1674-25 John CollinsId MIAMI BEACFI SECTION
John S. Collins Tempted
to Florida to Plant
_ Started With Little Cash,
Croat Faith and
Much Land
_.patty New. Photon
men, mammy hoer. •wl
.11and A•atre to hapr,.r health
by serer.. at Miami Meech.
Some •11.ln scat .Yen.• nr
.h••.,, .r, ,t.. photograph. where
1'•t• It..J.rd:na. ,.f )Lam! !leach.
in •ncompeting with .kat•
norg. (lifm;,.' ch.mpl.n.,
d,t n. coo.. )Ir. I•,t.r,l,n.
w ee,fad t•. PoreIn nlyo,pic
haring learned the .n
ohfdivIni r
a etbl end 'teach
Il was the! calm eon fide!.e-"'a''':•n•c' sx'-��..,•..•y..c•"3'�r5 �'-� y:.
> la•^ . .. •s lir:: :: 4i-�Atrl.'
and persistence of a Quaker;•
that gore the first narressfnl: '
impetus to \liami Bench. th,•I i
playgroundrmerle.k merle a. 9'h0it I
goo !ter 1• John
he 1 'idling. now nn
.ran front re•.A.nt of )Lahr h1tr,7rh I
. who M nppmorb:to his 00th Ivor
. but .till en)o),r the do.
_ ennui his wl.dem brought int, prom.
• I,
John Collin "
w frail ro
l Bwser
las N.w Jer n, •t ,1111 int...•.r-.I
In the fame 1piainem with tlnt,,w
.crying the arra• renponsibility. I1c
eau., of IDs. kf. loner inters t Mr
- Collin. ha. the ,t:alnctu,n of being
the rutty living chart. month, ..f the
Nen' Jens 11•xrcultur,l «,sorry, ,nal
of the nnrling:.m rowdy. N, J
Branae. It was .• a menthol. 01 the
United Norte. 1'om,dgecoal wicirty
Ihat h. nn^mini a .•..itnt when he
.t Nahen Field., who interested
him in Florid,.
Mr. Field. wanted to grow m.o.
mtIle hail w the beautiful abort
of wbot s now north
rth \lin1Bench
. and had , re.'connt all •Ions
the roan. Ile inlp.rtnt nut. by the
Schooner load and rat them not. 1l'h.n
Mr. Collin. visite, )tiX Fields At the
beach. howetrr. he foresaw other pan•
• a(bil{te.. Although Mr. Collin, hml
been marketing fruit nonce JA.,. he
h.1 also been Heins near Atlantic
City .nd had nbnery«I what people
will pal for rtimat and ocean front
Onhe strength of hot two in•
Dined. he moved to Florida moil
t hiring h5mited .un
rs he
wan in n pnc:iml u
In.tenil, r•ronising the fn.] value
of the vo<ado and the need of
freedom from frost to raise them
eommereitele. be secured Mitch prop-
erty on 1007 and found the one de.
.irebie eight on that side of the bay
for Krone development. I1. learned
by e=perienee rt. need of wind breaks.
the necessary distance from colt water
and the rent shipping problemn and
one by one he .oust eery bit ow.
lion. With the assistnnc, of his grove
foreman, Luther 1(owers, he learned
_ the t7prame of pMet moiled to ship•
ping •od devixed an iced rate for
. hipping and then cultivate.' maker.
as F,r away .. northwest Canmla
and Europe.
lia•ing thug estabiished himself in
r + - ret} I :.=r•
Ila, eirtt which he o,. arms .1. Ole.
Collum hoenre •i'.,ety ,,king way (.r
the fin .: t., ..uy'y 31,.1,, I:.•neh .l!•
mal.. Itetu,ine t , t ..htth hi•
frim& treat he St 4. arb• tackled
10. (•.caul pmbtea o.,f ontl!t. e .nc u renal
• thro,h<h t0. thick h,.00„wimp .n
that ,..ars ...,hi•I , , ,n (ton, Minml
maitelnn, n, ,he nrcn wide of the
brach w:::,..o, geeing ...Ione ,rano, the
Spec n1., thi. although •iwiel
machinery hail l.1., be devised. he again
arro.rti lt., 16.114'4 duuht, net to 111.
Hotlyi,lto. 1.. briars Il✓ My
and the result nn. Conine bridge the
longest w+h.-urn bridge In the world
Nan- the 'sayers and colonst, who
tried to stop him . e IrnMc to keep
with the need& o,f the hordes of
people that have (olloa«I the tain-
gn.nl o1 IU',t, w•hn rr•t„011«I to Mr.
