regard to the future use or development of the Byron Carlyle; and WHEREAS, at the January 17, 2018 City Commission meeting, the Mayor and City Commission directed the Administration to conduct a community charrette to obtain public input with regard to the future use or development of the Byron Carlyle; further, the City Commission directed the Administration, through its Procurement Department, to issue a request for letters of interest, to obtain market feedback with respect to potential future uses of the Byron Carlyle Theater, and further, directed the Administration to continue to work with Miami -Dade College to develop the concept for a satellite campus in North Beach (including, potentially, a satellite campus located at the Byron Carlyle Theater). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY .RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the mayor and city commission hereby authorize the Administration to conduct a community charrette to obtain public input regarding the future use or development of the Byron Carlyle Theater located at 500 71st Street; further, authorize the Administration, through its Procurement Department, to issue a request for letters of interest with respect to the potential uses or development of the Byron Carlyle Theater; and further authorize the Administration to continue to work with Miami -Dade College to develop the concept for a Miami -Dade College satellite campus to be located in North Beach. PASSED and ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 2018. ATTEST: RaaeiE. rana•'o, City CI sssu. Dan Gelber, Mayor ..... 7 , APPROVED AS TO 42 � FORM & LANGUAGE sss `� & FOR EXECUTION ( (s/ Ity Attorney u 2w Date MIAM113.EACH Resolutions - C7 P COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: January 17, 2018 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE NEIGHBORHOODS /COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO CONDUCT A COMMUNITY CHARRETTE AROUND THE FUTURE USE OF THE BYRON CARLYLE. RECOMMENDATION Administration recommends the approval to conduct a public workshop to engage residents around the future use of the Byron Carlyle set forth by the Neighborhoods and Community Affairs Committee. ANALYSIS At the April 13, 2016 Commission meeting, the City Commission heard item R9R, a discussion regarding interior flooding at the Byron Carlyle Theater. As part of the discussion, former Director of Tourism Culture and Economic Development, Max Sklar sought direction on whether or not to start the process for the future of the facility, and potentially go out to bid for the redevelopment of the site. Commissioner Malakoff made the recommendation to wait until the North Beach Masterplan was completed before moving forward with a scope of work for the Byron Carlyle Theater site. As part of the North Beach Masterplan, the Byron Carlyle Theater was examined for possible redevelopment. The North Beach Masterplan concluded that the Byron Carlyle Theater has the potential to be a catalytic project that embodies the vision for the Town Center. The Master Plan recommends that by carefully conceptualizing the redesign of this property, the City could begin to implement the Town Center concept with mixed -use, multistory development and encourage further development along 71 Street. Some of the uses recommended in the North Beach Masterplan include a library, an economic incubator to spur entrepreneurship in the area, or a welcome center. The new building could include office spaces and /or civic uses in to the upper floors. At the October 26, 2017 North Beach Steering Committee, representatives from Miami Dade College presented on how they would like to partner with the City of Miami Beach. One of their suggestions was to bring a satellite campus to North Beach and noted the opportunity to use the Byron Carlyle space. The Committee made a motion to the support and encourage a potential partnership between Miami Dade College and the City of Miami Beach. Additionally, the approved FAR ballot measure will have direct impact on any future design and development plans within the Byron Carlyle site as it is in the Town Center (TC) zoning district. The policy will not go into effect until the Commission approves a new ordinance of the FAR zoning changes. The item was discussed at the Neighborhoods and Community Affairs Committee on December 22, 2017. The Committee recommended that staff conduct a community charrette to reengage residents around the North Beach Master Plan and the future use of the Byron Carlyle before issuing an RFP Page 308 of 923 for development. Legislative Tracking