1674-8 Herbert FrinkG 1
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KKK Charge
Results In
Libel Case
Candidates Make
Final Vote Pleas
Before {Ba`�llol1t�� Today
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A candidate who was booed off
the stage at an election eve
rally and then arrested on a
warrant sworn out by an op-
ponent put the finishing touch
Monday night on Miami Beach's
bare knuckle city council cam-
Meyer (Mike Faust) Ggjub,_whn
had accused Councilman's Herbert
A. Frank of* being a onetime -Ku
Klux Klansman, was taken In cus-
tody by Constable W. M. (Newt)
Hudson. Frink, seeking re-election,
swore out a warrant charging Go-
lub with criminal libel Monday
Hudson served the warrant on
Golub after Frink'a accuser had
taken 30 minutes more than his
allotted five to lambast Frank
during the Flamingo park rally.
A few minutes later, having
found that Golub was arrested and
released under $100 bond earlier
In the day on a duplicate warrant,
Hudson released him.
Frink and Golub were two of
the 20 candidates who spoke at
the Flamingo park rally before
an estimated 3,000 persons. In a
flurry of Ilth hour oratory each
laid his election hopes in the lap
of the record 18.000 voters regis-
tered to cast ballots from 7 a. m.
to 7 p. m. today.
Before they started Chalrman
John D. Montgomery introduced
Councilman Maurice Klein, not a
candidate, who urged freeholders
to approve the two bond issues
that will be on the ballot today.
One is for $630,000 to finance
storm sewers; the other for 2,831.-
000 to pay for a new white
way lighting system.
Frink repeated his earlier de-
nials of the KKK accusations. He
called the charges "a phony and a
Frink drew both cheers and
jeers from the capacity crowd.
Golub was practically booed from
the stage.
Melvin Richard was the only
speaker to win an "encore" front
the audience. Master of ceremonies
John D. Montgomery had to bring
hint back for extra plaudits.
Richard said he was "highly
dissatisfied" with Miami Beach's
"incompetent administration."
He denounced the "criminal
scum" which he said had infil-
trated the city and won influence
in its government.
The other candidates, whose fin-
al campaign pleas paled besides
the Frink-Golub feud, stuck to
such issues as low cost housing
for Beach residents, better fire-
fighting service, public Improve-
ments and more efficient city ad-
ministration. Now and then they
took a side poke at the current ad-
Harry ''/,ukernick, scheduled
by lot to speak 12th on the
rally program, had to leave be-
fore his turn came, to attend
a rally staged by his supporters
elsewhere. Candidate Robert T.
Teaney did not appear.
Others who spoke were incum-
bent Councilmen William A. Bur -
bridge, Harold Turk and D. Lee
Powell, and Al S. Cohn, Aaron
Courshon, Sam Gold, Abraham J.
Kaplan. Hyland Kout, James H.
Norton. James B. Quinn, Fritz
Rahn, Harvey (Darby) Rathman.
Burnett Roth, Louis Shafkin,
Charles S. Wescourt and A. Ernest
(Ernie) Woolfe.