1674-7 Carl FisherMay e, 1930.
Nr. Howard E. Coffin,
Caneloc Plantation,
Sapeloo, Caorgia.
Dear Howard;
Tie season is over and most.everybody has
left here. I expect to get away in the next throe
or four days for the north.
you may be interested to see a resume, of our
business activities, sales and the various states
represented which I am enclosi13 your
have just finished the sale o our Ao. 1
Golf Course hero to the City of alawi Beach. Cu:
hotels wore way ahead until the tenth day of March
Then people a:=maenced to leave here by the thousands
and were forced to close the hotel very rapidly
but at that we finished somewhat ahead on cm season
in spite of the stook market crash. All thin
considered wo rere vary roll satisfied with the
yonrio bus:Lassa.
A creat deal of the p_;:operty sold did not
belons to us bat were resales for our former cus—
tomers, which makes the sale o,k,
If I decide to drive no:-.:th„ I am going to stop
off over niE7ht or at least fox a part of the day at
Saint Simone. I hope you will be at home and I can
sal 'Tenon to you, If I do not eon's -north in the
Aorocar„ I will leave instruCtions for Dave to stop
off at Oaint Simons ecid wire you in advance so you
can see one of the new models. They aro a great im—
nrovoment and I am rue you viI1 appreciate thie,
Tommy Milton has nov oomenoed to sell them in
the vest for as much as C50000, and 16000. for the
Aerooar alone, People want the onr 4res1;ed up and
moro an a very handsome and private coach.
"!Q lard E. Uow a inr ,
lay at 1030;
pa 2.
have taken Oare OZ all the interest and
payment charges at '►Lont au1:. It h 3 :t' eon quite a
job with :h oui other oblt ;atione but we have been
axle .t o do it jet the sano and X a to hopes we
will tart to get Goin3 at Montauk t!. ci year. T
do hope you win l arrange to ret down there the
early pat of the season.
We have turned the hotel over to nrtb Abel
who had a very suooe sZu1 seaso .heAe at the
Nautilu`3 We are golau to out out a foodmaiiy
of the unusual Ads 1ent:t a and ;et 04,;ht down to
brass tasks at the hotel and the yaoht club
ithIoh will ]cave uo colno c enable of a balance . 1
our favor at the end of, the season.
vA;i vary 1.ad to he4lx ,you and Peggy are
out of the woods so fax as your health oondittone
are aoneerned, and are c oin,s fine„