Tourism, Culture and Economic Development ATTACHMENTS: Description o Supplemental Master Plan information Page 309 of 923 Mayor's North Beach Committee Vania Pedraja- Castro, Administration Liaison Mayor's North Beach Committee Normandy Shores Golf Club 2401 Biarritz Drive Miami Beach, FL 33141 MEETING MINUTES Thursday August 3, 2017 5:00 p.m. 1. CaII to Order /Roll Call Meeting called to order at 5:06 p.m. Committee members in attendance: • Brad Bonessi (arrives at 5:40 p.m.) • Carolina Jones • Margueritte Ramos • Kirk Pascal • Betsy Perez • Daniel Veitia • Susanne Torriente, non- voting member Committee members absent: • Nancy Liebman City Staff present: • Vania Pedraja- Castro, Administration Liaison • Kathie Brooks, Assistant City Manager • Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Director • Cilia Maria Ruiz -Paz, Scribe Elected officials present: • Commissioner Joy Malakoff • Commissioner Michael Grieco • Danila Bonini, aide to Commissioner Michael Grieco • Erick Chiroles, aide to Commissioner Ricky Arriola Committee Members Brad Bonessi Nancy Liebman Carolina Jones Margueritte Ramos Kirk Pascal Betsy Perez Susanne Torriente Daniel Veitia 2. Announcements • Fit Fest event occurring August 12 -13 at the North Beach Bandshell and composed of multiple athletic activities and Farmer's Market • Presentation of mayoral and commission candidates 3. Review and Approval of Minutes for June 29, 2017 meeting • Motion to accept the June 29, 2017 Minutes: Daniel Veitia o Motion seconded: Betsy Perez o Motion approved: unanimously, 5 -0 (Brad Bonessi absent) Mayor's OW ; ;:� gmmittee 4. Discussion on North Beach Projects A. Town Center — 5:17 p.m. I. FAR increase (Discussed at 7/26 Commission) a. Update by Daniel Veitia i. The referendum is going forward on the November ballot even with the short time frame; would like to urge the Commission to create a companion ordinance; he will be reaching out collectively to the HOAs to explain the importance of passing the referendum emphasizing that the Master Plan was unanimously approved with this key component backed by Alan Shulman b. FAR Increase concerns: Historic preservation and inclusionary zoning should be components included; concerns over TC -1 designation being respectful and mindful of North Shore Open Space Park c. Discussion with regards to the need for a companion ordinance and whether it overcomplicates the matter; whether enabling legislation ahead of time would be a beneficial tool to have an educated conversation with the public regarding the details of the referendum question. The resolution should demonstrate that FAR is considerate of workforce and inclusionary housing. City staff reminded the committee that this legislation would go through the robust Land Use Boards and the Miami Beach residents. d. Discussion regarding citywide workforce housing and inclusionary housing and how two items are currently traveling separately e. Discussion regarding the history of the FAR increase in Ocean Terrace via referendum had an accompanying ordinance that dictated the parameters. f. Committee members discussed the purpose of the committee having been re- formed to support historic preservation and the collaboration to support preservation; however, Kirk Paskal feels that he cannot support the motion due to a lack of trust by the community for the City and initiatives from decisions previously made that went against the will of the community g. Motion by Daniel Veitia (5:38 p.m.): to ask the City Commission to create a companion ordinance to travel with the Town Center FAR ballot question. The ordinance should include an aspect of historic preservation by creating a fund with the purchase of FAR in Town Center. The ordinance should include into consideration the Shulman studies with regards to the distribution of massing for the increased FAR. i. Motion seconded by: Carolina Jones ii. Motion approved: passes 5 -1, Kirk Paskal opposed I. Byron Carlyle Theater 5:48 p.m. - Eva Silverstein, Director of Tourism, Culture and Economic Development a. The discussion item was withdrawn at July's Commission meeting; the City is currently looking at the contract as well as the space not being used during the day and discussing possible daytime activation. Staff has already met with 0 Cinema management about possible daytime uses. B. Ocean Terrace I. RFLI on Urban Design 5:48 p.m. — Vania Pedraja- Castro, Administration Liaison a. Following the Committee's motion for connectivity for the Ocean Terrace area, the Procurement Department will be issuing an LTC by August 11, 2017 informing the Commission of the scope