Tophi+ gai.r mrstatinns b, visit
Miami leach.
In all Mr. !',:lire secured 1.17.1
f Mach Property from hop to
ocean a. his own holding.. When
Carl Fisher put ht. million, and
gen!0r to work melting worth Ik.eh,
Mr. Collin. then brgnn to red1,,
hln dream for north bench and he
built rende and par in improvements
nit .erurel permanent residents and
the dest4opment hss nrsrr topped
The story of Curl Fi.her who made
Iaml by hanging sand tram the bar
1n roll In farmer mangrocr .ream
hl then mad. coif mors.,. enormnn.
otels, loin field., residential .nb41•
rewn.. ba•:nrrl etre,io and enter.
teinment centers which now even in -
.•I.:,. 1l.. ••0.tihhg conk i• .0111 en ••: •.7
Linked rio,ely in the o,1:0,,: heart.
.1••elopu7«.t aro the hem^. .of T 1.
1'a•:eo„t and J. N. l.mmnn,.. Ole
I'a-n.n.l i. n con in inw of Ole. 1`n).
Ilia a,, ..tld pot mi.,. the ..lee
h:• frt., in law ens writing 1...
art 0i• ho,,. In 3)....re.(nwn. N .:J
F,nollr meeting .r wn from
)It IYnconst ,yn he goi.liy .1-:...
ti..ne4 hong at In whether nil •0.
(hung• h.' hod Avert' reeliy mese! 0.
tr,:r. Th. tonnin replies .kt1.(1.1 him
I0.t they were ret h. too .tartr-4 for
Minn,i. Inei•lenall• It in Inter•.::ng
to note that Ile l'.neoasl', informant
bought two brach 1n1. for $11,70) i
1011 and a few years Inter gold them
for 173.00). Leering New York In
the sleet and cold end tanning Miami
l,<.ch with the nun shining • few
.I,•, Iger encouraged M.. I'knroa.,.
The •rocado grove oppe.ird to )1l.,
l'enean,t 0. practical Bret he gr.
cern mon delighted with the pose.,
pt.nted between the tare. which pre.
cloned an 18 carload erop that year.
Collins bridge won eomp!ered nt a
cost of about 11100.000. After that
Mr. lenmmn.t nae. hr knew yd. Doh..
minor tied th, right Iden bot he him•
Self wondered whore the money wn•Ild
come from but the old Quaker 11oletiy
aid. "W11 get it. and, They did.
Now )le. l'.ncoast Ing leading
:Miami Bch cilia.. beinga former
.D70r and mune!! president and e-rr•
Ing In •(moot too mans important
po•(tion, to Ila them all. Among
them here been the preeidente of the
chamber of mmmtrcr. rice presidency
l,rnprn•emrnt I. the amount that ,'
serail In rrh00
icolor operating 0,0.
IThIY amount, of course, depend. 01001
,:he numMr of •churlo Ing the road.
I: to 71.10181 not th,,!' (1,, mrnlry
hoe. own, In ineeranl mel of n•Yrn1-
i•.0 vehicles. by not Improving mad.
tn. It 10.b. to 1100000? 10.m. In
,dher wont:, It pay. for Impro,ed
evils whet., it hes them or not. and
it My. le,. I,) having thein than by
not baring them.
Society Entertains Royal-
ly and Helps People
from Home State
New York Society, organ-
ized three years ago with \Ira.
bona 13. Moroney as president,
Into been one of the largest and
moot active of the state ao-
"1.1low It wan one of the first to cell
for a meeting last fall and more than
.100 mnnben attended the erection
tocrting whish «.p held in the Y. M.
C. A. building, J. 0. O'Brien, ho
hug Men cbaimun of entertainment,
served WI year president and
Mrs. Cis, Newman, as .r
A number of outatagdtog event,
herr I.een r cnrded during the peer
)fore then 600 members ar-
t ndeJ me nna Inren an/, sang with
eels melody that !!:slab t,ed to
hire the hug thorn. In 1113 the word •
each night of the p1..;,., of d.neing
n the sidewalks of Manhattan from •
which moot of them mens.
Anuth•r trent was the eonceti held '
at the Central Grammar ashen! with
Another p,mn,un error,May, the 111.10,1 munlrl•na.
' 1•p,rrm.a, )1 that .II roads should The ten deuce at the Hal on and
bgnn.urfe•.,i llurd outfacing the e(t.rnprn pori, .t t.. same hold h
a,th ,weer es. brick, maybe'', moa, o the stay fellow ing iperh!0-siren
....1 Mock. !a on earenei. prvtr a birthday, when pylae. ern -siren •
Some People Misun(ler . ti'.;b'7 1t -ben it. l.,,,1 1a gnatr than the one nonce to bnndrn4, rl &Ham as
p 1.:g accruing from the Improvement t-n� ,„0„,0,0„tiwere
relen p' A a b)
stand Basis of Profitable hrrl.htrfe,ln 1n not advisable.
