1674-8 John CollinsPAGE 'I EN -A
rn� (o(6l2y
Pioneer Developer's Vision of Tropical ,Splendor At Miami Reach) Realized
11..nrf ('urrnall•h hnnnnn 0001 In n-nrr,• 11, 1,1 1.. .u,..ol 11.•11x1, nrel.ur.1 .•om• 1.11. ..011. 1.r..lrd sinter I.o,11. 0/ 110. John M. Pullin.. .rl11.1
pnny'x great, pnoke, nl )11111111 Ilrnrh, ..1111 r3,,.• 1,00,.1, of fruit rrx,1) to Knthrr. then 41111 feet 1ro.o (l•,• .111nn1I.••• edge. ..herr he Dad Mr•. 1-..11111.
i Mr. John S. Collins Spending Winter Amidst Tropical Grandeur
Wrought by Own Pioneer Work No Less Intrepid 'Ilan That
of the Late Daring Henry Fla;:ler.
The r••1 urn of Mrs. and '.Ir.s. John 14 mate (ulut.• of .li:unt ... .. .. ori!.chit.,
1'0111110 10 \11.•11111 i..•1c11 fur lbs wi111•t •'11) of I111• 0011111.
f1' 3l,. 3. Moore: town 3Ne1v .I a•rsert I3: hulls Ute 11111140. I,.• •1',1., 11,, 001
11 (tom nome•tary gal. hot ns :t'
orchard hoot, a month or at II. ad- t•onaMM
shie :oo That lli:11111 111.4,1011 It. - >;
'avancc of the I,0ua1•tIllle. 11.10 , not only And It 1111.1 ...•reed a vpt••n,ll,l ave 1:,•sid.•' the 0....t.•rn 3'.,l
Ilrllyd manly hearty greetings 1/111 r,•- roe thn00 wh.. %vu11I,1 .•n7..r ton sen 160 manl:,ud 1... 11/,. ell,.
calls the splendid Ivork e'hlrh this e:n'h day, 111. 10 1110 11111•• Ila.• /;rear
.lobo ore, the end ,.f ...
ca Collins,y WW1 hulls, and for 11'.31111 Air.. other .•r.•xllon of 11 r. ,
Kruhln 1/n:, w•roa;; ht III the drv,•Iu P- llln0, in 1110 rho earl 01 10I 1.• /1111103'• of
associates. which 1o,v ..1
mxnl 0f the hrach rural 11,11111':/ i,lire a'I(. nfr••t.•d Irl ap0l',, v rer,•ully 3I Ni r. t'..Illu. n+ he hinter pla)'K t f..,
•nut growth as g southern Inelro .. ,''ll of 11, I,SUIIt1K 11'11 of 1111• 1'tl)' npprar• 111 his 1/.:(h ac ,•11 •Io•do. Se. erol 11111••1
.111x. 9.1111 had complained that 11111 cause• !rnr o„ MN nrrlvnl from )100 rrslu.r u, situ,., principallySmlthb .
Tile" merry twinkle of his 3,1ue•gray 1vay turd 1.011( 0o 1111,'11. 110 further ex- N..„ J.•r.r �. with temple ave..unu..onlb.
eyes and the natural democracy of 133,3 platned 1hal hal he not built the w1go0 .. IDK are nlnu sit \Taunt 1:•.e
personality are tat mlt'e lloteresling and 11 11 I11.: 0..3'.11 or building the ell 110,•• .
lou k3' 1110 Interviewer grant to know \ran• might rev, -r 11:11-.• hero r•r,.1 1',•I 1`'Inl•r o.. ••t .vn.•ro:,s n.nxt
aro r,• about the 111111 who Ila,. nu3 only or necessary, ‘,...,,Ili, 1,n,3 .uIc ur.••1 people dnring
' raised apples, pears. b1•u•khcrrles and Longrnt IlrldRr !11,11 1,• 111•pnynr ..'... .1,1111.11 y. hebrta try nod
11, north. 11111
1'111.• 110x••1 u..'u •e1 1.1.111;
• ‘• 1111 11.•11. rine and r
awl Ilrnrh gr,. r .r.41o•rl.