of work. C. Normandy Circle I. Closure of Rue Vendome for Public Use 5:49 p.m. — Vania Pedraja - Castro, Administration Liaison a. City held a public meeting where helpful feedback was received; the City feels it would be beneficial to push back the starting date of the 90 -day pilot to October in order to better explore full activation of the area and create a Mayor's North Beach Committee PaU % P"963 destination for the community; a later closing will most likely attract more people due to the cooler weather. b. Discussion regarding the temporary closure not providing a solution for parking while a permanent closure would; the Parking Department has figured out a way to relocate the handicap parking spot and are looking into where to relocate the remaining 8 spaces — could be 4 spaces as two parking spaces could fit on both ends of the street; discussion regarding the Building Department's vehicles being relocated at night from their current parking although this is a preliminary option; c. The Transportation Department will be issuing an LTC for the postponement d. Questions regarding whether or not the Chase Bank parking and an additional parking structure had been explored; City staff will research and provide an update e. Discussion regarding rumors that the Farmer's Market would relocate to Ocean Terrace; this will only occur temporarily for the upcoming Fit Fest; the Farmer's Market participants are aware of the pilot closure and are welcoming it. D. 72nd Street Parking Lot I. Desman's Proposal 5:57 p.m. — Vania Pedraja - Castro, Administration Liaison a. A Purchase order has been signed by all the relevant parties and is now going through the approval process; the purchase order must be fully executed for Desman to begin work, however, this project will be expedited; City staff will provide more information in a follow up e -mail E. The West Lots 11. North Beach Yard (Discussed at 7/26 Commission) 5:58 p.m. — Erick Chiroles, aide to Commissioner Arriola a. The project has gone through the Commission and its committees and will now go on to Design Review Board; the Yard is expected to open in March 2018 with grants awarded and 200 new jobs; it will make the RM -1 district more walkable; the Knight Foundation recently granted Wynwood Yard funds for expansion III. Log Cabin (Discussed at 7/26 Commission) 6:00 p.m. — Kathie Brooks, Assistant City Manager a. The Commission adopted the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee's recommendation to pursue various tracks simultaneously; these include asking the Miami Design Preservation League to further explore the historical significance of the log and its potential for preservation, working with the City's grants administration in search of potential eligible grants, in the interim looking at both the possible relocation to North Shore Open Space Park as there is currently funding allocated to the park and the possibility of preserving certain elements of the cabin that are still in good condition to restore at a later date; the item will go back to the FCWPC in September b. Discussion regarding the historical significance of the cabin; discussion regarding whether or not termite damage to the cabin has been thoroughly discussed IV. Christmas Tree Sales (Discussed at 7/26 Commission) 6:06 p.m. — Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Director a. Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez introduced an item to suggest that the City consider concessionaires to sell Christmas Trees in North Beach; Staff is looking first at NGOs as it is not the will of the Commission to make a profit but simply to provide a service; they are actively looking and will take the item when further researched back to the Commission; b. Committee members agreed that this was a great idea; however, they would like Staff to discuss with Miami Beach Senior High and the Police Mayor's North Beach Committee P 3®` bt°083 Department if selling Christmas trees is a fundraiser for them, and if so to see if they would like to setup in North Beach in order to ensure their fundraiser is still successful. F. Entrance signs and pedestrian bridges I. Update on the Shulman Design 6:07 p.m. — Vania Pedraja- Castro, Administration Liaison a. City staff has met with Property Management and one of the City engineers on rotation to present them the Shulman designs for 81St Street and are sending out an engineer to confirm the stability of the bridge; the hope is to implement the new design for that pedestrian bridge; discussion reminding the inclusion of the entrance feature and 71st street feature from