1674-19 John Collinsfighting,y Sy..; t le t , treat nus ..... ..
or loess ...-
.g. 1n�' r anirrepreae+ntaliun by one, G. A. Black,
rr�� !n jail.
`Ne who, several.weeks ago deserted her
two children and left them without
betas Or any other means, going to
The woman, whose name was re-
quested withheld for obvious reasons,
formerly resided at Grant Park, Ia.
in some ' manner a correspondence
—_r ensued between her and G. A. Black,
who at tho time resided in Miami.
The woman claims that Black in
u tette rte her, promised to merry her
on her arrival in Miami, but stated
that he would prefer that she borrow
money with which to procure trans-
portation for herself and children to
Miumt, us he "might get in bud with
the federal authorities for violation of
the Mann white slava net," if he sent
her railroad fare.
She thereupon paid her railroad
trutapdrtntion with money she bur-
rowed from friends ut Grant Park,
and arrived in Miami lust Saturday.
Boitton, Sept. 27.--!" :'erne,
t :to trier)
th Carman army .racer • .. .
lanceboto,hMai ern last„bridge
,p .today appealed from the federal court
- decision denying his relenee en : writ
r'.' -of hebean corpus.
"'The prisoner who is awsiting trial
,,on e. charge' of Illegal transportation
'cf dynamite, pueations the .extriuli-
''' tion proceedings which removed him
fram Nadal vwillhbest
The appeal
heard inthe fed-
ernl circuit court of nnpetls•
• A duplicitte copy of the bond which
must he properly executer) by the city
of Miami to show its good faith in go -
'Ing' ahead .with the deco water pro-
} • ject as required by the War Depart-
•'! ment, was read at the meeting of city
council .hast night, and w turned
f• . over to the deep water mittee,
':",•" composed "of J. A. 111c Don F. C.
, Romfh and Henry G. Ralston, for ac -
ton. •
Briefly, the provisions stipulated in
rlfthe communication, req
uires the city ,•,
..t.u,to give a surety bond for $25,000 ns
; .,evidence of its intention of construct•
-mg a pier and slips, complete, with
;;Tatlway connection: a bond of $60,000
.'guaranteeing the'digging of a turning
,it'hasin and the "'straightaw=ay channel
• as specified in the Randolph plan No.
5, and $15,000 as evidence of Its gond
faith in maintaining the required
depth in the channels and turning ba-
sin for a period of. three years after
the entrance channel is completed by
the' government.
is expected that the deep water
c' 'mittee will immediately take the
teesary steps and send the bond on
Major W. B. IaDue, Jacksonville,
eb of of the U..S. engineering corps
in'charge of this district, thereby cont-
.) pleting the final requirement to in -
?pure deep water for this port.
The bond election of $645,000 of
..;which $400,000 is to be expended in
'411e construction of a ship cllltnnel in
i r$lecayne Bay, and building a munici-
t pal railway, was canvassed by the
•council last night, and was found to
correspond exactly with the announce -
t meet of . the inspectors in charge at
T. the booths last Tuesday, and the re-
; suit of which was published in The
Herald of last Wednesday morning.
Of the $400,000, $300,000 is for the
able channel "and $40,000 for a mu-
nieipal railway to "connect with the
main line of the F. E. C. railway.
"Tbe $80,000 needed for the construc-
tiou' of municipal docks, is available
in .the banks.
It is expected that the bonds will
be. validated within the next four
;weeks and that actual dredging oper•
' ations will be started within six
(Benson colds are contagious and boards
sof swath In many rittea are eonaIderintt bar•
,,ritliratinktren with colds from school.
iatev and Tart ans old
reliable coughs.
Belk.arteilinaCroup and whoa In cough. Perrnte
to11S veteand v g
lave trouble by giving before nchn<d one'ta•
Red Cross Pharmacy.
ores, Offices and private
could be bought In New York atty.
while ready-to-wear dresses were still
lower in price than they worn offered
at the big New York sales.