other sots!, f rUllx 111 1
who has similarly tamed •a sub•tropl• Ila[ the r•11n1trur3:nn u( this wa.n
.'l,I Jungle 11n11 brought fn•oradna and 111,101,, Iwo 11l q tut( 11ay Ithat
mangos 111 /11)1.•1111111 (rulllnn 111 a ell- ''ero00 11.•;.911!01 .. Ili yn,• May ;11 11111
1113(3' nearer the equator. 1 day was atlas to Ion geulu0 of Mr.
M1I r. l'ullins' 11111111 3'1/111 to Florida 1' lal:l l'r In hl0 dash over t •'r ke10, to
was n sort of aftermath l0 1110 at- Key \\'est. It Ir:.Ir nulreorer. a na111-
lrndau'r u( the ftermal l'omolugi 1'.,l cul segnrnee to 11r. ('ullins extensive
w.3' 1)`s centennial convention at \cNewnd la horluu0 lack pr,•e1o11013' 11uur 1
1 3'.1 . after whk'h he .•am,• 11011'11 II/
1r 01,1 1011.11 of St. Augustine. Itut his
,'urlonlly w•/i8 noMrlen11y aroused ut
that Ione to extend his quest 111 ,11/.• fe.Ilo0 log .\pall 11) eon.
111101' year w11r11 hr rrnelu'd NH fur 110 .Iruet ion 111111..•.•11 1..•g un Ihr pr.•v loon
Deitch after arriving :at .Iuplt''l Ju1)'-- xl.onl,I I,IN'.• [well made x g/1i..
by bast (ruin Titusville and %sulking n.l) ror Ute .11y u( 131,,,,1 and t1/•• sur-
from thero to .1 mu) IItem' glt deep. rounding eounir3' nut I hot (1/r. Mayor
lousy sand and crossed Luau Worth lu of the town, the president of 13,,• 110nr1
n small yacht. After :a raw clays al
1':t111 (each .Mr, Collins' natural alert-
ness lured him to M111011. \even brffora•
the revered ant Intrepid I'Iag ler ha:
left his indelible Imprint of a railroad
front the north to the "Magic City."
1'H rleat'Larfrr .lvoendo 'renes.
llrre's nn Inlarilurxtlnu In this
story, lust by way of Mr, ('011111x' suu-
j ray xlKKrn11011x ■10.,g 111e 1111e, a1111
I 9.111.11 ort worth while; In fuel. 1 think.
Mr. Pullin.. In rnrreet. fie 11x3,3: •'Toni
all Ihr rants ,n the county 00Kht 111
cl raring and grading \Ilnnll !leach 111111
In- digging 111.' t '0111.,,. 1.1111,11 nerUs.,.
OW prnins111.1. 11 was 1.111 natural,
however. that the rompl'11011 of the
of tent? 1,11d some of t1/•• leading low
y.•rs of tor• place should p.rthtipate In
t1/•• .l•••IIln13.,n o3 the [r Idge.
1.0 1:ae'1111g the. 611 111,1t. ref (h..
brldge the e•rawd• In their alit •
Idles, some of them ut least, gut their
first glimpse of '.1r. Collins'fine green.
proJerl :1101 Ihr In,t1lrn.r.• w•.rk 1,,s,, -
e.1 111 ills Irnn(ornaxt3,•o of Il:al part
lir eean front. ills Iogl,' s. ,•Died
to he that Nihon.' had 111 111111 lime• nal•
grown • 14. s 9vu1dIIng clothes and 1511.
111.1'e•;r.p11:•: 0o 1•ap1111Y 111111 Ihr. 1.1.11.
11r114;r I^ollowrd by l'nlrylnnA.
11.•ridr.. the 1.1 1.1,4• 11:.
and 11.11 great •
.53,3,•3, the (',.11111,. 1.11.1x••
rubn.r, golf courses. polo
skllIc11 ..till 1 •0:.3,1.
other 3r..pir al growth,. In
SAY "BAYER" when you hay. II
19 I_
of the Late Daring Henry Fla; ler.