�� ? Mor k It isw n A gab, '
luib'D In a t• party won the Amks of the Miami
)Lend R.,rh air., Nairn., Lank. y t
v echo
nhl of the Minna b,: i e
• hi f n 1 ey , here
l A hit
company I. of lm my
•e<r•nr - R em 1ta
7 r
, rlerr, w�
c with
em n ,
is I ria
P n maA. wiUout hmrJ su0'. 'g them which those prise wpp,c1.0„,„11.1::70:76,4og conte., In
Ir,.un• rhe Ito,"
!tench Im __- •�'+'.• .rkn,MD
end (.,10 rmhr!nj 1(0, are q•l1t1 11. t lbs 4.!gnated
of )lie.. puholth the encs moan of rod •:ir n t the 01st of torsi. warded with mora Dri
., bc• for Im pro•em•nl to rhe United Stat, •1 When .aid d
oof pror,m rut r.,
31,e n,unIclp.l
1t•0ch Ire n pr
all dine to J. N. nI.rn,nhu who 1. oho pr•1•nt lime Is not linnet n. It ill
+ wing a roe are addle to the Ila,. In fa:N'ow!
w York
!romp,,.sissy l.1.,., nnurf.rwl bot _.med to spend lib• w r offering
nJ,l oral f '
ereAite.l with 1,rl,riug 1.:• .0,0,0.0- , •imarnl fay the :trpnrmm•nt of serf (l r•:•!e et the cool of 19:3 w,M,R , rehn.4 road tan be made prlg,x. •Je•eral hundred Gai!.n worth
,r�on o! 170 city Macri,.tr alone. 1t e'I;ur• :the the totes mi!r•R+ of our betwrm
. 01)1)0 and 47+.0011 Inllea.,. -d mainlarwd in am!afeetor11 condi In addition to a lot raid :o be worth
o ry.nar«f )ler Wit. tun ami . that approaimately1r.'n y dr aging at low con If the 11 100
the events which 1«l up to It rigour
why )le. Lumen,,. «at rhe fir.t choice
AP rig.,
Ku wit r• , .tomos pi•,°ger
(,turtn, Mr. sLumnn. •.A,rr.t t; when
ht gern awn, Miami 1'en:b Inc.. 500
ret a time mo gel mtbe els/ .tarled.
(keen lleacb. now known Mk Smith
Beach w.• bought from tht phvan
eat in 1986 by the father of C. 1T.
Lunt of Iced Rant. N. J. The Collins
holAlnga ton,tituted North )tenon 000
the. Intervening .treteh was laser d.•
relnird by ('.11 Fisher Alton
Ilooeh. )Ir. I.ummo. wit a repun•
Non Inc renktee.nea when n he paid
1.L70 a, Acre for 100 acres el the
00nth end and 1150 an acre for the
next admninln. r00 Dern nn the north,
which ! snow mid to hare Men the
large., single realty deg! up to that
Cori F1,h.r had money god Mr.
Lummnn hod lend to Mr. T.rmmu.
preeented )1r. Fierier with 8(10 Int. or
10.) Dates with Mr .,4rr.tarnl!ng that
the latter WA, In f111 It In and Join In
the brach development. When, how-
ever, 31.. T.nmmua wanted to girt
Mr. Fisher more •er•nge to fill later.
Mr. Fisher promptly ,rfo,M but he
131.700: . rf .viewed rondo of r...