\luny of the local store shave al -
reedy laid in their fall - stock and the
offerings that are to bo on tap on
Suburban day will include trimly of
the latent style articles. These, of
course, will be included in the regular
offerings that have heretofore met
the eye of the regular Suburban Day
bargain hunter and tomorrow should
see a much lager crowd of visitors in
the city than has been the case on any
previous Wedeaday since this special
day has been a feature with the Mia-
mi merchants.
it did not take her long to ascertain
that Black had left b1inini and the
manner in which he left., leaving two
small children without protection,
half-starved and in the streets with-
out a home.
"I have taken the matter up with
United States District Attorney Iler-
bert I..41'hillips, at Tampa,” Deputy
Marshal Lowe stated last night, "and
if we find thut there is any statute
covering such cases, ))lack will be
arrested and brought back to face
a charge of wRe slavery, or what-
ever jurisdictio the case comes under.
To my way o thinking this fellow
certainly ought to be placed behind
prison bars and if 1 can do anything
to that end I certainly shall do so."
The deputy marshal stated that the
woman urriving here Saturday, was
practicality destitute and would have
to secure employmegt of some sort
immediately, and for this reason he
requested that her name be kept out
of the papers.
It iii believed that Black is still
in Georgia,. where he went following
the desertion of his children. Rela-
tives of the children sent money'
nfare suf-
ficient to pay
Georgia, where they were being taken
care of when last heard from.
Black formerly conducted a rrocery
The following warranty deeds were
filed yesterday in the office of tha
clerk of circuit court:
Denicke and Baughman tto Gnd eorge
'1'. Baughman, lots ft 9,
2 of
block 4 DeLeon park, a subdivision
of Miami, $10, etc.
Hans Basch to The Everglades
Land company, tract 54-55 section 1
township 52 south range, 38 east, $10,
The Everglades Sugar and Land
tion p33ytownship Bosch,0, south range 41
east, $10, etc.
E. M. Martin to.Livingaton Adams,
lots 56 and 67 block 1Woodlawn
additionto e�ea�l
Arthur Byrne Acott,
lots 9 and 16, Riverside addition to
Fort Lauderdale, subdivision of sec-
tion 9, township 60 south range 42
east, $1, etc.
Boston & anlor't a David tic 11. Dies,
south halt of northwest quarter of
southwest quarter section 1, township
53 south, range 41 east, $126.
J. C. Belle to Mary E. Williams,
northwest quarter of northeast quar-
ter northeast quarter of northwest
quater of northwest quarter 'of north-
west quarter section 30, township 66
south, range 40 east, $10, etc.
'Henry B. Wehrley et ux to Peter
Wehrley, undivided one half internat.
of lot 1, Klock 11 south, Miami, etc.,
$1, etc.
Dade County Development Compa-
ny to W. H. Brown, lot 103 section 33,
township 54 south range 40 east, $1,
quire it
you eV(
store on avenue 1). µ 4/2411
Once more th
plied to one of
this time it Is'
building on El.
avenues C ant
Charles H. We
down to mak'
poeseasing latr
with Miami's u
Work was le
ing down the 1.
wilt be erect'
tue•iness block
t > Cherlea II
bold. The lot,
suo" let for .st
la expected la
le divided in
let nut when '
The new 1'
just east, of t
and will have
C of approx.'
e\'.ending n.s
feet. It. will
crate. '
The roof on J. S. Collins' magnifi-
cent new residence on Miami Beach
is now ready for tiling and the build-
ing is ready for plastering, accord-
ing to Thomas J. Pancoast, and soon
this $10,00(1 residence will be com-
pleted, adding considerably to the
beautifying of that section.
It is ` ^^'^'1 adjacent to the arti-
ficial lake, about one block• from the
residence now occupied and owned by
Thomas J. Pancoast, and facet the
ocean, with a spacious lot in the rear
extending to the lake, thus giving
road access both to the front and rear
of the house.