Normandy circle to the beach connectivity; the City has dropped off designs with FDOT for review and are evaluating the next steps to be taken; there are no anticipated design changes; b. The Committee has not seen rich designs in over a year and requests a copy from Staff G. North shore open space park and altos del mar park I. Renaming North Shore Open Space Park 6:09 p.m. — Vania Pedraja- Castro, Administration Liaison a. Commissioner Aleman has requested the committee take a vote on two options: 1. North Shore Oceanside Park ii. North Beach Oceanside Park b. Discussion regarding the identity crisis for North Beach and the City moving forward with "North Beach "; there is no reason to have two big parks named "North Shore" c. Discussion regarding the appetite to provide a general consensus of the entire area being referred to as "North Beach" versus "North Shore" with specific exceptions d. Commissioner Malakoff explained that South Beach was once called South Shore and North Beach North Shore; over the years South Beach has become a destination; it makes sense to use "North Beach" for a very different identity to South Beach while keeping consistency and not going back to an outdated name; concerns discussed regarding the confusion with "North Miami Beach" among others e. Motion by Carolina Jones (6 :11 p.m.): Motion to rename North Shore Open Space Park to North Beach Oceanside Park i. Motion seconded by: Betsy Perez ii. Motion approved: passes 4 -2, Kirk Paskal and Daniel Veitia opposed II. Renaming North Shore Tennis Center 6 :16 p.m. — Vania Pedraja- Castro, Administration Liaison a. Proposed name change to: the Miami Beach Tennis Club at North Shore Park b. Discussion regarding the length of the proposed name the reasoning being the need to formalize and elevate the center into a club and reflect its status as a city -wide program c. Additional discussion regarding the rebranding of "North Shore" to "North Beach" in general terms d. Motion by Betsy Perez (6:21 p.m.): to rename the tennis courts at North Shore Park to Miami Beach Tennis Club i. Motion seconded by: Brad Bonessi ii. Motion approved: passes unanimously, 6 -0 III. Art in North Shore Open Space Park (Discussed at 7/26 Commission) 6:22 p.m. — Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Director a. The Commission made a favorable recommendation as there is $60,000 for the project; the FWCPC has instructed the City to look for additional funding Mayor's North Beach Committee P4 3 to supplement the existing funds with about $70,000 going directly to the art; the City has a robust program whereby 1.5% of capital projects' budgets go to art in public places; the Art in Public Spaces Committee curates, selects and manages that process b. Discussion regarding how all the separate projects work together with regards to the timeline; the North Beach Oceanside Park will be coordinated by West8 c. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board looks at every new park and makes recommendations of the art to be included d. Recommendation by Brad Bonessi that if the log cabin was to be moved that it be placed at the beginning to cover up the non - aesthetic county facilities; he would also like to have a specific timeline for all the discussed projects because nothing can currently be held accountable e. Motion by Brad Bonessi (6:27 p.m.): to request funding for arts in public places in Altos del Mar Park. i. Motion seconded by: Daniel Veitia ii. Motion approved: unanimously, 6 -0 f. A sculptural playground could still be considered for the location even if the motion is not taken up and implemented H. Historic preservation I. Update from the Planning Department 6:28 p.m. — Vania Pedraja - Castro, Administration Liaison a. The local historic district will be going before the Historic Preservation Board on October 11, 2017; assuming its endorsement, it would move as an ordinance on to the Planning Board at the end of November and then to first reading by Commission in December; the moratorium is in place until early December with zoning in progress already triggered b. City staff will follow up as to the reason the report cannot be provided in September I. Immediate priorities Vania Pedraja- Castro, Administration Liaison I. 6:32 p.m. — Entrance signs and 71st Street Bridge — previously discussed II. 6:32 p.m. Streetscape /landscape projects at 71st and 72nd Streets along the West Lots, Ocean Terrace, and 81st Street pedestrian corridor area a. The Committee feels that regardless of other projects, this should not keep progress of North Beach on hold, moving forward in areas that