The return of Mrs. and Mrs. John S.
Collins to \1l.•unl (leach for the .lister
from their hlour,•sl., w• it (New .1 erne')
ureic:tell home n 1111.11 110 or s1• la ad -
entice of the 10111111 1l111•. 10111 001 only
elicited many hearty erei,llogs but re-
. calla the spltvWlti work which (111s
mute future of Miami as it worthwhile
City ia 11.o uIulh.
Ile Milli Ill, bridge. Ito nay.. not so
•b front •t8 r) gain 1.111 as n
eonslderal lou I hat NI In Its 'method It.
And 11 lull a.rrv.• 1 it sylnn.Ild nvruuo
for 1 fns., who w'm111d ell 10y' 111n sat
earl' 1111y. up 10 1 h time 1h.• great
ttltsrwvty was hill 11, and for which Mr.
genius Into wr,u:ht In the develop- ("1.1 1114. 111 his ehn lael •.tint 1e moms.. of
I tient 1•t the beach 11101 \ti:unit's Uhe- wit. ufrrred 1111 apology recently to
' nuntrnal growth Its a southern lnetrop- some of the leading men of the city
of Ia. Who had ConuI,lol nett that (he ell USW -
The' ,.terry twinkle of Ills blue -grey wily hull 11.0111110 murk. lar further ex -
ryes and tho natural democracy of his Muffled that hfid 110 not 1111111 the wagon
pertain:tlty are at once Interesting and bridge the need of bulIdtlig the enute-
ke the Interviewer tyrant to know tt'ay might never hnv.• hero ro n.ldered
tnnr.• about the mon who has not only or ne.essnry.
reined smiles, peters, blackberries 1111.1 Idangeet Bridge Simon III.rnyne
1•l her sulxll fruits In the north. bot
who. bus iIm11.trly lamed tt sub -trout -
...al Jungle and brought avocados and
Intrigue to npleudld. fruition In a ell-
: 11iate'ten rer the equator.
Mr. Collins Initial visit to Florida
was a sort of afternutlh to his at-
tendance of the National 1'onlological
society's centennial convention tit New
firleann, after which he cattle down to
Ihr old town of Sl. Augustine. (tut his
• curiosity was aumcienty aroused 1•t
that time to extend Ms quest In :e
later year when be reached as far as
Punt' (teach after arriving at Jupiter
by bout. from TItusv11le and walking
fr there to .luno t!trough deep.
Muer sand and Croasri I.n1tu Worth 1n
u email yacht. After n few dayµ at
Paint Beach \1r. Colima' natural alert-
: mesa lured him to Mined, 'even before
' the revered null Intrepid I"hlgler bait
loft his Indelible Imprint of it railroad
from the north to the "Magic
Net Fliet'I.arKt .lvurado Tenet.
Merton nn Intarlinratou In this
.story•. Just by way of Mr. 1'otltnn' sun-
t 11Y suggeatlons along the line, and
which are worth while: In fart, t think,
: Mr, Collins is correct. !le sold: "Tint
C all the road,. M the county ought•to
1 lie hedged with A11strallnn pluton.- Thin
r.•deete Mr. ('olllnu Iden of beauty find
permanency. Ile Is soon 10 he Sr. years
'ming and yet 1110111 sunny and alert Its
' bis views.
IBut here's the thine. Mr. Coition
came here' from a country that w':ia
alrutady tamed. where horticulture nod
ntweri were a fact. but Its vlttltn Wain
tot Iran elreumterw11red herr. 11e saw Iereaaary•. Maud. the Mtgie 1.11y of
In the nvurndo 1itand the nl:utgn won. the mala Moll land. was than linked
id0rf11 1,011111b111n In a11vante of their 1111 with h the fittest bething benc011
time. perhaps. lint he ,.et the hlrgeat the South A111111111%
nrna of avuradolt mud uuutgos 111.•11
known herr anti quite beyond the
1 r..11rage of the most intrepid grower
11t that time. Singularly. tun. Mr. Col-
; 1los had Nelve(rd a plum mil sal 1110
edge of the Atlantic front whence nth-
.' rrs bad shrunk.