had A.,n..nnugh to o.1 tb. tM1ing 00' nu, 1l. hero brain duringJrr13. wHeV and when
in; .n,i within a Jen. Mr. i..pmm�, ).,, a9'!!. Exact figurcn .a to;ouv gn.i .1.7 0, .,,t. int with they returned the h._k..0ilel lbq
roar, asod�Aal or Bract, dtDough AoIA w aylltnt Del wh'eD will N '
1 ern ger^n al varivi
tel!!, I. no Brent shot 00 000004x,04 The Nen )brken were mtelalr,d
oad cannot ke maintained In contlnu• b7 the N
n ay. Int. whi. h were mold formerly • a :ears hen been divided by
•il•: -. rnf not n uhid•' A g•..er.ly M cnmpenuted br tht tom which t
e cert the war.. more-� eh bore ehasatteased the
thrr,lore r xt Ir . nm«I that tDt�er"'sees oyer It. S,mtlxrlp, 0010 the filth tyre of •ntertdnen whirls hare
net mit•. an of 1.0 001ed coeds ha•'t :tic le Rnnt.r than a rear<1 road appeared on their
t, will carry, a bituminnrn, macadam a being as the num•
been Increa,ed during the lea tbrr• her of child ati.N betel surprising;
:ale re ,n M erennml<,9J •DD(IM. the type •• not n«•,u.q to we one o! Ibr el .0d the charity wbire hfa •fford-
o! :e• road lm h. rdanrfn,ed tTP<, until the tnlf5<.d hu
ep improvement snow. ,mrD dens!. 1Yh•n that 'ret Is pDiueee to two unfortu7:s Rin•
rim wit. -adv In 1!rJl when the mn1lr M: lir rialto!" who wen o*ertakm by
nrfnr..! = use wog reckoned a :{9T.-, ,<bed, hoot-,nrfefing fa necevar7 trsgeJy, on! I young i°r( wb
o wffer-
at 1170 to 1.k4N each jumped to
53.000 to i-0.0503. 3Ir. Loom. d•.
tided to Ore the lame (.stir+ In gel
r,ldenta the M hod to get 10001•
no he t.•• Seal 33 lot. to early gen
,len Sad ao the setting of Collin. ay.
began. 1t was also Mr. Lummus who
first contended th+t the bay .ids
. bored be used for hotel sites end 0.
finally con•ineed Carl Fisher that h.
right. Ili1<ontentlnn wen that
the, oernn aide would der lop, nen
orally mod by bui:dm_ up the bq,ide
all (n between would amrolly ;row
with the waterfront. which is pro,
iia to be the cape. Mr. I.nmmos w
me of the first Ind moat persistent
adtrorates of a eauetway to Miami
the Juatineation of which
demand la now folly o»paren,. In
bush.. ray Mr. T.umngt s la mm
meted with many beach companies ea
math Ihen nlmplg (mdin:. 0!11 down In bicron- Outataadln tea-
. ha. ...pert u( re urfarinl.• Irer.n,er...lar fn the cost of oper•11nx N•w Yna preenlfatl00 kora Men the
Jon oy .e tont amount of the new JM and n tuber of prise. •ward .
years n0tt<a. 1'he Ian! t or the w
ati!es. New rnnaructnn end rrl•nd econnmhtol.
el a stroke of paralysis, the other
PI!II nnotbth common mitring i, w•ho was on need o!
ar(ating .';rte 1'21 hove prose 4M boas wurgeq-
0711'°• whteh 1. Ml,ev.d to Jugt!fy'•h1 1300 thea there In ouch a Leong •s Tranq,ortalon in each are was .1p -
the estimate that lite net gain "in"! • p. nn rent nnJ. TDia delwio0 00?. plied by m•mben of the ogaalsation.
than in w.:! •here 40,000 mit,. , ! the depnrtm%ret, has been reslans:ble New York society has a:waye talked
for much disregard of rood 0,5.'te. Now York society bas away, raked
In ani•:n-rang Ih,e terra, rhr de, ranee. None of the orae high.. ons the summer
months sh • plan
WM.,.WM.,.flews attention to certain dpha, however, any longer hehas be,o worked out. a co0atltution
wrong idea. 0501 ale nurent ahentebers thle error. it i1 now thorough)
road Imp:semen!. Improved rood.. J has bens adopteo end )Leg. Clara
u nt'.rsloml .J three public agencies Newman sleeted to ., presidency and
It gale, a 001 vehici,. E'or'1111.0.. ali me... r,gn rAl„ of tJlr, g*nd• )fro. Teresa McSweeney stet -story. l.7.
well as with MiamP. linen<ial d<rcl-
req •eMr Waver D rn•A,ualiy devrednt• end wror nut o^der
npment. bot hie <ttreme mcasur,. end there I. • terrain tort. Bich is 1,-.. he wheels of vebic!es and the anion ret
opm•unshtfaDit cite to t, both tbinga tf the rani he Improved than (! It been! the we,lber. Tu keep a road In wa
left in • .tat of nature. Logically.' coatinroual gond order. ft Is tees.- an
whish will always s:, red out In Sousa therefore. the only limit that ebouldrlry to ORM maintaining It the day for
Florida history. be pieced en eap<ndoture for ro.l!b m0.1,0,tioo la completed. of
Fenn, for oterroper welcose for the
taming winter visitor. an under
7 and . Dammer filled with 0,.-
1 get.together affair. hu resulted
those who are permanent residents