are not affected by other projects; committee members believe there to be $800,000 allocated for trees and City staff will confirm III. 6:35 p.m. — North Shore Open Space Park and Altos Del Mar Park — park projects already underway a. North Shore Open Space Park will be presented at the Design Review Board on September 5th with a delay due to concerns regarding the edge fence, park lighting and playground design; staff continues to work on the construction documents b. Altos del Mar is in the process of bidding by the Procurement Department and CIP will award the project in the fall of 2017 J. Mid -term priorities Vania Pedraja- Castro, Administration Liaison I. 6:37 p.m. — 72nd Street parking garage /park — previously discussed II. 6:37 p.m. — Urban neighborhood designer RFP — previously discussed III. 6:38 p.m. — Normandy Circle 1. 75th Street (library parcel) redevelopment a. The City is working on the RFLI that will also affect the library being relocated and adding ocean rescue and retail Mayor's North Beach Committee PaU 2 b 9 3 b. Discussion by committee with regards the need to move it into Town Center; as it stands now, it is a safety concern with incidents almost every night; until it is moved, committee discussed the possibility of turning off the Wi -Fi at night when the library is closed; the quicker it can be moved the better 2. 6:39 p.m. — Biscayne Beach parking garage a. The Commission has given the direction to pursue the location for the proposed parking garage as a surface parking lot instead as well as reconfiguring Stillwater, 79th Street and Crespi for additional parking spaces; the City is also already working to relocate the fire hydrants 5. Update a) Ocean Terrace 6:40 p.m. — Silvia Coltrane, Developer • Does not want to speak for Sandor Scher, however, the package was submitted to the Historic Planning Board and is only in the beginning stages; the Committee will be inviting Sandor Scher to speak b) Lights at North Shore Open Space Park 6:43 p,m. — Officer Julio Blanco • Believes that the City needs to grandfather any existing lighting as any new lighting installed will become a limitation c) 0 Cinema Upcoming Events 6:43 p.m. — Kareem Tabsch, 0 Cinema • November will mark 30 years and 0 Cinema is currently the only cultural organization in North Beach that is open daily • Initially projected 500 events per year; in 2016, they held 1,049 events and 936 in 2015; 10,000 visitors were initially projected; in 2015, the theater received 19,000 and 21,300 in 2016 • The theater considers itself a shepherd of community needs and invites the community to voice its concerns as the future of the theater is discussed • Would like to start classic film for seniors and looking to the City for support • Will come back for an update at the end of the year and invites the Committee to host one of its meetings on location • 0 Cinema operates only 48% of the building as the rest is operated by the City • They have memberships with discounted tickets for $50 /year • Discussion regarding using the space to host a theater camp although the turnaround between a camp to showing movies is challenging • In September, the Commission will have a referral to a committee to discuss the RFP which had been delayed until after the Master Plan • Discussion regarding the demographics for the area and how it compares to Wynwood (moviegoers are under 40 and used to receive many individuals from North Beach) and Miami Shores (with moviegoers over 60); Miami Beach draws in people from surrounding areas and the demographics are skewed depending on the film being shown; do receive more tourists d) Town Center Neisen Kasdin, property owner Deferred to next meeting Mayor's North Beach Committee Paj g3trib 963 6. Public Input /Comments 6:57 p.m. Beth Emerson, resident • Request that the 0 Cinema begin a petition from residents to ensure its future in North Beach • Shared that general comments from the public reflect that residents do not want the FAR increase because they do not understand how specific the project is and believe that traffic will only become worse as density is increased Matis Cohen, property owner • The topic of Town Center has been discussed in this committee for over two years and North Beach has been a hot topic since 2008; the steering committee was established with a particular and subjective view for a balanced objective for revitalizing north beach; he does not feel that the committee should be micromanaging every single detail and that it should allow City staff and the Commission to do their jobs; let the process move forward; concerned about