Rut the beach -was h1 n measure hila a peruuu.tol popula'ut 1. of between
quite huaucr11,.11de for marketing and (0,000 and .8,01111 people awl many
Mr. Collins early saw the neeeasity of more during the winter. 11 Is now thtt
and built n canal from 111.11:11 creek
1n1,, Itisrtl•ne bay w•hb•h would say.. •_ . .. _1111. . .-
hint n • 10 miles 1•t travel or trlitnwll
Hut the construct:on of this wagon
bridge, two and it half whiles long,
across beautiful Itlsrayn.• Hay at that
day was akin to the genius of :1Ir.
ilagler 10 his dash over the (try's to
IG•y West. It 51114, more.., er, n natu-
ral :mummy,. to Mr. Cullens' eXtelialve
01111 huborluut Intik previnusly d • In
clearing and grading Miami (teach and
111 tugging the 1'0lll1114 conal ueross
the peninsula. It tuns lot natural.
however, Ifni Ihr rootpl,r Ion 1•f Ihr
brag.. the following April - Its con-
struction hod been begun the pree101Is
July—should have been made a gall
1183 tor the elty of itllatnl and tate nor -
rounding enuntry and 111nt the mu yor
Of the lutyn. the prowldent of Illy board
mf uncut:• and n • of the lending law
yrrs of the plate should partleipntc In
the dedication of the (.ridgy.
tin 1,11••tllug the b.•:u•h hid.. of the
bridge the ,row'ds tum their auto tno-
ttIL•s, some of thrill at leant• got their
first glum par of Mr. Collins' tiny grove
project and the Iuummtte work involv-
ed In ills transformation of that port
of the . urian frost. 111s logic 'wooed
to be th:ht N11111111 11114 at that itm,• out-
grown Its 11ttvuldling clothes and was
tleVelupleg so rapidly that the midi -
(Ion or IGH, Herts of choice r,•sldtnce
primer, on 1ht tieoun front marked t1•.
.•n.tc1, In 1l o elly'11 hlrlory mud JostIflen
the school boys' definition 111111 11 bridge
"intent lead f sonde w•htre to 1401110-
w•heru" to be worth while. Th.• splen.
did development at shirr uud of this
bridge were the tiurro11udings witch
nine 1hr, famous Collins bridge :imply
'1we1‘ly yearprior 10 111x1 tine ali-
en.l hail been it Iropltal forest with
u general store and old i•'urt Ileitis
slindiiig al • umomg the primitive
huts of the Srtnlnola Tatham.. Slime
that time Miami has .•uu.'aurd to grow
with a ruptdlly and spotmtior unequall-
ed by any ell!, in (i, smith. It now
In the handling of his fruit. Seven
Ihonsnnd :n•oendn trees at 87 rash were
$$..``uara tee of his fn nth let this trop -
'170 fruit w•hlelt rlvttx• the egg and
milk In nutritive vein*, :1•W auggeslrd
Iola Idea of .•a r.• 1•t the •!project. now the
finest grove of Its kind In The emus:y.
l'a.11ln. Irnrr.aw 1:rusvlb.
\Ir, Collins' later vision and hunlel-
pa1in11 of Nhlrnl's futon• 55:11 tg:tn re -
fleeted In 11417 by Its nogg••st lin nn.l
emiel •uetion of it bridge arra.. Tun -
rays* hay, at 0 rust of opprnxlinacy.
$1111101111, 110 111111 folks Ilii ug ell Ihr
mal lilaotl might get 0111 1•, the ...It and
.nJny Ihr tinny deep Ity tasirsl .tit'erx.
This was a happy eo t'l'tl ion of Mc.