When completed it will be one of
the most modern and up-to-date homes
on thateach, and Mr. Collins is look-
ing forward to occupying it with much
:•.• We bare a Royal Vacuum
'Caner -75e per hour.
MI 500OW 12thN
St. Phone
=pont and Serviee Station
3211.331 13th St.
Line 1916ARe
1'.Irf TI R
('Ol'\('I1, TNSIDER
The city council will meet tomorrow
night for the express purpose of ad-
justing the occupation licenses for the
forthcoming year. Several radicul
changes are expected in the occupa-
tion taxes for the oncoming year,
of these being a suggestion that new-
comers engaged in .business for only
two or three months deposit a bond
guaranteeing payment of their occu-
pation taxes, instead of the city re-
ceiving no compensation for their
privilege to do business here during
the busy season.
According to 'City Clerk W. B.
Moore several men engaged in busi-
ness here last winter escaped the pay-
ment of occupation taxes, because
they left town before the assessor
could report on them.
Members of the council believe this
, to be an injustice to the year' round
business men and it is expected that
instead d of allowing them to come here
and curry on a rush business during
the busy season and escape their tax-
es, they will he compelled to deposit
Quite a nt
and ordered
ing of the cit
der the new
compiled in
it required b
Moore to re
ficial stami
them by the
bills, as pre
lice departs
ment, $469.
$75.62; sani
sanitary bo
$868.04; cit
lighting, cit
A. bill wi
cilman Ral
nection wit
mi of Arch
for the put
pital plant-
lanebidding coi
The plan
er receive(
W118 away(
The high school athletic assaiution
was formally organized for the season
yesterday, with Charles Pfeiffer presi-
dent, Edwin Shaw vice president,
I.yele Fester secretary and Professor
McCarty treasurer.
David McClure was made basket-
ball manager and four class treasur-
ers were elected.
Seeds, seedlings, hedge plants,
shrubbery, etc., are furnished free to
country school's in North Dakota by
the state school of forestry.
Pasteur Laboratories
Rat Virus
Bacteriological acientistss discover-
ed that certain microbes are patho-
genic to small rodents, rata and mice,
and spread a special disease among
this species of animals, and making
this idea practical• are now producing
a• product -rat and mouse virus—
which introduced into the system of
rats and mice produces in them a
mortal and contagious disease absolut-
ely charictariatic and pathologically
limited to these pests. •
It is absolutely harmless omalt
domestic animals, poultry, etc.
spreads this contagious disease only
among the rats and mice that come
in contact with it, through the affect-
ed rats and mice, their nests., bur -
Aiwa or trail's. All erected rats and
mice die in the open air an they seek
air nisi water.
I have been experimenting for the
last six years with all the known
Enquiries for
dtfQM>w1nqa bond covering the amount of shelf
USES TO RENT I rat and mouse poisons, roach and bug
taxes. 1
the onlysure, an a un
reliable rat and mouse exterminator
so far produced.
I am ready to contract to kill the Leo
rats and mice in wareaouses, store- Northea
houses, town, cities or counties. A Endeavi
communication will reach me et The wi" r?�
This will insure payment o exterminators, but for rats and mice
their taxes. I have found that the Pasteur Insti-
!shed and' Unfurnished. It is expected that quite a number
lute virus is
f d
•of business men will attend tomorrow
wouldlike to show night's meeting to see that their goo"rs
y and reactt it for you.
are properly assessed.
pd Us tom' besterms.
pries ,aud
rents and ' Rats destroy every year at least a
aa,,., -,N,1,1,1". .. , ,,. ,.,:t ieth part or ' •'r rape in
.a t
tried in
rape, was
from the
been inc,
States M(
that his
of $1,000
old seven
and dui"
Thus I
been ren
to appal
Cull, pre
uled to
he beim
girl her