the dissenting opinion Paula King, resident • Wanted to make sure that the Committee to explore if the log cabin is moved, will it lose eligibility for state and federal funding and if chances of other funding will be greatly diminished; o City staff wants to make sure not to jump too far ahead as it is not known whether or not it can be moved; it could also qualify for other available funding Tanya Bhatt, resident • Asked the Committee members whether they planned to make a formal recommendation forcefully voicing the concern noting the Log Cabin's historical significance o The Committee already made a motion to explore second and third opinions to renovate the cabin and work in tandem with the production of the North Beach Yard; will revisit following the full report to gauge any additional motions Jonathan Strauss, resident • Happy to see how such an eclectic community comes together and believes in North Beach • Provided a Fit Fest update and free passes into the fitness classes 7. Committee Member Comments 6:57 p.m. — Thank you to Vania Pedraja- Castro for jumping into Jeff Oris' shoes so well and in an organized manner; thank you to Eva Silverstein and Kathie Brooks for their participation as well 7:09 p.m. — Brad Bonessi o Just returned from Pittsburgh, a city he did not enjoy visiting, but is now blown away by the change it has seen following Google's direct monetary impact; would like to suggest that Miami Beach reach out to an incubator such as Google that would make North Beach thrive; Eva Silverstein took note and will continue to explore avenues 8. Adjournment • Motion to adjourn meeting: Carolina Jones o Motion seconded: Betsy Perez o Motion approved: unanimously 4 -0, (Daniel Veitia, Kirk Paskal absent) • Meeting adjourned: 7:13 p.m. Mayor's North Beach Committee Paj g4tErbg9B3 Actionable Items City Liaisons will: • Provide more information regarding Desman's Proposal for 72nd Street Parking lot • Track the landscaping funding and progress • Coordinate timeline for all current projects • Provide the latest Shulman pedestrian bridge designs to committee members • Follow up on parking space relocation for Rue Vendome and the Chase parking lot Next Mayor's North Beach Committee meeting is scheduled for September 7, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. * ** NOTE: The City Commission adopted North Beach Master Plan can be downloaded at www.PlanNoBe.orq To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five -day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and /or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City- sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). Mayor's North Beach Committee Pa54 gee0983 AM! BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 403-2017 TO: FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manage DATE: August 8, 2017 SUBJECT: Mayor's North Beach Committee The purpose of this Letter to the Commission (LTC) is to inform the Commission of a motion passed by the Mayor's North Beach Committee at their August 3, 2017 meeting. Members Present: Margueritte Ramos (Chair), Betsy Perez, Brad Bonessi, Kirk Paskal, Carolina Jones, Suzanne Torriente (non-voting member) and Daniel Veitia Members Absent: Nancy Liebman, LETTER TO COMMISSION Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission MOTION: to urge the City Commission and Administration to create a companion ordinance in conjunction with the Town Center (TC) FAR ballot question. The proposed ordinance should include an aspect of historic preservation by creating a historic preservation fund that is funded through the purchase of FAR in Town Center. The ordinance should also take into consideration the Shulman and Associates studies with regards to the distribution of massing for the increased FAR. Motion Made By: Daniel Veitia Motion Seconded By: Carolina Jones Motion Passed: Votes 5-1 MOTION: to rename North Shore Open Space Park to North Beach Oceanside Park. Motion Made By: Carolina Jones Motion Seconded By Betsy Perez Motion Passed: Votes 3-2 MOTION: to rename North Shore Park Tennis Center to Miami Beach Tennis Club. Motion Made By: Betsy Perez Motion Seconded By: Brad Bonessi Motion Passed: Votes 6-0 Page 3681)2923 MOTION: to request the City Commission consider commissioning art for Altos Del Mar Park through the use of Art in Public Places. Motion Made By: Brad Bonessi Motion Seconded By: Daniel Veitia Motion Passed: Votes 6-0 cc: Kathie Brooks, Assistant City Manager Eva Silverstein, Tourism, Culture, and Enomic Development Director Vania Pedraja-Castro, Economic Development Specialist Page 379A29133