('titins' Idea of the ultimate fruition
of , horn nature. grandeur. 'fits
was the longest bridge then on the
Amerit•tn continent. aur:' Naturally.
me. 1 •titin. humped aeattelal nivel'•
ally. bol h.• t1.•11I.•vrd sten•.,4 by reasu.t
m( hi+ ....11111141. 1.11,1 tvli,• r i0 Ill.. toll i•
We note wIlh sntlsrn.•Unn that a well
• know•,. phy.lelan In his hospital and
prlvn to pearl lee lin. dlsenv••re•l that
Noun,'. 1•:nterahl f111 will remove the
nt ohutinate filen atilt Jn.t n few
appliealI•mt and .top alt (tubing, burn-
- Ins. Meriting anti ttisl r,.s.
]Ir. eoliths 8• I.r nil. tor• In ht. h7.1b
Yen, un hl. nrrl• n1 f runt Nuorr.toaro,
New Jrr.ry.
.rint,•r theta of Anierira'x 1110111
*.roll by ,old rule ur.•d 1 1.1.• turh.g
.vu•h Ih•ru11il.er, J11uua1)% Ivor wiry Hund
Ilrldge Irullotrrd by Fstr) Iwnd.
111,.• .1..•.•1n..•n lit 1•I,114t1
.•IU. both ripe mud µecru
soul Urnrh situ., pro J, -rt.
Ilesldes the leen eon
the rtu.lul• ill 1. the flue
John neer the end of 1he
other ereatlon of 751 r. Col
x.rsoelules, whleb (lay .l.
ti lour playground for
w•a•I I •lm•dn, Set -.real other
.imus, prlm•Ipa 1 1 y Sol Il It'.s :.
With l.mplo liet
1t Int WI
Ing ore HIM. 111 N u11u1 Ilvr
Il..elda•w the bridge. leu
wltlos• mud lltn great .•
whirl. 11,0 (•unit+ brittµ•• w
ruht trr. gni( t•nurs.••. 1.1•1.11
skirled With 1 •1 ail.•
other trnpleal growths ah
((BAYER" when you buy. I:
Unless you sec the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, y
not getting the genuine Bayer product prescril
physicians over 23 years and proved safe by milli(
Pain, l'a
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper din
}land'^"Bayer" boxes of 13 tablets—Also bottles or 24 and 100-1
asplrta 1. the trade mart of Layer Manufacture of atocoatetle.ele,•t.•r .f )
_\\a•tlaw tri
KeepHome Your Grounds
Fresh and Green All the Year
• Nowhere in all this country can home grounds be made more attractive
than in Florida and alongg• the Glllf. Nor is there a place where shrubs and
trees thrive more Vigorously than here.
Flowering Shrubs for Foundation. Planting
For west Florida the Abclin is supreme for foundations anti hedges, for single specimens, or in
1ttr¢e groups. 'then there ''••• (tt11!r bench, with bright red flowers! Mimosas r1• t0•t, 3
OCTOBER 15, 1922
ision of Trop'cal Splendor At Mia,ni Beach Realized
Reuelt t lrclu.r,l coot- I'iensuully leveled tvinler homy . f %Ir. John M. Collins. shunted stet us. re
reit ready to gather. /hast 400 feet from the Atissue's edge. where he and Mrs. follies are s,lslterl tg.
Ix.E D tyro
ropical .Grandeur
>id Than That
+In1 as u.worthwhlle
d Kr. ho soya,. not an
til ry gain but' as a
t Mlnnll needed It.
n splendid avenue
,ould enjoy tho'sea
the time the great
it. and for whteh'\1r,
nrael,rlolle xenon of
apology recently to
img men of the city
nod that the cause -
inch. He further cx.
+ trot built the wagon
f building the cause -
hove been considered
• Manaus 111
,virus n( this wagon
a half tulles lung,
llseayne tiny at that
• the genius of Mr.
oh over the keys to
N. moreover, a nolo-
Ir. Collin,. extonslve
It previously done In
Ing Miami Beach and
coiling canal across
It wag hut natural,
completion of the
ving April—Its ran -
o belfun'(he previous
e been matte u gala
f Miami and the sur-
nnd that the mayor
'resident of the board
r. of the leading law•
should participate In
the bridge.
.n bench side 01 the
ds las their aul
•,n at least. gut their
fr. Colllne' (Inc grove
mmenee work llvoly-
.rnlallon of that part
It.: Ms logic scented
had at that time nut-
ting 'clothes and was
, i•ldly that the add*-
- of eholc, r.l.ldnnr..
Mr. ('olllas as Ise npprtlre in his bath
year on kis arrival from, Moorestown.
New Jemmy. '
winter Mecca of Anit'rlea's most
wealthy and cultured people during
rnch llere:niter. Jallllar y. February and
Bridge Followed by hairyland.
Flue apeelusen of l'I.lIIppine pnpu)a
with bulb ripe and green fruit la MI -
ami blench grove project.
fleshiest the tern conveniences of
the mainland Is the fine Como. St.
John near the end of the bench. nn•
outer creation of Mr. Collins and his
11111101.11/1 as, which I11/14 Mince Leen it
winter playground for the nation's
well-to-do. Several other bathing est -
ohms. principally South's and MLardis's,
with ample accommodations (or bath-
ing ars also et Miami Roach.
Besides the bridge, theme new Ca=
ninny. and the great causeway, lbf
which the Collins I,ritige uv,,* the fore-
runner. golf courses. polo grounds, all
skirted with innumerable paints and
other tropical growths In a landscape
SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Ihsistl
which nlnkue of Mlan,i Beach a verit-
able fairy land twelve months In the
year, have boon built. For t111an.I and
Miami Mauch are coining to be recog-
nized more and more AS u summer as
wr11 Its winter resort.
Moreover, all this grandeur 1s now
aeoenelblu from Miami on the , main-
land by the sturdy old bridge and the
causeway %loco built, by either automo-
bile or the trolley lino crossing the
causeway and traversing the bench
from thn south to the north end• II dis-
tance of 11111 w'sru four and five m11uy.
No longer ego than 1911 and 1912 be-
fore the bridge was built, lit spite of
the clearing and Improvements of hun-
dreds of acres by AIr. Collins and his
:.s.socintre, it was customary to re-
gard the peninsula separating Bay
1•Iseayne from the 0104444 os o wilder-
ness, *end such 11 was. Those (arts
but lend 10 Indicate \fr. Collins' great
vision nod u determtnatlon and your -
ng,' which know 1111 defeat.
ilk avocado and mango grove of
the north end 11 the bourn wore the
first .Ipp1.) of Mr. Cellos' rye. This
WW1 but natural nlnce II.. 1,x11 grown
(Continued on Inge Sixteen -A)
And to prove this I will scud you a
regular 32.00 I0 -da)• treatment of my
Lamour Kuro I'Ilu Remedy absolute•
ly FRET. It you suffer front Itch -
Ing, bleeding or protruding 'Mea—
nt) *natter how, bad—this WIndrrfu1
new discovery will romince these
troubles In o tow days. A big Ksn.
MIS City hank stands back of my
guarltnteo to cure you or It costs
nothing. Simply send your name and
odd resp today to W. It. Darlington.
I:tiro ltulnedy Co., 626 ►:urn lll,lg.,
Kansas City, Mo., and get the trial
treatment 1 want 1,1 Wend you !•'ltl'JI.
1 postpaid. 1t•rltu today. The
wonders accnmp111hed In your own
ruse will bo proof.
Dr. S. D. Miller's Sanitarium
621 E. Porn)th St., Jacksonville, Fla.
Three Departments. Three Buildings
Morphine Habit cED I1:
hASuit'. N'TI:\l'
Effective and Efficient Liquor
Treatment for Refined
Persons of the Better Class Only.
• When Sic
('lean your l,o
NVhcn you, feel
bilious, when your
Ing, or your atom,
nut take one 0r 1
As noon as the
and bowel poison
Good Dentis
Set of
36 E. Flagle
E. O. 1'Alt
her a
I)Uil(1 •
asa w
free a
eh lie
n the
d re-
ar 11.
A the
in -
11 the
111 10
. he
d be -
'11 to
I un-
r lir.
cd to
:Is -
n the
»I 111
t that
r the
with -
�M I
.3 un -
)r the
ani -
1y be
to the
to de
�r ten
d col-
• cum-
Ade In
•n will
as the
'(Continued from Page Ten -A)
apples, pears and various small fruits
near Moorestown, N. J., on a very large
scale. Yet In spite of all Ills achieve-
ments at the beach since the avocado
and mangos begun bearing and finding
a sate hl the tau. th at hign prices, he
has never lust a keen Intores. In that
xplendld project. 1(e has delighted
each wltasr as I.t. conies down from
the north It: (t3qucnt vlalts to the
grove with lila son• 111 -haw, Mr. Thomas
J. 1'ancuast, wife Is the necnetllry and
general malinger of rho large Inter-
.•xtx of the attend) 13enCh Improvement
Company, fir which Mr. Collins still re-
tains the presidency, and with 113. T.
Luther l(ow'rrx, Who has been In effi-
cient charge of the grove and farm
work on the beach projects since 1813.
l'ulllnr 'Punted Failure to Sneerer.
Just prior to Air. Collins' bevonling
Interested In the property un the
bench, n company had beenorganized.
of which 11 r. E. T. Field and a Mr.
Unhnrn were the primo plovers. who
also "had n v181011' about fuUnre
wealth to be made by planting cocoa-
nuts up 111121 dawn the bench from as
far north ux 1'221111 neaeh 111 b,•low Co-
conut Cruvc. 'a'Itls company • had It
figured out that' when the trees were
bearing they would ',(ford n yield av-
eraging enc good merchantable rtr0414
uut to each tree every day lit the
','hese men rhurterod 31(11 boats 111121
sent In the Island of 'Trinidad for their
,rrumiscuous planting along the beach.
rhe first boat load consisted of (30,-
000 nuts. The two following winters
they brought up and planted In at elmt-
Inr way 117,000 nuts each winter, or
a total of 331,000 cocoanuts. Owing
to the natural Lnurcox1lbllily of the
land, difficulty In landing the nuts
and planting thein, ranch more money
woe needed that they had anticipated
and about the eecund ..axon after 31r.
Collins had begun development they
prevailed upon him for financial as-
sistance. I(e.loaned them 15,000 but
still their financial difficulties were
not solved. Many of the members of
the company became discouraged and
dropped out of the venture and It
reached a point finally when Mr. 1•'Irld
and Mr. Collins were the only .ones
let In the cocoanut enterprise.
Mr. Field was It man of much more
morrow vI,ws I11 all 11In devolopnn•nte
than Mr. Collins and on this account
their relations arson ceased but owing
to the primitive conditions of the
country and laclvof care, moat of the
cocoanut trees were eaten off by the
rabbits before they had obtained suftl-
clunt growth to withstand the ravages
of theae pests. Mr. Collins being a
much more fur -sighted and practical
man soon dropped the co1Joulut enter-
prise as futile at the time and finally
turned It to rllccess by punting avo-
cados and mangos.
Planted 7.000 Avec-ado Tree■
The original planting of avocados
was In 1910 and Included about 7,000
young trees. About 1,000 !laden and
Mulgobn mangos were also set ut the
time. Many of these trees perished
from climatic and other conditions.
and the final cost of bringing the
'grove Into bearing has been much
larger and amore dlacouruglug than a
less courageous and tenacious man
would have continued. But It is now
paying, even though for various rea-
sone its cost of maintenance hue been
much heavier than would be the aver-
age now at the beach or elsewhere
on the mainland.
Tho grove has for the past three or
four years yielded thousands of boxes
of fine avocados and 300 to 500 boxes
of mangos annually. Much of this
fruit has brought In the northern cit-
ies an average of around 110 to 015
per box and much higher prices have
been received for early and lute ship-
Beelde3 the avocados and mangos,
the Collins gl•oVe Includes about nine
acres of billntnax turd (WO acres of pa-
payas which have yielded acme profit
above thelr euro nod 11111'0 12d2.1011 11111011
to the tropical beauty of rho bench
projeot which Collin3 and his later
associates have so zealously nurtured
and brought into splendid fruitage.
11 woe but natural of 100330, that
no 301038a1 an enterprise should later
Involve ux3lstanee and other able then
to carry on the work. This resulted
In the organization of the 111111(11 Beach
Improvement company of which Air.
Thomas J. 1'aneoast, a son•In-Iaw of
the rage of Moorestown, was made
secretary and manager, a position
which he still beide. The Casino St.
John wa3 later urqulrt'd by Air. Carl 11.
Platter and a no leas daring developer
at the brach. The co-operation of Air.
Fisher and 111'. Pancoast have added
Immensely to 1(r. Collins' early con-
ception of what hiatal and 511nm1
Beach were to be.,
It Is It fine thing for \Ir. ('ulnas to
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We are proud of these
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reach this stage of olir
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be here again this winter In his 86th
year to so fully realize and enjoy the
fruition of hie dream of dreams of
nearly :s years ago. The section then
a tropical wilderness Is now a fa
land where thousands conte each t
ter to escape the rigors of the no
It Is fitting Indeed that ho le in 1
What Does It Pro
Wealth and Be
Some people allow seemingly sm
Every condition is the effect of
REMEDY or treatment that WILL 1
"ISMS" c p1
Eugene Elmer, 1t, D.
the administration c
tracts, lymph compc
which have proven t
treating skin and bit
S" """ No misleading state
SKIN, we attempt to diagr
BLOOD • It is admitted that i
search lines have proven that the ser
number of cures. We SPECIALIZE
bined with all of the approved and a
those eonditiorv3. arising from the NO
and Blood. Rheumatism, Catarrh, S
Kidney Troubles, Blood Poison, Bloo
We Accept Your Challenge
Sick people who contemplate; taking treatment can come
condition. r
Here to Stay-
Pll Promise What I'll D
Would you pull your eat
Each and every patient accepted for treatment. Must ah(
Drs. Elme
215-216-217 Republic Bldg. Opposii
again this winter In his 86th
so full; • realise and enjoy the
of hie dream of dreams of
years ago. The section then
a tropical wilderness Is now a fairy- session of all 1Je splendid faculties
land where thousands come each win- and Is again here to view this gor-
ter to escape the rlgore of the. north. geously beautiful {Aare, surrounded by
it Is fitting Indeed that ho Is In pos- h1s loved ones• as well as associates
who have also watched and enjoyed
lho building of this grand picture by
the eea.
What Does It
Wealth and Be Without Health?
Some people allow seemingly small illnesses to remain until they become
Every condition is the effect of some CAUSE and there is a SPECIFIC
the administration of serums, bacterins, vaccines, animal ex-
tracts, lymph compounds and arsenical intravenous medication
which have proven to be the most efficient and direct method of
treating skin and blood affections, both acquired and heredi-
I;ureae Mater, M. I). tary.
Specialist.No misleading statements ever enter into these notices, nor do
V E,
SKIN,we attempt to diagnose or treat by mail.
BLOOD • It is admitted that the advantages in medicine along the re-
search lines have proven that the serums and bacterins have created the greater
number of cures. We SPECIALIZE in the application of these remedies, com-
bined with. all of the approved and accepted therapies for the alleviation of all
those conditi9ns arising from the NON-FUNCTIONING of the Nerves, Skin
and Blood. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sciatica, Malaria, Uric Acid, Stomach and
Kidney Troubles, Blood Poison, Blood and Skin Diseases,
•. We Accept Your Challenge to Produce Results. A Visit Will Tell.
Sick people who contemplate+takingtreatment can come to our office for a personal interview and explanation of their
j. Here to Stay—Permanently Located
I'll Promise What I'll Do and I'll Do What I Promise.
Would you pull your car to make your toe stop aching?
Each and every patient•accepted for treatment. Must show a Radical Improvement Within Ten Days. This I Assure You.
Drs. Elmer & Brown
215-216-217 Republic Bldg. Opposite Postoffice
Miami, Florida'